On Sun 14 Jan 2018 at 23:21:38 +0000, Mowgli Assor wrote:
> I will say though that one behavior I saw (briefly before CTWM
> crashed) was that where before (3.8) I had a nice little box in the
> lower right labelled "one" "two" "three" and "four" for my different
> desktops, those were replaced with pictographs of what's running on
> them. This kind of defeats the purpose of me labelling them in the
> .ctwmrc file, and is fanciness that I'd rather be able to toggle in
> what should be a relatively simple desktop manager. Additionally I now
> have to guess where to click for another desktop, because anything
> that doesn't have something running on it is blank - and that makes it
> a big blank box to start. If that's something that can be toggled and
> turned off, and the old behavior (of labelled desktops) returned I'd
> appreciate that.

That, is, I think, a changed default for the StartInMapState setting.
Or you can press the CTRL key while the window has focus.

> But the big problem is the crashing. I'm not a big fan of Ubuntu, but
> will switch to it if I have to to get reliable CTWM behavior. That's
> really all I want out of this. I am doing this on an older Toshiba
> Portege m750 which is my default hardware platform. This one claims to
> have a "Centrino vPro" inside, but the CPU on these things actually
> varies a bit (most are Core2 Duos or something of that vintage).

Ctwm could really be crashing, or as another possibility, it could fail
an internal consistency check and terminate "voluntarily". Do you have a
file .xsession-errors, or something similar, possibly, in your home
directory? It may contain a message from ctwm.

For me, for instance, despite that it is really quite well tested, in
the last year I got one or two instances of the following:

assertion "PRI(owl) <= PRI(other_owl->above)" failed: file 
".../ctwm/bzr/trunk/otp.c", line 449, function "InsertOwlAbove"

I just got it "randomly", but if you get it consistenly, there must be
some pattern we could find. And perhaps you get some other message.

If you don't find anything here, another option could be to run ctwm
from inside the debugger (gdb) and try to find out what happens when it

>   - Mowgli
___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert  -- Wayland: Those who don't understand X
\X/ rhialto/at/falu.nl      -- are condemned to reinvent it. Poorly.

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