CS: Pol-disabled shooters problem

2000-05-28 Thread Jeremy

From:   Jeremy Peter Howells, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Quite simply on the aspect of costs - additional ramps and
access (at MOD specification) would cost tens of thousands
of pounds per range complex.  Money the MOD would much rather
spend on other things and if this money were spent on range
works for the disabled then the range hire costs would rise

Much easier if people complain to say that the ranges don't
meet civilian requirements for disabled access and stop clubs
hiring them.

I have generally found most range wardens to be sympathetic
to the needs of disabled shooters if the hiring clubs give
enough notice in advance and discuss and agree mutually
acceptable arrangements within the safety rules.


Well, I'm afraid costs will go up then, as I cannot see that
the MoD has a leg to stand on legally.  Either they allow
civilians to use their ranges and are bound by the law
regarding disabled access or they are military ranges for
military use.  I will have to check the law to be sure but
I'm pretty certain dual-uses such as that are not exempt.


  ---[Cybershooters contacts]


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CS: Pol-disabled shooters problem

2000-05-18 Thread george . sadler


Dear Cath/Alex,

My father is now in his 70's and registered disabled.  He always
shoots at our long range events at a military range in Hampshire and
our events at Bisley.  He is frail, suffers badly from arthritis, but
can walk the short distance from his car to the firing point.  I must
admit that we don't have any wheelchair bound members to my knowledge.
I'll post your message in the club and pass on any responses.

Closest to being wheel-chair bound was Dudley (unfortunately passed
away year before last) who always took a short step ladder with him to
the long range events because he couldn't climb out of the foxholes
without it.  [Over the past two years we seem to have been planting a
small memorial forest, for our late members, on the green outside the
Elcho Hilton at Bisley.]

We have never had any complaints, or even comments, from the range
warden over my father or Dudley driving their cars along the narrow
road down the range, and parking them just behind and to the right of
which ever firing points we may be using.

You might like to search the MoD website to see whether MoD have any
published policy with regard to disabled persons.  I do know that the
Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (part of MoD) have a positive
policy with regard to access for the disabled.


I have to say I am growing very tired of the MoD.  We have
to pay these outrageous range fees and often the service is
rubbish, as Cathy alludes to.


  ---[Cybershooters contacts]


  Website & subscription info: www.cybershooters.org