-Caveat Lector-

also has arab rebuff

this may be heavy for survivors.

Polish Archbishop Center Of Sex Scandal - 3/22/02 - Baltimore Sun "Poznan,
Poland --  "The highly respected archbishop of Poznan, Juliusz Paetz, has
been accused of sexually harassing seminarians and priests, charges that
surfaced publicly last month."


ACC claims soar after sex-abuse leaflet 3/23/02 "At least 3000 new
sexual-abuse claims have been laid since a Christchurch law firm began
touting for business from victims, forcing ACC to take on eight new staff.
Claims to ACC have increased from 100 a week to 500 a week since Wakefield
Associates' controversial national mail-out in January."


Another US Catholic priest suspended on abuse charge - 3/23/02 "Ryan is the
10th priest suspended this year by the diocese because of allegations of
sexual abuse of children and teenagers....Geoghan was accused by more than
130 people of molesting them during his 30 years as a Boston-area priest.
Court documents from the trial revealed that Boston Cardinal Bernard Law and
five other church leaders knew of Geoghan's problems but continued to shuttle
him from parish to parish. Geoghan is serving a nine-to-10-year sentence for
fondling a 10-year old boy. The diocese has agreed to pay about US$45 million
to settle claims against him. The controversy has rocked the US Catholic
Church, spreading from Boston to dioceses in California, Florida,
Pennsylvania, New Hampshire and beyond. It has seriously tarnished the
reputation of Law, the senior US prelate."


Candyman' yields child porn arrests  Two central Illinois men charged in
federal probe of explicit Web community  3/22/02 By Andy Kravetz of the
Journal Star "Peoria - Two central Illinois men were part of an Internet
"e-group" formed for the distribution of child pornography, federal
authorities said Thursday....Earlier this week, federal officials announced
more than 90 people in 20 states were in the process of being arrested as
part of the first phase of Operation Candyman. FBI officials estimated about
7,000 members of "TheCandyman" e-group uploaded, downloaded or traded images
over the Internet. Authorities also said 27 members of the ring, which
operated the Candyman group and two other online communities, have been
charged with molesting a total of 36 children."



March 22, 2002 Bush Acts to Drop Core Privacy Rule on Medical Data
By ROBERT PEAR  WASHINGTON, March 21 — The Bush administration today proposed
dropping a requirement at the heart of federal rules that protect the privacy
of medical records. It said doctors and hospitals should not have to obtain
consent from patients before using or disclosing medical information for the
purpose of treatment or reimbursement. The proposal, favored by the health
care industry, was announced by Tommy G. Thompson, the secretary of health
and human services, who said the process of obtaining consent could have
"serious unintended consequences" and could impair access to quality health
care. The sweeping privacy rules were issued by President Bill Clinton in
December 2000. When Mr. Bush allowed them to take effect last April, consumer
advocates cheered, while much of the health care industry expressed dismay.

Why Bush Is Addicted to Perpetual War Ted Rall, AlterNet March 19, 2002.

....The White House saw September 11 as a golden opportunity. The first
catastrophic terrorist attack on American soil sparked an unprecedented case
of leadership projection: desperate for protection and answers (why do they
hate us? can we kill them before they kill us?), Americans wishfully compared
Bush to FDR and Churchill. Approval ratings hit 92 percent. But Bush's
political advisors knew that peaking early wouldn't guarantee reelection in
2004. Bush's father had been turned out of office just 20 months after the
Gulf War ratcheted his score up to 91.


Denver officials, citing civil rights, decide to bow out of war on terror
Posted on Wednesday, March 20 @ 10:00:42 EST  From Fox News DENVER — The
local government here officially threw its lot in with Portland, Ore. and a
handful of other municipalities around the country, passing a resolution
Monday night discouraging police from enforcing new anti-terror legislation
if doing so would interfere with peoples' civil rights. A non-binding
resolution passed by the city council in response to the federal USA Patriot
Act discourages Denver police from investigating groups or individuals based
on their country of origin or immigration status. The resolution bars police
from assisting in parts of the federal government's anti-terrorism campaign.
Reprinted from Fox News: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,48270,00.html

18 March 2002 / 9 Muharram 1423
Cheney fails to win Arab endorsement By Robert Fisk, Special to Arab News
Rarely can a US Vice President have met such a devastating rebuff from
America's Arab allies; not a single Arab king, prince or president has been
prepared to endorse a US attack on Iraq. Even in Kuwait — where Dick Cheney
arrives today before going on to Israel — an opinion poll suggests that more
than 40 percent of its citizens are hostile to Washington's policies. In
every Arab capital, Cheney has been politely but firmly told to turn his
attention to the bloody Palestinian-Israeli war, and to forget the "axis of
evil'' until President Bush brings Israeli allies into line....Saddam has
"weapons of mass destruction'' — though that is not the view of some members
of the old UNSCOM inspection team — and they could fall into the hands of
Osama Bin Laden. Since Bin Laden hates Saddam and has gone on record as
saying as much, just how the Iraqi weapons, if they exist, would reach
America's nemesis is unclear.

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