[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Bush Chooses U.S. Executive for AIDS Job

2003-07-03 Thread Tenor Love
-Caveat Lector-

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Bush Chooses U.S. Executive for AIDS Job

July 3, 2003

WASHINGTON, July 2 - On the eve of a presidential visit to
Africa, President Bush today nominated Randall Tobias, a
former chairman and chief executive of Eli Lilly & Company,
to run a $15 billion program to fight AIDS worldwide.

Mr. Tobias, a major donor to Mr. Bush and the Republican
Party, and a resident of Indianapolis, has little
experience with AIDS issues or with Africa, where most of
the program's money will be directed. But the president
hailed Mr. Tobias in the Roosevelt Room of the White House
this morning as "one of America's most talented and
respected executives," and a man who "has shown the ability
to manage complex organizations and to navigate government

If confirmed by the Senate, Mr. Tobias, 61, will have the
rank of ambassador and will report directly to Secretary of
State Colin L. Powell, who has said he regards AIDS as the
pre-eminent crisis facing the world today. Mr. Tobias will
direct a new State Department office and will have broad
influence, Mr. Bush said, over all the government's
anti-AIDS programs and resources.

"Randy Tobias has a mandate directly from me to get our
AIDS initiative up and running as soon as possible," Mr.
Bush said.

Mr. Tobias, in prepared remarks in the Roosevelt Room, said
that "the statistics that describe the H.I.V./AIDS pandemic
are really nearly incomprehensible" but that he would
approach his new job "with enthusiasm and with optimism."

AIDS groups said they were surprised by the nomination of
Mr. Tobias, which was first reported on Tuesday in The
Washington Post. Some AIDS experts said they were
apprehensive about Mr. Tobias' lack of experience in Africa
and with AIDS, and his close ties to the pharmaceutical
industry, which has fought the use of generic drugs.

The issue is of great importance, because brand-name
anti-AIDS drugs can cost $10,000 to $12,000 a year per
patient in the United States. But generic anti-AIDS drugs
can cost as little as $300 per patient per year in poor

Mr. Bush promised today to move quickly to get low-cost
anti-retroviral medications into the hands of poor
patients, but some AIDS groups said they were still
skeptical about Mr. Tobias.

"We're concerned about whether or not he can be an honest
broker," said Paul Zeitz, the executive director of the
Global AIDS Alliance. "He'll be protecting the interests of
the pharmaceutical industry versus cost-effective
generically manufactured drugs."

Other AIDS groups said they would reserve judgment on Mr.
Tobias. "There does seem to be some management acumen and
the ability to pull a lot of levers," said Mark Isaac, vice
president of the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS

Mr. Bush signed the administration's initiative to fight
AIDS worldwide into law on May 27. The program is to
provide $15 billion over five years, a tripling of the
existing amount. It will go to prevention and treatment
programs in 12 African nations as well as Haiti and Guyana.

Mr. Tobias, who was also chairman and chief executive of
AT&T International, was named C.E.O. of the Year by Working
Mother magazine in 1996 for what the publication said were
his family-friendly policies at Eli Lilly. He stepped down
from Lilly in 1999, and more recently has thrown his
political support behind Mitchell E. Daniels Jr., a former
Lilly executive and the recently departed White House
budget director who is now running for governor of Indiana.



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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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[CTRL] (1 of 3) Israel: In the Beginning, There Was Terror

2003-07-03 Thread William Shannon

In the Beginning, There Was Terror
by: Ronald Bleier
July - August  2003 
The Link - Volume 36, Issue 3 
Page 1

Much of the history of terrorism in today’s Middle East has been thrust down the Orwellian memory hole due to the highly effective campaign over the past 50 years to suppress information prejudicial to Israel. 

Blowing up a bus, a train, a ship, a café, or a hotel; assassinating a diplomat or a peace negotiator; killing hostages, sending letter bombs; massacring defenseless villagers — this is terrorism, as we know it. In the modern Middle East it began with the Zionists who founded the Jewish state. 1 

The Original Sin 

Israel’s original sin is Zionism, the ideology that a Jewish state should replace the former Palestine. At the root of the problem is Zionism’s exclusivist structure whereby only Jews are treated as first-class citizens. In order to create and consolidate a Jewish state in 1948, Zionists expelled 750,000 Palestinians from their homeland and never allowed them or their descendants to return. In addition, Israeli forces destroyed over 400 Palestinian villages and perpetrated about three dozen massacres. In 1967, the Israelis forced another 350,000 Palestinians to flee the West Bank and Gaza as well as 147,000 Syrians from the Golan Heights. Since 1967 Israel has placed the entire Palestinian population of the Territories under military occupation. 

The effects of the dispossession of the Palestinians and other Arabs are with us to this day, in the shattered lives of the millions of people directly affected and also as a sign of the West’s war against the entire Arab nation and Muslims everywhere. Arguably, the original sin of Zionism and its effects on the peoples of the Middle East were central to the motivation behind the events of 9/11, and the most important consequence of which is the ongoing “war on terrorism” that is smothering our political landscape. 

Assassinating the Peace Negotiator 

One of the most notorious acts of Israeli terrorism occurred during the 1948 war when Jewish forces, members of the LEHI underground (also known as the Stern Gang) assassinated Swedish Count Folke Bernadotte, a U.N. appointed mediator. Bernadotte was killed on September 17, 1948, a day after he offered his second mediation plan which, among other things, called for repatriation and compensation for the Palestinian refugees. 

The assassination of Bernadotte highlighted one of the biggest policy differences at the time between the United States and Israel, namely the fate of the Palestinian refugees. By that time, Jewish/Israeli forces had already forced more than half a million Palestinians from their homes. The resultant international outcry focused attention on the implications for Middle East peace as well as on the suffering of the refugees. Moreover, the fate of hundreds of thousands of Jews who resided in the Arab world, mainly in Iraq, Morocco, Yemen and Egypt, was placed at risk because of Israeli expulsion policy. 

The day before the assassination Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Sharett publicly accused Bernadotte of “bias against the state of Israel and in favor of the Arab states.” Stephen Green points to evidence that the Israeli government was itself directly involved in the killing. On the night of the assassination the Czech consulates in Jerusalem and Haifa were busy processing some 30 visas for Stern gang members “who had been rounded up for their involvement in the planning and execution” of the assassination. “Between September 18 and September 29, most if not all of the 30 left Israel on flights for Prague, Czechoslovakia.” The “scale, precision, and speed of the evacuation-escape” made the State Department “suspicious that the Stern gang was not involved alone.” The U.S. wondered if the “operation might have been planned and prepared in Czechoslovakia, and that a specially trained squad had been flown into Israel from Prague for that purpose.”2 In addition, historian Howard Sachar notes that “Yehoshua Cohen, a friend of Ben Gurion, is widely believed to be the trigger man.” 3 

Eight months later, in May 1949, the Israelis revealed to the U.N. that the majority of the Stern Gang members rounded up in the “purge” had been released within two weeks. Those not released were held until a general amnesty was granted on February 14, 1949.4 No one was ever put on trial for the killing. 

The assassination of Bernadotte made international headlines and for a time more attention was paid to the issue of the Palestinian refugees. In the end pressure to repatriate them was never successfully mustered. Arguably, from the point of view of Israeli expulsion policy, the assassination was a success since none of Bernadotte’s successors was able to focus sufficient pressure on the Israelis to make any concessions. Had Bernadotte lived, he might have succeeded where others had failed. At the least, his murder was a warning to 

[CTRL] (2 of 3) Israel: In the Beginning, There Was Terror

2003-07-03 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

At the time of the bombings negotiations were at their height between Cairo and London for the evacuation of the Canal Zone, and between Cairo and Washington for arms supplies and other aid in connection with a possible U.S.-Egyptian alliance. Stephen Green presents an even more cynical picture of top Israeli officials who initiated the terrorist operation in order to sabotage Prime Minister Sharett’s ongoing and quietly successful negotiations with Egyptian President Gamal Nasser.15 

Today, a standard, even routine method of sacrificing Israelis on the altar of politics is the Israeli tactic of provoking Palestinian attacks by assassinating high profile activists. One such example was so clear that a leading Israeli journalist forecasted the Israeli casualties that would result from an Israeli “targeted assassination.” On November 23, 2001, the Israelis assassinated Mahmud Abu Hunud, a top Hamas operative. Two days later, Israeli journalist Alex Fishman, in a front-page article, explained that before the assassination of Hunud there had existed a “secret” and unacknowledged gentlemen’s agreement between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority that “Hamas was to avoid in the near future” suicide bombings in Israel. As Fishman wrote: “Whoever decided upon the liquidation of Abu Hunud knew in advance” that the agreement with Hamas would be “shattered…. The subject was extensively discussed both by Israel’s military echelon and its political one…” 16 Just as Fishman had predicted, Hamas soon struck back and less than a week later, on December 1 and 2, suicide bombings in Jerusalem and Haifa killed 25 Israelis. The effect of this cycle of violence was predictably to heighten tensions and to dramatically weaken the constituency in Israel and the U.S. for peace negotiations. 

Raiding a Camp in Gaza 

Rokach’s “Israel’s Sacred Terrorism” provides previously unavailable documentation relating to Israel’s preparations for the October 1956 surprise attack by Israel, France and Britain against Egypt. In that operation, the Allies conquered the Suez Canal, Eastern Sinai and the Gaza Strip. The combined invasion occurred at a time when the U.S. sought to stabilize the area. But the Israeli interest was precisely the opposite. It was to exacerbate tensions and make it difficult or impossible for Egypt to gain the weapons it needed to deter Israel from war. 

An important incident leading up to the October 1956 war was a massive raid on an Egyptian Army Camp in Gaza, “the bloodiest incident between Egypt and Israel since the 1948 war.”17 The raid took place about a year and a half earlier in a period “of relative tranquility following the enforcement of repressive measures decided on by the Egyptian administration of the Strip.” On the night of February 28, 1955, the Israelis sent in 50 paratroopers who wound up killing 39 Egyptians and wounding 30 others. Sharett approved the operation, but was “shocked” by the loss of life, as he wrote on March 1, 1955: 

The number (of Egyptian victims) … changes not only the dimensions of the operation but its very substance; it turns it into an event liable to cause grave political and military complications and dangers The army spokesman, on instructions from the Minister of Defense, delivered a false version to the press…Who will believe us? 

It is widely acknowledged that the Gaza raid was a decisive turning point in Nasser’s relations with Israel. From then on, the Egyptian president took every opportunity to explain to visiting diplomats that the attack “was a moment of truth” when he “finally perceived the dimensions of the Israeli problem” and he soon decided to turn to the Soviets for arms in order to defend his country.18 

In the aftermath of the Gaza raid, Sharett instructed his embassies to go on the offensive despite what he knew of the origins of the attack. He hoped to counter the “general impression that while we cry out over our isolation and the dangers to our security, we initiate aggression and reveal ourselves as being bloodthirsty and aspiring to perpetrate mass massacres.”19 

Sharett was very much concerned about U.S. pressure to reduce tensions in the area. He understood, as seen in his March 12, 1955 entry, that the U.S. interpreted the Gaza raid as “signaling a decision on our part to attack on all fronts. The Americans…are afraid that it will lead to a new conflagration in the Middle East, which will blow up all their plans. Therefore they wish to obtain from us a definite commitment that similar actions will not be repeated.” However, Ben Gurion had recently emerged from retirement to rejoin Sharett’s government as Defense Minister precisely to prevent Israel from committing to discontinuing such reprisals. Indeed, within days of rejoining the government, Ben Gurion proposed that Israel proceed to occupy the Gaza Strip, then controlled by Egypt, this time for good, a proposal that

[CTRL] (3 of 3) Israel: In the Beginning, There Was Terror

2003-07-03 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Why did The New York Times deliberately screen its readers from the knowledge that the Medreco oil refinery that Israel deliberately attacked on five occasions during the July 1981 bombardment was American owned and operated? Was The Times sensitive to the adverse reaction that might be aroused in its readership and advertisers to news unfavorable to Israel? Did the Jewish ownership of The Times and/or its support of Zionism play a role in suppressing unfavorable coverage of Israel? While it may be impossible to resolve such questions, the episode shows the complicity of the media in support of Israel’s goals and against the larger interests of U.S. policy and presumably against the interests of most Americans in a stable Lebanon and a peaceful Middle East. Significantly, a year later, as part of the fallout from the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, Secretary of State Alexander Haig was forced to resign apparently because he was seen as placing Israel’s interest in “fighting terror” ahead of America’s interest in reducing hostilities in the Middle East. 

A Road Map to ? 

The resignation of Alexander Haig in 1982 is evidence that the Reagan administration’s irresponsibility in raising no effective objections to Israeli excesses in Lebanon had limits. The U.S. government at that time was sufficiently flexible and rational to pull back when it was necessary and was able to focus on the simple idea that a peaceful Middle East was in American interests. Today, a similar awareness is evidently lacking. The disappearance of the Soviet Union as a counterweight to U.S. interests in the Middle East has allowed the current U.S. regime a free hand to ally itself completely with the Sharon government’s repressive and brutal policies. 

Prime Minister Sharon has used his political skills to unite the Israeli public behind dramatic restrictions on the ability of the Palestinians to pursue civil life. Despite the current incarnation of the “peace process,” inaptly named the “road map,” never have the Palestinians been so threatened by Israeli policies. Through a combination of intimidation and effective use of the Israeli lobby in the U.S. and the complete subservience of Congress, Ariel Sharon, for example, has not been called to account for the March 2003 bulldozer murder of Rachel Corrie, a U.S. citizen, who was one of three international peace activists killed or seriously wounded by the Israeli army within a month’s time. 

Palestinians cannot get to schools, businesses, or pursue normal economic life. They must face checkpoints without end, “targeted assassinations,” tanks, sharpshooters, F-16s and Apache helicopters in their population centers. A “security wall” currently being erected in the West Bank is gobbling up thousands of acres of Palestinian olive groves, farms, factories, and is affecting hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in a hundred villages or communities located in between the wall and Israel’s 1967 borders or nearby. 45 All this while the world focuses on the “Road Map” which many observers view as little more than a distraction and a public relations ploy. 46 

It seems clear that the Israeli government will continue to do everything it can to prevent the replacement of Palestinian infrastructure destroyed by the IDF in the West Bank during their Spring 2002 campaign. Without reconstruction, without a viable economy, what can the future possibly hold for the Palestinians? An indication of what the Israelis have in store for the Palestinians, is the uninhibited talk of “transfer” even by a member of Sharon’s cabinet.” 47 As prime minister, Sharon knows better than to espouse such views. However, in 1988, as trade minister and member of the inner cabinet during the first intifada, he warned that the Palestinian uprising “would lead inevitably to war with the Arab states and the necessary expulsion of the Arabs from the West Bank, Gaza and the Galilee.” 48 

Many observers feared that the war on Iraq might have provided a sufficient screen for the mass expulsion of many of the more than 3.5 million Palestinians living in the occupied territories. But Israel was not attacked and the American advance on Baghdad was so rapid that no opportunity was provided for mass expulsions. Nevertheless, time is on the side of the Israelis and they are masters of creating and making use of opportunities. After they were forced by President Eisenhower to return the Sinai and Gaza in 1956, they waited until the political scene was primed in 1967. Once again time is on their side as the “war on terror” continues and U.S. policy makers continually make threats against Iran and Syria, both high on Israel’s enemies list. 

Prospects for peace seem slim and growing slimmer. One indicator of the difficulties that lie ahead is National Security Adviser Condoleeza Rice’s comment in Tel Aviv in mid-May 2003. Ms. Rice said that the “security of Israel is the k

[CTRL] Jewish Writers Claim Powerful Zionists Drove USA Into...War For Israel's Sake!

2003-07-03 Thread William Shannon


When Congressman James Moran (D-VA) told an audience that leaders of American Jewish groups were pushing America into a war with Iraq, he was denounced as an "anti-Semite" and  pressured to resign. (click here)

When Syndicated columnist and former Presidential candidate Pat Buchanan accused Jewish neo-conservatives and the US-Israeli lobby of pushing America into a war against Israel's enemies, he was also widely denounced as an "anti-Semite." (click here) 

But what are we to make of the many outspoken Jewish writers, Jewish intellectuals and Jewish activists who have been warning us about the exact same thing? Should we dismiss these jews as "anti-Semites" or "self-hating Jews"? Following are some very revealing quotes from just a few of these Jewish writers and journalists.

Joe Klein, Time Magazine, Time.com, February 5, 2003

"A stronger Israel is very much embedded in the rationale for war with Iraq. It is a part of the argument that dare not speak its name, a fantasy quietly cherished by the neo-conservative faction in the Bush Administration and by many leaders of the American Jewish community. 

The fantasy involves a domino theory. The destruction of Saddam's Iraq will not only remove an enemy of long-standing but will also change the basic power equation in the region. It will send a message to Syria and Iran about the perils of support for Islamic terrorists. It will send a message to the Palestinians too: Democratize and make peace on Israeli terms, or forget about a state of your own." (click here)       

 Michael Kinsley, Slate Magazine, October 24, 2002

Tariq Aziz has a theory. Saddam Hussein's deputy told the New York Times this week, "The reason for this warmongering policy toward Iraq is oil and Israel." Although no one wishes to agree with Tariq Aziz, he has put succinctly what many people in Washington apparently believe.

The lack of public discussion about the role of Israel in the thinking of "President Bush" is easier to understand, but weird nevertheless. It is the proverbial elephant in the room: Everybody sees it, no one mentions it. The reason is obvious and admirable: Neither supporters nor opponents of a war against Iraq wish to evoke the classic anti-Semitic image of the king's Jewish advisers whispering poison into his ear and betraying the country to foreign interests.  (click here)  

Ari Shavit, April 5, 2003    Haaretz News Service (Israel)

"The war in Iraq was conceived by 25 neoconservative intellectuals, most of them Jewish, who are pushing President Bush to change the course of history. 

In the course of the past year, a new belief has emerged in the town (Washington): the belief in war against Iraq. That ardent faith was disseminated by a small group of 25 or 30 neoconservatives, almost all of them Jewish, almost all of them intellectuals (a partial list: Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, William Kristol, Eliot Abrams, Charles Krauthammer), people who are mutual friends and cultivate one another and are convinced that political ideas are a major driving force of history."   (click here)

James Rosen, April 6, 2003  The Sacramento Bee (California)

"In 1996, as Likud Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu prepared to take office, eight Jewish neoconservative leaders sent him a six-page memo outlining an aggressive vision of government. At the top of their list was overthrowing Saddam and replacing him with a monarch under the control of Jordan. 

The neoconservatives sketched out a kind of domino theory in which the governments of Syria and other Arab countries might later fall or be replaced in the wake of Saddam's ouster. They urged Netanyahu to spurn the Oslo peace accords and to stop making concessions to the Palestinians. 

Lead writer of the memo was Perle. Other signatories were Feith, now undersecretary of defense, and Wurmser, a senior adviser to John Bolton, undersecretary of state. 

Fred Donner, a professor of Near Eastern history at the University of Chicago, said he was struck by the similarities between the ideas in the memo and ideas now at the forefront of Bush's foreign policy."  (click here) 

Thomas Friedman, April 4 2003  New York Time Columnist

I could give you the names of 25 people (all of whom are at this moment within a five-block radius of this office) who, if you had exiled them to a desert island a year and a half ago, the Iraq war would not have happened. 

It is not only the neo-conservatives who led us to the outskirts of Baghdad. What led us to the outskirts of Baghdad is a very American combination of anxiety and hubris."(click here) 

Dr. Henry Makow Phd., February 10, 2003  Writer, Inventor of  Board game "Scruples"

If the U.S. gets bogged down with heavy casualties on both sides, Americans are going to blame big

[CTRL] In Day of Violence in Iraq, Attacks >From All Directions

2003-07-03 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

In Day of Violence in Iraq, Attacks 
>From All Directions02.07.2003 [08:05] 


  Iraq's plague of violence showed no signs of 
  abating today, as six American soldiers were wounded in two separate 
  attacks, American soldiers killed four Iraqis at checkpoints in Baghdad, 
  and a huge explosion killed at least five people at a mosque. The 
  gunfire and bombing seemed to come from all directions today, leaving a 
  trail of bitterness, confusion and hunger for revenge. The death toll 
  included militant anti-American Muslims and people who were simply in the 
  wrong place at the wrong time. American soldiers came under attack 
  today by rocket-propelled grenades in two incidents. The United 
  States Central Command in Tampa, Fla., said tonight that three American 
  soldiers had been wounded by a rocket-propelled grenade about 8:45 a.m. 
  today along Highway 8 in Baghdad. At 9:45 a.m., three others were wounded 
  in a similar attack, but Central Command has not pinpointed the location. 
  The wounded were treated at a combat support hospital outside Baghdad. 
  There were reports here of an Army convoy struck by a 
  rocket-propelled grenade fired from a passing car. According to a witness 
  on the street, a man popped out of the sunroof of a sedan and fired at a 
  Humvee, which was engulfed in flames. Witnesses said they saw American 
  soldiers pull out two soldiers and an Iraqi civilian who were seriously 
  wounded, but it was not clear whether this was one of the attacks that 
  Central Command described. There were at least two other attacks 
  on military trucks today, but information about casualties was unclear. 
  The total number of attacks on military vehicles is considerably 
  higher than the number of incidents announced by American officials. 
  Though often willing to confirm attacks when asked about them, Army 
  officers rarely announce incidents that do not result in American 
  casualties. On Saturday night, for example, an Army convoy in 
  Baghdad came under fire but the rocket-propelled grenade hit an Iraqi 
  truck. Army officers who were on the scene said the truck's Iraqi driver 
  was badly wounded and probably did not survive, but the incident was never 
  mentioned in military announcements. In Tikrit today, Iraqi 
  officials reported that unidentified assassins had shot to death Abdullah 
  Mahmoud al-Khattab, the chief of the Bani al-Nasiri tribe of Saddam 
  Hussein. The slaying, which occurred on Sunday, was the latest in a series 
  of assassinations carried out against tribal leaders who wielded power 
  under the previous government. In Falluja, 35 miles west of 
  Baghdad, a blast of undetermined origins ripped through the front office 
  of Al Hassan mosque about 11 p.m. on Monday, killing at least five men. 
  Members of the mosque immediately accused American forces of firing a 
  missile at them, but Army officers said the explosion appeared to have 
  been generated from within the mosque itself. Outside the mosque's 
  destroyed offices today, Muhammad Jassim, a militant Sunni Muslim, 
  provided a glimpse into the dynamics of escalating violence. 
  "Anyone who shoots an Iraqi in this town will have a reaction, a 
  random reaction," he said. "It might be that other people are hurt, 
  innocent people. And after this, the families of those victims will ask 
  for revenge." The incidents have made anxious American soldiers 
  even quicker about pulling their triggers. Late this afternoon, soldiers 
  at a checkpoint in one of Baghdad's wealthiest neighborhoods opened fire 
  on three cars and killed at least two Iraqis. Confronted with 
  maddeningly unpredictable attacks, and sweltering in Baghdad's scorching 
  summer heat, American soldiers have become more willing to shoot first and 
  ask questions later. In two separate incidents only an hour and a 
  few hundred feet apart, American soldiers manning checkpoints here fired 
  on cars carrying Iraqi civilians, killing at least two people and wounding 
  several others. "People have used car bombs against us," said Maj. 
  Scott Slaten, a public affairs officer with the First Armored Division. 
  "People running checkpoints are usually criminals, Baathists or people 
  fleeing crimes who didn't think they would get caught." Witnesses 
  said there were no signs ordering drivers to stop, and it was easy to miss 
  or misunderstand the soldiers. "They killed innocent people for 
  nothing," said Selwain al-Naimi, who witnessed the second incident. 
  The first occurred at 4:30 p.m., at a roundabout leading to a 
  bridge that provides entry to the grounds of the Republican Pal

[CTRL] Pentagon's urban surveillance system could be used at home

2003-07-03 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

July 1, 2003, 10:12PM
'Combat Zones That See'
Pentagon's urban surveillance system could be used at home
Associated Press

WASHINGTON -- The Pentagon is developing an urban surveillance system that would use computers and thousands of cameras to track, record and analyze the movement of every vehicle in a foreign city. 

Dubbed "Combat Zones That See," the project is designed to help the U.S. military protect troops and fight in cities overseas. 

Police, scientists and privacy experts say the unclassified technology could easily be adapted to spy on Americans. 

The project's centerpiece is groundbreaking computer software that is capable of automatically identifying vehicles by size, color, shape and license tag, or drivers and passengers by face. 

According to interviews and contracting documents, the software may also provide instant alerts after detecting a vehicle with a license plate on a watchlist, or search months of records to locate and compare vehicles spotted near terrorist activities. 

The project is being overseen by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, which is helping the Pentagon develop new technologies for combatting terrorism and fighting wars in the 21st century. 

Its other projects include developing software that scans databases of everyday transactions and personal records worldwide to predict terrorist attacks. 

Scientists and privacy experts -- who already have seen the use of face-recognition technologies at a Super Bowl and monitoring cameras in London -- are concerned about the potential impact of the emerging DARPA technologies if they are applied to civilians by commercial or government agencies outside the Pentagon. 

"Government would have a reasonably good idea of where everyone is most of the time," said John Pike, a Global Security.org defense analyst. 

DARPA spokeswoman Jan Walker dismissed those concerns. She said the Combat Zones That See technology isn't intended for homeland security or law enforcement and couldn't be used for "other applications without extensive modifications." 

But scientists envision nonmilitary uses. 

"One can easily foresee pressure to adopt a similar approach to crime-ridden areas of American cities or to the Super Bowl or any site where crowds gather," said Steven Aftergood of the Federation of American Scientists. 

Pike agreed. 

"Once DARPA demonstrates that it can be done, a number of companies would likely develop their own version in hope of getting contracts from local police, nuclear plant security, shopping centers, even people looking for deadbeat dads." 

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[CTRL] APA on peds, clergy abuse, polygamy school funded, trauma and memory

2003-07-03 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-
also includes 
"I think we're pumping oil out of Iraq to pay for this war." 

scroll for news articles

American Psychiatric Association Statement Diagnostic Criteria For Pedophilia June 17, 2003 Arlington, Va. - "Pedophilia, included in the American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) since 1968, continues to be classified as a mental disorderThe essential features of a Paraphilia are recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors that generally involve nonhuman subjects, children, or other non-consenting adults, or the suffering or humiliation of oneself or one's partner. An adult who engages in sexual activity with a child is performing a criminal and immoral act and this is never considered normal or socially acceptable behavior. Darrel A. Regier, M.D., M.P.H., Director, American Psychiatric Association's Division of Research states, "there are no plans or processes set up that would lead to the removal of the Paraphilias from their consideration as legitimate mental disorders." http://www.psych.org/news_stand/diagnosticcriteriapedophilia.pdf

two from L Moss Sharman O'Malley defends allowing priest to stay in mission posting By Stephen Kurkjian and Walter V. Robinson, Globe Staff, 7/2/03 "A Fall River priest was allowed to continue as a missionary in Bolivia for eight years after Bishop Sean P. O'Malley was told by a woman that she had been sexually molested by the priest for seven years beginning when she was 9, a spokesman for the Fall River Diocese confirmed last night." http://www.boston.com/dailyglobe2/183/metro/O_Malley_defends_allowing_priest_to_stay_in_mission_posting+.shtml

'It's shocking, mind-blowingly shocking' B.C. women's group calls on government to stop funding polygamist school  VANCOUVER (CP) -- A women's centre is outraged that the provincial Liberal government provided $632,000 in funding last year to a school at a polygamous commune in southeastern British Columbia
Critchley said she's also concerned about the welfare of teenage girls who are being married off to older men and then bearing several children each. Three women who sought refuge at the women's centre in recent years after escaping from the commune have said very few children are even being educated there, Critchley said. 

Journal of Trauma & Dissociation: "Preschoolers' memory for threatening information depends on trauma history and attentional context: Implications for the development of dissociation" by K.A. Becker-Blease, J.J. Freyd, &K.C. Pears, K.C. "Contrary to prediction, children with relatively high dissociation scores did not differ in their memory for charged and neutral pictures under divided attention when compared to children with low dissociation scores.  Consistent with predictions, under divided attention, abused children remembered fewer charged pictures relative to non-abused children. The same pattern was found when comparing abused children with high dissociation scores to non-abused children with low dissociation scores.  These results are consistent with the idea that some traumatized people use divided attention to keep threatening information out of awareness." Jennifer Freyd, an investigator in both research studies, is Professor of Cognitive Psychology at the University of Oregon; 1227 University of Oregon Eugene, OR 97403-1227; email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Palm Bay man has eye for detail
Meteorologist's work featured in national weather magazine 
By Billy Cox  FLORIDA TODAY  On May 25, while scanning the Air Force Defense Meteorological Satellite Program images pipelined into his desktop from 450 miles in orbit, Hank Brandli skidded at a nighttime photo of Iraq. It looked familiar. But not exactly. Brandli retrieved another DMSP image he'd archived from May 3. He compared the two. The most recent photo showed a blazing corridor of light running the length of Kuwait, south to north, all the way to the Iraqi border. The image wasn't there on May 3. "It's going right up to Iraq's oil fields," says the retired Air Force colonel from his home in Palm Bay. "Maybe I'm full of s---. Maybe all they're doing is building a highway to put in McDonald's and sell hamburgers. But why go that way? I think we're in bed with Kuwait. I think we're pumping oil out of Iraq to pay for this war." 
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