Re: [CTRL] China still considers US a nuclear threat

1999-01-10 Thread Teo1000

 -Caveat Lector-

Well, since China still considers us a threat then they must be REALLY happy
that they bribed Clinton and Gore and others for all of the fancy gadgetry
that make it easier for them to destroy us.  What a wise investment on their
part, don't you think?

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Re: [CTRL] China still considers US a nuclear threat

1999-01-10 Thread Hilary Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

This is interesting.  I saw the Chinese Ambassador on TV the other day
talking at the Press Club.  I was surprised at how stern he was in voicing
China's displeasure over many aspects of American policy.  I don't remember
all of what he said but, I do distinctly remember his demeanor and that I
was not expecting his almost combative speech.  He talked about a litany of
"offenses."  I think what surprised me the most is that there didn't seem to
be much diplomacy on his part.   He dismissed the "rumor" that China had
stolen sensitive technical information stating that this insulted China's
scientists.  He was quiet aggressive and frankly arrogant.

One of the "rumors" he did address was the threat of China attacking other
countries.  He stated that it is against China's constitution to do that and
that America does not need to view China as a threat.


-Original Message-
From: Agent Smiley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, January 10, 1999 11:08 AM
Subject: [CTRL] China still considers US a nuclear threat

>>  4. Chinese president tells military to be prepared for threatsJanuary 8,
>>  1999
>>  BEIJING (AP) -- Despite the end of the Cold War, China still
>>  considersthe
>>  United States a threat, President Jiang Zemin indicated in a
>>  speechlaying
>>  out the mission of the world's largest military, state media
>>  reportedFriday.
>>  "Hegemonism and power politics still exist," Jiang said, using communist
>>  code words for U.S. dominance. "We must resolutely safeguard the unityof
>>  the motherland and the nation's territorial integrity."
>>  Jiang also urged the military to be prepared to protect China
>>  fromnuclear
>>  attacks from without and separatism from within.
>>  Jiang's remarks were made to a meeting of senior military commanders on
>>  Dec. 25. No explanation was given for the delay, but state
>>  televisionsaid
>>  only part of the speech was made public.
>>  The speech came amid celebrations marking 20 years of successfuleconomic
>>  reforms, and Jiang reviewed the military's progress over the period. It
>>  also occurred as authorities imprisoned dissidents and Jiang promised in
>>  other public speeches that the Communist Party would crush challenges to
>>  its rule. Jiang, who heads the party and its commission that oversees
>>  the
>>  military,reminded the commanders that the 2.9 million-member People's
>>  Liberation
>>  Army was "under the absolute leadership" of the party.
>>  Jiang committed the party to backing the military's modernization sothat
>>  it would be prepared to "ward off preemptive strikes as well
>>  aslarge-scale
>>  wars and nuclear war."
>>  China, a nuclear power since 1964, was startled last year when regional
>>  rival India exploded several nuclear bombs, announcing itslong-suspected
>>  nuclear capability. 

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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