CS: Target-Remington 700 faulty safety

2001-02-22 Thread Tony Jeeves

From:   "Tony Jeeves", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sorry, but one really has to ask: What was a "safety professional" doing
cleaning a loaded rifle in a domestic environment?

Tony Jeeves

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CS: Pol-US and self-defence

2000-11-28 Thread Tony Jeeves

From:   "Tony Jeeves", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Not all guns carried in the US for self defence are for defence against
human predators.

I have a friend who lives in the rugged foothills of the Rocky Mountains in
Utah. After a neighbour had been subjected to a painfiul course of
injections following being bitten by something Rabid in his back yard, my
friend took to toting a .44 SW Magnum for self defence in the wild. Sure
enough lightning struck twice and my pal returned to his pickup to find the
driver's compartment had been taken over by a racoon or something that was
frothing at the mouth and showing every indication of being there for the

My pal hauled out the trusty 44 and gave the critter the 'good news'. This
solved the immediate problem of vehicular possession in no uncertain terms
but my pal, being a fireman/paramedic, recognised the health hazard
presented by the copious quantities of bodily fuids now distributed around
the inside of the pickup, and had to get it towed to the nearest town to
have it steam cleaned. Talk about overkill.


Tony Jeeves
Don't worry, I know a guy in Kentucky who shoots prarie dogs with
a .50BMG!


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Target-Browning HP durabilty

2000-11-17 Thread Tony Jeeves

From:   "Tony Jeeves", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In reply to Nick's follow-up to my original comment abt Hi-Power longevity.
My gun was a commercial 'Vigilante' model. It was not new when I bought it
but was in 'mint' condition. The majority of the number of rounds ie: 20 to
25k I put through it were relatively soft reloads using lead heads. I spent
a hell of a lot of time trying to develop a good accurate light load with
limited success. The gun was thoroughly cleaned after each outing and
carefully stored.

Interestingly, the Vigilante really began to show its accuracy potential
towards the end of my ownership when one of the clubs I shot with obtained
some 9mm SMG ammo (8z or 9z). At that stage I knew I was going to have to
hand it in and where I probably previously would not have used this, I
ended up putting quite a lot through the gun. At one stage 11 magazines in
rapid succession at a final pre-hand in shoot-fest.  The Browning
absolutely loved this and began to give the kind of group I had strived for
with my reloads.

It would have been interesting to have had the opportunity to see how
continued used of such ammo would have affected longevity. I think it might
then have exhibited the kind of wear Nick mentions. However, my gun was
virtually in the same condition when I handed it in as when I bought it.



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CS: Target-BS Article on Beretta

2000-11-08 Thread Tony Jeeves

From:   "Tony Jeeves", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Am I missing something? Voluble praise for the Beretta 92 followed by
statements like "20,000 rounds before the frame started to look dubious" or
of a SIG "another 1,000 rds (total 13,000) and it will definitely be scrap

My beloved old Browning GP (pause while he wipes away a tear as he
remembers the hand-in) had between 20,000 and 25,000 rds put through it by
me by that dreadful time and, apart from a few 'dings' in the finish worked
and looked like new. Also, it was used (albeit only slightly) when I bought
it. I can count the number of jams and misfires on one hand and these were
usually through faulty reloading.

Now that is a good reliable gun and it absolutely loved hot surplus ammo.

I forgot to mention the way I shoot guns.  I.e. very, very quickly.

The only time I can remember off-hand was one course of fire
in which I had to fire 16 shots with a mandatory reload.  I did
that in 4.9 seconds (no misses!)

Combine that with the amount of dry-firing that I do and the frame
wears out a lot faster than it would for your average copper or
soldier.  The problem with my SIG is that I have worn out the
hole in the frame where the trigger bar spring fits, as I
have must have cycled the thing well into six figures.

Bearing in mind that US tanks in WW2 only fired 22 rounds on
average and frame durability for the pistol is an academic
issue.  I'm sure .45s do last longer than Berettas, my point
is that the DoD made the best choice out of the 9mms available.


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CS: Target-shooting fast

2000-11-08 Thread Tony Jeeves

From:   "Tony Jeeves", [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Fair point, I did tend to mollycoddle my guns.

Who needs an MP5 with the rate of fire you managed to achieve?

In case anyone wants to try that course of fire, it is thus:

Start with hands above shoulders, loaded gun in open table
drawer in front of you, spare magazines in table drawer
as well.  On the start signal, pick up the gun and engage
four IPSC targets with two shots each in the order
(when shot L-R) 3 yards, 7 yards, 7 yards, and 3 yards,
and then reengage (targets are a yard apart from each
other when viewed face on).

Mandatory reload required between first and last shot fired.

I mention it because it is the only course of fire I can
remember the time from shooting with that P226.  I did it
in 4.9, leaving the reload to right before the last target.
Hits weren't too good, a couple of Ds, several Cs.

In case anyone think that is bragging Jeff Dixon (i.e.
Grand Master Jeff Dixon, in top 20 IPSC shooters in the
world) did it right after me in 4.1 seconds, with all
A-zone hits.  I remember it because we were the only
ones to do it in under 5 seconds.


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