I haven't. But I actually it is one function call. I'm sure that OpenSSL has 
that ability. Also I can check other SSL libs for it to workout.  

But I assume you are interested in such a feature, aren't you?
In worst case we can do that only for those ssl libs that supports certs from 
buffer. For those which do not we can return some error code when setopt get 

I'm asking all these since I have limited resources and need carefully estimate 
that work and be surfe it is could be usefull not only for me. 

Thank you in advance. 

WBR, Dmitry Ponomarev

On Jun 14, 2012, at 1:23 AM, Daniel Stenberg <dan...@haxx.se> wrote:

> On Wed, 13 Jun 2012, Дмитрий Пономарёв wrote:
>> In my project there is a need to set Certs not from file but using a buffer. 
>> I haven't found that possible in current implementation. I have implemented 
>> it using list approach like with slist. So several buffers can be joined 
>> together. List node stores pointer to buffer (not the data itself pointed 
>> by), length of data and format.
>> Guys, if you interested in such a feature i can prepare a patches and send 
>> it.
> Sounds very interesting! Have you looked anything at all at how hard/easy 
> that is to do for any other SSL library?
> -- 
> / daniel.haxx.se
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