Re: [CTRL] .. illusion of the vote .. our continued bondage.

1999-07-19 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

 The "Colorable" money of the Federal Reserve banking system
was made "Colorable" with the intent of drawing the populace
under one vast umbrella of "Benefit".   The "Benefit" of
course is that the currency of the United States is
spendable throughout the fifty states,  and in many places
throughout the world.  "Colorable" money is currency without
hard assets to back it,  just "Benefits", which of course
are Defined, colored, by the printers, read Banks, for we
the users.   Here it has become coldly calculated
maneuverings and machinations with pennies as the goal.
Just as many pennies as you can get.   And when you get all
the pennies, go for souls.
  This system of currency could not exist under the
strictures of the Constitution of the United States, as it
WAS written.  The total usurpation of that document had to
take place before any "Colorable" money could be used
against Americas population.  The law as it was written here
in these United States of America was once called Public
Law.  After 1938 Public Law became "Public Policy", and as
far as legalese is concerned, the difference is vast.
Because as it WAS written, there are stark laws concerning
contracts, and the effort to coerce someone into an
unrevealed contract is considered fraud, and a violation of
law.  The whole point is that the bankers and lawyers have
gotten together so well in the last 100 years or so that by
just spending a dollar bill, a currency furnished by the
Federal Reserve Banking System, by partaking of that
BENEFIT, you are, by law,  implying consent to unrevealed
contracts which you are not rightfully or legally bound to
be knowledgeable about.  Law and equity have been
affectively blended.
 The fight to survive today has been created by animals
who run the currency by which the fight is
accomplished...and its all done like this just to keep The
People from paying attention to the things that actually
concern them most.  Which should be their livelihoods, and
the future lives of their offspring.  Once the invention of
television came into the picture, especially from the
forties through the sixties, where alternative programming
was nil, the lock snicked shut loudly and clearly.  All
television programming of that time period was aimed at
inducing fear, which became much more possible after America
absconded with the lions share of the records from the
prison camps of Nazi Germany.  Mob control and
manipulation.  Thats how the CIA was born too.  Everything
became spun to create a particular group mind set.  Through
this puppeteering we as a financially coherent group were
led past bankruptcy, into utter and inextricable
insolvency.  No honor in that, nothing but spite and
malice.  The Federal Reserve Banking System has become an
instrument of Destruction so gargantuan and powerful that it
is a parasite whose removal will result in both its death,
and the death of its host.  One must ask oneself if this is
just the way humans get?  Does complete debauchery result
from excess?  That is a really negative outlook, and not one
I adhere to.  Many many hours of soul searching and Earth
searching brought about the outlook I do adhere to, and I
will try to share it.  It may seem convoluted in places, and
maybe incomplete.  That appears to be a byproduct  of
investigation.  There are not enough hours in a LIFETIME to
study even one facet of any given branch of a science, and
trying to makes heads or tails of known and archaeological
history means having an almost supernatural grasp of your
Milieu.  I can tell you that I know beyond a shadow of a
doubt that this milieu is nothing like it seems, and that
there is Much Much more to it than can be experienced with
senses developed strictly for this Earthly environment.

From Kris Millegans Scull and Bones Document:
...control over the electoral process as
told by Mae Brussell and the suppressed book "VoteScam," written by Jim and
Ken Collier:

"...Your vote and mine may now be a meaningless bit of energy directed by
preprogrammed computers-which can be fixed to select certain pre-ordained
candidates and leave no footprints or paper trail.

"In short, computers are covertly stealing your vote.

"--For almost three decades the American vote has been subject to
sponsored electronic theft.

"--The vote has been stolen from you by a cartel of federal "national
security" bureaucrats, who include higher-ups in the Central Intelligence
Agency, political party leaders, Congressmen, co-opted journalists -- and the
owners and managers -- of the major Establishment news media, who have
in concert that how America's votes are counted, by whom they are counted
how the results are verified and delivered to the public is, as one of them
put it, 'Not a proper area of inquiry.'

"--By means of an unofficial private corporation named News Election Service
(NES), the Establishment press has actual physical control of the counting and
dissemination of the 

Re: [CTRL] .. illusion of the vote .. our continued bondage.

1999-07-19 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

This kind of ties in with votescam.  We have not had free
elections here in feudal/futile America for decades
the perps laugh all the way to the bank, which, of course,
they own too.
Internet terrorism escalates the
   new info-war


   Cyber terrorism is the new face of
international warfare,
   taking the dangers of Internet crime and
anarchy far
   beyond recipes for pipe bombs.

   Cyber terrorists have the capacity to
undermine and
   disable entire societies without a shot being
fired or a
   missile launched, says Dr Matthew Warren, a
lecturer in
   information systems at Deakin University and
a specialist
   on cyber terrorism.

   He cites activity in Mexico, Sri Lanka and
   where, during the recent elections,
government networks
   were crashed.

   Dr Warren will be presenting a paper on this
threat to the
   first Australian Institute of Computer Ethics
conference in
   Melbourne tomorrow.

   While hackers have been active in Australia
for years, no
   cyber terrorist act has been reported here
yet. But the
   United States Defence Department alone is
said to get 60
   to 80 hacker attacks a day.

   Dr Warren said the threat was serious enough
for the US
   to have established the National
Infrastructure Protection
   Centre, which employed more than 500 security
   from the CIA, the Secret Service, NASA, the
   Security Agency and the Defence Department.
   under their surveillance included
   energy, banking and finance, water systems,
   air-traffic-control systems and government
   emergency services.

   The Internet is said to carry about 30,000
   hacker-oriented sites. One, based in New
York, has
   tutorials on how to write viruses,
instructions on how to
   choke networks, sites to hack, and even gives
   points in cities all over the world where
hackers can be

   A search on ``Australia'' for instance,
turned up
   ``rendezvous'' of ``Melbourne Central
shopping centre at
   the Swanston Street entrance near the public
   and ``outside Cafe Celsius, near the Academy
   on the corner of Grenfell and Pulteney

   The Internet was now vulnerable expressly
because of its
   global nature. ``What was seen as its
strength is now the
   source of its weakness,'' Dr Warren said.

   Hackers, cyber terrorists and even other
nations could
   attack networks in many ways, from e-mail
viruses such
   as Melissa, which last May crashed hundreds
of mail
   servers around the world, to taking over
whole websites.

   A spokesperson for the National Crime
Authority said a
   constant watch was kept for Internet money
   and electronic fraud but so far no cyber
   had been detected in Australia.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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