Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] What's Really Causing Gulf War Illness?]

1999-04-01 Thread Amelia Kay Edgeman

 -Caveat Lector-

This is wonderful ews for me!! I get two journals on this with very
little mention of these developments.  This is so advanced over my
material.  Came at just the right time as this has been devastating this
week.  I really thought it was gone this time and it comes back.  Thank
youso much for taking the time to help. This just may work (good chance)
and it also gives hope to us dealing with this!!  I woder if others on
this list have their own ideas of how they came to have this, especially
CFS.. Fibro is arthritic but CFS remains a puzzle.  I had the full
Epstein-Barre virus when first diagnosed but not all peope w/CFS do. Any
theories?  What could be the link?  Is it exposure to soething.  What
have I done wrong if it was gone and now is back?  Sooo many questions
ao few answers!

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Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] What's Really Causing Gulf War Illness?]

1999-03-30 Thread Amelia Kay Edgeman

 -Caveat Lector-

I was diagnosed in 1996 with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome then a year later
with fibromyalgia, a painful tendon/ligament kind of thing.
Fortunately, I am mch, much better.  I have the routine information on
this but new things like this I would really like to have.  I fear it
will come back one day and it was awful.  I have thought about flu
vaccines as a possilbe cause or maybe even gamma globulin.  I think I am
OK now but t was devastating and probably had a great deal to do with my
marriage falling apart at that time.  I know several people who did not
recover. Some never do.  Cher, Roblert Blake and several Hollywood types
have had it.  Cher recovered, RB didn't.

Anyway, send me anything NEW you run across.  I want to help anybody who
still has it.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] What's Really Causing Gulf War Illness?]

1999-03-30 Thread Liz Schumacher

 -Caveat Lector-

weve discussed fibromyalgia on the abinfo list too, amelia---they may have
some good info for u

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Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] What's Really Causing Gulf War Illness?]

1999-03-30 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Go back to Legionnaires Diseaseremember the "Swine Flu Shots' and
something wrong with serum.  My son had a new strain of meningitus, and
I did plenty of research.  This was 1974; however, as mentioned
previously anthrax and meningitus...Pathology of Disease (well that was
the book at the hospital) when you looked up meningitus, it said "See
Anthrax"...and my doctor came in thelibrary and took the book from me.

At that point in time I had information then from Federal Government
which stated (and I am going from memory here and spelling is off) that
some of the polio shots, etc., which are alleged to be MANDATORY cause
the menges of the brain to become swollen, and other stuff happens.

So as our blood supply, was some of this serum used poisoned or not fit
for use. Gerald Ford had to take the shot with picture in paper about
this time, promoting the "swine flu" innoculation which also carried
with it the Victoria innoculation; now the term swine flu is insulting
enough, is it not?

My name is Legion; for we are many - the disease enters into the swine,
who in turn PANIC and run to the sea, and die - like a bunch of, tis is innocent enough, but when you have in your
possession a calendar - a bible code calendar - keyed date wise to
above, it looks very suspect.

The outbreaks of the meningitus then, were primarily at two different
air bases; when I sat in the hospital with my two year old, a man from
the USAF came into my room, and stood and looked at him - I must add,
then members of an outlaw gang of motorcyclists were also placed beside
my son, and the women would come in like a bunch of banshees and knock
the IV around, and harass me - their son had "cat fever", they said.
Security took care of this problem...but I always wanted to know more
about tis group

So you see, with some of this germ warfare comes further surveillance
even into a two year old's hospital room.

What was going on then; and what is going on now.  And remember, Aquired
Immune Deficiency began with the Blood Banks.and now, blame on the
homosexual community for its spread.

Now why do you suppose over 20 years later certain members of the
military are refusing to be innoculated against anthrax, which is a form
of meningitus.

Who murdered Angola.who is murdering the children over the world in
the name of humanitywho created the genocide - and the census is
coming up.

I have my own religion - and I do know that I can see the endoften
anything in between is a wastebetter wake up and defend your rights

Has Clinton been backed into a corner; or as Yeltsin  - he sobered up
and lost his kingdom; Clinton wised up too late, and lost the respect of
a nation...what more is there we do not knowandn is e being

Hiliary Clinton for Senate - you got to be kidding.  The secret service
would go on strike with that one.

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Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] What's Really Causing Gulf War Illness?]

1999-03-30 Thread Epona

 -Caveat Lector-  You will find many articles on the connection between CFIDS
and Gulf War illnesses at Dr. Nicolson's site.   Also, George Hylack of the
Cooley Law School has done a lot of work, and written a long paper on
mycoplasmas in the civilian population.  This should get you started.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] What's Really Causing Gulf War Illness?]

1999-03-30 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

 From: Amelia Kay Edgeman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] What's Really Causing Gulf War Illness?]
 Date: Tuesday, March 30, 1999 2:09 AM

  -Caveat Lector-

 I was diagnosed in 1996 with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome then a year later
 with fibromyalgia, a painful tendon/ligament kind of thing.
 Fortunately, I am mch, much better.  I have the routine information on
 this but new things like this I would really like to have.  I fear it
 will come back one day and it was awful.  I have thought about flu
 vaccines as a possilbe cause or maybe even gamma globulin.  I think I am
 OK now but t was devastating and probably had a great deal to do with my
 marriage falling apart at that time.  I know several people who did not
 recover. Some never do.  Cher, Roblert Blake and several Hollywood types
 have had it.  Cher recovered, RB didn't.

 Anyway, send me anything NEW you run across.  I want to help anybody who
 still has it.


My step mother has fibromyalgia and has chronic pain.  If you have come
across any methods that have helped you with the pain I would love to pass
them onto her.



CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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