Re: [CTRL] Barnes called Guard to help Bush get in

1999-10-01 Thread piper

 -Caveat Lector-

 Bush Family - Looking behind the Bushes

 George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography
Pied Piper

Linda Minor wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 This story doesn't appear to be dying.  It's made the rounds in Texas
 newspapers, and reporters are still asking about it.

 By Ken Herman
 American-Statesman Capitol Bureau Chief
 Tuesday, September 28, 1999

 Former Texas House Speaker Ben Barnes put in a well-placed good word to help
 young George W. Bush get into the Air National Guard when thousands of
 Bush's contemporaries were shipping out to Vietnam, Barnes' lawyer said

 In a statement issued on his behalf, Barnes said he made the phone call to
 the head of the Texas Air National Guard at the request of the late Sidney
 Adger, a Houston oilman and longtime Bush family friend.

 But Barnes said nobody in the Bush family had asked him to intervene. When
 Bush joined the Guard in 1968, his father was a GOP congressman from

 "Neither Congressman Bush nor any other member of the Bush family asked for
 Barnes' help," the lawyer's statement said. "Barnes has no knowledge that
 Governor Bush or President Bush knew of Barnes' recommendation."

 The statement said Barnes "was contacted by Sid Adger and asked to recommend
 George W. Bush for a pilot position with the Air National Guard."

 At a Houston campaign stop on Monday, Bush said he did not know whether
 Barnes had intervened on his behalf in 1968.

 "I never asked for, (and) I don't believe I received, any special
 treatment," said Bush, who served in the Guard, based in Houston, from 1968
 to 1973.

 Bush's military record became part of a federal lawsuit when former Texas
 Lottery Director Lawrence Littwin alleged that Gtech, operator of the state
 lottery, was behind his 1997 firing after five months on the job.

 Littwin's lawsuit claims Gtech held sway over the Texas Lottery Commission
 because Barnes, Gtech's former lobbyist, had knowledge about how Bush got
 into the Guard. But Gtech had severed its ties with Barnes before Littwin
 was hired by the Lottery Commission.

 Gtech and Bush have denied any involvement in Littwin's firing.

 The governor, the front-running Republican presidential candidate, continued
 to defend his service as a fighter pilot in the Air National Guard.

 "I can tell you what happened," he said Monday. "Nothing happened. My Guard
 unit was looking for pilots, and I flew for the Guard."

 "I'm proud of my service," Bush added, "and any allegation that my dad asked
 for special favors is simply not true. . . . I didn't ask anybody to help
 get me to the Guard, either."

 A spokeswoman for the elder Bush has said that Adger was a close family
 friend but that the former president knew nothing about any attempts by
 Adger to get the younger Bush into the Guard.

 The statement issued on Barnes' behalf said he called Brig. Gen. James Rose,
 then the head of the Texas Air National Guard, and recommended Bush for a
 pilot slot, which was available at the time. Rose is now deceased.

 Last September, Barnes met with Midland oilman Don Evans, chairman of Bush's
 re-election campaign and now finance chairman for Bush's presidential bid,
 and told him about the efforts to get Bush into the Guard. The statement
 issued Monday on Barnes' behalf said Bush sent Barnes "a note thanking him
 for his candor in acknowledging that Barnes received no call from any member
 of the Bush family."

 Barnes' statement was issued Monday after a deposition that lasted more than
 five hours. Attorney Charles Burton, representing Barnes, declined to say
 whether the Guard question came up during the session at Barnes' downtown
 Austin office. But Littwin's lawyers, in court filings, have said it was
 among the main lines of questioning they wanted to pursue with Barnes.

 In motions earlier this month, Barnes claimed "executive privilege"
 protection against answering questions about whether he helped Bush get into
 the Guard. Burton said no objections were raised to questions asked Monday
 by Littwin's lawyers.

 Burton said the deposition is covered by a judge's confidentiality order and
 eventually could become public. "However, that order does not prevent
 (Barnes) from setting the media record straight on events occurring more
 than 30 years ago," the statement said.

 You may contact Ken Herman at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 445-1718.

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Re: [CTRL] Barnes called Guard to help Bush get in

1999-09-29 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

Nobody with a brain wanted to go to Vietnam and get killed over a war we
should never have been fighting.  Bush may be eligible to get a job as a
policeman in Conn., but he's not totally moronic.  He liked flying jets, but
he didn't want to risk his life further than that.  He managed to get
influential friends to get him into the Guard.  That way he looked patriotic
and didn't have to risk dying for no good reason.  There are a lot of reasons
why I don't want another Bush in the White House, but this is not one of
them.  I think he did the right thing.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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