
We're working with our developer to create a music royalty tracking system for our internet radio station.

We use curl from PHP to pull in "now playing" metadata from our streaming server's "streaminfo" URL.

During development, our developer used his own server to build the system and all was well.

Now he has moved it over to a server we have commissioned from our hosting company specifically for the purpose, this call no longer works, and neither we (nor our hosting provider) can work out why. We would appreciate some suggestions.

Our new database server has the hostname admin.ourstation.org ; our streaming server we can call streams.ourstation.org (domain anonymized).

We're trying to pull in the data from https://streams.ourstation.org:2199/rpc/ourstation/streaminfo.get. It constantly returns "Failed to connect to streams.ourstation.org port 2199: Connection refused" - but only when accessed from our admin.ourstation.org host. All other machines we can test from return the data flawlessly.

We cannot access the command line on the new server ourselves, but our hosting provider tells us that if they run it as a curl command it works fine. I get a good result if I run a curl command from my desktop machine also. Our developer has done the following:

1. Run a test call (similar to below) /from /admin.ourstation.org /to /several other hosts and all work correctly 2. Run the test call below /from /several other hosts /to /return data from streams.ourstation.org and all work correctly 3. Our developer and I can both return data from streams.ourstation.org with manual curl calls from our desktop machines' command line. 4. Our developer has been able to recover data from streams.ourstation.org from the prototype system on his own server from the beginning (and still can).

ONLY the test from admin.ourstation.org to streams.ourstation.org fails.

We are therefore suspecting that there is a problem trying to return data from a related subdomain and we wonder how to solve this issue. The two servers are in different countries and the domain is managed by a third party; the servers both have A Records pointed at them and resolve suitably in a web browser, etc. The streams server has been running happily for a couple of years with no known DNS issues.

We would be most grateful for any observations. Thanks in advance!

--Richard E


header("Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8");

        $url = "https://streams.ourstation.org:2199/rpc/ourstation/streaminfo.get";;

        $mysession = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($mysession, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
        curl_setopt($mysession, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        curl_setopt($mysession, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT , 10);
        curl_setopt($mysession, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true);
          $json = json_decode(curl_exec($mysession), true);

        if (curl_errno($mysession)) {
        echo "error: " . curl_error($mysession);
        echo json_encode($json,JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);


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