CS: Pol-Guns for Children

2000-05-23 Thread Pete Ansbro

From:   "Pete Ansbro", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hoo-bloody-ray for common sense!

I ask you though"Having given these boys permission to pursue their
initial interests, the world of the imagination has become their oyster and
they are
diving for pearls." I wanted to be derisory about the jargon here, but I'm
too tickled by the boldness of the experiment and honesty of those involved.

One assumes and hopes that she will continue to foster and encourage their
learning through play. She might even turn them into responsible young

  Pete (now, where's me ray-gun!)

  ---[Cybershooters contacts]


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CS: Pol-Guns for Children

2000-05-23 Thread Heinrich

From:   Heinrich Harke, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yes, I saw the article and just faxed the following letter to the Editor
of the Daily Telegraph, using information previously distributed via

22 May 2000

The new research results which show that toy guns in nurseries
reduce aggression (22 May) should not have surprised the experts.
They appear to confirm, albeit for a younger age group, the 
results of a monitoring programme of 4000 children between the
ages of six and fifteen carried out by the US Department of
Justice's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
from 1993 to 1995. The key findings are that children who are
given (real) guns by their parents do not commit gun crimes (in
contrast to children who obtain guns illegally); they are less
likely to commit any kind of street crime than children who have
no gun in the house or acquire an illegal gun; and they have much
lower rates of delinquency and drupg use than children who obtain
illegal guns or do not use guns at all. 

These findings reportedly surprised the researchers at the time.
Do all social scientists wirking in this field start out their
research with the same set of prejudices?

Yours faithfully

Dr Heinrich Harke
  ---[Cybershooters contacts]


  Website & subscription info: www.cybershooters.org

CS: Pol-Guns for Children

2000-05-23 Thread Alex Hamilton

From:   "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi, Steve,

Did you see this?

Daily Telegraph

ISSUE 1823 Monday 22 May 2000
  Guns return to the nursery school toy chest
By Liz Lightfoot, Education Correspondent

  A BAN on toy guns in nurseries is being relaxed as
new research suggests that they reduce aggression.
Far from encouraging violence, they lead to more
imaginative and calmer play, says Penny Holland, of the
University of North London, a lecturer in childhood
studies. Over the past two decades guns have been removed
from nurseries and playgroups for fear of turning small
boys into potential killers.

After the shootings at Hungerford and Dunblane, shops such
as Hamleys and The Early Learning Centre introduced weapons
bans and parents were advised not to allow their children
to use them at home. But Miss Holland said that they had
been reintroduced at a number of nurseries and others were
thinking of following suit. She said she was surprised by
the behaviour of children in nurseries that now allowed them.

When the ban was lifted at Konstam nursery in Camden, north
London, for example, the level of aggression dropped. Allowing
the use of toy guns in a controlled environment provided "an
imaginative doorway through which boys' play was enriched",
she said.

After an initial enthusiasm, the children's interest in
weapons, war and super-hero play declined, leading to a more
relaxed environment. Miss Holland said: "Having given these
boys permission to pursue their initial interests, the world
of the imagination has become their oyster and they are
diving for pearls."

  ---[Cybershooters contacts]


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