CS: Pol-Face values. etc

2001-02-22 Thread E.J. Totty

From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've just finished putting the finishing touches to the end of my
involvement with the shooting sports;
Returning my Certs to the police, handing in what ammo I had, put my
shotguns in the local shop for sale etc.

Steve,  Jim,

Jim: You'll be sorely missed.

Not in the way of a contributor, but in the way of being in
the ranks of active, and interested members of the shooting community.
Experience is something that takes personal attention, and
Sometimes you walk the lonely road by yourself, wondering
if you'll ever meet another soul -- a companion to share the thoughts of
fun, exasperation, contemplation, preparation, and pregnant anticipation.

Here's hoping that you'll have second thoughts, and return to
sport that no one has ever mastered, but merely professed a love of and
cussed out their competitors behind their backs, only to return and be
decimated once again!

Where else can you compete against yourself and win?
Where else can you have so much fun losing?

In Liberty,
=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=
"Whenever we are planning for posterity, we ought to remember 
that virtue is not hereditary." --Thomas Paine 
By way of the The Federalist http://www.Federalist.com/
=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=


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CS: Pol-Face values. etc

2001-02-22 Thread Richard Loweth

From:   "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I do not think that we are going to be that far behind you. It is said that
the "line in the sand" for the Conservatives is stalking rifles and game
shooting shotguns and that ALL else is negotiable in terms of it being

Said by whom?


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CS: Pol-Face values..

2001-02-22 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Did anyone else see "Murder Detectives" on Tues eve on Channel 5?

The Forensic Entomologist (I think!) was called in to deal with the
forensics surrounding a corpse that had been found in Hawaii.

To do this he looks at the insects life cycle in order to ascertain the date
 time of death.

The scientist drove up to the site, on...a Harley Davidson...with the
uniform of a Biker - Leather jacket "Live To Ride", long white hair, gold
chain earring.

Not the stereotypical "Forensic Scientist" maybe, but he is one of the best
in his field of expertise.

Freedom of expression obviously needs to be "acceptable" in certain area's
of life. We get bad press because the media see "Gun  Camo = Soldier"

What would our press say about this scientist?

"Biker peels bugs off dead body"
"Hell's Scientist or Hell's Angel?"
"Bug crazy biker"

In business, people wear a smart suit - that's the expected uniform it is an
identifying characteristic that you see  think "Business Person"

In the lab, Volcanologists wear white coats, but when climbing the volcano,
they wear the (practical) uniform of a mountaineer

In this society, we are what other people see  assume, correctly or not,
the uniform can also be a commanding, intimidating or selling factor

eg. An Army officer, Policeman's uniform = commanding
The SAS black coveralls uniform in the Iranian Embassy Assault =
The clothing of a "Lady of the Night" = selling

The clothing worn at a Trap shooting competition / Olympics/ IPSC etc all
state "Sportsman" the media may not have covered the Olympic shooting (only
mentioning Richard Foulds after he won gold), BUT They cannot denigrate
because the "Uniform" clearly states "SPORTSMAN"

The Antis could never attack a Sportsman in Uniform at the Olympics with
their lies  have them stick

But if Mr Foulds was not in uniform.What happened after the
OlympicsA newly moved in resident (moved in from a town!) to his
village, complained of the "Noise Shooting Makes"  -  Does she want to live
near a WORLD CHAMPION or not? or does she want to live next to an Ex-World
Champion  claim credit for making him an Ex-World Champion (I hear she's
moving away now?)

Herein lies our problem, we are INDIVIDUALS who are a family in a sport, WE
HAVE NO UNIFORM Except at competitions.

Maybe whenever we shoot, we should wear the Competitive Clothing that is
designed for shooters  be proud of it as a Uniform

Maybe we should all wear the Competitive Clothing on the March In March then
we would all be promoting the visual impact of SPORTSPERSONS on all Media
coverage we receive. (Views?)


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CS: Pol-Face values..

2001-02-21 Thread Pete

From:   Pete Ansbro, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Thank you for explaining what you meant and I certainly appreciate the
 practical side of ex.military clothing.
 But when you add a few rings in ears and through eyebrows, SNIPPED

I apologise if I'm wrong, but I think you might be in danger of straying
toward "Right crowd please, and no crowding". One of the real joys of
shooting, and one of its most important assets, is that it attracts
participation from all walks of life.

Having been recently taken to task at this very forum for making gross
generalizations about visual appearances, my pennorth is two-fold

1. What is of paramount importance is not how a person looks, dresses,
smells or speaks, but how safe and accurate a shooter they are. 

I can think of several beautifully turned out shooters who would do well
to take lessons in shooting, which rather proves my second point;

2. You can't judge a book by looking at the cover.


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CS: Pol-Face values. etc

2001-02-21 Thread Jim 2

From:   "Jim 2", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've just finished putting the finishing touches to the end of my
involvement with the shooting sports;
Returning my Certs to the police, handing in what ammo I had, put my
shotguns in the local shop for sale etc.

As a regular reader for many years, but rare contributor to this forum,
I think now is a good time to make a few observations.

After Hungerford, I went to the PR Club (of which I was Secretary for 6
yrs) and could not believe the conversations that were taking place.
"They won't ban SLRs"  "It will blow over"
I was scare-mongering apparently, when I tried to get people off their arses
to write to/visit MPs.
Guess what - SLRs got banned!

After Dunblane we went through the exact same lunacy, still nobody listened,
we organised a coach to the first London march - and had empty seats, the
Club membership at that time was over 400!
No-one believed that they were going to lose pistols - even after the event!
I had two people phone up asking when they had to start keeping their
pistols at the Club - they didn't know the ban had happened, even after
receiving the hand-in stuff from the police!

On neither of the above occasions did any shooting organisation do much that
could be considered useful - but why the hell should they?  Their
memberships (with a some exceptions) was good for nothing but sitting about

During my 16 yr membership, the most I saw at a Club AGM was 15!
There were, of course plenty to moan afterwards!
I would say at least 80% of the membership were not members of any shooting
organisation - (before you ask, I was a member of 5).

It's not organisations that are the problem - it's people!
Now I see there's a discussion going on regarding who is "allowed" to wear
Camo gear!
I'm sorry, but who the hell has the right to tell another what he can and
can't wear!

Some time ago, at an NPA AGM at Bisley, there was a move to ban "the
ostentatious wearing of holsters, off range" because the media might use it
to discredit the sport!  "The sport" had already committed suicide by being
afraid of the media in the first place!

I've been criticised (at an MLAGB competition) for using a "service load"
in a .577 rifle, for target shooting.
Apparently it's "not done" (the reply went "It bloody well is now")
Why do we have to spend so much time building little empires -
when there are far more useful things to be done!

Sorry, but I've had it with shooting.  It's bad enough that ACPO, Labour,
Tories, Tabloids  uncle tom cobly and all are determined to get whatever
advantage can be gained by banning something - but now we have alleged
"supporters" having a dig as well.

Will the people of this Country EVER LEARN?  I doubt it.

Good luck to those who are prepaired to carry on the fight
"Your country really does need you now"
I'm afraid I've given up.

BTW - Yes, I am a "veggie", have worn "camo", ride a motorbike, had long
hair until it all fell out, and have at times had a long beard..so
bloody what, it's called personal choice!
Another of my choices is that I would not be found dead in tweed,
or with rings through any part of my anatomy!

"Thankyou and goodnight".


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CS: Pol-Face values..

2001-02-20 Thread Alex Hamilton

From:   "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The E-mail about "black faces" at Pistol A.D. was not meant
to be sarcastic in that sense but to show that perception is,
in fact, not always reality.
It is the same with the disparagement of those who wear
ex-surplus "cammo gear". The perception seems to have been
that all of these "types" are sad Rambo fantasists.
The reality may be that they appreciate buying hard wearing
well made practical items of clothing for a fraction of its
true cost of manufacture simply because it is ex-surplus.
It is nice to be able to afford a Haggart's tweed shooting
suit that is warm, fits well and gives blends in as
"camouflage" if stalking.
But for a tenth of that I can buy exactly the same thing
that because it is not tweed but a cloth printed with
disruptive pattern colour is condemned as "cammo gear".
But a good tweed is, in its reality, nothing more than
rich man's "cammo gear".

Thank you for explaining what you meant and I certainly appreciate the
practical side of ex.military clothing.

But when you add a few rings in ears and through eyebrows, beard down to
the waist, pony tail and a plastic bag full of bear cans (to be
discarded anywhere when empty) you get the impression of a gentleman of
independent means.  One that does not need a job; does not care whether
his appearance or behaviour causes offence; a true free spirit that
signals "sod off" to the rest of us!

Clearly, there are several stages between the genuine person who wears
"cammo gear" and the type that I describe and there are exceptions to
any generalisation, of course.

My point was that if we want the society to tolerate our sport and grant
us the privilege of free choice, then raising two fingers to every known
convention is not likely to cause anything but contempt and that is bad

Am I wrong?


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CS: Pol-Face values..

2001-02-20 Thread pendrous

From:   "pendrous", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

By Terry Pendrous,
 Actually, that silly business about Camo
clothing at Bisley during the period of the work up to the hand gun ban, was
made to look even more pathetic when the younger generation took up wearing
it as a fashion at the time. Anyone remember that? You know, we have got to
a pathetic state when one starts worrying about crap like that!

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CS: Pol-Face values..

2001-02-19 Thread bob blake

From:   "bob blake", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

While defending an individuals rights to wear what they like, I do, however,
consider that those, who insist on wearing camo gear on range, to be doing
the sport a grave dis-service.  To use cost and warmth and suitability as an
excuse is nonsense, try getting on to a Golf course wearing a pair of cut
off jeans, or camo gear for that matter.  For any sport to have
respectability it needs to have a code of conduct, which includes a dress
code, clearly "camo style clothing" is seen by the press and the anti's as
sinister, why give them ammunition to harm us.

Keep up the good work


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CS: Pol-Face values..

2001-02-18 Thread Richard Loweth

From:   "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The E-mail about "black faces" at Pistol A.D. was not meant
to be sarcastic in that sense but to show that perception is,
in fact, not always reality. 
It is the same with the disparagement of those who wear
ex-surplus "cammo gear". The perception seems to have been
that all of these "types" are sad Rambo fantasists.
The reality may be that they appreciate buying hard wearing
well made practical items of clothing for a fraction of its
true cost of manufacture simply because it is ex-surplus.
It is nice to be able to afford a Haggart's tweed shooting
suit that is warm, fits well and gives blends in as
"camouflage" if stalking.
But for a tenth of that I can buy exactly the same thing
that because it is not tweed but a cloth printed with
disruptive pattern colour is condemned as "cammo gear".
But a good tweed is, in its reality, nothing more than
rich man's "cammo gear".

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