[CTRL] When vigilance undermines freedom of speech

2006-04-04 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-

When vigilance undermines freedom of speech
By Mark Mazower
Published: April 3 2006 20:28

A recent analysis of the pro-Israel lobby in America has 
generated considerable criticism and debate. In their article, published 
last month in the London Review of Books, John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, 
two highly respected scholars, argued that it is the lobby’s success rather 
than any special convergence of national interests that explains the extent 
of American support for Israel. What is striking is less the substance of 
their argument than the outraged reaction: to all intents and purposes, 
discussing the US-Israel special relationship still remains taboo in the US 
media mainstream.

While leading newspapers have remained silent, the response 
elsewhere has been swift. Some critics have charged errors of fact. Others 
have condemned the authors for taking lobbyists’ boasts at face value, 
saying they exaggerate their strength, unity and impact. And as the authors 
themselves predicted, the incendiary accusation of anti-semitism has been 
lobbed their way too: the Anti-Defamation League, for example, has denounced 
what it terms a “classical [sic], conspiratorial anti-semitic analysis”. 
Whatever one thinks of the merits of the piece itself, it would seem all but 
impossible to have a sensible public discussion in the US today about the 
country’s relationship with Israel. The reasons for, and high costs of, this 
problem warrant further consideration.

If fear of being tarred as an anti-semite – and there is no more 
toxic charge in American politics – blocks the way, what anti-semitism 
actually implies in today’s America is increasingly unclear. Over the past 
century, secularisation, wealth and prestige have bolstered the place of 
American Jewry in national life. Polls suggest that seriously anti-semitic 
views are now found only among a small minority of Americans. Yet, fear of 
anti-semitism has not vanished. Where once it was suspected – and often 
found – in the workplace and the domestic political arena, it is now 
expressed in terms of sensitivity towards criticism of the Jewish state. 
Often ambivalent about the methods of lobby groups such as the American 
Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), American Jews generally share the 
committee’s ultimate goal of maintaining a high level of US support for 
Israel. As Earl Raab, the veteran commentator, has noted, there is a sense 
that if America abandons Israel, it also may be in some way abandoning 
American Jewry itself. In the process, the line between anti-semitism and 
criticism of Israeli policy has become blurred. Defending what Bernard 
Rosenblatt, the distinguished interwar Zionist, predicted would be “the 
Little America in the East” is seen by many as synonymous with defending 
Jews as a whole.

A striking illustration of this occurred in the run-up to the 
2004 US presidential elections. At that time Congress passed the Global 
Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, in spite of strong objections from the State 
Department. The foreign service did not see why any one form of 
discrimination should be singled out for official US concern. It was equally 
troubled by the Act’s language, which asserts that “strong anti-Israel 
sentiment” or indeed “Muslim opposition to developments in Israel and the 
occupied territories” should count as evidence of anti-semitic attitudes. At 
one level, Congress was connecting with a diplomatic strategy of the Sharon 
government that sought to highlight anti-semitism as a way of deflecting 
criticism of its policies in the occupied territories. But behind the 
lobbying lie deeper semantic shifts in mainstream American discourse. To be 
a Zionist is unproblematic in political terms, but to declare oneself an 
anti-Zionist is to become vulnerable to the charge of anti-semitism. I have 
even heard a student impute the same bias to a professor for referring to 
“Palestine” rather than Israel in a lecture on the eastern Mediterranean 
under Roman rule: it was as though any reference to Palestine, especially 
when not accompanied by a reference to Israel, was troubling.

Most sensible people of course recognise that opposition to 
Israeli policies is quite different from anti-semitism. For those who think 
they are linked, it has proved hard to fix the precise boundary between the 
two. The Global Anti-Semitism Act talks about a line separating the latter 
from “objective criticism” of Israel but does not spell out where this line 
lies. Lawrence Summers, former president of Harvard University, castigated 
“profoundly anti-Israel views” for being “anti-semitic in their effect if 
not their intent”. Others refer to “disproportionate” criticism and 
vilification. But none of these terms are self-evident in their application. 
Because the costs of stepping over the line are high, the result is that 

[CTRL] Fwd: Gorbachev: The US [Meaning the Bush Administration] is Drunk with Power

2006-04-04 Thread Kris Millegan
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US 'intoxicated' by power: Gorbachev
Published: 4/2/2006

WASHINGTON - Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, who triggered the demise of the Soviet Union's Communist empire, said in an interview published Sunday that the United States was "intoxicated" by its power and should not impose its will on others. 
"This talk of pre-emptive strikes, of ignoring the UN Security Council and international legal obligations -- all this is leading toward a dark night," Gorbachev told Time magazine. 
"I think some people may be pushing president Bush in the wrong direction," he said of the US leader. 
"America is intoxicated by its position as the world's only superpower. It wants to impose its will. But America needs to get over that. It has responsibilities as well as power. I say this as a good friend of America," said Gorbachev, who considered his US contemporary, president Ronald Reagan, a friend as well, and attended his funeral. 
The former Soviet president, 75, was in the United States last week to promote his book on the history of his government's reforms. 

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[CTRL] Fwd: Reverse Monroe Doctrine: Bush, Hands Off Latin America

2006-04-04 Thread Kris Millegan
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Analysis: How the US 'lost' Latin America 

As the BBC begins a special series on Latin America, Newsnight presenter Gavin Esler gives his view on the region's leftward trend and its changing relationship with the US. 
There is trouble ahead for Uncle Sam in his own backyard. Big trouble. 

It is one of the most important and yet largely untold stories of our world in 2006. George W Bush has lost Latin America. 
While the Bush administration has been fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, relations between the United States and the countries of Latin America have become a festering sore - the worst for years. 
Virtually anyone paying attention to events in Venezuela and Nicaragua in the north to Peru and Bolivia further south, plus in different ways Mexico, Argentina and Brazil, comes to the same conclusion: there is a wave of profound anti-American feeling stretching from the Texas border to the Antarctic. 
And almost everyone believes it will get worse. 
President Bush came into office declaring that Latin America was a priority. That's hardly surprising. It's been a priority for every American president since James Monroe in 1823 whose "Monroe Doctrine" told European nations to keep out of Latin American affairs. 
In pursuit of American interests, the US has overthrown or undermined around 40 Latin American governments in the 20th Century. 
For his part, President Bush even suggested that the United States had no more important ally than... wait for it... Mexico. 
None of that survived the attacks of 9/11. 
More ulcers? 
Mr Bush launched his War on Terror and re-discovered the usefulness of allies like Britain. 
While Washington's attention turned to al-Qaeda, the Taleban, Iraq and now Iran, in country after county in Latin America voters chose governments of the left, sometimes the implacably "anti-gringo" left, loudly out of sympathy with George Bush's vision of the world, and reflecting a continent with the world's greatest gulf between rich and poor. 

[Violeta Chamorro] told me that Washington politicians could always find money for wars in Latin America - but rarely for peace 
The next country to fall to a strongly anti-American populist politician could be Peru. 
Voters there go to the polls on 9 April to elect a president and Congress. 
The presidential frontrunner is Ollanta Humala, a retired army commander who led a failed military uprising in October 2000 and who is now ahead in the opinion polls. 
Now, opinion polls in Peru are not especially reliable. They under-represent poor voters in the countryside. 
But that is the point. The rural poor form the backbone of Mr Humala's support. If he is ahead even in the flawed opinion polls which tend to under-count his key constituency, Mr Humala is confident he can take the presidency. 
And if he does, there will be more ulcers in George Bush's White House. 
Shades of red 
Like President Hugo Chavez in Venezuela and President Evo Morales in Bolivia, Mr Humala talks of the evils of what he calls "the neo-liberal economic model that has failed to benefit our nation". 
He dismisses the role of multinational companies that "offer no benefits" to the people of Peru, and he speaks of a new division in the world. 

Where once Cuba's Fidel Castro could harangue the US with talk of the colonisers and the colonised, Ollanta Humala attacks globalisation as a plot to undermine Peru's national sovereignty and benefit only the rich on the backs of Latin America's poor. 
"Some countries globalise, and others are globalised," is how he puts it. "The Third World belongs in the latter category." 
All this may discourage foreign investment, but it is mild compared to Venezuela's Hugo Chavez. 
He compares President Bush to Hitler. 
"The imperialist, genocidal, fascist attitude of the US president 

[CTRL] Fwd: Russian Presidential Candidate on Condi Rice: Desperately Needs to Get Laid

2006-04-04 Thread Kris Millegan
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Condoleezza Rice's anti-Russian stance based on sexual problems

Pravda, January 11, 2006

The US Secretary of Stateissued a coarse anti-Russian statement. Maybe because she'snever been marriedand hasborneno children
Condoleezza Rice, the US Secretary of State, openly criticized the Russian government in connection with the gas conflict with Ukraine. Ms. Rice used quite a trivial technique of psychological pressure,mostly practiced by "schoolmarms" in the field of education. 
According to Condoleezza Rice, Russia's actions towards the Ukraine were not those to be expected froma respectable member of the Group of Eight. The statement from the high-ranking US official sounded like a reprimand from a strict babysitterteaching a child to behave. 
It goes without saying that the largest Eurasian power is not a child. In addition, the world geopolitical system has undergone dramatic changes since the 1990s. The US Secretary of State, however, has apparently lost her bearings inhistory, as well as inreality. Ms. Rice's wish to exercise her political powercame asasurprise toboth the Russian Ministry for Foreign Affairs and proponents of traditional liberal values. 
Ms. Rice's criticism can be explained by heridiosyncracies as a politician. Why is sheso fond ofplaying a“disciplinarian” role? Is it atechnique she uses to remain in the spotlightof political attention? 
The leader of the Liberal and Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR), Vladimir Zhirinovsky, expressed his opinion on the matter in an exclusive interview with Pravda.Ru. 
”Condoleezza Rice hasmade a heavy-handed anti-Russian statement. Thiscan only bebecause she is a single, childlesswoman. She has lost her rationality because of her unmarried status late in life. Nature fights back. 
”Such women are very tough. They are all workaholics --public workaholics whoare happy only when they are talked about and written up everywhere: 'Oh, Condoleezza, what a remarkable woman, what a charming Afro-American lady! How well she can play the piano and speak Russian! What a courageous, tough and strongwoman she is!' 
”This is the only remaining wayshe cansatisfyher feminine needs. She derives pleasure from it. If, at her age,there's still no manforher,such a manwill never appear. Even if she had a whole selection of men to choose from, she wouldremain single, because her heart has hardened.Like Napoleon, Genghis Khan, or Alexander the Great,Ms. Rice needs to bebelligerent on aglobal scale. She needs to be on top of the world. 
”Ms. Rice was always interested in Russia. Now sheis trying to prove to us that she is knowledgeableabout the country. But her primary goalwill always betolook out for American interests. If Russia gains,that means the USA loses. But Europe isunited, China is progressing rapidly, and in terms of its fuel resources, Russia still possesses immense power -- and heradministration can't do a thing about it. 
”The US is experiencing a crisisin moral values. Americans talk a lot about positive 'family values,'whenthereal state ofaffairs is abysmal. Sopeople needto be on their guard against [hypocritical] characters like Condoleezza Rice whoonly derive pleasure from creating political turmoil. 
”One day the civilized world needs to decidewhetherunmarried politiciansshould beallowed toexercise power. In Soviet times that was common. But the field of international relations issubtle and exquisite --a single word or phrase canhaveextremely important effects. International diplomacyis not the placeto try to sublimatepersonal sexual problems. 
”Complex-prone women are especially dangerous. They are like malicious mothers-in-law who evokeanimosity and irritation ineveryone. Everybody tries toget rid of such women asquicklyas possible. But even a mother-in-law is better than an 

[CTRL] Fwd: British Sources: US Attack on Iran Inevitable

2006-04-04 Thread Kris Millegan
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Government in secret talks 
about strike against Iran
By Sean Rayment, Defence CorrespondentThe Telegraph (UK), April 2,2006
The [British] Government is to hold secret talks with defence chiefs tomorrow to discuss possible military strikes against Iran.
A high-level meeting will take place in the Ministry of Defence at which senior defence chiefs and government officials will consider the consequences of an attack on Iran.
It is believed that an American-led attack, designed to destroy Iran's ability to develop a nuclear bomb, is "inevitable" if Teheran's leaders fail to comply with United Nations demands to freeze their uranium enrichment programme.
Tomorrow's meeting will be attended by Gen Sir Michael Walker, the chief of the defence staff, Lt Gen Andrew Ridgway, the chief of defence intelligence and Maj Gen Bill Rollo, the assistant chief of the general staff, together with officials from the Foreign Office and Downing Street.
The International Atomic Energy Authority, the nuclear watchdog, believes that much of Iran's programme is now devoted to uranium enrichment and plutonium separation, technologies that could provide material for nuclear bombs to be developed in the next three years.
The United States government is hopeful that the military operation will be a multinational mission, but defence chiefs believe that the Bush administration is prepared to launch the attack on its own or with the assistance of Israel, if there is little international support. British military chiefs believe an attack would be limited to a series of air strikes against nuclear plants - a land assault is not being considered at the moment.
But confirmation that Britain has started contingency planning will undermine the claim last month by Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary, that a military attack against Iran was "inconceivable".
Condoleezza Rice, the US secretary of state, insisted, during a visit to Blackburn yesterday, that all negotiating options - including the use of force - remained open in an attempt to resolve the crisis.
Tactical Tomahawk cruise missiles fired from US navy ships and submarines in the Gulf would, it is believed, target Iran's air defence systems at the nuclear installations.
That would enable attacks by B2 stealth bombers equipped with eight 4,500lb enhanced BLU-28 satellite-guided bunker-busting bombs, flying from Diego Garcia, the isolated US Navy base in the Indian Ocean, RAF Fairford in Gloucestershire and Whiteman USAF base in Missouri.
It is understood that any direct British involvement in an attack would be limited but may extend to the use of the RAF's highly secret airborne early warning aircraft.
At the centre of the crisis is Washington's fear that an Iranian nuclear weapon could be used against Israel or US forces in the region, such as the American air base at Incirlik in Turkey.
The UN also believes that the production of a bomb could also lead to further destabilisation in the Middle East, which would result in Egypt, Syria and Saudi Arabia all developing nuclear weapons programmes.
A senior Foreign Office source said: "Monday's meeting will set out to address the consequences for Britain in the event of an attack against Iran. The CDS [chiefs of defence staff] will want to know what the impact will be on British interests in Iraq and Afghanistan which both border Iran. The CDS will then brief the Prime Minister and the Cabinet on their conclusions in the next few days.
"If Iran makes another strategic mistake, such as ignoring demands by the UN or future resolutions, then the thinking among the chiefs is that military action could be taken to bring an end to the crisis. The belief in some areas of 

[CTRL] What Victory Lost - Where would America be if we hadn’t i nvaded Iraq?

2006-04-04 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


April 10, 2006 IssueCopyright © 2006 The American Conservative
What Victory Lost
Where would America be if we hadn’t invaded Iraq?
By Wayne Merry
President Bush has enunciated an ambitious standard for success in Iraq, albeit a much more modest one than his original vision of a democratic transformation of the entire Middle East. However, even if the current U.S. program is achieved, the question remains: is this war in the national interest of the U.S.? 
Success in Iraq is certainly preferable to outright failure but still may be inferior to abandonment of a policy that was erroneous from inception. Thus, even if Bush can genuinely proclaim “Mission Accomplished” in Iraq when he leaves office, will the war not leave America worse off both at home and in the world? By continuing to pursue our current policy at exorbitant cost and risk, may the United States achieve nothing more than a successful mistake? 
While speculative about the past three years and many future developments, here are ten reasonable assertions about a no-war alternative. 
First, although Saddam Hussein might still be in power, he would lack WMD or the conventional military capacity to endanger the region. Iraq would be significantly weaker than three of its neighbors (Iran, Turkey, Syria), while the others (Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait) would enjoy a robust and credible American security guarantee. Thus, Saddam would be effectively contained, while his economic base would continue to deteriorate even with the porous corruption of international sanctions. 
Second, the United States would have much greater military and intelligence assets to devote to the vital campaign against al-Qaeda and to follow up in Afghanistan. There would be none of the critical shortages that have hampered pursuit of the Taliban and no diversion of policy-level attention from making Afghanistan a genuine success. One might hope that bin Laden would no longer be in a position to make public statements challenging the United States, or to do anything else. 
Third, even with no change in U.S. policy toward Israel and the Palestinians, the standing and influence of the United States in Arab countries and throughout the broader Islamic world would be much greater. To the Muslim television viewer, America is the crusading occupier of a weak Arab state with oil and certainly not a liberator. Washington can proclaim our benign motives till doomsday, but people in the region are not buying it. They believe what they see: Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, the civilian casualties from U.S. bombing aimed at insurgents, the turmoil and desperation of daily life for average Iraqis, and the failure of the U.S. after three years to deliver what it promised at the outset of the war. While an American can assess these realities in a broader context, people in the Arab and Islamic worlds see them as proof of malign American intent and of the clash of civilizations we claim to eschew. They know that neoconservative ambitions lie well beyond Iraq: they want to establish American hegemony across the region. 
Fourth, America’s global alliance system would be in better shape, with much of the post-9/11 solidarity still intact and many governments more amenable to co-operating with us on a range of issues, especially in counter-terrorism. The UN would also be a more viable instrument of U.S. policy. While most European governments have reached an overt accommodation with Washington on many aspects of our Iraq policy, this diplomatic rapprochement is a façade. Every “coalition” government with a substantial contingent in Iraq is getting out or preparing to do so. There is scarcely an allied state where the political elite is not jaded and distrustful of the U.S. after exposure of the WMD that weren’t, of prisoner scandals, and from the experience of systematic deception by Washington. Beyond the elites, public opinion among America’s allies remains overwhelmingly negative about our recourse to war, our conduct of the occupation, our motives in the Middle East, and our overall ability to use our vast power responsibly. As most of America’s allies are democratic states, elite and public attitudes limit governments in their ties with Washington. Instead of post-9/11 willing allies, we now have reluctant ones. 
Fifth, America’s military—especially the critical Army and Marine ground forces—would be in far better shape, spared the hemorrhaging of personnel and with more progress toward post-Cold War force transformation. The administration chose to fight the Iraq War on the cheap, despite abundant historical evidence that counterinsurgency campaigns are protracted, manpower-intensive, and draining on all military units engaged. The price for not devoting adequate resources to the follow-through is paid in dead and injured troops and in the decay of combat forces. Ultimately, the condition of Iraq is of less importance to 


2006-04-04 Thread Michael B.Clark
-Caveat Lector-

   This GANG of HUMAN FILTH.  These VERMIN are now

   again planning the MURDER of THEIR FELLOW CITIZENS.

   Whether the BIG FIRECRACKER is in Texas City or

   elsewhere is IRRELEVENT.  This motley crew of


   ZOMBIES have again targeted their fellow citizens

   for destruction to further their own demented aims.

   It has been concluded by the HIGH CABAL which operates

   in levels so high that most of us cannot conceive

   of them are PLANNING the DEMOLITION of the AmERICAN

   REPUBLIC.   All of this was DESIGNED by the QUATOR


   This HIGH CABAL goes by differing names.  Such as


   The WHITE LODGE.  And of course the USUAL GANG of



   TEMPLARS are themselves the SCUM of the EARTH.

   And the AWFUL DEED is right around the corner.

   In the meantime MILLIONS of HISPANICS have been

   artificially induced to INVADE THIS COUNTRY.  Now

   their numbers are so high that they ( the ILLEGAL

   BRAIN DEAD ALIENS ) are claiming they are going

   to SECEDE the SOUTHWEST from the Union and add

   it back to the other dirtbag regime in Mexico.

   These illegals with SINGLE DiGIT IQ'S are about

   to learn the meaning of WHITE BACKLASH. It wont

   be pretty.

   D.E.A.T.H.  T.O.  A.L.L. T.R.A.I.T.O.R.S.

   Michael Clark  (903) 648-2386

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] al gore refuses to debate junkscience.com

2006-04-04 Thread William A. Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Waiting for Gore-doh... Since Al Gore was offered the opportunity to
facilitate serious debate on the underlying science of global climate
change 3 months, 7 hours, 13 minutes, and 3 seconds have elapsed. Despite
milking lucrative speaking engagements and book deals with his global
warming schtick he declines any such debate.

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations
 visit my web site at
Visit my energy page at  http://www.info-quest.org/Energy.html
Check out the latest on the anwr drilling project http://www.anwr.org
visit my blog at
 My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] clergy abuse

2006-04-04 Thread Smart News
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17 abuse suits filed against Vermont diocese...4/2/06 By Kevin O'Connor 
"Leaders of Vermont's Catholic Church face a daunting question: Do they settle 
17 new priest misconduct lawsuits for up to $1 million, or do they try to fight 
the charges in a string of headline-grabbing trials set to start the day after 
Easter? Burlington attorney Jerome O'Neill has filed civil lawsuits in 
Chittenden Superior Court on behalf of 17 clients, charging five former Vermont 
priests with child sexual abuse." http://www.rutlandherald.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060402/NEWS/604020397/1002

The book “Epistles on Clergy Abuse - The Clergy Abuse Scandal Chronicled 
through Letters” by Vincent J. Nauheimer is now available from Xlibris 
Corporation, 1-888-795-4274, www.xlibris.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Dissociative Identity Disorder

2006-04-04 Thread Smart News
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Hippocampal and Amygdalar Volumes in Dissociative Identity Disorder 
Eric Vermetten, M.D., Ph.D., Christian Schmahl, M.D., Sanneke Lindner, M.Sc., 
Richard J. Loewenstein, M.D. and J. Douglas Bremner, M.D. American Journal of 
Psychiatry 163:630-636, April 2006 doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.163.4.630 "RESULTS: 
Hippocampal volume was 19.2% smaller and amygdalar volume was 31.6% smaller in 
the patients with dissociative identity disorder, compared to the healthy 
subjects. The ratio of hippocampal volume to amygdalar volume was significantly 
different between groups." http://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/abstract/163/4/630

Prevalence of Dissociative Disorders in Psychiatric Outpatients Brad Foote, 
M.D, Yvette Smolin, M.D., Margaret Kaplan, Ph.D., Michael E. Legatt, Ph.D. and 
Deborah Lipschitz, M.D. American Journal of Psychiatry 163:623-629, April 2006 
doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.163.4.623 "Twenty-four (29%) of the 82 interviewed 

patients received a diagnosis of a dissociative disorder. Dissociative identity 
disorder was diagnosed in five (6%) patients. Compared to the patients without a 
dissociative disorder diagnosis, patients with a dissociative disorder were 
significantly more likely to report childhood physical abuse (71% versus 27%) 
and childhood sexual abuse (74% versus 29%), but the two groups did not differ 
significantly on any demographic measure, including gender." http://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/abstract/163/4/623
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[CTRL] Fwd: Journalist Caught Committing Thoughtcrime, Forced to Make Public Confession of Guilt

2006-04-04 Thread Kris Millegan
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Rather than stand behind his right to free speech, ABC pushed him into an embarrassing public apology, the kind of "confession" that the Chinese Communists demand of their dissidents.

A BUZZFLASH GUEST CONTRIBUTIONby Danny Schechter, Mediachannel.orgBuzzFlash, April 3, 2006http://www.buzzflash.com/contributors/06/04/con06120.html
New York: Readers of my current BuzzFlash commentary on the unbrave world of media ("The Fear is in the Room") will note that I reference a DRUDGE REPORT "expose" of a private e-mail sent by an ABC GMA producer expressing his personal disgust with our President's way of communicating. 
Guess what's happened since that was published? The producer has been silenced! 
The Washington Post reports that the ABC producer in question, John Green, a 12-year ABC News Veteran, was suspended and forced to make a groveling apology to the White House, a gesture that sounds straight outta Stalinist Russia. 
"ABC News suspended the executive producer of the weekend edition of 'Good Morning America' yesterday over a pair of leaked e-mails in which he used inflammatory language to slam President Bush and Madeleine Albright. 
"John Green, whose unpaid suspension will last one month, apologized to the White House in a call to communications director Nicolle Wallace, while two ABC executives called the former secretary of state to apologize." 
The White House reportedly was "pleased" receiving the face-saving gesture. 
Talk about a chilling effect on personal expressions by any and all network producers. You can't even have a personal opinion and work in news anymore. One of two emails Green is being punished for was written back in 2004. 
Kerry Marash, ABC's executive in charge of editorial standards and a former colleague I once admired did the dirty deed of "disciplining" Green. 
This same VEEP of Editorial Standards was unwilling to discuss editorial standards in war coverage when asked for a meeting by anti-war and media reform activists on the third anniversary of the war. The request ended up on Kerry Marash's desk. She did not call back. Perhaps, ABC needs a new vice-president of viewer accountability. 
News employees should be entitled to personal opinions, and being open-minded doesn't mean being empty-minded. Yet these days, you can lose your right to free speech if someone leaks what you have to say. Walter Cronkite speaks out about the chilling of media speech in a statement on Mediachannel.org. He says: "Journalists shouldn't have to check their consciences at the door when they go to work for a media company. It ought to be just the reverse." 
Rather than stand behind their producer's right to free speech, ABC pushed him into an embarrassing public apology, the kind of "confession" that the Chinese Communists demand of their dissidents. 
Howard Kurtz reports in the Washington Post: "... two ABC executives called the former secretary of state to apologize." 
He adds, "No one is sorrier than John for the embarrassment that these albeit private e-mails caused to his colleagues and to the people who were the subjects of those comments," said ABC News spokesman Jeffrey Schneider. "John would be the first to say this has been a real lesson to him. John is abjectly sorry for all the comments that have come to light, and that's appropriate." 
In one of the e-mails, written during the first presidential debate in 2004 and leaked to the Drudge Report, Green wrote to a colleague on his BlackBerry: "Are you watching this? Bush makes me sick. If he uses the 'mixed messages' line one more time, I'm going to puke." 
Reporters could not speak to Green directly as Kurtz explains." 
"Green, who was not 

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: VoteScam in California

2006-04-04 Thread Kris Millegan
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Please send as far and wide as possible.

Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist


Blogged by Brad on 3/29/2006
DEMOCRACY CRUMBLING: New Electronic Voter Registration Database 
Rejects 43% of New Los Angeles Voter Applications! 26% Rejected 
State-Wide in California!
Applications That Don't Match EXACTLY With DMV Records are 
Automatically Dumped by New System!
California's League of Women Voters Sends Letter of Objection to 
Secretary of State

We've been dreading this. And you're not gonna like it either. It's 
an entirely new can of worms in the Electronic Rape of American 
Electoral Democracy. The next wave -... 

We've been dreading this. And you're not gonna like it either.

It's an entirely new can of worms in the Electronic Rape of American 
Electoral Democracy. The next wave -- beyond the electronic voting 
machines, and perhaps even more alarming -- in the arsenal of those 
out to game the system for partisan advantage.

No matter what we do, no matter how many successes, the Bad Guys -- 
those who hate Democracy and American Values -- are always one step 
ahead of us, it seems.

The horrifically written and, of course, ironically named Help 
America Vote Act (HAVA) of 2002 requires, as of January 1, 2006, 
each state to implement a single, uniform, official, centralized, 
interactive computerized statewide voter registration list.

And guess who's writing the software for it, in California, Ohio and 
elsewhere? That's right...our old friends at Diebold, Inc.

While we've put off reporting on much of this until now -- as 
prompted by story out today (in the MSM of all places!) -- we've 
been working on an extremely disturbing part of this story for some 
time relating directly to all of this out in, you guessed it, Ohio. 
We've yet to run the story for a number of reasons. But we hope to 
have much more on it, in all its troubling detail, in the not-too-
distant future.

For today, however, we'll stick to the report coming out of 
California in this morning's Los Angeles Times which says that, 
since the first of year, when California's new computerized Voter 
Registration Database has gone state-wide, Los Angeles County 
has rejected 14,629 people — 43% of those who registered from Jan. 
1 to March 15.

The rejections occur, amongst other reasons, due to failures of 
exact matching between voter applications and the state's motor 
vehicle registration (DMV) database to which they are now auto-
magically compared. So, if a voter registers (or re-registers after 
moving to a new location) as Brad Friedman but has Bradley 
Friedman on his driver's license, he'll be auto-kicked out of the 
voter registration system and may not find out until he shows up at 
the polls on Election Day! That is, if he even knows where to show 
up since he may no longer receive sample ballots and poll location 
information etc. in the mail!...

Jacqueline Jacobberger, the president of the League of Women Voters 
in California sent a letter yesterday (posted in full at the end of 
this article) to California's Sec. of State Bruce McPherson -- who 
is credited in the LA Times story as being behind the design and 
installation of the new system -- objecting to the new Voter 
Registration Database and the way it's being implemented.

In her letter, Jacobberger writes: We must object. Our procedures 
should guard against inappropriate elimination of legitimate voters 
from the system. It is not enough to allow them to cast a 
provisional ballot if they make it to the polls. Being excluded from 
the registration list means that they will not receive a sample 
ballot or a ballot pamphlet, they will not receive notice of the 
location of their polling places, and they will not be permitted to 
request an absentee 

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] John Towers Productions

2006-04-04 Thread Kris Millegan
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from a friend

Jonathan David Powers is founder and head of John Towers Productions  ( http://www.towersproductions.com/index.htm) was a Skull and Boner at Yale (1982) http://www.wealth4freedom.com/truth/3/skullroster.htm .  The guest (defending the govt. story) on Showbiz tonight on Wed. (March 22) was his employee, acting as a Senior Producer for the "Natl Geo" Inside 9/11 Video.
 Powers Productions has also created other propaganda video, including a segment that has aired on the History Channel International with the subject matter of the Pentagon on 9/11.
 Perhaps there are other ways (that aren't so circumstanial)  to tie the preps of the cover up together.

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