[CTRL] Right to Know

1999-05-14 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From http://www.pirg.org
Via http://www.commondreams.org/pressreleases/may99/

MAY  12, 1999  1:50 PM
CONTACT: US Public Interest Research Group
Allison LaPlante (202) 546-9707
Paul Burns (617) 292-4800
  Right-To-Know Data Show Significant Increases In Toxic waste;
Industrial Pollution Prevention Efforts Failing   WASHINGTON - May 13
- Increases in toxic wastes managed and chemicals released to the
environment reported to in the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI)
demonstrate that pollution prevention is failing, according to U.S.

The EPA’s Toxics Release Inventory data show that toxic wastes
managed by industries increased by 11.7 percent between 1996 and
1997. This indicates that industries are failing to reduce the toxic
wastes they manage and failing to reduce toxic pollution at the
source. The data also show that toxic chemical releases to the
environment have increased slightly. Releases to the air, land and
water between 1996 and 1997 increased by 2.2 percent nationally.

“It is troubling to see a first-time increase in toxic chemical
releases to the environment, but it is even more troubling that toxic
wastes managed by industries continue to increase year after year,”
said Allison LaPlante, U.S. PIRG Environmental Advocate. “This
pattern indicates that pollution prevention in this country is not
working. A nearly twelve percent increase in quantities of waste
managed is the greatest increase we’ve seen in several years.”

The 1990 Pollution Prevention Act declared a national policy that
pollution “should be prevented or reduced at the source whenever
feasible,” but the TRI data indicate that these goals are not being
met. The quantities of toxic wastes managed from year to year are
currently the best indicators of industry trends in pollution
prevention. Increases in quantities of waste managed show that
industries may be shifting toxic hazards from one area of the
environment to another, rather than avoiding creating the waste in
the first place.

States with Right to Know programs that go beyond the federal program
and focus on how toxic chemicals are used show very different
results. In Massachusetts, for example, manufacturers decreased their
total toxic chemical use by 24 percent, their waste generation by
41percent and their total toxic chemical releases by 80 percent
between 1990 and 1997. In contrast, TRI data show a national increase
of eight percent in waste managed by industries between 1991 and

“The numbers from Massachusetts tell a better story about pollution
prevention,” said Paul Burns, MASSPIRG’s Toxics Advocate. “Since the
1990 Toxics Use Reduction Act has been in place, Massachusetts has
been a leader in pollution prevention. Industries in Massachusetts
are reducing their reliance on chemicals that may cause cancer, birth
defects or other serious health problems. Although Massachusetts
industries must continue to reduce toxic chemical use, this state’s
program should be a national model,” said Burns.

“The federal Right to Know program has provided the public with
critical information and has led to significant decreases in toxic
chemical pollution, but it is only a fraction of the real toxic
picture. We are urging Congress to support legislation that would
require industries to publicly report on their toxic chemical use,
allowing the public to more accurately track pollution prevention
progress and encouraging industries to reduce hazardous wastes and
toxic chemical use,” said LaPlante.

Legislation is pending in Congress that would expand the federal
Right to Know program to include toxic chemical use reporting,
additional sources of toxic chemical pollution, and stricter
reporting for extremely dangerous substances. The Children’s
Environmental Protection and Right to Know Act of 1999, H.R. 1657, is
modeled after successful state programs in Massachusetts and New
Jersey. The bill was introduced last week by Representatives Henry
Waxman (D-CA) and Jim Saxton (R-NJ) with the support of 123 original

The Waxman/Saxton Right to Know bill is being introduced as the EPA
is also considering expanding the Right to Know program to include
reporting on extremely dangerous substances that currently escape the
public’s view because of a loophole in the law. Persistent
Bioaccumulative Toxins (PBTs) like dioxin, mercury and lead are
extremely dangerous in small quantities, persist in the environment
for long periods of time and build up in human and animal tissue.

“The public receives almost no information about the toxic chemicals
that pose the greatest threat. These are the substances we should be
working to eliminate. At a minimum, we have the right to know when
they are being used and released in our communities,” said LaPlante.
“We are calling on the EPA to require complete reporting of all
persistent or bioaccumulative toxins.” said LaPlante.

From www.citizen.org (via commondreams.org)

MAY  13, 1999  3:10 PM

[CTRL] Kosovo Another Holocaust? HARDLY

1999-05-14 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Some Bristle at Holocaust Parallel

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Clinton draws parallels between what Yugoslav
President Slobodan Milosevic is doing in Kosovo and what Adolf Hitler did in
the Holocaust. But Jewish leaders bridle at the comparison: Nothing, they
say, is like the mass exterminations during World War II.

In a speech to 200 veterans of foreign wars, Clinton spoke of the two
tragedies in the same breath.

Although Milosevic's ``ethnic cleansing is not the same as the ethnic
extermination at the Holocaust, the two are related -- both vicious,
premeditated, systematic oppression fueled by religious and ethnic hatred,''
Clinton said Thursday.

National security spokesman David Leavy says Clinton is not belittling
Hitler's systematic annihilation of 6 million Jews in the 1930s and 1940s.
He's only pointing out the similarities -- forced rapes, mass executions,
erasing of people's identities, Leavy said.

``There is no comparison to the Holocaust in scale and scope,'' he said.
``(But) while it's not of the same magnitude, the Holocaust and what we're
seeing today have similarities.''

Phil Baum, director of the American Jewish Congress, a New York-based human
rights organization, says the crisis in Kosovo is a political conflict with a
political solution. In World War II, there was nothing the Jews could do to
save themselves from the German government's efforts to exterminate them,
Baum said.

``I'm not offended, but it tends to trivialize the Holocaust. It denigrates
the historical meaning of the Holocaust,'' Baum says of the comparison. ``It
reduces it to a political conflict, and that is not what it was. It was an
attempt to destroy the Jewish people.''

Comparing the two is a waste of time, says Hyman Bookbinder, a member of the
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council's Committee on Conscience.

``There are some people who feel it's not fair to the victims of the
Holocaust to call it a Holocaust,'' Bookbinder said. ``Nothing is like the
Holocaust, but the fact that it's not exactly like it doesn't matter. It's a
major human rights violation. We must not let the Kosovo tragedy go

Elie Wiesel, a Nobel Peace laureate and author who spoke last month at a
White House lecture series hosted by Clinton, agrees. It's time to stop the
conflict in Kosovo, not discuss whether the crisis is another Holocaust.

Wiesel, who survived Hitler's death camps at Buchenwald and Auschwitz, said
the comparisons began in the early 1990s during the war in Bosnia.

``Some reports referred to Auschwitz in Bosnia. I saw the prison camps at
Banja Luka (in Bosnia); the conditions were deplorable and the prisoners
terrified,'' Wiesel wrote recently in Newsweek magazine. ``But it was not
Auschwitz. Auschwitz was an extermination camp, a black hole in history.
Victims were taken there to be turned into ashes. Now we are witnessing a
nightmare in Kosovo; it demands action, not comparison.''

Rep. Tom Lantos, D-Calif., who has relatives who died at Auschwitz, said he
too is appalled by what is happening to ethnic Albanians in Kosovo. Still,
it's not the Holocaust, says Lantos, who supports NATO bombing of Yugoslavia.

``At the end of the line when these poor Kosovo refugees enter Macedonia or
Albania, waiting for them is not extermination ovens and gas chambers, but
food, clothing, medical supplies and airplanes to take them to other parts of
Europe or the United States,'' Lantos said.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] As If Throwing Money at Fools Made Them Wise ...

1999-05-14 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "Democrats rejected the argument that the Chinese Embassy bombing
stemmed from underfunding of intelligence programs.
 "Rep. Peter DeFazio, D-Ore., questioned how the CIA could have erred in
planning the bombing target when his own staff was able to pull down from the
Internet the correct address of the Chinese Embassy."

House Increases CIA Budget

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Spending on intelligence gathering and analysis would
increase under a plan passed by the House, although overall funding for
intelligence would drop slightly. Lawmakers worried that tight budgets in the
past have hurt U.S. intelligence operations.

The House approved the largely classified spending plan for the CIA and 10
other intelligence-related agencies Thursday on a voice vote after
overwhelmingly defeating a measure that would have frozen the intelligence
budget at 1998 levels.

The amount of the bill is classified. But Rep. Julian Dixon, D-Calif.,
ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, said the total amount
is actually slightly less than this year's level. Based on previously
released figures and interviews with knowledgeable U.S. officials, the amount
sought for next year is believed to be about $27 billion.

``We have to reverse a very serious trend of decline and atrophy'' in
intelligence spending, Rep. Porter Goss, R-Fla., chairman of the House
Intelligence Committee, told colleagues.

Later, in a telephone interview, Goss said that this year's spending on
intelligence marked a sharp increase over 1998 and that the legislation
authorizing money for next year calls for slightly lower spending levels, it
largely sustains the increase.

In addition, changes in which government accounts are included in the
intelligence bill means that a lower total still could mean more spending on
core intelligence priorities.

The bill provides spending authority and policy guidance for the CIA,
National Security Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, Defense
Intelligence Agency and FBI, among other agencies. Much of the money in the
bill goes to costly technical intelligence programs involving satellites and
other hardware managed by the NRO and NSA.

Despite some partisan questioning of President Clinton's commitment to
improving intelligence, the measure adds less than 1 percent to the
administration's request. Debate came amid congressional attention to alleged
Chinese espionage at U.S. nuclear weapons labs and a high-profile CIA blunder
that led to the NATO bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

The bill, which awaits Senate consideration, adds money in several
intelligence areas to address concern over these issues. The measure:

Increases money for FBI counterintelligence investigations and training.

Accepts Clinton's proposal to boost the Department of Energy's security and
counterintelligence program.

Adds money for computer security at military, intelligence and nuclear
weapons centers.

Boosts spending for foreign language training, a problem cited by a CIA
review team looking at the national security implications of Chinese

Includes a ``substantial increase'' for CIA analysis of foreign nuclear
weapons programs, particularly in China and Russia.

Decreases the space launch and hardware budget for the NRO while adding money
on the analysis side of the intelligence community so that reams of raw
intelligence -- from satellite data to the change in address of a foreign
embassy -- can be better managed.

Rep. Michael Castle, R-Del., said there is more spy satellite imagery flowing
into U.S. intelligence centers than analysts can handle. More money is needed
for technology to intercept foreign communications and electronic signals, he

``We are at risk of going deaf to the worldwide explosion of communications
technology,'' Castle said.

Democrats rejected the argument that the Chinese Embassy bombing stemmed from
underfunding of intelligence programs. Rep. Peter DeFazio, D-Ore., questioned
how the CIA could have erred in planning the bombing target when his own
staff was able to pull down from the Internet the correct address of the
Chinese Embassy.

A U.S. intelligence official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that
because the CIA was not looking for the Chinese Embassy but was trying to
pinpoint a Yugoslav government facility, the error was not simply the result
of out-of-date maps.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL 

[CTRL] China: Say NO to the NWO

1999-05-14 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

China Urges Defiance of US Bullying

.c The Associated Press

BEIJING (AP) -- While praising victims of NATO's bombing of the Chinese
Embassy in Belgrade as heroes, China's president accused the United States on
Thursday of seeking global dominance and urged nations worldwide to defy
American bullying and create a new just order.

The harsh words showed just how much the embassy bombing in Yugoslavia has
damaged Chinese political will for smooth U.S. relations -- particularly
since they came from President Jiang Zemin, who last year claimed credit for
engineering a rapprochement with Washington.

But in a sign China is willing to ease tensions, Jiang also agreed to speak
to President Clinton for the first time since Saturday's embassy bombing.
White House officials said they were working to arrange a telephone call
between the two leaders, although it was not clear if it could take place by

Jiang has so far avoided speaking to Clinton. But he conveyed his willingness
to talk through the Chinese ambassador in Washington, who took a condolence
book to the White House for Clinton to sign Thursday.

At an emotional ceremony conferring the title of ``revolutionary martyr'' on
the three victims of the bombing, Jiang outright called the United States a
term China reserves for enemy countries -- ``hegemonist'' -- for the first
time in three years of improving relations.

Jiang said the United States was using its economic and technological
superiority to aggressively expand its influence, pursue ``power politics and
wantonly interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.''

Jiang, who also heads the Communist Party, hinted that public protests around
the U.S. Embassy that ended Tuesday could renew if Chinese demands for
redress were not met.

The United States and NATO must make formal apologies, thoroughly investigate
the bombing and punish those responsible, the official Xinhua News Agency
quoted him as saying. ``Otherwise the Chinese people will never let the
matter go.''

The state-sanctioned protests brought tens of thousands of Chinese into the
streets in 20 cities, saw the U.S., British and Albanian embassies stoned and
a U.S. consul's residence set on fire in the western city of Chengdu.

In Beijing's embassy district, police removed road barriers Thursday,
allowing cars and pedestrians to travel freely for the first time since the
four-day protests began Saturday. Signs that guided the tens of thousands of
protesters to the British and U.S. embassies were removed.

Fearing further unrest, paramilitary police maintained a cordon around a
two-block area near the U.S. Embassy, keeping foreign reporters and curious
onlookers well away. The embassy itself was a mess after being pelted with
rocks, bottles and paint bombs by the protesters.

A day after the victims of last Friday's embassy bombing returned to Beijing,
the communist leadership on Thursday honored the three killed, all

``The great People's Republic of China can never be bullied,'' Jiang said,
with the rest of the leadership arrayed around him and relatives of the dead
and wounded in the audience.

The war in Yugoslavia and the embassy bombing made more countries aware of
the United States' quest for dominance, Jiang said. He appealed to them to
unite to create ``a just and rational new international order in the common
struggle against hegemonism and power politics.''

Government support for the protests -- biased media coverage, party groups
busing students in and police standing by as demonstrators rampaged -- have
drawn criticism from U.S. officials.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhu Bangzao assailed suggestions of government
connivance as ``unwarranted'' and called the protests acts of understandable

``This is natural, justifiable and brooks no questioning,'' Zhu told

``We do not condemn or condone those lawbreaking activities. I'm sure you
have seen what we have done in recent days,'' Zhu said, referring to the
tighter security imposed Tuesday.

With the protests over, U.S. officials were reassessing security plans and
beginning to repair damage to the embassy and also to the consulates in
Chengdu and the northeastern city of Shenyang, embassy spokesman Tom Cooney

To aid that effort, the embassy and the two consulates will remain closed
until at least Monday and the issuing of visas for work travel or study in
the United States will be suspended indefinitely at the embassy and all four
U.S. consulates in China, Cooney said.

U.S. consulates in Guangzhou and Shanghai, which were not badly damaged
during similar protests there, will reopen Friday.

The White House also announced its nominee to become the new ambassador to
China, retired Adm. Joseph W. Prueher. If confirmed by the Senate, he would
replace Ambassador James Sasser in Beijing.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting 

[CTRL] Military Ambassador to China

1999-05-14 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "In 1996, while he held the Pacific command, American warships were sent
in to warn China not to use its war games to try and disrupt elections in

Ex-Admiral To Become China Envoy

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The man chosen by President Clinton to be the next
ambassador to China is no stranger to tensions in the Pacific -- or to
strained relations with a country angered by deaths of its citizens at the
hands of the U.S. military.

The White House said Thursday that Clinton had picked retired Adm. Joseph W.
Prueher to replace Ambassador James Sasser in Beijing. The nomination would
be subject to Senate confirmation.

Prueher, 56, was commander of U.S. forces in the Pacific during a
particularly tense period in U.S.-Chinese relations, stepping down from that
post in March.

A spokesman, Navy Cmdr. Brian Cullen, said Prueher was ``honored to be
considered'' but would not comment publicly until the nomination was formally

Prueher is being called just as U.S.-Chinese relations have turned
confrontational over NATO's mistaken bombing of the Chinese Embassy in
Belgrade. Three Chinese citizens were killed, and the incident triggered
angry protests across China -- protests that kept Sasser and other staff
members stuck in the U.S. Embassy in Beijing as demonstrators broke windows
with rocks.

Prueher is familiar with national resentment over U.S. actions. Earlier this
year, he was selected by Defense Secretary William Cohen to co-chair a joint
American-Italian committee that reviewed flight safety procedures for
American aircraft operating from Italian bases.

Those procedures came under close scrutiny after a low-flying Marine jet hit
a ski gondola cable in the Italian Alps, sending 20 people to their deaths.

Prueher succeeded in satisfying demands for more Italian control of air
operations there but, according to U.S. officials, without compromising U.S.
military readiness.

The selection ends a months-long search in which several people were said to
have declined the post, including other former military leaders and former
members of Congress.

Jonathan Pollack, senior Asia specialist at Rand Corp., said Prueher is the
choice that Clinton should have made from the beginning, because of the
skills he demonstrated in the Pacific command.

``It's a job that depends a lot on diplomatic skills,'' Pollack said. ``Even
though we may be in something of a chill in our military-to-military
relationship with China, that gives value to having Prueher there. He knows
people in the (Chinese) armed forces, he knows the process.''

While nominating a career military leader to an ambassadorial post is
unusual, it is not unprecedented. One of Prueher's predecessors at the
Pacific Command, Adm. William Crowe, went on to become chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff and then ambassador to Britain.

In February, Defense Secretary William Cohen described him as ``a man of
principle, free of self-doubt,'' a wise man with a broad mind -- and a two
handicap at golf.

``So long as Joe Prueher has been on the watch, there has never been a doubt
about America's resolve and commitment to the Pacific region,'' Cohen said.

While he held the Pacific command, Prueher worked on improving military ties
with China. But it was also during his tenure that American warships were
sent into the Straits of Taiwan in 1996 to warn China not to use war games to
disrupt elections in Taiwan.

Before leaving the Pacific post this year, Prueher said the United States was
``in for a little more difficult time'' with China regarding human rights
concerns because China had been grappling with an unsteady economy.

``Their economic problems are creating a lot of stress,'' Prueher told the
Los Angeles Times. ``When their leaders lose a bit of stability, or control
over an issue, they worry a lot, and it bleeds over to the human rights
issue, where we don't see eye to eye. Still, we must respect China's
legitimate interests.''

Prueher, from Nashville, Tenn., commanded the Navy's 6th Fleet and was U.S.
Naval Academy commandant from 1989 to 1991. He also has served as commander
of NATO's Naval Striking and Support Forces in Southern Europe.

While at the Naval Academy, Prueher came under scrutiny for his handling of a
1989 incident in which a female midshipman, Gwen M. Dwyer, was handcuffed to
a urinal and taunted by several male midshipmen after a snowball fight on

Prueher was the chief disciplinary officer in the young woman's sexual
harassment case, and her family said he did not punish the eight men involved
severely enough. Several academy officials were punished harshly -- some were
transferred out of the school.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and 

[CTRL] World Court Alternative to World War ?

1999-05-14 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "Representatives from more than 100 countries overwhelmingly approved a
treaty to create a permanent war-crimes tribunal, despite strong U.S.
opposition.  (The U.S. demanded special veto power to prevent prosecution of
any American "war criminal.".)

World Court May Be Key to Peace

.c The Associated Press

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) -- A permanent international criminal court
created through a treaty last year should be set up as soon as possible, a
global peace forum urged Thursday.

The new court ``is the promise that one day something greater than force will
prevail,'' Louise Arbour, chief prosecutor of the U.N. Yugoslav war crimes
tribunal, told delegates to The Hague Appeal for Peace.

Despite strong U.S. opposition, representatives from more than 100 countries
overwhelmingly approved a treaty in July to create the permanent criminal

The United States wanted the option to veto the prosecution of any American
citizen. With U.S. troops deployed in hot spots around the world, Washington
fears they could become targets of politically motivated charges.

So far, only Senegal and Trinidad and Tobago have ratified the treaty setting
up the court, which can be established in The Hague only after 60 countries
ratify the pact.

Arbour and others spoke of the shortcomings of the U.N. tribunals in The
Hague and Tanzania, working to bring to justice those responsible for
atrocities in the former Yugoslavia and in Rwanda, respectively.

``The broader the reach of the international criminal court, the better it
will overcome these shortcomings of ad hoc justice,'' Arbour said.

Kosovo and NATO's bombing raids have been a focal point for debate among the
more than 8,000 government representatives, Nobel Peace laureates, U.N.
officials and voluntary groups in The Hague for the peace conference.

Divisions over whether force should be used to end the Kosovo conflict have
dashed hopes that the conference would produce a meaningful joint peace

Nobel Peace laureate Jose Ramos-Horta of East Timor praised the drive to
create the court. ``Its existence alone, with a powerful prosecutor, would be
a tremendous deterrent'' to the killings of innocent people, he said

The Hague Appeal for Peace, which began Wednesday and runs through Saturday,
is a follow-up to a similar 1899 conference. That gathering led to the
creation of the International Court of Justice and the International Court of
Arbitration, which also are based in The Hague.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Italy: Head of Central Bank Now President

1999-05-14 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 It's the economy, stupid.

Banker Elected As Italy's President

.c The Associated Press

ROME (AP) -- Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, an internationally respected
banker-politician, won Italy's presidency Thursday with broad support from
both left and right, leaving politicians themselves marveling at their rare
show of unity.

Ciampi, who had been the treasury minister, won after a single round of
voting -- only the third time that has happened in postwar Italy. To many,
the easy win suggested the center-right and center-left are ready to work
together on reforming the nation's cumbersome political system.

``For once, politicians were able to reach accord on a name, giving the
country a strong sign of responsibility in a difficult moment,'' said
center-right opposition leader Silvio Berlusconi, whose support was crucial
in the quick decision.

Reforms -- such as doing away with the awkward, indirect process of picking
presidents -- could begin immediately, he said.

``In this climate, there's a chance to get reforms started again, without
opposition,'' said Romano Prodi, a former premier and now president of the
European Union's executive commission. ``I believe that today we can start a
new period of important political collaboration.''

Italy's presidency is largely a ceremonial post, but it does wield some
important powers. The president serves as a kind of referee in political
crises by deciding whether to dissolve parliament and call new elections, and
by designating candidates to form governments.

The post is chosen in a secret ballot in the two houses of Parliament and by
regional representatives. In the past, Italy's fractious political parties
have required as many as 23 rounds to agree on a candidate.

Ciampi made no immediate public comment, staying home during and after the
vote while congratulations poured in from leaders of political parties,
industry and labor.

A longtime central bank governor and political independent, Ciampi, 78, won
respect with his reputation as an economic straight arrow, single-mindedly
overseeing Italy's surprise qualification for the debut of Europe's common
currency, the euro.

``Diligence, accountability, discretion'' are his main qualities, the
Corriere della Sera newspaper said before the vote. ``Except for chocolate,
he has no known passions.''

Ciampi submitted his resignation as treasury minister late Thursday. The
government nominated Giuliano Amato, a Socialist who led a 1992-93 austerity
government, to succeed him.

Ciampi had been treasury and budget minister since 1996. He served as Italy's
central bank governor from 1979-93 and was premier from 1993-94.

At least 674 votes -- two-thirds of the eligible electors -- were required
for a candidate to become the next head of state. When the tally got near
that number Thursday, most within the crowded Chamber of Deputies broke into
a standing ovation for Ciampi, who went on to garner 707 votes.

It took 10 days and 16 ballots in 1992 to elect the current president, Oscar
Luigi Scalfaro, whose seven-year term expires in two weeks.

Thursday's election by lawmakers might be the nation's last, with the
government and opposition pledging to work together to bring Italy more in
line with the rest of Western Europe, including direct election of the head
of state by citizens.

Last month, Italian reformers attempted in a referendum to change electoral
law and end decades of political instability that have given Italy 56
governments since World War II -- all based on shaky coalitions. Although 91
percent of those who cast ballots April 18 voted for the reforms, not enough
people turned out to make the vote valid.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Chinese Propaganda

1999-05-14 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "Many Chinese believe that NATO's behavior in Yugoslavia has exposed
American double standards:
 "The US attacks Serbia with missiles while fighting against missile
proliferation by others; it demands that others respect human rights while
blithely producing its own civilian casualties.
 "``Almost every issue makes people here feel America is HYPOCRITICAL.
Look at what they DO -- the total opposite of what they SAY.' "

 Watch out, world -- these Chinese are apparently smarter than most

Bombing Changes Chinese View of US

.c The Associated Press

BEIJING (AP) -- In 1989, Chinese students enamored of democracy erected a
Statue of Liberty look-alike in protests on Tiananmen Square. This week, as
they laid siege to the U.S. Embassy, they screamed ``Down with the Yankees!''

For many Chinese, respect for America evaporated with the NATO bombing of
China's embassy in Yugoslavia. To the disenchanted, the attack left the
feeling that American talk of human rights and liberty for all is empty

``Through American films, we used to think of America as a just place,'' said
one protester, an employee at an American-run Internet firm who gave his
surname, Sun. ``Now, we are full of doubts.''

Protesters burned the Stars and Stripes, yelled profanities against President
Clinton, rained rocks on U.S. Embassy buildings and burned a U.S. consul's
home in southwest China. Like the students who protested on Tiananmen Square,
they marched in ranks proudly waving their school flags, wore headbands
scrawled with slogans and were cheered on by bystanders.

In 1989, the student protests were aimed at the government. By contrast,
during the four days of protests that erupted Saturday, protesters marched
with government support.

Yan Xuetong, a scholar of international relations, said many Chinese believe
the air campaign in Yugoslavia has exposed American double-standards: The
United States is attacking Yugoslavia with missiles while seeking to prevent
missile proliferation, and promoting human rights while causing civilian

``Almost every issue makes people here feel America is so hypocritical. Look
at what they are doing, it is totally opposite from what they are saying,''
said Yan of the China Institute for Contemporary International Relations.

Necessity will likely force the U.S. and Chinese governments to mend fences.
China wants American investment, technology and know-how to develop its
economy and help provide badly needed jobs. The United States looks to
China's cooperation in preventing the spread of weapons of mass destruction
and missile technology, and its help in reducing tensions on the Korean

Both countries are economically tied, as well. The United States is China's
second-largest trade partner, while China is the United States'

But the emotional damage could take longer to repair. Even before the embassy
bombing, America's image was tarnished for some Chinese.

While many recognize that Americans are freer than they are to say and do
what they want, they have been bombarded for years by communist propaganda
that says the price of such freedoms is school shootings, crime, drugs and
other social ills. The Clinton-Monica Lewinsky scandal also was widely

Tensions over Taiwan in 1995 and 1996, when the United States dispatched
aircraft carriers to waters off the island China claims as its own, also
raised nationalist hackles and made some Chinese suspicious of Washington.
Others already resented U.S. concerns over Tibet and China's human rights
record as unwarranted meddling.

The embassy bombing brought such emotions to a head. China's government
supported protests because it had to. Public anger could have turned inward,
against police, had they enforced their usual ban on demonstrations.

But by giving protesters the green light and by fanning their anger with
slanted state media reports, the government may also have wanted to distract
people from domestic problems: unemployment, corruption and the crushing of
the Tiananmen Square demonstrations 10 years ago on June 4.

The bombing and nationally broadcast TV images of relatives grieving over the
cremated remains of three Chinese reporters killed in the attack has also
given the government ammunition against critics of its human rights record.

``For years, the U.S. and other Western powers have been lecturing us on
human rights and other issues,'' reporter Xiong Lei wrote in the official
China Daily newspaper. ``But the NATO bombing has smashed the rosy picture
that the U.S. is a guardian of human rights.''

China's state-controlled media helped direct anger toward the United States
by referring to the NATO campaign as ``U.S.-led,'' by ignoring U.S. apologies
for the embassy attack for three days and by dismissing NATO explanations
that it was a mistake.

The media's strident criticism of the United States was ``primarily

[CTRL] Blair Accepts NWO Award

1999-05-14 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 Note the imagery here: Charlemagne, the first modern Holy Roman Emperor;
and Aachen, the Holy Roman Empire's first capital outside of Rome.
 This "Charlemagne Prize" originated in 1950, created by WHOM, I wonder?

Blair Receives Europe Unity Award

AACHEN, Germany (AP) -- Honored for his efforts toward peace in Northern
Ireland, British Prime Minister Tony Blair on Thursday accepted the
prestigious Charlemagne Prize awarded for those who work for European unity.

Speaking in the throne room of Aachen's historic 14th century town hall,
Blair voiced strong support for NATO's war against Yugoslavia and appealed
for a stronger European defense industry and a more competitive economy.

He commented on the symbolism of Aachen, which was bombed during World War
II, and of Germany's participation in NATO strikes alongside British planes.

``We cannot allow the values of Europe to be desecrated within one part of
Europe while we live comfortably in our western corner of the continent,''
Blair said.

During the ceremony about 100 anti-NATO protesters rallied outside, shouting
and carrying signs that said ``No prize for war'' and ``Bombs don't bring

The prime minister responded: ``It would be nice if the Kosovo Albanians
could protest like that.''

The International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen, named after the 8th century
emperor of the Holy Roman Empire who ruled from that city, has been awarded
annually since 1950 to people who have worked toward European unity.

Past recipients of the bronze medal have included British Prime Minister
Winston Churchill, French President Francois Mitterrand and German Chancellor
Helmut Kohl.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Drug War is Cynical, Truth can Solve the Problem

1999-05-14 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 05/13/1999 10:47:57 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 People do not take drugs because they want to get into violent or dishonest
 states of mind.  They take them "to feel good".  The government policies
 that make them criminals for doing so are based on the cynical belief that
 these substances produce negative behavior.  But the negative behavior is
 really due to the enforcement of bad legal policies that make criminals out
 of folks who are doing something to their own bodies that they think makes
 them "feel good", doing something which they are not going to stop doing
 until they find something that works better for them. 

Let's face it, people take drugs because they are stupid, and the government
loves it.  I do not personally care who takes drugs or how much as long as
they are not doing something that requires full capability.  I'm really a
cold person, and I don't care if they OD and do not survive.  I figure it's
their decision.  If they take drugs that are expensive and habit forming,
then it is even more obvious that they are stupid.  It's bad enough in this
ugly world to have needs for food, air and shelter.  It gets even tougher if
you voluntarily give yourself another need.  That's really stupid.

The government loves drugs.  They use them to authorize confiscation of any
property they want.  They use them to keep any population they desire from
having the right to vote.  They make a lot of jobs for their friends in the
myriad of government agencies that are "fighting the drug war."  It's so good
for the government to have all of this going on, that if people stopped using
drugs all together, they would have to go out and start a campaign to
encourage the use.  In fact, perhaps they already have.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] As If Throwing Money at Fools Made Them Wise ...

1999-05-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 5/14/99 12:42:54 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 "Democrats rejected the argument that the Chinese Embassy bombing
stemmed from underfunding of intelligence programs.
 "Rep. Peter DeFazio, D-Ore., questioned how the CIA could have erred in
planning the bombing target when his own staff was able to pull down from the
Internet the correct address of the Chinese Embassy."

Pete, RoadsEnd's congressperson and recipient of many missives, is decent and
has some understanding, but he is one of  few. . .


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Site Referral-Highly Recommend a Visit! WOW!

1999-05-14 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

Folks, What is the Date of Inauguration Day in Year 2001?
I want to start doing a Countdown to the day new Thugs takeover the federal
protection racket.

THE Source for Police and Crime News ...
Recommend distribution far and wide!


News on Domestic, SinCity and International Thugs!

Best I've seen!

"Thou Shall Not Steal!"
   because the Feds Don't Like the Competition!
--- Anonymous

(^) Bard (^)
Passionate Charter Member
of the International Society
of Clinton-haters

Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

"No blood for blow jobs"
   --a placard

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Quakes in Kansas ?

1999-05-14 Thread Kris Millegan

Rare Quake Rattles Kansas City

KANSAS CITY, Kan. (AP) -- A small but rare earthquake shook a 40-block span
of this city early Thursday, damaging a medical building with about 100
people inside. No injuries were reported.

The quake, which registered a magnitude of 3.0, was considered weak but
uncommon for a Midwestern state like Kansas.

``It's an unusual event but certainly nothing to be alarmed about,'' said Don
Steeples, a professor in the Geology Department at the University of Kansas.

John Minsch, a geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey, said he knew of
just one other instance of an earthquake registered in the area. That quake
registered 3.8 in 1931.

About 100 health care workers and patients were evacuated from the Indian
Springs Medical Building after the quake hit at about 9:20 a.m.

Don Denney, spokesman for the Unified Government, said cracks were ``spread
out all over'' the two-story building. A parking lot also was damaged near
the building, where the pavement had buckled and dropped off about 8 feet.

[CTRL] Loral still working with Serbs

1999-05-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.  Ah, yes, theatres of war, whose sides are the
'crew' on. Author, author. . . and who is the audience . . .and what's the
view from the cheap seats . . . is there a moral? . . .and  . . .
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:522882"Loral still working with Serbs
Subject: Loral still working with Serbs
From: "David E. Powell" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, May 14, 1999 4:39 AM
Message-id: uhVv2agn#GA.307@cpmsnbbsa05

Remember those Loral folks, who helped the Chinese get that Satellite,
Multiple Payload, and Missile Guidance technology?

They're still at it, aiding the enemy with Command, Control, Communications
and Intelligence capability in a real US/Foreign conflict!

FROM http://www.msnbc.com/news/230178.asp

 Internet access at stake: Parts of Yugoslavia could lose Internet access
because a U.S. satellite company might be ordered to stop transmitting there
under a U.S. trade embargo. Loral Space and Communications Ltd. said it
could be forced to cut transmissions from one of its satellites, which
serves at least two of the country’s major Internet providers. Earlier this
month, Clinton issued an executive order banning U.S. companies from selling
or supplying to Yugoslavia “any goods, software, technology or services.”
   “We’re still not clear on this whole thing,” a Loral Space spokesman
said, adding that the company was seeking advice from the Treasury
Department. “It depends on the interpretation of the executive order.”
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] UFO Cult seeks Musicians for End of the World

1999-05-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:522755"UFO Cult seeks Musicians for
End of the World
Subject: UFO Cult seeks Musicians for End of the World
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Modemac)
Date: Thu, May 13, 1999 6:39 PM
Message-id: 7hg2d9$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Church of the SubGenius is preparing for the end of the world (again),
when the Pleasure Saucers of the Sex Goddesses will arrive at the
designated landing site on X-Day, July 5 at 7:00 AM!  We'll be gathering
once again at the designated landing site in Sherman, New York, from July
1 through July 5, and we'll be celebrating the end of the world with one

Performers and musicians are encouraged to come and take part in the
festivities!  Those of you who've survived the X-Day celebrations of the
past three years will know that this is the best damn festival of the
year, BAR NONE.

If you and your band want to get on stage and perform with a bunch of
naked freaks, mutants, and weirdoes, then just pack up your gear and COME
ON UP to New York for the action!  This is your chance to get it on and
cut loose!  It's non-professional, so you won't be paid for it, BUT you'll
be taking part in a five-day naked party with hundreds of participants.
Audience participation is ENCOURAGED, nay, it is REQUIRED. Expect to spend
three to five days (two to four nights) camping out: the site is an
outdoor campground, and you have to provide your own camping gear.  You
can sleep in your van if you want.  (The campground has running water and
toilets, hot showers, a heated swimming pool, an outdoor cafe serving
cooked food, a bar, and a hot tub.  The main pavilion has a stage and
electricity for your instruments and gear.)  There is a registration fee
of $60 per person for the entire five days (only $30 if you're an ordained
SubGenius minister) plus a $10 per night camping fee (payable to the
campsite, not us), but there are no other costs (unless you want to buy
things).  You can also bring your own stuff to sell.

For information about X-Day, the end of the world, the Pleasure Saucers,
and the Brushwood Folklore Center (where it all takes place), head to the
Church of the SubGenius' Web site at http://www.subgenius.com/ -- and if
you want to be listed as a performing band, just send email to

X-Day is an event with NO corporate sponsorship, NO so-called
"professionals," and NO commercialism (except what you provide yourself).
It's just five days of music, beautiful naked Sex Gods and Goddesses, and
PURE SLACK.  Fuck Woodstock 99.  Fuck Lolla-pa-losers...


Praise "Bob!"

P.S.: Don't shit in the hot tub.

First Online Church of "Bob"
=Subject: Re: UFO Cult seeks Musicians for End of the World
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mr. Tangent)
Date: Fri, May 14, 1999 4:46 AM

On 14 May 1999 02:39:37 GMT, with raygun in hand the aliens forced
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Modemac) to write:

Praise "Bob!"

Praise J.R. "Bob" Dobbs and all that is slack!  Hallelujah, can I get
a hymen?!


Mr. Tangent [the binary police]

"Not all people on AOL are idiots.
But the ones that are compose a new
breed of super-idiot. This is the future."
   - MT

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Action by WH Criminals Too Late! [irreparable damage is done]

1999-05-14 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

 (Folks, "Please" be more careful who you vote for in the Future.  Please!
You decide if this is worthy of distribution far and wide!)

New 'Czar' Will Report Directly to Secretary
May 11, 1999
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Stung by allegations of espionage at weapons
research labs, Secretary Bill Richardson is consolidating Energy
Department security operations under a "security czar" who will
report directly to him, officials said.


  Energy Secretary Bill Richardson
Richardson was to unveil details of the changes today.
Under the plan, the department would still have a separate
counterintelligence office, which Richardson previously beefed
putting a veteran FBI official in charge. That office also
directly to the secretary.
The new consolidation, however, will put the department's $800
million physical security function at the DOE's nuclear weapons
complex, including the national research labs, under a single
security office, officials said.
Retired general sought
No one has yet been name to head the new office, but Richardson
said to be searching for a retired general to serve as the
department's first security "czar" -- as Richardson has
the post.
A DOE official, who asked not to be further identified, said
Richardson also will announce new counterintelligence measures,
separate from the consolidation of physical security programs.
  Related Stories:
The central security office also will be responsible for
security, which has been the focus of attention in the alleged
of nuclear secrets at weapons labs, especially the Los Alamos,
Currently, separate offices at DOE are responsible for
and unclassified computer systems, and the physical security
function is spread out across the $18 billion operation of the
department and its contractors.
Former CIA official hired
Security at the DOE nuclear weapons facilities has been the
of controversy at the department for years. In addition to the
espionage scandal at the Los Alamos National Laboratory,
were raised earlier this year about physical security and safety
the former warhead manufacturing plant at Rocky Flats in
But the apparent theft of nuclear secrets at Los Alamos -- in
1980s, but possibly as recently as 1995 -- has put new pressure
Richardson to increase the department's security across the
Earlier this year, Richardson beefed up the department's
counterintelligence office and also directed that it report
to him. He hired Ed Curran, a former CIA official and still one
the FBI's top counterintelligence experts, to head the office.
Communications breakdowns blamed
Congressional critics have assailed the department's security
operation -- especially counterintelligence activities at the
-- as lax and often ineffective.
Richardson has acknowledged that communications breakdowns on
security matters between the DOE headquarters and its field
and labs have caused problems in the past.
For example, in 1997 it had been decided by senior FBI and DOE
officials that a scientist under suspicion of espionage at Los
Alamos could be removed from his sensitive job without
the investigation. Yet he was left at his job for another 18
because word never reached Los Alamos managers.


"Thou Shall Not Steal!"
   because the Feds Don't Like the Competition!
--- Anonymous

(^) Bard (^)
Passionate Charter Member
of the International Society
of Clinton-haters!

Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by 

[CTRL] Today's Lesson From Richard Tomlinson

1999-05-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A
Today's Lesson From Richard Tomlinson's Banned GeoCities Website

by Richard Tomlinson

I am a 36 year old British and New Zealand Citizen. I was educated at
Cambridge University, England where I was awarded a first class honours
degree in Engineering, and then did a Masters degree at Massachusetts
Institute of Technology where I was a Kennedy Memorial Scholar.

In 1991, I was recruited as a fast-stream intelligence officer into the
British Secret Intelligence Service, more commonly known as MI6. After
completing the six month initial training course with the highest marks
ever achieved, I was posted to the Eastern European department of MI6 to
operate undercover against Russia and Serbia. In 1993 I was posted for
six months to Bosnia as the sole MI6 officer on the ground during the
Bosnian civil war. On my return to the UK I worked undercover against
the Iranian intelligence service.

In 1995, I was dismissed from MI6 without warning, and without reason.
When I tried to take MI6 to an employment tribunal, my application was
blocked by MI6 who claimed that a tribunal hearing would "damage
national security" and "endanger the lives of agents". This was utter
fantasy. There was nothing any more secret in my personnel records than
in Donald Duck's. The real reason was because MI6 knew that they had no
legal grounds for the dismissal, and so chose to cower behind the
protection of the British Official Secrets Act rather than face an
embarassing court defeat.

I have been campaigning ever since against this - and other - abuses of
power by MI6. In 1996 I wrote (but did not publish) a book about MI6. I
showed a five page synopsis of this book to the commissioning editor of
an Australian publisher (Shona Martyn of Transworld Publishers, 40 Yeo
Street, Sydney). For this, in 1997, I was arrested and convicted of
breaking the British Official Secrets Act. By taking me to court, MI6
brazenly exposed the dishonesty and hypocrisy of their earlier refusal
to allow me to take them to court for unfair dismissal. If the High
Court was good enough for them to take me to court, then why wasn't it
good enough for me to take them to court? At my hearing, I was sentenced
to twelve months imprisonment in a maximum security jail.

After my release from jail in 1998, I fled Britain as soon as I could,
because I realised that MI6 were determined to re-arrest me for any
reason they could find. When MI6 realised that I had escaped from their
clutches, they embarked on a vindictive campaign of harassment against
me using their influence with the intelligence services of other
countries. They used false pretences to persuade the French intelligence
service (the DST) to arrest and beat me in Paris in August 1998. I was
detained for 38 hours, and my computer equipment was illegally taken
from me. This equipment was not returned until six months later. After
release, I decided to leave France and return to my native New Zealand,
where I hoped that I would be left in peace. But a few days after my
arrival, MI6 persuaded the New Zealand Intelligence Service to again
detain and search me in Auckland. More computer equipment was
confiscated from me, and again was not returned until six months later.
I decided to leave New Zealand and go to Australia, where I have friends
and family. But MI6 prevented this by persuading the Australian
authorities to refuse me a visa, even though as a New Zealand citizen I
would normally not require a visa for Australia. I therefore decided to
move to Switzerland, knowing that the Swiss authorities, unlike the NZ,
Australian, and French authorities, would not not harass me at the
behest of MI6.

But MI6 have continued to attempt to harass me at every opportunity they
can. Indeed, after I gave evidence implicating MI6 to Judge Herve
Stephan's inquest into the death of the Princess of Wales, Dodi Al
Fayed, and Henri Paul, they have pursued me with seemingly increased
vigour. In August 1998, I flew from Geneva to New York to give an
interview to the NBC television chain. At JFK airport, I was detained by
the US Immigration authority, fingerprinted, interviewed, chained to a
chair for seven hours, then deported back to Switzerland. The US
immigration authority openly admitted that they were deprorting me on
the orders of the CIA, MI6's greatest ally. In January 1999, MI6 again
persuaded French Intelligence to arrest me and deport me from France
when I tried to cross the Swiss-French border. MI6 continue to carry out
these actions despite the fact that the British Government have admitted
that there is no arrest warrant out against me.

Because MI6 are not legally accountable, I cannot take MI6 to court in
the UK to test the legality of this harassment. MI6 claim that they
cannot be accountable to the courts because this would not be secure and
"would endanger agents lives". I have 

[CTRL] Fwd: [A-M] Free Press

1999-05-14 Thread Kris Millegan

A newsletter dedicated to the peaceful
reform of the United States government.

There have been so many governments interested in silencing
independent journalists who work around the world that  organizations have
been formed for the defense of the freedom of the members of the press.
There is  a "Journalists without Frontiers,"  a "Committee to Protect
Journalists" (CPJ), the "International Freedom of the Press Exchange" (IFEX),
the Vienna-based "International Press Institute" (IPI) , and others.   These
groups watch for oppression of individual journalists and call attention to
abuses when reporters are murdered, jailed, or otherwise intimidated.  Those
Americans interested in freedom of the press will readily agree that these
groups are badly needed and that they perform a very worthwhile service.

In their May issue World Press Review quotes IPI: "two- thirds of the
world's population are still living in countries where the fundamental
principles of freedom of expression are not embraced."   Several
organizations agree that 24 journalists were murdered for their reporting
last year with many other cases still under investigation.  More than 470
journalists have been murdered worldwide during the last decade.   WPI
reported that 118 journalists were in prisons in 25 countries.  Reuters
reported (April, 1999) the sentencing of a journalist in Ethiopia to four and
a half years in prison.  There have been similar reports  in Sudan, Sierra
Leone, and other African countries.  But such violations of the basic right
to information also may be seen in Turkey, Yugoslavia, Iran, Singapore, and
Peru.  In places like North Korea, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, and Burma
(Myanmar) the governments openly control the press, so in those places
journalists do not get into difficulty because only pro-government
journalists are hired and only pro-government information gets into print.

Of all of the countries of the world Colombia is said to be the most
dangerous in which to work as a reporter.  Four journalists were murdered
there last year, and there is a recent report that a Turkish reporter in that
country was beaten to death last month.   Forty-three journalists have been
murdered in Colombia in the past 10 years where journalists have been
targeted amid Colombia's widespread criminal violence.   Is it a coincidence
that the world's leading cocaine producer is also the most dangerous country
for journalists?  The world's leading heroin producer (Burma) might be on our
list, but in that country the newspapers are owned by the state so there is
not even the pretense of free, independent reporting.

The United States falls into a group of countries where control of
the press is much more subtle.  Christopher Ruddy, the reporter who has
written effectively about several Clinton scandals,  is still alive even
though he wrote about the probable murder of Ron Brown (the bullet hole in
the top of his head) and the inconsistent "facts" in the "suicide" of Vince
Foster.  Partial control of the press in the United States has been
accomplished by giant mergers, leaving the ownership of the mainstream media
concentrated in the hands of a very few people.  One of our independent
newspapers, the San Jose Mercury News, published the Dark Alliance Series
which dealt with CIA connections to the drug traffic.  They later retracted
the story, even though documents have since come to light substantiating that
connection.  The Ron Brown story, the problems with the Long Beach lease, the
Chinese take over of the Panama Canal, Clinton scandals, and other major
newsworthy events which would put the government in a bad light are not
mentioned by CBS or MSNBC.  (MSNBC tardily made an exception for the Juanita
Broderick story only after their initial refusal was exposed in the Wall
Street Journal.)   Stories about drug smuggling that make the headlines in
Toronto, in Reuters dispatches, and in Latin America are not reported in the
U.S.Who controls the news on the tube?  Is the press truly free in the
United States?

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[CTRL] MI6 UK spy list a cover story to remove DIANA document?

1999-05-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:522904"MI6 UK spy list a cover story
to remove DIANA document?
Subject: MI6 UK spy list a cover story to remove DIANA document?
Date: Fri, May 14, 1999 7:20 AM

The website of the UK spy Richard Tomlinson had no spy list on it as the
media is reporting according to a site that has published the Geocities

BUT, the site taken down did have a controversial document about DIANA.

Henri Paul the driver the night of the crash was an MI6 agent!!!

That is what the UK SS don't want out.

NOT THE SPY LIST which wasn't even on the US site!

Here's the story

 Tomlinson ex UK MI6 Spy website taken d

Richard Tomlinson puts MI6 spys names on Net!

Ex UK MI6 Spy puts names of MI6 spys on Net!

By JP Essene

Editor of

Thee Under Ground Net


Can you say

Watching this story unfold today, I HAVE TO LAUGH.

All I can say is that it was a text book case of


Yes, we have the alleged website here of Ex MI6 UK Spy Richard

The website of the ex UK MI6 spy Richard Tomlinson was TAKEN DOWN
because it endangered the lives of UK's spys still IN THE FIELD,
according to the major media outlets.

Even that homosexual in California Matt Drudge reported that LIE or


HERE'S THE BIG SECRET that the MAJOR MEDIA is keeping from you.

The ex spys website was hosted at Geocities (THEY SUCK IMHO)

So, when you see Dan Rather mention this story tonight on THE NEWS, you
will hear him say "A CALIFORNIA ISP", since the Whitehouse is requesting
at the beheast of the UK to keep the sites name SECRET!

Oh, the site at Geocities was indeed taken down.

url of site:


And I GUARANTEE you, that you will hear Dan Rather and the rest of the
DISINFORMATION crew state that the SPYS SITE was taken down, at the
UNNAMED CALIFORNIA ISP, because it had the names of MI6 Spys on it.

Can you say


Every spys name that was on the Geocities site of Ex MI6 spy Richard
Tomlinson was already KNOWN on the net to be key players in MI6.

Names like Speeding, the HEAD of MI6.

Now that's a SECRET!


Can you imagine, the secret service of the UK aka MI6 doesn't even want
you to know the name of Geocities!

But again, that is part of their DISINFORMATION plan. They want YOU to
think that something which is FANTASY is REAL.

Now, this is THE REAL STORY of the SPY LIST of Richard Tomlinson.


But, an EMBARRASSING DOCUMENT about Diana's DEATH in FRANCE and the
connection of her DEAD LIMO DRIVER Henri Paul to MI6 was on the
Geocities site.

Yes, a SWORN AFFIDAVIT was on GEOCITIES site from Richard Tomlinson! It
states that HENRI PAUL, the infamous drunk of the DIANACRASH, was indeed
MI6. (All documents referred to in this article are linked to below)

That is the real reason why the UK's MI6 had the Geocities site of
Tomlinson pulled! Without a US Court order I will add.

The DISINFORMATION of this story you will hear in the media in the next
couple of days, is that the site had around 100 names of UK MI6 agents.



The alleged page about the NAMES OF MI6 SPYS was there.

It also had a note from Tomlinson that he CAN'T display
THE NAMES because of an INJUNCTION in Sweden, where he allegedly first
displayed his MI6 site.

So, when you hear Dan Rather and crew state DISINFORMATION about the
Geocities site being pulled for having THE LIST of spy names, YOU TOO


That exact page about the NAMES of MI6 Spys from Geocities and about 90%
of the site is linked to below.

We are missing only a couple of things, like the fart.wav and
rasberry.wav Tomlinson had on the site.

And the theme song from Monty Python that was the background music for
the site.

I loved looking at the html of the pages from his site, what a sense of
humor. A SPOOK with a funny sense of humor. He even used FRONT PAGE from
Microsoft to design it.

Can you say JOKE!



The page from Tomlinson allegedly with 100 names says


Yet, the DISINFORMATION crew will say THAT WAS THE REASON the site was
taken down!

Oh, I do have THE LIST allegedly from Sweden...

Now, before you look at the site of Tomlinson, here are some
REAL FACTS about DIANA and the MI6 that will shock you.

A stolen CIA document about how MI6 was involved in the DEATH of
DIANA is on our site. An ex NSA spook from the US is still in prision
for trying to sell it to Al Fayed the father of Dodi!

We also have a $100,000.00 GUARANTEE to anyone that can 

[CTRL] The Eastern Problem - part of the Balkan time-bomb

1999-05-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:522908"The Eastern Problem - part of
the Balkan time-bomb
Subject: The Eastern Problem - part of the Balkan time-bomb
Date: Fri, May 14, 1999 7:32 AM

From: "w.c.tudor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newsgroups: soc.culture.romanian
Followup-To: soc.culture.romanian
X-TWRN-Tag: 926629611182
Message-ID: Z9H_2.3181$[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 13 May 1999 21:07:05 GMT
X-Trace: c01read02-admin.service.talkway.com 926629625 (Thu, 13
May 1999 14:07:05 PDT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 13 May 1999 14:07:05 PDT
Organization: Talkway, Inc.
Xref: tor-nx1.netcom.ca soc.culture.romanian:111923

" Every nation's homeland is sacred. If you destroy one, you mutilate
the entire human race." These words were spoken on the pulpit of the
Notre Dame Cathedral, some 80 years ago, by Father Gratry. He was
talking about the Trianon Treaty, which dismembered the 1000 years old
kingdom of Hungary. During the last 80 years, the Hungarians did not
forget the loss of their homeland, and never will, just as the Jews did
not forget the loss of theirs for some 2000 years. Just as Nazism was
not born in Germany but in Versailles, so the tragedy of the Balkans
can all be traced back to Trianon, where from the fragments of Hungary,
the successor states of Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and greater Romania
were created. These artificial formations forced Albanian Muslims to
live with Serbs and compelled Czechs to live with Slovaks. It takes
time for historic events to reveal their consequences. It took nearly
80 years for these creations of Trianon, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia,
to self-destruct and as a result, to de-stabilize Central Europe. That
process is not nearing it's end, it is only beginning! Trianon cut
mercilessly into the flesh of compact Hungarian populations. Hundreds
of towns were separated from their suburbs; villages were split in two;
communities were deprived of their parish churches or cemeteries;
townships were cut off from their railroad stations and their water
supplies. A 1000-year-old European country was made into an invalid. In
the process, 35% of all Hungarians were turned into foreigners within
the towns, which were built by their fathers. Hungarians became
Europe's largest minority and in the "free for all" even Austria
obtained some parts of the old kingdom. The new borders were not drawn
on the basis of plebiscites. By ignoring the ethnographic borders, the
dismemberment of the 48 million Austro-Hungarian empire resulted in the
creation of 16 million ethnic minorities. These minorities were not
emigrants who voluntarily left their old country, but people who never
moved from their home towns and became foreigners, because the borders
were redrawn around them. President Wilson asked for a Danubian
Confederation to replace the Monarchy and wanted to draw the internal
borders within it, on the basis of self-determination through
plebiscites, but his views were disregarded. On March 31, 1919, he
called the proposed dismemberment of Hungary absurd, but was overruled
by the French. As a result, the United States Congress refused to
approve the Treaty of Trianon, but the treaty was implemented (mostly
by the French) anyway. When the Wends and Slovenes of the Muraköz
protested their separation from Hungary, when the Ruthenians expressed
their desire to remain part of the kingdom which they shared for a
thousand years, when the Swabians of the Banat protested their
annexation into Romania, their requests been all denied. There was only
a single instance where self-determination prevailed: The city of
Sopron was allowed to hold a plebiscite and voted to remain part of
Hungary. In any society, the acid test of civilization is the respect
for minority rights. The successor states, which were created,
validated the words of Tacitus: "We hate whom we hurt." They attempted
to solve their minority problems, through denationalization, ethnic
cleansing, deportations, expulsions, transfers, dispersions and many
other forms of uprooting. Hungarians had to choose between their
nationality and their property. Because of intimidation and coercion,
350,000 Hungarians decided to leave all their possessions behind and
flee to rump Hungary. (This number exceeds the number of Serb refugees
who have been driven out of Kraina by the Croatian army.) The
possessions of Hungarian communities were also targeted. In Romania
alone, Hungarians lost 1,665 schools and universities, including the
world famous János Bolyay University. After 1956, when the 

[CTRL] Klintoon/Algore-China Theft of Crown Jewels (a must)

1999-05-14 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

For distribution far and wide!

This is much more serious than the "war pork";  see text attachment.

This is what happens when thugs are elected by the Pro-Choice sluts and
recipients of federal dole.


Conflicting Views of U.S. Security Losses
May 13, 1999
By Jim Krane
NEW YORK (APBNews.com) -- As the smoke clears from nuclear
allegations against China, intelligence analysts are forwarding
dueling theories about any resulting gains in China's military

  At the Energy Department's Lawrence Livermore nuclear
  laboratory, a visiting delegation of Chinese scientists
  with Edward Teller, father of the U.S. hydrogen bomb, in

Congressional statements about the damage to U.S. security --
in media reports -- suggest the United States' nuclear deterrent
suffered greatly at the hands of the Chinese.
The United States lost "the crown jewels of our nuclear
said Rep. Christopher Cox last month. Cox is chairman of a
committee on Chinese espionage, whose yet-to-be-declassified
is due to be released this month.
And The New York Times reported last month that computer codes
copied from an Energy Department weapons laboratory "may have
compromised the U.S. nuclear arsenal."
But the CIA's assessment of the damage to U.S. security sounds
decidedly milder.
"To date, the aggressive Chinese collection effort has not
in any apparent modernization of their deployed strategic force
any new nuclear weapons development," states a CIA report
key findings from its analysis of technology transfers to China.
  Related Document:
  CIA Assessment of Damage to U.S. Security
Translating knowledge into weaponry
The CIA stresses that, while inroads were made into classified
Department of Energy computers, that doesn't mean the Chinese
vital U.S. defense secrets. And if Chinese scientists did manage
purloin weapons technology, they haven't yet been able to
the knowledge into modern weaponry.
The CIA report credits the Chinese with obtaining at least basic
design information on U.S. nuclear warheads, chiefly the
ultra-compact W-88. Espionage has allowed China to focus and
accelerate its weapons programs, the CIA report states.
A lack of evidence
At the Federation of American Scientists, Steven Aftergood,
of the association's Project on Government Secrecy, sides with
CIA's analysis. Americans don't yet know exactly what's been
stolen or copied, Aftergood said.
"The reporting on these allegations has far exceeded the
evidence," he said. "Certain information on the W-88 warhead and
other weapons definitely were stolen. But exactly what was
stolen on
those weapons, we're not sure."
Aftergood said the Chinese -- or anyone else -- can obtain basic
information on the W-88 and other nuclear weapons from open
such as scholarly journals and unclassified reports.
Knocking CIA's accuracy
But another China watcher, Bill Triplett, former Republican
for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said the CIA's
record in estimating a nation's weapons-producing capabilities
far from accurate.
"That [CIA report] is written by the same people who predicted
North Koreans would never have a two-stage rocket," said
citing the recent North Korean test-firing of a two-stage rocket
over the Sea of Japan.
Aftergood said much of the espionage now coming to light took
a decade ago or more. To date, no corresponding modernization of
China's weapons arsenal has taken place.
"So if they stole it, they haven't done anything with it," said
Truth is hard to find
But U.S. intelligence gatherers may not know exactly what
the Chinese have produced or are close to producing. Triplett
Chinese counterintelligence officials might be pursuing a
agenda of deceit.
"We think the Chinese are engaged in a big 'development and
deception' program," said Triplett. "They have more weapons and

[CTRL] What Happened to Freedom of Speech

1999-05-14 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

Did anyone besides me notice the l4 year old girl in Pennsylvania who was
suspended for two weeks because she voiced her opinion that people could get
so fed up they would snap and do something like what happened in Columbine.
The opinion was given during a classroom discussion led by her teacher.
Apparently this country now is adhering to the "CORPORATE DOCTRINE" that to
speak one's mind is punishable by dismissal or death.  Oh well, we never
needed that Constitution anyway.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] MI6 and the Princess of Wales

1999-05-14 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

The Diana Document

MI6 and the Princess of Wales

Attached below is a sworn and testified statement that I have made on 12th
May 1999 to the enquiry into the deaths of the Princess of Wales,
Dodi Al Fayed, and Henri Paul. I firmly believe that MI6 have information in
their files that would assist Judge Stephan's enquiry. Why don't they
yield up this information? They should not be entitled to use the Official
Secrets Act to protect themselves from investigation into the deaths of
three people, particularly in the case of an incident of this magnitude and
historical importance.

I, Richard John Charles Tomlinson, former MI6 officer, of Geneva,
Switzerland hereby declare:

1.I firmly believe that there exist documents held by the British Secret
Intelligence Service (MI6) that would yield important new evidence into the
cause and circumstances leading to the deaths of the Princess of Wales,
Mr Dodi Al Fayed, and M. Henri Paul in Paris in August 1997.

2.I was employed by MI6 between September 1991 and April 1995. During
that time, I saw various documents that I believe would provide new
evidence and new leads into the investigation into these deaths. I also
heard various rumours – which though I was not able to see supporting
documents – I am confident were based on solid fact.

3.In 1992, I was working in the Eastern European Controllerate of MI6 and I
was peripherally involved in a large and complicated operation to smuggle
advanced Soviet weaponry out of the then disintegrating and disorganised
remnants of the Soviet Union. During 1992, I spent several days reading
the substantial files on this operation. These files contain a wide miscellany
of contact notes, telegrams, intelligence reports, photographs etc, from
which it was possible to build up a detailed understanding of the operation.
The operation involved a large cast of officers and agents of MI6. One
more than one occasion, meetings between various figures in the
operation took place at the Ritz Hotel, Place de Vendome, Paris. There
were in the file several intelligence reports on these meetings, which had
been written by one of the MI6 officers based in Paris at the time (identified
in the file only by a coded designation). The source of the information was
an informant in the Ritz Hotel, who again was identified in the files only by a
code number. The MI6 officer paid the informant in cash for his information.
I became curious to learn more about the identity of this particular
informant, because his number cropped up several times and he seemed
to have extremely good access to the goings on in the Ritz Hotel. I therefore
ordered this informant’s personal file from MI6’s central file registry. When I
read this new file, I was not at all surprised to learn that the informant was a
security officer of the Ritz Hotel. Intelligence services always target the
security officer’s of important hotels because they have such good access
to intelligence. I remember, however, being mildly surprised that the
nationality of this informant was French, and this stuck in my memory,
because it is rare that MI6 succeeds in recruiting a French informer. I
cannot claim that I remember from this reading of the file that the name of
this person was Henri Paul, but I have no doubt with the benefit of hindsight
that this was he. Although I did not subsequently come across Henri Paul
again during my time in MI6, I am confident that the relationship between he
and MI6 would have continued until his death, because MI6 would never
willingly relinquish control over such a well placed informant. I am sure that
the personal file of Henri Paul will therefore contain notes of meetings
between him and his MI6 controlling officer right up until the point of his
death. I firmly believe that these files will contain evidence of crucial
importance to the circumstances and causes of the incident that killed M.
Paul, together with the Princess of Wales and Dodi Al Fayed.

4.The most senior undeclared officer in the local MI6 station would normally
control an informant of M.Paul’s usefulness and seniority. Officers declared
to the local counter-intelligence service (in this case the Directorate de
Surveillance Territoire, or DST) would not be used to control such an
informant, because it might lead to the identity of the informant becoming
known to the local intelligence services. In Paris at the time of M. Paul’s
death, there were two relatively experienced but undeclared MI6 officers.
The first was Mr Nicholas John Andrew LANGMAN, born 1960. The
second was Mr Richard David SPEARMAN, again born in 1960. I firmly
believe that either one or both of these officers will be well acquainted with
M Paul, and most probably also met M. Paul shortly before his death. I
believe that either or both of these officers will have knowledge that will be
of crucial importance in establishing the sequence of events