On Fri, Nov 23, 2007 at 02:40:06PM +0100 I heard the voice of
Richard Levitte, and lo! it spake thus:
> One way, a bit complicated but still workable:  I would simply have
> kept hacking and committing into free.lp.se:X.ctwm in a separate
> database (ctwm.fullermd) [...]

Mmm.  The downside of that is making a repo for every new [concurrent]
branch.  That's awful heavy-weight.

> Even simple, though, is to just keep one database, but then hack
> away as needed, maybe in a separate workspace, commit whenever you
> feel like, and when you're done, pull from guardian, merge and push.

But the downside of THAT is that I can only do one thing at a time,
have to run it to completion before touching anything else, and a
poorly-timed push will end up putting that incomplete stuff out in the
world as another head on the branch to mess with other people.  I
don't much like that either   :|

How do other mtn-using projects do this?  Presumably, cert-less
revisions are a sufficiently Bad Thing(tm) that it's not an intended
result (otherwise, -viz would treat them a little better).  Certainly
working one thing to completion at a time defeats the whole point of
branching.  I don't believe the standard workflow involves creating a
new repo for every transient branch.  And I have a really hard time
believing every mtn-using project just grows an ever-increasing number
of branches.  That would be nuts; I've got plenty of rather small
projects where that list would run to 50 or 80 branches, with all but
1 or _maybe_ 2 of them being defunct and pointless.  And some of them
would be _completely_ worthless, because they were branches that were
made to try something that turned out to be a bad idea, and so were
discarded without ever being merged.

And that leaves completely aside the nastiness of globally-unique
naming of the branches, avoiding which is one of the big plusses of
the D in DVCS.  If it's gonna be globally visible, or even eternally
locally visible, I could never make a X.ctwm.compiler_errors; it would
have to be X.ctwm.fullermd.compiler_errors.200710 or something even
more painfully unwieldy and potentially misleading like that.

Matthew Fuller     (MF4839)   |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systems/Network Administrator |  http://www.over-yonder.net/~fullermd/
           On the Internet, nobody can hear you scream.

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