Re: [CTRL] Yugoslavia and the NWO

1999-04-04 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

Kris Millegan wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-



 The propaganda emanating from Washington blames Mirosevic for being
 intractable at the negotiating table, yet Mirosevic never refused to
 sign an autonomy agreement with the Kosovars, so long as it would not
 lead to independence and he would not agree to have foreign troops on
 their soil. That was his position and regardless whether one supports
 Mirosevic politically the Serbs are behind his resolve because that is
 the will of the Serbian People.

 Who does Mirosevic listen to? He listens to his inner council of about
 15, but his chief adviser is his devoted wife, Mira Markovic. And, he
 listens to the Serbs.

 Unemployment is at 25% of the workforce. The economy is bad, the result
 of IMF impositions which is driving Yugoslavia into bankruptcy.

 The "Rambouillet" agreement is a model for colonial administration and
 military occupation pretty much in line with the same colonial
 administration the Dayton agreement imposed on Bosnia.

 Mirosevic has amassed 40,000 Serb troops along the borders. Clinton
 said: "If we and our allies do not have the will to act, there will be
 more massacres," BUT, because of Clinton's actions, there are going to
 be massacres.

 Clinton's rationale is the same used in Vietnam, to bomb them into

 The K.L.A. is a guerrilla army whose own brutality, killing hundreds of
 Serb security forces in sniper attacks and ambushes precipitated the
 crackdown which took place in Kosovo and the K.L.A. is funded by
 millions of dollars in smuggling and drugs from the infamous "Balkan"
 connection, which comprises 90% of Europe's heroin. The K.L.A. are
 terrorists who target civilians as well as patriots and Serbian police.

 What about an exit strategy for NATO? When asked that question by a
 reporter, Clinton said: "The exit strategy's what it's always been in a
 military operation. It's when the mission is completed." So, what is the
 mission? I'll tell you what it is.

 This is no natural disaster. Unrest was fueled after Tito's death when
 Albanian demonstrations began and in 1989 Milosevic sent in soldiers, an
 emergency was declared and Kosovo's prerogatives under the old
 federation were removed, but unrest is far more complex than just ethnic
 chauvinism and nationalism.

 It was from the summer of 1996 onwards that stepped up terrorist
 activities began in the province and the Kosovo Liberation Army emerged
 from the shadows.

 The real issue is macro-economic policy

 "Macro-economic reforms imposed by Belgrade's external creditors since
 the late 1980s had been carefully synchronised with NATO's military and
 intelligence operations." (Covert Action Quarterly, Spring 1996, No. 56
  "Globalisation of Poverty", chapter 13 - by Michel Chossudovsky of the
 Department of Economics, University of Ottawa)

 "In Kosovo, the economic reforms were conducive to the concurrent
 impoverishment of both the Albanian and Serbian populations contributing
 to fueling ethnic tensions. The deliberate manipulation of market forces
 destroyed economic activity and people's livelihood creating a situation
 of social despair..." [IBID]

 "In parallel with the destruction of federal Yugoslavia, similar
 macro-economic reforms under IMF auspices were imposed on Albania with
 devastating economic and social consequences. The plight of Albania
 culminating with the West's military intervention in 1997" [IBID]

 The official government Washington line and the media tells us that this
 chaos is entirely in response to an outbreak of ethnic cleansing,
 massacres, human rights violations, oppression of one people by another
 - or more succinctly the governments, who are part of NATO and
 specifically the United States and Britain would have us believe that
 NATO is there because of a _tyranical_ Mirosevic. In a way, Mirosevic is
 a puppet also, responsive to the will of the Serbians. Ask them. They
 can't understand why we cannot understand what is being done to them.

 Public opinion has been manipulated to believe in the "conventional
 wisdom" which is very conventional, but it is often a superficial wisdom
 which only masquarades as convention wisdom.

 The government, who are controlled by corporations who in turn control
 the way we think and use the media as their tool would have us believe
 we are there because of nationalism and ethnic and religious hatred, and
 moreover especially because of the political _personality_ of Mr.

 And as Chossudovsky points out in his analysis, what is hidden to most,
 what is unknown to most, what is basic, yet undiscovered by most in the
 "barrage of images and self-serving analysies" are the "real causes,"
 which is the "deep-seated economic crisis which 

Re: [CTRL] Yugoslavia?

1999-03-25 Thread Howard R. Davis III

 -Caveat Lector-

Robert Tatman wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 The Yugoslavian resistance to the German occupation was split between the
 royalist Chetniks and Tito's Communists. Needless to say, the U.S. and British
 supported the Chetniks; the Soviet Union supported Tito. Tito won out, and the
 Kingdom of Yugoslavia became the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Tito went on
 to position himself as a "non-aligned" leader, ideologically a pragmatic
 socialist but also a firm Serbian nationalist. His intention seems to have
 been to expand to control all of the Balkans, from the Danube to the Aegean
 and the Black Sea, in a kind of Greater Serbia. In the event, what he
 succeeded in doing was to create a highly cohesive and at least superficially
 successful third way between Soviet Marxism-Leninism and Western Democratic
 Capitalism. Yugoslavia *was* united, as long as Tito ruled in Belgrade.

   I was told by two guys from Yugoslavia, both having left in the mid
to late fifties, that the real Tito had been killed by the Germans
during WW2 and that the KGB substituted a Russian. One claimed that he
had heard that he was killed by someone who had been there and said that
in the years just after the war "Tito" never made any speeches in
Croatian since he claimed to have forgotten the language during his
years in Russia. One of these guys was Croatian, the other Dalmatian.
They said that they had known of this independently during their years
in Yugoslavia, where they did not know each other. I have talked to
other more recent immigrants from Yugoslavia and none of them had heard
the story, except one who said that his father had heard this while in
the army, but thought it was a false rumor. Anyone ever heard of this?
The Croatian guy said that when the rumors got going after the war that
they brought Tito to his old mother to dispel the rumors. He claims that
she recognized him as not being the true Tito because he lacked a sixth
finger birth defect.

Howard Davis

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Yugoslavia?

1999-03-24 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

The Daili Lama may have the right idea.   Do nothing

And then, eventually someone else will foot the bill and do your
fighting or you.

I liked Clinton better when he was preoccupied chasing women.

China - they have more to fear from the USA, than we do from them.
Japan, that tiny little country, beat China in a war. will know when war is imminent; check Wall Street - watch
Schlumber-ger Munitions, etc.the rise and fall of the market.

Cui Bono -

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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