[CTRL] Fwd: Expect Limited Surgical Strikes on Iran

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Detailed Strike-on-Iran Plan Revealed 
Monday, October 01, 2007 - FreeMarketNews.com

The only thing different about the Bush Administration's rhetoric about Iran 
and statements made regarding Iraq before the US invasion in 2003 are the 
words chosen, says journalist Seymour Hersh. 
They've only changed their rhetoric. The name of the game used to be nuclear 
threat, Hersh said on CNN's Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer, adding a moment 
later, They've come to the realization that it's not selling, it isn't 
working. The American people aren't worried about Iran as a nuclear threat 
as they were about Iraq. So they've switched, really. 
The Bush Administration is all but set to authorize a campaign of limited, 
surgical airstrikes against Iranian targets, Hersh reports in the New Yorker's 
latest edition. 
Instead of hitting the various [nuclear] facilities we know that exist, 
instead they're going to hit the Iranians as payback for hitting us [in Iraq], 
Hersh told Blitzer in the CNN interview. 
Such targets, Hersh says, would include Iran's Revolutionary Guard 
headquarters and other sites of Iran's alleged support for the insurgency in 
Israel unhappy with U.S. plan for Iran
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 09/30/2007 
The United States reportedly has a plan for attacking Iran, but Israel 
considers it insufficient. 
The Bush administration this summer revived a long-standing contingency plan 
for military strikes against Iran with a view to retaliating for Tehran's 
support for the Iraqi insurgency, the New Yorker magazine reported in its 
According to correspondent Seymour Hersh, the plan was shared with U.S. 
allies including Israel, which raised objections to the relative lack of 
nuclear facilities on a target roster that instead focused on military training 
But Hersh quoted a former U.S. official as saying that Israel was reassured 
that the more limited target list would still serve the goal of 
counter-proliferation by decapitating the leadership of the Revolutionary 
Guards, who are 
believed to have direct control over the nuclear-research program. 
After Navy hostage humiliation, Britain 'on board' for US air strikes on Iran 
Last updated at 13:44pm on 1st October 2007  
Britain is ready to sign up to a bombing campaign on Iran as revenge for the 
shame of the Navy hostage taking, it was claimed today.  
According to an investigation by leading American journalist Seymour Hersh, 
the UK is poised to join any US-led action against the rogue state.  
In an in-depth report, numerous American sources are quoted as saying 
President George Bush is gearing up for surgical bombing raids which would 
Revolutionary Guard bases and anti-aircraft surface-to-air missiles inside 
United: Gordon Brown is said to back George Bush
And, according to one senior European official, Gordon Brown has given the 
bombing plan the most positive reception.  
The British perception is that the Iranians are not making the progress they 
want to see in their nuclear-enrichment processing, he 

[CTRL] Fwd: In Case of Alien Invasion, Call Rudy

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Giuliani: Preparedness key, even if aliens attack
By The Associated Press  |  October 14, 2007 
EXETER, N.H. --Presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani on Sunday said preparedness 
will be key for all crises, even an attack from outer space. 
During a town hall meeting in Exeter, a young questioner asked the former New 
York mayor about his plan to protect Earth.

If (there's) something living on another planet and it's bad and it comes 
over here, what would you do? the boy asked. 
Giuliani, grin on his face, said it was the first time he's been asked about 
an intergalactic attack. 
Of all the things that can happen in this world, we'll be prepared for that, 
yes we will. We'll be prepared for anything that happens, said Giuliani, who 
spent the day campaigning in key early voting state. 
Being prepared is a theme that runs through the campaign of Giuliani, the 
mayor during the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in New York. 
The boy's question let Giuliani take a lighthearted turn as he wrapped up his 
answer on emergency preparedness. 
This could be the new Steven Spielberg, he said. You want to be a science 
fiction writer or a scientist? 
The boy replied he wants to be a sculptor. 
Then Giuliani asked the audience for another question: Shall we take one 
question about this planet? 

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[CTRL] Fwd: A Coup Has Occurred

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The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have
any.-- Alice Walker

[[Just NOW he's figuring this out, for chrissake!!??  GD pathetic... like the 
flak BS 'reply'/s I got from Feinstein (Sen. Itel Comm., right) re: 911 and the
(alleged) 'Partiot' Act (which she et al hadn't read, of course) BEFORE voting
FOR it!!  She's on that Comm. and doesn't have the sense to know or question. 
Ridiculous, and we're F**ked!!]]

'A Coup Has Occurred'
By Daniel Ellsberg

ICH -- September 26, 2007 (Text of a speech delivered September 20, 2007) -- I
think nothing has higher priority than averting an attack on Iran, which I think
will be accompanied by a further change in our way of governing here that in
effect will convert us into what I would call a police state.

If there's another 9/11 under this regime … it means that they switch on full
extent all the apparatus of a police state that has been patiently constructed,
largely secretly at first but eventually leaked out and known and accepted by 
Democratic people in Congress, by the Republicans and so forth.

Will there be anything left for N.S.A. to increase its surveillance of us? … 
They may be to the limit of their technical capability now, or they may not.  
if they’re not now they will be after another 9/11.

And I would say after the Iranian retaliation to an American attack on Iran, you
will then see an increased attack on Iran -- an escalation -- which will be also
accompanied by a total suppression of dissent in this country, including
detention camps.

It's a little hard for me to distinguish the two contingencies; they could come
together.  Another 9/11 or an Iranian attack in which Iran's reaction against
Israel, against our shipping, against our troops in Iraq above all, possibly in
this country, will justify the full panoply of measures that have been prepared
now, legitimized, and to some extent written into law.  …

This is an unusual gang, even for Republicans. [But] I think that the successors
to this regime are not likely to roll back the assault on the Constitution.  
will take advantage of it, they will exploit it.

Will Hillary Clinton as president decide to turn off N.S.A. after the last five
years of illegal surveillance?  Will she deprive her administration 

[CTRL] Fwd: For America's Political Class, It's a Small World

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So far, no sign that Obama is related to Hillary
September 9, 2007
BY _SCOTT FORNEK_ (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  Political Editor
It sure would be an awkward family reunion. But, believe it or not, Barack 
Obama is related to both President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.  
OK, distantly related: Obama and Bush are 11th cousins.  
That's because they share the same 
great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandparents -- 
Samuel Hinckley and Sarah Soole Hinckley of 
17th century Massachusetts.  
That means Obama and former President George Herbert Walker Bush are 10th 
cousins once removed.  
Obama is related to Cheney through Mareen Duvall, a 17th century immigrant 
from France.  
Mareen and Susannah Duvall were Obama's 
great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandparents and Cheney's 
great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandparents.  
That makes Obama and Cheney ninth cousins once removed.  
Cheney and Bush are related to one another by a completely different common 
We leave it to you to figure out their relationship.  
from The Illuminoids, by Neil Wilgus, 1978, Sun Publishing (Pocket Books 
In his expose of the Great Seal, [William Guy] Carr [in
Pawns of the Game] implies that there is something suspicious
about the fact that [John] Adams, who supposedly helped design
the [Great Seal of the United States], and [Franklin D.]
Roosevelt, who put it on the dollar bill, were related.
If this is evidence of an Illuminati conspiracy, as Carr
would have it, then a glance at the _Yipster Times_, Fall/Winter
1975, should provide enough evidence to cinch the case: How to
Become President Without Really Trying, by Michael P. is an eye-
opening report on the genealogical research done by Michael P.
Merlie at the University of Wisconsin. 
The First Family: Presidential Kinship and Its Theoretical  
  Implications, Michael P. Merlie and Edward T. 
Of the 37 presidents before Jimmy Carter (39th because
Grover Cleveland is counted twice) 21 were close relatives,
Merlie shows.  And this doesn't include the related-by-marriage
link between Richard Nixon and the Eisenhower family, or, through
Nixon's other daughter, linkage to the Cox and Livingston clans
and President James Monroe, Zachary Taylor and Taylor's third
cousin, James Madison.  The same family tree can also claim the
president of the Confederacy, Merlie reports, because Jefferson
Davis was Zachary Taylor's son-in-law.
Following Carr's implied line of reasoning, this would link
Nixon with the Illuminati since Monroe, Merlie says, is related
to the Adamses and the Roosevelts through a minister named Thomas
Shephard.  And there are other families which also produced
multiple presidents, including the three cousins, Franklin
Pierce, James Garfield and Grover Cleveland.  In the 224
ancestors and descendants needed to connect he 21 presidents,
Merlie found 13 Roosevelts, 14 Tylers and 16 Coolidges as well as
numerous Clevelands and other upper-crust families.
Perhaps the most impressive family tree, however, is the one
which includes Thomas Jefferson (Carr's other Illuminati) and
William Henry Harrison, whom Merlie says were very near cousins. 
Jefferson and Harrison, along with Andrew Jackson and John Tyler,
were descended from the same man -- William Armistead, a large
Virginia landholder of the 1600s.  In addition 

[CTRL] Fwd: Over Our Dead Bodies

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An embattled Bush: 'I've never felt more engaged'
Bush at today's press conference. AP photo by Ron Edmonds.  

by Mark Silva

“I believe (Iran wants) to have capacity, the knowledge, to have a nuclear 
weapon,’’ Bush said. “And I believe it’s in the world’s interest to keep them 
from doing so… We’ve got a leader in Iran who has announced that he wants to 
destroy Israel. It seems like, if you’re interested in avoiding World War III, 
you ought to be interested in preventing them from having a nuclear weapon.’’
As for Putin’s plans to remain [in office but] as prime minister: 
I've been planning that myself,'' Bush joked.

“I have no idea what he’s going to do,’’ Bush said in a more serious vein. “
I asked him when I saw him in Australia… I tried to get it out of him. He was 
wily. He wouldn’t tip his hand… I’ll tip mine. I’m going to work hard to 
the finish. I’m going to sprint to the finish line, and then you’ll find me in 

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[CTRL] Fwd: Inquiry into Hunt Oil contract in Iraq -- Bush ties

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Inquiry urged on Hunt Oil contract in Iraq
Democrats say Bush ties may have led to Iraq oil contract
10:48 PM CDT on Monday, October 15, 2007
By DAVE MICHAELS / The Dallas Morning News 
WASHINGTON – Democratic lawmakers moved Monday toward investigating Hunt 
Oil's oil exploration contract in Iraq, saying the company's ties to President 
Bush raised questions about whether it had insider information that helped it 
reach the deal.  
U.S. Rep. Henry Waxman, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform 
Committee, and U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, asked Hunt to turn over all 
Iraq-related communication with the U.S. government by Nov. 2.  
The lawmakers also demanded that Ray Hunt, Hunt Oil's chief executive, submit 
copies of information he may have received about Iraq as a member of Mr. 
Bush's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board.  
A Hunt spokeswoman said the company would cooperate with the request for 
certain limited information.  
Spokeswoman Jeanne Phillips said the company's judgment to explore for oil in 
the Kurdish region of Iraq was made without U.S. government advice.  
As we have stated before, our policy as a company is to act independently 
when determining where to explore for oil and gas around the world, Ms. 
Phillips said in a prepared statement.  
Mr. Hunt, 64, has not talked about his service on the intelligence board, 
which meets about six times a year. Its members, all presidential appointees, 
have security clearances, and much of their work is classified.  
Former board members and intelligence experts said its members don't often 
deal with specific intelligence.  
Instead, they focus on broader concerns, such as whether one agency is 
cooperating with another or how a training program is working.  
Their job is to advise the president about the efficiency of the 
intelligence systems and where things need to be changed, said Arthur S. 
Hulnick, a CIA 
veteran who is now an associate professor of international relations at Boston 
It is more management than substantive.  
That said, members must study intelligence-gathering efforts if they are 
expected to judge how the system works, Mr. Hulnick said.  
They clearly have to see it – things like estimates and daily reports, 
finished intelligence and analyzed intelligence, he said.  
Although Mr. Waxman's committee has subpoena power, the lawmakers did not 
indicate whether they would compel Hunt officials to testify.  
We are in the information-gathering stage, said Natalie Laber, a 
spokeswoman for Mr. Kucinich. Before we hold hearings, we gather information. 
Mr. Waxman, D-Calif., has held a series of contentious, Iraq-related hearings 
in recent months, including one at which Democrats grilled Blackwater, the 
State Department's private security contractor. Members also investigated 
corruption in the Iraqi government.  
Last month, Mr. Bush said he was concerned about Hunt's deal if it 
jeopardized Iraq's ability to pass a national oil-sharing law. In their letter 
to Hunt, 
Mr. Waxman and Mr. Kucinich asserted that Hunt's deal may have undermined 
U.S. national policy of working toward the passage of an oil revenue sharing 
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's oil minister has called Hunt's deal 
illegal. Congressional Democrats have jumped into the fray, saying Hunt Oil 
signed its deal with the Kurdistan Regional Government because it has insider 
information about the future 

[CTRL] Fwd: When America Went Fascist

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When America Went Fascist
by _Chris Rowthorn_ (http://www.smirkingchimp.com/user/chris_rowthorn)  | Sep 
25 2007 - 9:48am |   

Fascism: a system of government marked by centralization of authority under 
a dictator
-- The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 
It is a truism in the blogosphere that one more terrorist attack will turn 
America into a fascist state. People speculate about what fascism in America 
will look like, or how they might fight it. Others boast that they plan to flee 
the country ahead of the coming fascist takeover of the United States. One 
cannot read these posts without a sense of bitter irony, because one thing is 
clear to those who are watching carefully: 
The United States of America is already a fascist state. 
The United States turned fascist on December 11, 2000. On that day, the 
Supreme Court essentially appointed George W. Bush president of the United 
stopping the recount of Florida votes, and, hence, the democratic process. The 
justices of the court then slipped away by night, ashamed of their role in 
murdering America's great experiment in democratic rule. 
The Supreme Court decision of December 11, 2000 is the modern American 
equivalent to German President Hindenburg's swearing in of Hitler as chancellor 
Germany on January 30, 1933. By swearing in Hitler as chancellor, Hindenburg 
set in motion a process which led to the Nazi dictatorship and World War II. In 
the case of the Nazis, the Reichstag fire of February 27, 1933 was the 
catalyst they needed to cement their grip on power. In the case of Bush and his 
backers, the tragedy of September 11, 2001 was the catalyst they needed to 
their full takeover of the American government. 
When one looks at present-day America and reads plaintive musings about if 
and when America will turn fascist, it is useful to ask oneself the following 
question: When do you think the average German realized that he or she was 
living under a fascist dictatorship? How about the Japanese or Italians of the 
period? Do you think that Hitler, Mussolini or Tojo made a public 
announcement to the effect of, Dear Citizens: Please be advised that you no 
longer have 
any rights or political power. We have taken control of the government. 
Opposition and resistance are futile and will be punished.   
The fact is, most of the good citizens of these countries clung desperately 
to the notion that it was business as usual long after constitutional 
government was dead and buried. Sure, they knew that their governments were a 
further to the right than normal, but as long as they kept earning money and 
eating well, they ignored the grim realities of fascism. 
It's easy to understand why: the good citizens weren't members of 
officially scapegoated groups or political activists, and thus they never felt 
the iron 
first of fascism. It's not like the government just suddenly started rounding 
up people at random and trucking them off to camps and executing them. No, it 
was only the bad ones who were carted off. It was the John Walker Lindhs, 
the Jose Padillas, the illegal immigrants and the Muslim Americans of their day 
who were carted off. 
In fact, for the average citizen of Germany, Japan or Italy, it was only when 
the military adventures of their fascist governments started to go seriously 
awry did the reality dawn on them. Until then, if anything, they merely felt 
the stirrings of extreme patriotism and perhaps even satisfaction as their 
countries expanded outward. Indeed, for 

[CTRL] Fwd: Antiwar Protesters in FBI Criminal Database Forbidden to Leave the Country

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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FBI Puts Antiwar Protesters  
in Criminal Database;  
Canada Uses It to Ban Protesters from Entry 
by _Rob Kall_ (http://www.opednews.com/author/author2.html)
October 7, 2007 at 09:16:55  


Two well-respected US peace activists, CODEPINK and Global Exchange cofounder 
Medea Benjamin and retired Colonel and diplomat Ann Wright, were denied entry 
into Canada o issues at the invitation of the Toronto Stop the War Coalition. 
At the Buffalo-Niagara Falls Bridge they were detained, questioned and denied 

In my case, the border guard pulled up a file showing that I had been 
arrested at the US Mission to the UN where, on International Women's Day, a 
group of 
us had tried to deliver a peace petition signed by 152,000 women around the 
world, says Benjamin. For this, the Canadians labeled me a criminal and 
refused to allow me in the country. 

The FBI's placing of peace activists on an international criminal database 
is blatant political intimidation of US citizens opposed to Bush administration 
policies, says Colonel Wright, who was also Deputy US Ambassador in four 
countries. The Canadian government should certainly not accept this FBI 
as the criteria for entering the country. 
Both Wright and Benjamin plan to request their files from the FBI through the 
Freedom of Information Act and demand that arrests for peaceful, non-violent 
actions be expunged from international records. It's outrageous that Canada 
is turning away peacemakers protesting a war that does not have the support of 
either US or Canadian citizens, says Benjamin.

In the past, Canada has always welcomed peace activists with open arms. This 
new policy, obviously a creature of the Bush administration, is shocking and 
we in the US and Canada must insist that it be overturned. Four members of the 
Canadian Parliament--Peggy Nash, Libby Davies, Paul Dewar and Peter Julian-- 
expressed outrage that the peace activists were barred from Canada and vow to 
change this policy.

Ann Wright told OpEdNews that this was the second time the two Code Pink 
activists had been turned away from the border, the first event ocurring on 

Wright explained, We decided to go to Canadian border to push the envelope 
to see if the Canadian Gov would not let us into Canada again until we had been 
criminally rehabilitated. 

Wright told OpEdNews We were told (by the Canadian border agents) if we 
tried to enter Canada again, we would be officially deported from the country, 
which is big trouble. 'We've warned you not to come back until you are 
criminally rehabilitated.'
To be criminally rehabilitated, they would have to do a huge amount of 
paperwork and state they were no longer going to commit the crimes they were 
convicted of.

Wright asserted, We will never be criminally rehabilitated since we intend 
to continue to engage in non-violent peaceful protest of Bush administration 
policies, particular the war on Iraq and we intend to peacefully and 
nonviolently protest all of these until they end. They can lead to arrests for 
disobedience, like refusing to move from the fence in front of the White House 
standing up and speaking at Congressional 

[CTRL] Fwd: NIST Admits Total Collapse Of Twin Towers Unexplainable

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NIST Admits Total Collapse Of Twin Towers Unexplainable
Implicitly acknowledges controlled demolition only means by which towers 
could have fallen at free fall speed
Paul Joseph Watson
_Prison Planet_ (http://www.prisonplanet.com/index.html) , October 16, 2007 

The National Institute for Standards and Technology has been forced to admit 
that the total free-fall collapse of the twin towers cannot be explained after 
an exhaustive scientific study, implicitly acknowledging that controlled 
demolition is the only means by which the buildings could have come down. 
In a recent letter (_PDF link_ (http://www.911proof.com/NIST.pdf) ) to 9/11 
victim's family representatives Bill Doyle and Bob McIlvaine, NIST states, We 
are unable to provide a full explanation of the total collapse. 
A 10,000 page scientific study only offers theories as to how the collapse 
initiation proceeded and fails to address how it was possible for part of a 
WTC structure to fall through the path of most resistance at freefall speed, 
completely violating the accepted laws of physics.  
In addition, NIST's own studies confirmed that virtually none of the steel in 
either tower reached temperatures hotter than 500 degrees. The point at which 
steel weakens is 1000 degrees and melting point is reached at 1,500 degrees, 
according to NIST itself.

NIST'S 10,000-page report purports to explain what it calls collapse 
initiation -- the loss of several floors' vertical support, writes Kevin 
of Scholars for 9/11 Truth. In order to dream up this preposterous scenario, 
NIST had to ignore its own tests that showed that virtually none of the steel 
got hotter than 500 degrees f. It had to claim that somehow the planes took out 
many core columns, despite the fact that only a direct hit by an engine would 
have been likely to do so, and that the chances of this happening even once 
are fairly low. It had to preposterously allege that the plane that nicked the 
corner of the South Tower took out more core columns than the one that hit the 
North Tower almost dead center. It had to tweak all the parameters till they 
screamed bloody murder and say that the steel was far weaker than it actually 
was, the fire was far hotter than it actually was, the sagging was far greater 
than it actually was, and so on. And so NIST hallucinated a 
computer-generated fantasy scenario for collapse initiation--the failure of a 
few floors. 
But how do you get from the failure of a few floors to total collapse at 
free-fall speed of the entire structure? The short answer: You don't. Anyone 
the slightest grasp of the laws of physics understands that even if all of 
the vertical supports on a few floors somehow failed catastrophically at 
the same moment--a virtually impossible event, but one necessary to explain 
why the Towers would come straight down rather than toppling sideways--the top 
part of the building could not fall THROUGH the still-intact, highly robust 
lower part of the building, straight through the path of most resistance, just 
as fast as it would have fallen through thin air. 
Thus total free-fall collapse, even given NIST's ridiculous initiation 
scenario, is utterly impossible. The probability of it happening is exactly 
to the probability of the whole building suddenly falling upward and landing 
on the moon, concludes Barrett.

NIST have yet to properly address the sudden freefall collapse of WTC 
Building 7, which imploded on the late 

[CTRL] Fwd: Homeland Security Building Stadium-Sized Nuclear Fallout Shelter in Alabama

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Alabama Reopening Fallout Shelters

AP, 2007-09-28 00:10:29
HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (Sept. 27) - In an age of al-Qaida, sleeper cells and the 
threat of nuclear terrorism, Huntsville is dusting off its Cold War manual to 
create the nation's most ambitious fallout-shelter plan, featuring an abandoned 
mine big enough for 20,000 people to take cover underground. 



A fallout shelter sign is seen Sept. 19 in Huntsville, Ala. Fearing a nuclear 
strike by terrorists, officials are working to identify potential shelters 
for 300,000 people in the city and surrounding county. 
Others would hunker down in college dorms, churches, libraries and research 
halls that planners hope will bring the community's shelter capacity to 
300,000, or space for every man, woman and child in Huntsville and the 

Emergency planners in Huntsville - an out-of-the-way city best known as the 
home of _NASA_ (javascript:;)  's Marshall Space Flight Center - say the idea 
makes sense because radioactive fallout could be scattered for hundreds of 
miles if terrorists detonated a nuclear bomb. 

''If Huntsville is in the blast zone, there's not much we can do. But if it's 
just fallout ... shelters would absorb 90 percent of the radiation,'' said 
longtime emergency management planner Kirk Paradise, whose Cold War expertise 
with fallout shelters led local leaders to renew Huntsville's program. 

Huntsville's project, developed using $70,000 from a Homeland Security grant, 
goes against the grain because the United States essentially scrapped its 
national plan for fallout shelters after the collapse of the Soviet Union. 
_Congress_ (javascript:;)   cut off funding and the government published its 
list of approved shelters at the end of 1992. 

After Sept. 11, Homeland Security created a metropolitan protection program 
that includes nuclear-attack preparation and mass shelters. But no other city 
has taken the idea as far as Huntsville has, officials said. 

Many cities advise residents to stay at home and seal up a room with plastic 
and duct tape during a biological, chemical or nuclear attack. Huntsville does 
too, in certain cases. 

Local officials agree the ''shelter-in-place'' method would be best for a 
''dirty bomb'' that scattered nuclear contamination through conventional 
explosives. But they say full-fledged shelters would be needed to protect from 
fallout of a nuclear bomb. 

Program leaders recently briefed members of Congress, including Rep. Charlie 
Dent, R-Pa., who called the shelter plan an example of the ''all-hazards'' 
approach needed for emergency preparedness. 

''Al-Qaida, we know, is interested in a nuclear capability. It's our nation's 
fear that a nuclear weapon could get into terrorists' hands,'' Dent said. 

As fallout shelters go, the Three Caves Quarry just outside downtown offers 
the kind of protection that would make Dr. Strangelove proud, with space for an 
arena-size crowd of some 20,000 people. 

Last mined in the early '50s, the limestone quarry is dug 300 yards into the 
side of the mountain, with ceilings as high as 60 feet and 10 acres of floor 
space covered with jagged rocks. Jet-black in places with a year-round 
temperature of about 60 degrees, it has a colony of bats living in its highest 
and baby stalactites hanging from the ceiling. 

''It would be a little trying, 

[CTRL] Fwd: Upping the Ante on Iran -- Asked about Putin, Bush Warns of World War III

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Bush warns Putin:
'World War Three'

By Matthew Moore and Adrian Blomfield

The Telegraph (UK), 6:57pm BST 17/10/2007


President George W Bush today warned that world leaders risk helping bring 
about World War Three unless they do more to prevent Iran developing nuclear 
In remarks timed to coincide with _Russian president Vladimir Putin's visit 
to Teheran_ 
 , Mr Bush said the 
Islamic republic must remain isolated until it drops its nuclear ambitions.

New best friends: Vladimir Putin and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad after their meeting 
in Teheran 
We've got a leader in Iran who has announced that he wants to destroy 
Israel, Mr Bush told a White House press conference. 
So I've told people that, if you're interested in avoiding World War Three, 
it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing them from having the 
knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon. 
Mr Bush's pointed statement follows the warm words exchanged by Mr Putin and 
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president, at an historic summit in Teheran 
this week. 
After their meeting Mr Putin repeated Moscow's line that there is no evidence 
to suggest Iran wants to build a nuclear bomb, and pledged to continue 
helping the country develop its civil nuclear technology. 
As the _first Kremlin leader to visit Iran since Josef Stalin in 1943_ 
V0?xml=/news/2007/10/15/wputin415.xml) , he also secured the vital backing of 
Azerbaijan in a five-nation pact by the Caspian states to prevent the US from 
using the region as a staging ground for military action against Iran. 
Mr Bush added today that he had no doubts that Russia appreciated the dangers 
of a nuclear Iran. 
But he said that he wished to speak to Mr Putin about his meeting with 
Ayatollah Khamenei, the supreme Iranian leader, during which he is said to have 
suggested a new proposal to end the nuclear stand-off. 
I'm looking forward to getting President Putin's read-out from the meeting, 
Mr Bush said. 
The thing I'm interested in is whether or not he continues to harbour the 
same concerns that I do. 
I will continue to work with Russia as well as other nations to keep a 
focused effort on sending Iran a message that you will remain isolated if you 
continue your nuclear weapons ambitions. 
Although Russia lent its reluctant backing to two United Nations resolutions 
imposing sanctions on Iran, it has been stridently opposed to escalating the 
penalties after Teheran refused to stop its uranium enrichment programme.  
Among Western diplomats, opinion is divided as to whether Russia — which has 
little to gain from a nuclear Iran — w_ill eventually acquiesce_ 
/news/2007/07/03/wbush103.xml) .  
Emboldened by its vast energy resources and desperate to reclaim its status 
as a global power, Russia could also stand to gain by seeing the United States 
dragged into a new, controversial and potentially debilitating Middle East 
The United States has said it is pursuing a diplomatic approach to Iran, 
including the threat of a new round of United Nations sanctions, but has 
to rule out military action to halt Iran's nuclear program, which it believes 
might be used covertly to develop nuclear 

[CTRL] Fwd: Head of U.S. counterterrorism agency resigns -- Weak Knees?

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Head of U.S. counterterrorism agency resigns
17 Oct 2007 18:35:16 GMT

Source: Reuters


WASHINGTON, Oct 17 (Reuters) - Vice Adm. John Redd, the head of the U.S. 
agency responsible for analyzing intelligence on terrorism and developing 
counterterrorism strategies, announced his resignation on Wednesday. 

Redd, first director of the National Counterterrorism Center, said in a 
letter to staff he was stepping down as of Nov. 10 for long-delayed surgery 
I can no longer neglect.  
Redd needs replacement surgery on both knees, which would require a prolonged 
absence if he were to stay as director, center spokesman Carl Kropf said.  
The counterterrorism center was created in 2004 as part of an overhaul of 
U.S. intelligence and security agencies after the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001. It 
serves as a clearing-house for intelligence on terrorism, produces daily 
intelligence reports and develops strategy for counterterrorism operations.  
Redd, 63, has served as head of the center since August 2005.  
Michael Leiter, the agency's deputy director, will serve as acting director 
until a replacement is named, Kropf said. 

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[CTRL] Fwd: In The Kingdom of Fear

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If you can't run, walk... If you can't walk, crawl...  But don't look down... 
It's a long, long fall.

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The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have
any.-- Alice Walker

In The Kingdom of Fear
By Sheila Samples

You're A Whole Different Person When You're Scared-- Warren Zevon, Hunter S.

ICH  -- My friend Bernie says since Democrats won the Congress, George Bush
reminds him of a cartoon where this destructive Texas jackrabbit was careening
headlong down a path, his eyes riveted on a rabbit hole in the distance.  A
tortoise, sunning himself at the side of the path, looked behind the rabbit 
a baying pack of dogs, in hot pursuit, was gaining on him.  The tortoise smiled.
 The poor bunny was in a race for his life.  As he shot by, the tortoise called
out lazily, Think you'll make it?  The rabbit, looking neither to the right 
left, shot back desperately -- I gotta make it...

Bernie says Bush is running scared.  So scared he's pantin' like a lizard...

Pantin' like a lizard?  Hah.  Having been raised in New Mexico with me, Bernie
should know that Bush is panting because, well, that's what lizards do...
Especially the venomous gila monsters, who are fun to chase, but only a fool
would try to catch one.  That's why the few Democrats out there who appear to be
chasing Bush are, in reality, just trotting along in his wake.  I suspect they
fear the holocaust he is capable of inflicting if they catch him.

For six long years, Bush has water-boarded all who oppose him -- especially
those in Congress -- with a steady stream of 9/11.  Each speech is laced with
visions of 9/11 -- 9/11 horror just over the horizon, 9/11 around each corner,
9/11 behind each tree. Fear Itself is the only option on the Bush-Cheney 
and they have used it relentlessly, not only to wage genocidal war in order to
gain control of the world's resources, but to seize dictatorial power and to
control the quivering masses.  Constant and repetitive warnings and false-flag
alerts, evidence of plotters and planners skulking among us, hateful ideologies
swirling above us like mushroom clouds -- is it any wonder our elected
representatives, once inside the Kingdom of Fear, lose all sense of direction,
the ability to reason?

In his new book, The Assault on 

[CTRL] Fwd: The Real Iraq We Knew  (By 1 2 former Army Captains)

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There is one way we can succeed in Iraq.  To continue an operation of this 
intensity and duration, we have to [re-institute the draft].  Short of that, 
best option is to leave Iraq immediately.  

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The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have
any.-- Alice Walker

*The Real Iraq We Knew* 
By 12 former Army Captains  


Washington Post -- Today marks five years since the authorization of military
force in Iraq, setting Operation Iraqi Freedom in motion.  Five years on, the
Iraq war is as undermanned and under-resourced as it was from the start.  And,
five years on, Iraq is in shambles.

As Army captains who served in Baghdad and beyond, we've seen the corruption and
the sectarian division.  We understand what it's like to be stretched too thin. 
And we know when it's time to get out.

What does Iraq look like on the ground? It's certainly far from being a modern,
self-sustaining country.  Many roads, bridges, schools and hospitals are in
deplorable condition.  Fewer people have access to drinking water or sewage
systems than before the war.  And Baghdad is averaging less than eight hours of
electricity a day.

Iraq's institutional infrastructure, too, is sorely wanting.  Even if the Iraqis
wanted to work together and accept the national identity foisted upon them in
1920s, the ministries do not have enough trained administrators or technicians 
coordinate themselves.  At the local level, most communities are still 
by the same autocratic sheiks that ruled under Saddam.  There is no reliable
postal system.  No effective banking system.  No registration system to monitor
the population and its needs.

The inability to govern is exacerbated at all levels by widespread corruption. 
Transparency International ranks Iraq as one of the most corrupt countries in 
world.  And, indeed, many of us witnessed the exploitation of U.S. tax dollars 
Iraqi officials and military officers.  Sabotage and graft have had a
particularly deleterious impact on Iraq's oil industry, which still fails to
produce the revenue that Pentagon war planners hoped would pay for Iraq's
reconstruction.  Yet holding people accountable has proved difficult.  

[CTRL] Fwd: The Most Dreaded Enemy of Liberty

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The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have
any.-- Alice Walker

*The Most Dreaded Enemy of Liberty*
By James Madison

Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded,
because it comprises and develops the germ of every other.  War is the parent of
armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are
the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few.  In
war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended; its influence in
dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of
seducing the minds, are added to those of subduing the force, of the people. ...
[There is also an] inequality of fortunes, and the opportunities of fraud,
growing out of a state of war, and ... degeneracy of manners and of morals. ...
No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare. ...

[It should be well understood] that the powers proposed to be surrendered [by 
Third Congress] to the Executive were those which the Constitution has most
jealously appropriated to the Legislature. . . .

The Constitution expressly and exclusively vests in the Legislature the power of
declaring a state of war ... the power of raising armies ... the power of
creating offices. ...

A delegation of such powers [to the President] would have struck, not only at 
fabric of our Constitution, but at the foundation of all well organized and well
checked governments.

The separation of the power of declaring war from that of conducting it, is
wisely contrived to exclude the danger of its being declared for the sake of its
being conducted.

The separation of the power of raising armies from the power of commanding them,
is intended to prevent the raising of armies for the sake of commanding them.

The separation of the power of creating offices from that of filling them, is an
essential guard against the temptation to create offices for the sake of
gratifying favourites or multiplying dependents.

[James Madison was the fourth president of the United States.  This is from
Letters and Other Writings of James Madison.]

 Msg sent via CWNet  - 

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[CTRL] Fwd: Meanwhile, on the LOWER End of the 9/11 Market ...

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In 9/11 Survival Tale, 
Pieces Just Don’t Fit

The New York Times, 2007-09-27 14:06:05
(Sept. 27) -- Tania Head’s story, as shared over the years with reporters, 
students, friends and hundreds of visitors to ground zero, was a remarkable 
account of both life and death. 

She had, she said, survived the terror attack on the World Trade Center 
despite having been badly burned when the plane crashed into the upper floors 
the south tower. 

Crawling through the chaos and carnage on the 78th floor that morning, she 
said, she encountered a dying man who handed her his inscribed wedding ring, 
which she later returned to his widow. 

Her own life was saved, she said, by a selfless volunteer who stanched the 
flames on her burning clothes before she was helped down the stairs. It was a 
journey she said she had the strength to make because she kept thinking of a 
beautiful white dress she was to wear at her coming marriage ceremony to a man 
named Dave. 

But later she would discover, she said, that Dave, her fiancé, and in some 
versions her husband, had perished in the north tower. 

As a matter of history, Ms. Head’s account made her one of only 19 survivors 
who had been at or above the point of impact when the planes hit. As a matter 
of emotion, her story deeply moved audiences like college students to whom she 
spoke and visitors at ground zero, where she has long led tours for the 
Tribute W.T.C. Visitor Center for visitors including Mayor Michael R. 
former Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani and former Gov. George E. Pataki. 

“What I witnessed there I will never forget,” she told a gathering at Baruch 
College at a memorial event in 2006. “It was a lot of death and destruction, 
but I also saw hope.” 

Much of Ms. Head’s account was posted on the Web site of the World Trade 
Center Survivors’ Network, a nonprofit organization for which she served as 
president and as point person for corporate donations. 

But no part of her story, it turns out, has been verified. 

The family and friends of the man to whom she claimed to be engaged say they 
have never heard of Tania Head and view the relationship she describes with 
the man, who truly died in the north tower, as an impossibility. 

A spokeswoman for Merrill Lynch  Company, where she told people she worked 
at the time of the terror attack, said the company had no record of employing a 
Tania Head. 

And few people, it seems, who embraced the gripping immediacy and pain of her 
account ever asked the name of the man whose ring she had returned, or that 
of the hospital where she was treated, or the identities of the people she met 
with in the south tower on the morning of 9/11. 

“She never shared those details, and it was nothing we wanted to probe,” 
said Alison Crowther, the mother of Welles Remy Crowther, a man who died on 
and who is credited with rescuing a number of people from the south tower, 
including, by Ms. Head’s account, Ms. Head. “I felt it was too private and 
painful for her.” 

In recent weeks, The New York Times sought to interview Ms. Head about her 
experiences on 9/11 because she had, in other settings, presented a poignant 
account of survival and loss. But she canceled three scheduled interviews, 
her privacy and emotional turmoil, and declined to provide details to