On August 29, 2016 at 8:36:23 PM, Thor Lancelot Simon (t...@panix.com) wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 28, 2016 at 06:24:41AM +0000, David Holland wrote:
> >
> > So for what it's worth: I don't see any need to have a DNS server in
> > base. It may be traditional, but few people use it; the landscape's
> As a guy who spent the best part of a decade building embedded products
> out of NetBSD: I'll believe all this "you can just add a package" stuff
> when all this stuff I should supposedly be able to use from pkgsrc
> cross-compiles as cleanly as our base system does.

Yes, we lost a lot of what was supposed to be the goal with pkgsrc in that area 
Work has been done, but, like many pkgsrc projects, it never really became a 
first class citizen. Not to disparage all the work the pkgsrc people do. 

Yes, the loss of cross compile *does* impact the decision on pkgsrc vs base.  
However, ARMs are getting faster, m68ks aren’t. ;)

I firmly believe we need to have a stronger push into the embedded/appliance 

That said, yeah, we (image builders) are at a disadvantage until we can turn 
that ship. Maybe this is the impetus to start improvements on making pkgsrc 
more useful to cross environments?
Right now we’re at the the original 4.3BSD/386BSD here’s a long list of 
(Further described here: 

We need to get here:

> I had to integrate *PHP* to our "base system" build. That sucked,
> but it sucked a lot less than the logistical and non-reproducibility
> issues which stemmed from building parts of our product outside the
> wonderful, clean, cross-compile-from-anywhere-to-anywhere NetBSD
> system build.
> Thor

Erik Berls

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