-Caveat Lector-

four simple categories of thugs:

The Thug Immortal is the largest kind of thug. They tend to do thuggish
deeds regardless circumstances. They tend to have bank, and their actions
tend to be for the sheer pleasure of being a thug. They've been caught and
don't care. Books tend to be written about these individuals both while
living and not. It is a small wonder that they are still alive, not still in
prison, or that haven't had to rescind their office.

The Thug Outlaw has not been caught or their full potential as thugs has not
been realized. They enjoy their thuggish nature, but these thugs tend to not
have the bank that could enable them to be Thugs Immortal. They can still be
weighed down by their public appearances and contacts.

The third type of thug is the Pretty Thug. These thugs tend to be young,
broke, and unskilled in the art of manipulating their environments, but they
do have the drive and potential to become Outlaw or Immortal thugs. They've
done some thuggish things, but haven't followed up. The power that they do
have tends to be wasted on small concepts, simply because they don't know
how to attain bigger and better things.

Last and the least of thugs are the Petty Thugs. They are pretenders that
are merely pawns in the large scheme of things. They have no real power, and
have no clue of what the large scheme of things. They enjoy the thought of
being a thug without actually attaining it. Their lives are filled with
rumor and speculation.



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The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
....a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

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