Re: [CTRL] researcher suggests elusive Bigfoot is an android

2000-08-14 Thread Robert F. Tatman

Oh wow...I just realized that Bigfoot is in fact my long-lost Great-Uncle Harry,
who disappeared in 1946 after a record-setting binge in Fargo, ND, in the course
of which he personally demolished fifteen bars, three Ford pickup trucks, and
two sheriff's deputies, and consumed the town's entire stock of alcohol, whether
consumable or not.  Uncle Harry never cut his hair--not on principle or
anything, he was just lazy--and brushed his teeth only on Saint Swithin's Day in
alternate leap years, which when combined with his invariable custom of bathing
only on those rare occasions when someone got close enough to him to throw him
into a handy river or lake, meant that the family held him at the length of all
our arms put together.  What PROVES that Bigfoot is in fact Uncle Harry is this:
Uncle Harry wore size 32 1/2 shoes, which were broken down at the heel and
broken out at the toe thanks to his approach to nail-clipping, which was
basically don't do it.  I would attach a photograph of Uncle Harry to this
message to prove my contention, but unfortunately the only photo of him in the
family album disintegrated several years ago when Great-Aunt Mehitable exposed
it to hydrofluoric acid under the mistaken impression that she was shellacking

(Well, it makes as much sense as any OTHER theory of Bigfoot...)
- Original Message -
From: "(Conspiracy Theory Research List)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 11:18 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] researcher suggests elusive Bigfoot is an android

> It's actually an out-of-work woukie waiting for the next Star Wars film.
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Re: [CTRL] researcher suggests elusive Bigfoot is an android

2000-08-14 Thread (Conspiracy Theory Research List)

It's actually an out-of-work woukie waiting for the next Star Wars film.">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] researcher suggests elusive Bigfoot is an android

2000-07-18 Thread Eagle 1

Bigfoot researcher suggests elusive Bigfoot is an android YAKIMA, Wash. 
(AP) - Sasquatch might be from outer space. 
At least that's the theory being put forth by Erik Beckjord of the San 
Francisco-based Sasquatch Research Project. 
He contends the proof can be found in a metal cylinder, roughly the same size 
and shape as a 16-ounce can of beer, on Bigfoot's right arm in the famous 
Patterson film. 
"An ape doesn't have a cylinder on its arm, unless it's an experimental 
creature," Beckjord told the Yakima Herald-Republic in a story published Monday. 

But that's hardly enough evidence for people who believe Bigfoot is the 
Yakima Valley's biggest homegrown hoax. 
"That's a new one to me," said Zillah lawyer Barry Woodard, representing a 
man who last year claimed to have worn a monkey suit in the 1967 
Patterson-Gimlin film. 
The grainy 16mm footage of what some believe is a female Sasquatch running 
out of a stream bed in the Six Rivers National Forest in northern California was 
taken by Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin during a horseback search for Bigfoot. 
Patterson died in 1972. Gimlin refuses to be interviewed. 
Last year, longtime Bigfoot tracker Cliff Crook of Bothell dismissed the film 
as a hoax, saying four computer-enhanced frames showed what appeared to be a 
bell-shaped fastener at the creature's waist. 
Several months later, a 58-year-old Yakima man, who has not been publicly 
identified, came forward through Woodard claiming to have been the hoaxer who 
wore the fur. The man still wants to sell his story, Woodard said. 
It's been a Sasquatch summer in the Northwest this year. 
Two researchers are looking into reports of the possible presence of Bigfoot 
on the Hoh Indian Reservation on the Olympic Peninsula along the Pacific Coast. 
A psychologist recently claimed to have seen and smelled Sasquatch while 
hiking at the Oregon Caves National Monument. 
Beckjord, who has a master's degree in business administration from the 
University of California at Berkeley, contends the recent Bigfoot reports only 
back up his contention that the creature is living among us and could be from 
outer space - possibly an experimental android. 
"It would be the perfect spy for wilderness warfare," Beckjord said. Or, "he 
could be cruising out there on behalf of the U.S. government." 
The cylinder can be seen in the 350th frame of the Patterson film, he said. 
He speculates it could be anything from radio equipment to medical gear. Bulges 
at either end of the cylinder likely serve as mounting hardware, he said. 
For Beckjord, the most persuasive indication that Bigfoot is from another 
world is the lack of an archaeological record. 
"There's no roadkill ever at any time," he said. "All of the existing animals 
you can find dead sometime." 
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