Re: [ITP] xemacs: A powerful, highly customizable open source text editor and application development system

2003-12-17 Thread Dr. Volker Zell
 Charles == Charles Wilson  writes:

Charles My concern is this:

Charles The XEmacs people have their own distribution of XEmacs for cygwin -- 
Charles they even adapted our setup.exe for the purpose.  I'd really hate to
Charles tick them off by stepping on their turf by providing a redundant,
Charles competing, package.

Charles Volker, have you contacted the maintainer of the cygwin-XEmacs distro
Charles on the xemacs-nt mailing list, and discussed your intentions with him?

I talked to Andy and he has no problems. He even suggested to also include
windows suppport in the build.

Charles Chuck


Re: [ITP] xemacs: A powerful, highly customizable open source text editor and application development system

2003-12-17 Thread Dr. Volker Zell
 Christopher == Christopher Faylor writes:

Christopher On Mon, Dec 15, 2003 at 12:19:38PM -0500, Joe Buehler wrote:
 Christopher Faylor wrote:
 This was noted during the emacs package development.  I moved the tags
 stuff to a separate package, which I believe is not currently part
 of the Cygwin mirrors.
 ?  Could you rephrase this?  What does this mean?  Did you ask someone
 to upload something and it didn't get done?
 Sorry -- I'm often too brief.

Christopher I know the feeling.  :-)

 The emacs tags files were moved to a separate emacs sub-package because
 they conflicted with the ctags package which was already part of
 Cygwin.  I never submitted that additional package for upload because
 it was not clear that it was of any use, given the existence of
 ctags.  What I did instead was add a dependency -- emacs depends on
 the ctags package.

So I will also move the tags stuff in an extra package called xemacs-tags and the
files identical with emacs (b2m and rcs-checkin) in a package xemacs-emacs-common.
What do you think ?

Christopher Thanks for the clarification.  Does that help Volker?

Yes sir.

Christopher cgf


Re: [ITP] xemacs: A powerful, highly customizable open source text editor and application development system

2003-12-17 Thread Dr. Volker Zell
 Charles == Charles Wilson writes:

Charles Dr. Volker Zell wrote:
Charles Which windowing mode are you proposing?

Charles Well, then there's probably no conflict between your propsed version and
Charles the mswindowing one distributed by Andy.

No, Andy even suggested to provide support for windows in the build too.

Charles Hmm...I like the athena xaw3d stuff, personally (and it's lighter-wieght
Charles than lesstif).  I'll see if I can't find my old build recipe.

Charles  --with-scrollbars=lucid \
Charles  --with-menubars=lucid \
Charles  --with-dialogs=athena \
Charles  --with-widgets=athena \
Charles  --with-athena=3d \

I tried it but I don't like it, the Motif stuff looks much nicer.

Charles Also, if this is an X build, then it ought to have --prefix=/usr/X11R6

other distros seem to put in under /usr/bin ...

Charles -- but perhaps you might want the following package-path instead, so
Charles that native and X versions of XEmacs can share the same packages?  And
Charles shouldn't they go into the share heirarchy, instead of lib?



But as I told you, you don't have to specify ~/.xemacs it's prepended automatically 
when it

Charles Now, many of the files under /usr/lib/xemacs-21.4.14 are cross-platform,
Charles and REALLY should be in the /usr/share heirarchy.  Infact, I believe
Charles that EVERYTHING under /usr/lib/xemacs-21.4.14/ EXCEPT for
Charles /usr/lib/xemacs-21.4.14/i686-pc-cygwin/ should be moved to
Charles /usr/share/xemacs-21.4.14/.   To do this, I think you need to specify


Charles I think you also need to apply this patch taken from the Mandrake RPM
Charles (sorry for the linewrapping)

and a little more :-)

Charles --- xemacs-21.4.9/lisp/find-paths.el.warly  2002-09-07
Charles 20:30:28.0 +0200
Charles +++ xemacs-21.4.9/lisp/find-paths.el2002-09-09 12:23:30.0 
Charles @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
Charles (or
Charles  ;; installed
Charles  (paths-file-readable-directory-p (paths-construct-path (list 
Charles -   lib
Charles +   share
Charles emacs-program-name)))
Charles  ;; in-place or windows-nt
Charles  (and

Charles Now, --with-site-lisp is deprecated, so I wouldn't recommend copying


Charles that.  I also suspect that --with-dragndrop won't work with an X-based
Charles build of XEmacs on cygwin (at least, not in the way we Windows denizens
Charles would X-only drag-n-drop wouldn't be that helpful.

I enabled it anyway.

Charles FWIW, on my Mandrake system, the following files are in an
Charles xemacs-extras package:
Charles /usr/bin/b2m
Charles /usr/bin/ctags
Charles /usr/bin/etags
Charles /usr/bin/ootags
Charles /usr/bin/rcs-checkin
Charles /usr/share/doc/xemacs-extras-21.4.12
Charles /usr/share/doc/xemacs-extras-21.4.12/README
Charles /usr/share/man/man1/ctags.1.bz2
Charles /usr/share/man/man1/etags.1.bz2

I'll create two extra packages, xemacs-tags (all the tags stuff) and 
(b2m and rcs-checkin)

Charles There's a problem with your proposed distribution: you *MUST* distribute
Charles all relevant source code, including libraries.  It's not acceptable for
Charles us to provide an xemacs binary which is linked against a static LDAP
Charles library yet not also provide the source for that LDAP library.

Charles I'm afraid you'll either need to turn off LDAP support, or ITP an LDAP
Charles package.

See upcoming ITP announcement.

Charles Chuck


Re: [ITP] xemacs: A powerful, highly customizable open source text editor and application development system

2003-12-17 Thread Dr. Volker Zell
 Nicholas == Nicholas Wourms writes:

Nicholas Are the source code differences mutually exclusive or is one a subset
Nicholas of the other.  Perhaps merging the changes into the other packages

Don't know

Nicholas might be the way to go?  AFAIK, ctags and friends don't depend on any
Nicholas emacs-specific share libs, right?


Nicholas Cheers,
Nicholas Nicholas


Re: [ITP] xemacs: A powerful, highly customizable open source text editor and application development system

2003-12-17 Thread Dr. Volker Zell
 Charles == Charles Wilson writes:

Charles Nicholas Wourms wrote:
Charles would X-only drag-n-drop wouldn't be that
 Why not?  We have other X11 packages which could utilize this.
 Plus, Harold's on a mission to knock the number of X11 packages
 sky-high, so undoubtly we'll see many more applications which will
 utilize this.

Charles XEmacs speaks the following two dragndrop dialects: CDE, and Offix.
Charles Not the opendesktop one, nor the KDE one, nor the Gnome one.  So, of
Charles Harold's new packages, which ones support CDE or Offix style dragndrop?

Don't know, but I enabled the Offix style dragndrop now. CDE seems to need tooltalk
according to the configure script which I haven't installed.

Charles Chuck


Re: [ITP] xemacs: A powerful, highly customizable open source text editor and application development system

2003-12-17 Thread Dr. Volker Zell
 Nicholas == Nicholas Wourms writes:

Nicholas As I'm sure you know, RPM handles conflicts gracefully while setup
Nicholas mostly does not.  Therefore, this makes things more complicated on
Nicholas Cygwin, since conflicting packages can actually lead to conflicting
Nicholas files not being installed at all.  I would *strongly* urge that we not
Nicholas intentionally allow any conflicts at all (at least not at this point),
Nicholas as it can lead to all sorts of problems.  IIRC from the last
Nicholas ctags/emacs fiasco, Corinna made her stance on conflicting ctags
Nicholas known:  she would have none of that.  However, since these conflicts
Nicholas all share a similar, albeit forked, codebase, wouldn't it be better,
Nicholas in the long run, if we just merged them into a single package?  Since
Nicholas I'm the one asking, I'll check out the sources later on and see if
Nicholas this is possible.  If nothing else, I'm pretty good at merging code
Nicholas from forks :-).

So, is it possible ?

Nicholas Cheers,
Nicholas Nicholas


Re: [ITP] openldap-devel: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol clients and libraries

2003-12-17 Thread Corinna Vinschen
On Dec 17 16:31, Dr. Volker Zell wrote:
 I would like to contribute and maintain the static LDAP libraries and clients 
 from the openldap package:
  *  (Download location) 
 The libraries are needed for example to LDAP enable xemacs.

What about the shared libs?  I once built openldap with shared libs
using a really ugly trick, but probably there's a more official
way to get the same result.

What I did:

$ ./configure \
--prefix=/usr \
--sysconfdir=/etc \
--libexecdir='$(prefix)/sbin' \
--localstatedir=/var \
--datadir='$(prefix)/share' \
--mandir='$(prefix)/share/man' \
--infodir='$(prefix)/share/info' \
--enable-dynamic \
--enable-shared=yes \
--with-gnu-ld \
--without-pic \
--enable-modules \
--enable-crypt \
--enable-wrappers \
$ make depend

Then I replaced libtool in the toplevel directory with the one from
the libtool-devel-1.5-3 package.  Next I applied the following patch:

--- /usr/autotool/devel/bin/libtool 2003-08-18 07:36:04.00100 +0200
+++ libtool 2003-09-25 22:35:13.892495700 +0200
@@ -1180,7 +1180,11 @@ EOF
   # even a static library is built.  For now, we need to specify
   # -no-undefined on the libtool link line when we can be certain
   # that all symbols are satisfied, otherwise we get a static library.
-  allow_undefined=yes
+  # allow_undefined=yes
+  # CV: Hack to build shared libs for Cygwin 1.5.x
+  allow_undefined=no
+  avoid_version=yes

Then I called `make' and openldap has been built with shared libs.


Corinna Vinschen  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Developermailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Red Hat, Inc.

Re: [ITP] openldap-devel: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol clients and libraries

2003-12-17 Thread Christopher Faylor
On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 04:31:14PM +0100, Dr. Volker Zell wrote:

I would like to contribute and maintain the static LDAP libraries and clients 
from the openldap package:

 *  (Download location) 

The libraries are needed for example to LDAP enable xemacs.

+1 from me.


Re: [ITP] openldap-devel: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol clients and libraries

2003-12-17 Thread Igor Pechtchanski
On Wed, 17 Dec 2003, Christopher Faylor wrote:

 On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 04:31:14PM +0100, Dr. Volker Zell wrote:
 I would like to contribute and maintain the static LDAP libraries and clients
 from the openldap package:
  *  (Download location)
 The libraries are needed for example to LDAP enable xemacs.

 +1 from me.


Ditto (+1).
  |\  _,,,---,,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'   Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
'---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

I have since come to realize that being between your mentor and his route
to the bathroom is a major career booster.  -- Patrick Naughton

Re: [ITP] openldap-devel: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol clients and libraries

2003-12-17 Thread Dr. Volker Zell
 Corinna == Corinna Vinschen writes:

Corinna What about the shared libs?  I once built openldap with shared libs
Corinna using a really ugly trick, but probably there's a more official
Corinna way to get the same result.

Corinna What I did:

Corinna $ ./configure \
Corinna --prefix=/usr \
Corinna --sysconfdir=/etc \
Corinna --libexecdir='$(prefix)/sbin' \
Corinna --localstatedir=/var \
Corinna --datadir='$(prefix)/share' \
Corinna --mandir='$(prefix)/share/man' \
Corinna --infodir='$(prefix)/share/info' \
Corinna --enable-dynamic \
Corinna --enable-shared=yes \
Corinna --with-gnu-ld \
Corinna --without-pic \
Corinna --enable-modules \
Corinna --enable-crypt \
Corinna --enable-wrappers \
Corinna --disable-ipv6
Corinna $ make depend

Corinna Then I replaced libtool in the toplevel directory with the one from
Corinna the libtool-devel-1.5-3 package.  Next I applied the following patch:

Corinna --- /usr/autotool/devel/bin/libtool 2003-08-18 07:36:04.00100 
Corinna +++ libtool 2003-09-25 22:35:13.892495700 +0200
Corinna @@ -1180,7 +1180,11 @@ EOF
Corinna# even a static library is built.  For now, we need to specify
Corinna# -no-undefined on the libtool link line when we can be certain
Corinna# that all symbols are satisfied, otherwise we get a static 
Corinna -  allow_undefined=yes
Corinna +  # allow_undefined=yes
Corinna +
Corinna +  # CV: Hack to build shared libs for Cygwin 1.5.x
Corinna +  allow_undefined=no
Corinna +  avoid_version=yes
Corinna  *)

Corinna Then I called `make' and openldap has been built with shared libs.

I did almost the same, but without the patch.

What I did:

  ${srcdir}/configure  \
--target=${target} \
--srcdir=${srcdir} \
--prefix=${prefix} \
--exec-prefix=${exec_prefix}   \
--bindir=${bindir} \
--sbindir=${sbindir}   \
--libexecdir=${libexecdir} \
--datadir=${datadir}   \
--sysconfdir=${sysconfdir} \
--sharedstatedir=${sharedstatedir} \
--localstatedir=${localstatedir}   \
--libdir=${libdir} \
--includedir=${includedir} \
--infodir=${infodir}   \
--mandir=${mandir} \
--with-cyrus-sasl=no   \
--enable-dynamic   \
--enable-aci   \
--enable-cleartext \
--enable-crypt \
--enable-lmpasswd  \
--enable-phonetic  \
--enable-rewrite   \
--enable-rlookups  \
--disable-slp  \
--disable-wrappers \
--enable-bdb   \
--enable-ldap  \
--enable-ldbm  \
--enable-meta  \
--enable-monitor   \
--enable-null  \
--disable-perl \
--enable-shell \
--enable-static=no \

Then I replaced libtool in my .build directory (not the toplevel dir) with the
latest libtool from libtool-devel-1.5.3 then

make devel

all where fine and I had shared libs and the servers. Even the make check run
was fine except one test script (which I renamed).


make install DESTDIR=${instdir}

run somehow messed everything up. The libraries got relinked during this step
and the resulting executables could not initialize properly anmore. At least
that's what the windows popup box was saying.

That's the reason 

RE: Updated xerces-c 2.4.0-1

2003-12-17 Thread Abe Backus
Thank you Daniel

The files uploaded appear to have the version 2.4.0-4 in them, when it
should be 2.4.0-1

-Original Message-
) Previous version is 2.3.0-4
) (e.g. 2.2.0-1 versions can be removed)  ...

Done and done.

[ITP - with packages] xemacs: A powerful, highly customizable open source text editor and application development system

2003-12-17 Thread Dr. Volker Zell

I would like to contribute and maintain the xemacs package:

 * (Homepage)
 *  (Download location) 

and also the accompanying packages xemacs-sumo/xemacs-mule-sumo:

 *  (Download location) 

This build uses the openldap-devel package just ITP'd. So you have to 
download that one first before trying to build this beast.

The xemacs-sumo* packages are about 22  MB each
xemacs-mule-sumo* about 4.8 MB each
Actually it would be enough to download the xemacs-[mule]-sumo-src* 
packages as the packages without -src are the same without the cygwin

xemacs-21.4.14about 15  MB both


Please give it a try.

See the following for included features:
uname -a: CYGWIN_NT-5.0 vzell-de 1.5.6s(0.94/3/2) 20030923 00:06:32 i686 unknown 
unknown Cygwin

/usr/src/xemacs-21.4.14/configure  '--pdump' '--srcdir=/usr/src/xemacs-21.4.14' 
'--prefix=/usr' '--datadir=/usr/share' '--statedir=/var' '--libdir=/usr/lib' 
'--infodir=/usr/share/xemacs-21.4.14/info' '--mandir=/usr/share/man/man1' 
 '--with-mule' '--with_file_coding=yes' '--with_msw=yes' '--with-modules=no' 
'--with-dragndrop' '--with-offix'

XEmacs 21.4.14 Reasonable Discussion configured for `i686-pc-cygwin'.

Compilation / Installation:
  Source code location:  /usr/src/xemacs-21.4.14
  Installation prefix:   /usr
  Operating system description file: `s/cygwin32.h'
  Machine description file:  `m/intel386.h'
  Compiler:  gcc -g -O3 -Wall -Wno-switch -Winline 
-Wmissing-prototypes -Wsign-compare -fno-strict-aliasing -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith
  Relocating allocator for buffers:  no
  GNU version of malloc: yes

Window System:
  Compiling in support for the Microsoft window system.
  Compiling in support for the X window system:
- X Windows headers location: /usr/X11/include
- X Windows libraries location:   /usr/X11R6/lib
- Handling WM_COMMAND properly.
  Compiling in support for Motif.
  *WARNING*  Many versions of Motif are buggy, requiring workarounds.
 You are likely to experience slow redisplay.
 You may need to install vendor patches to Motif.
 See PROBLEMS for more information.
  Using Lucid menubars.
  Using Lucid scrollbars.
  Using Motif dialog boxes.
  Compiling in support for Drag'n'Drop (EXPERIMENTAL).
-  Drag'n'Drop prototype:  msw OffiX.

  Compiling in support for ncurses.

  Compiling in support for GIF  images (builtin).
  Compiling in support for XPM  images.
  Compiling in support for PNG  images.
  Compiling in support for JPEG images.
  Compiling in support for TIFF images.
  Compiling in support for X-Face message headers.

  Compiling in support for sound (native).

  Compiling in support for Berkeley database.
  Compiling in support for LDAP.
  Compiling in support for PostgreSQL.
- Using PostgreSQL header file:  libpq-fe.h
- Using PostgreSQL V7 bindings.

  Compiling in support for Mule (multi-lingual Emacs).
  Compiling in support for file coding.
  Compiling in support for XIM (X11R5+ I18N input method).
- Using raw Xlib to provide XIM support.

  Compiling in support for POP mail retrieval.

Other Features:
  Inhibiting IPv6 canonicalization at startup.
  Using the new portable dumper.


Here is the setup.hint file for xemacs:

sdesc: A powerful, highly customizable open source text editor and application 
development system
ldesc: XEmacs is a powerful, highly customizable open source text editor and
application development system, with full GUI support.  It is protected
under the GNU Public License and related to other versions of Emacs, in
particular GNU Emacs.  Its emphasis is on modern graphical user
interface support and an open software development model, similar to
Linux.  XEmacs has an active development community numbering in the
hundreds (and thousands of active beta testers on top of this), and runs
on all versions of MS Windows, on Linux, and on nearly every other
version of Unix in existence.  Support for XEmacs has been supplied by
Sun Microsystems, University of Illinois, Lucid, ETL/Electrotechnical
Laboratory, Amdahl Corporation, BeOpen, and others, as well as the
unpaid time of a great number of individual developers.
category: Editors Interpreters
requires: cygipc 

Re: [PATCH] Setup: make Local Dir and Root dialogs resizeable

2003-12-17 Thread Igor Pechtchanski

On Sun, 7 Dec 2003, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:


 I realized it's been a while since I sent a patch to setup to this list,
 so here's one that makes the Root Directory (IDD_ROOT) and Local
 Package Directory (IDD_LOCAL_DIR) dialogs resizeable.  Unfortunately,
 this required a change to resource.h - apologies to setup developers with
 slow machines.  One caveat to this patch is that it will not resize the
 Install For and Default Text File Type group boxes (although it will
 resize the radio buttons inside the boxes)[*].  As usual, the ChangeLog is
 [*] This was done intentionally, in hopes that there will eventually be a
 change to ControlAdjuster::ControlInfo::adjust that will loop through
 *all* dialog items with a given id.  Frank Richter claimed it was possible
 (in, but try as
 I might searching MSDN and the web, I couldn't figure out how to retrieve
 more than one dialog control with a particular id, so any pointers are
 appreciated.  In the meantime, you can comment out the IDC_ROOT_SYSTEM,
 prevent those controls from moving.
 2003-12-07  Igor Pechtchanski  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 * resource.h (IDC_GROUPBOX): New control id.
 * res.rc (IDD_ROOT): Change the control id of the group boxes
 (IDD_LOCAL_DIR): Ditto.
 * (RootControlsInfo): Position specifiers for root dir
 selection dialog controls.
 * (LocalDirControlsInfo): Position specifiers for
 local dir selection dialog controls.

  |\  _,,,---,,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'   Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
'---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

I have since come to realize that being between your mentor and his route
to the bathroom is a major career booster.  -- Patrick Naughton

Re: [ITP] openldap-devel: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol clients and libraries

2003-12-17 Thread Eduardo Chappa
*** Dr. Volker Zell ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote in the c-apps...:

:) I would like to contribute and maintain the static LDAP libraries and
:) clients from the openldap package:
:)  *
:)  * (Download location)
:) The libraries are needed for example to LDAP enable xemacs.

They are also needed for Pine. I will review your package tonight and try
to build Pine with your package. Hopefully things will go smoothly, if
not, I'll let you know what I find. In the mean time here's my 1/2 vote.
My other half possibly tonight :).

Thank you for doing this!


Re: [ITP] openldap-devel: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol clients and libraries

2003-12-17 Thread Daniel Reed
On 2003-12-17T16:31+0100, Dr. Volker Zell wrote:
) I would like to contribute and maintain the static LDAP libraries and clients
) from the openldap package:
) mkdir -p openldap/openldap-devel

There does not seem to be much precedent for having a package that only
has a -devel; the closest appears to be db, which looks to be more of a
grouping of similar packages (but feel free to look for yourself in case I
missed another example).

Typically -devel packages are subordinate to [and built from] some other
package. There are .exe files in this -devel, so it might make sense to move
at least those (and usr/share/*) into an actual openldap package, and
leave the manual pages, headers, and static libraries in -devel.

If you place a small value on yourself, rest assured, the world will
not raise your price.

Re: [ITP] openldap-devel: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol clients and libraries

2003-12-17 Thread Stipe Tolj
Dr. Volker Zell wrote:
 I would like to contribute and maintain the static LDAP libraries and clients
 from the openldap package:
  *  (Download location)
 The libraries are needed for example to LDAP enable xemacs.

dependency for php-4 is also given. ;) 

so +1 from my side too.


Wapme Systems AG

Münsterstr. 248
40470 Düsseldorf, NRW, Germany

phone: +49.211.74845.0
fax: +49.211.74845.299


Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (Cygwin)


Re: [ITP] openldap-devel: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol clients and libraries

2003-12-17 Thread Stipe Tolj

trying to reproduce your issue I run into:

checking to see if -lrpcrt4 is needed for win32 UUID support... no
checking for res_query... no
checking for __res_query... no
checking for res_query in -lbind... no
checking for __res_query in -lbind... no
checking for res_query in -lresolv... no
checking for __res_query in -lresolv... no
configure: error: DNSSRV requires res_query()

while configure runs. So I'm wondering which resolver lib you have
been using?!


Wapme Systems AG

Münsterstr. 248
40470 Düsseldorf, NRW, Germany

phone: +49.211.74845.0
fax: +49.211.74845.299


Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (Cygwin)


Re: [ITP] openldap-devel: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol clients and libraries

2003-12-17 Thread Eduardo Chappa
On Wed, 17 Dec 2003, Eduardo Chappa wrote:

:) *** Dr. Volker Zell ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote in the c-apps...:
:) :) I would like to contribute and maintain the static LDAP libraries and
:) :) clients from the openldap package:
:) They are also needed for Pine. I will review your package tonight and
:) try to build Pine with your package. Hopefully things will go smoothly,
:) if not, I'll let you know what I find. In the mean time here's my 1/2
:) vote. My other half possibly tonight :).

And of course you get the 1/2 missing point. Pine built and worked cleanly
with this package.

However, notice that in order to have Pine built with your package I
needed to make changes to the build script of Pine. Although, this is not
really of your concern, I would appreciate if you keep me up-to-date with
any modifications that you make so that I can update/modify mine.

Thanks, good work!


Re: [ITP] openldap-devel: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol clients and libraries

2003-12-17 Thread Charles Wilson
Dr. Volker Zell wrote:

It would be interesting to know why the make check run works but after installation
the resulting shared libs don't work anymore. Charles ??
Shared libs get relinked on perhaps using the wrong 
(e.g. not the one created by configure) libtool is causing problems in 
the relink step but not in the initial build step?

Assuming that openldap uses libtool in the normal way -- that is, by 
having AC_LIBTOOL or whatever in the file, I'd recommend a 
complete reautotoolization --

 1. put AC_PREREQ([2.59]) in
 2. run autoupdate (or perhaps autoreconf --force --verbose --install, 
or manually run the various autotools to get things right)

and try a build without post-configure butchery of the libtool script :-)

Sorry I can't be more detailed or investigate first-hand; too much time 
pressure right now...


Re: Trouble with DDD download via cygwin setup

2003-12-17 Thread Ton van Overbeek
I found out what the problem is trying to download ddd via Cygwin setup:
the filesize and md5sum given in setup.ini for ddd-3.3.8-1.tar.bz2
do not match.

In setup.ini: size 1435787, md5sum f3244afe271984c1fc1855203cb92300
After manual download:
  size 1435585, md5sum 86cc2b9dff9a4f794dfc6bbe49bf2bbc

Hence the download incomplete, try again? message in setup.
Harold, could you please fix your setup.ini, so ddd can be downloaded
via setup?

Thanks in advance.

Ton van Overbeek

Cygwin XFree86 featured in Danish Computer Magazine

2003-12-17 Thread Franz Wolfhagen

Well, it had to happen sometimes - the danish computer magazine Alt om
Data has metioned/included Cygwin Xfree86 on their monthly
CDRom with their magazine along with a lot of the cygwin tools.

The only problem as I see it - they have no sourcecode available on the
CDRom - neither is it possible to see where it should obtained.

They can be contacted on the mail address

Med venlig hilsen / Regards
Franz Wolfhagen

Re: Trouble with DDD download via cygwin setup

2003-12-17 Thread Harold L Hunt II
Thanks Ton.  I fixed it by uploading the slightly updated binary file 
that I had created.


Ton van Overbeek wrote:

I found out what the problem is trying to download ddd via Cygwin setup:
the filesize and md5sum given in setup.ini for ddd-3.3.8-1.tar.bz2
do not match.
In setup.ini: size 1435787, md5sum f3244afe271984c1fc1855203cb92300
After manual download:
  size 1435585, md5sum 86cc2b9dff9a4f794dfc6bbe49bf2bbc
Hence the download incomplete, try again? message in setup.
Harold, could you please fix your setup.ini, so ddd can be downloaded
via setup?
Thanks in advance.

Ton van Overbeek

Re: Typo on home page

2003-12-17 Thread Harold L Hunt II
Fixed.  Thanks.


Paul Mackinney wrote:

FYI, there's a typo on the Cygwin/X home page, first paragraph of the
Downloading and Installing section.
s/not yo already/not you already/

hope this is the right place to report it.

Paul Mackinney

Re: not getting login using xdmcp

2003-12-17 Thread Igor Pechtchanski
On Wed, 17 Dec 2003, Alexander Gottwald wrote:

 On Tue, 16 Dec 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Xwin -query hostname -nodecoration -lesspointer
  to get me to a login have not been successful. The server (
  seems to respond as in this dump
  Unfortunately this sequence isn't generating errors to xdm-error.log.
  I'm thinking that either there is an xdm configuration setting or Xwin
  option that I don't have set up. I've tried the -from and -port options
  with no affect.

 what about /tmp/XWin.log? Have you already tried the -from localip


Also check /var/log/messages on the RedHat machine for any error messages
from [gkx]dm.
  |\  _,,,---,,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'   Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
'---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

I have since come to realize that being between your mentor and his route
to the bathroom is a major career booster.  -- Patrick Naughton

Re: -nounixkill doesn't seem to work (Was Re: Ctrl-Alt-Backspace)

2003-12-17 Thread Takuma Murakami
Dear Igor and Alexander,

   xmodmap -e keycode 22 = BackSpace
 This, however, not only didn't change anything (Ctrl-Alt-Backspace still
 exited X), but also crashed XWin.exe.  I doubt the stack dump is of any
 use with a non-debug version of XWin, but I can provide it if people
 request, as well as the corresponding XWin.log (which doesn't contain any
 details of the crash).  I believe I've also posted the details of my setup
 earlier in this thread.  To reproduce the problem, run

The attached patch can fix the problem.  This is against
xorg CVS tree on

Takuma Murakami ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Description: Binary data

Re: -nounixkill doesn't seem to work (Was Re: Ctrl-Alt-Backspace)

2003-12-17 Thread Harold L Hunt II
Looks clean to me... I will test it tonight and release it if possible.

I have a feeling that this might have some effect on the keyboard 
doesn't work problem that people have been encountering.


Takuma Murakami wrote:

Dear Igor and Alexander,

xmodmap -e keycode 22 = BackSpace
This, however, not only didn't change anything (Ctrl-Alt-Backspace still
exited X), but also crashed XWin.exe.  I doubt the stack dump is of any
use with a non-debug version of XWin, but I can provide it if people
request, as well as the corresponding XWin.log (which doesn't contain any
details of the crash).  I believe I've also posted the details of my setup
earlier in this thread.  To reproduce the problem, run

The attached patch can fix the problem.  This is against
xorg CVS tree on
Takuma Murakami ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Remote open X application

2003-12-17 Thread Welson Sun
Hi all, I have just installed Cygwin-XFree86, it works fine for local X
applications, but when I tried to open remote X application, it fails. The
log is:
Xlib: connection to localhost:0.0 refused by server
Xlib: No protocol specified
Error: Cann't open display: localhost:0.0
I searched the maillist, looks like a lot of people have been caught by this
problem, but there is no satisfying answer yet.
I have set the DISPLAY environment to be, but no help.
I have disabled the NAV, but no help.
Looks like it is the problem with my windows X server setting, somehow, it
is not accepting the incoming request.
Any idea guys?

Best Regards,

Welson Sun

Electrical and Computer Engineering
Brigham Young Unversity
461 CB, Provo, Utah 84602

Office: (801) 422-7206

RE: Remote open X application

2003-12-17 Thread Welson Sun
OK, I know what's wrong now. The step should be:
1. Start Cygwin X
2. xhost + Remote Server
3. ssh -X Remote Server

This works for me now. At least the refused by server is resolved.

But not all Linux machines

I can start X applications on some Linux machine in this way, but on some
others, it still complains about:
Error: Cann't open display: localhost:0.0

I have no idea, now the problem looks like is relating with the Linux
machine setup. Anybody can help me? Thanks!

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Welson Sun
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 6:18 PM
Subject: Remote open X application

Hi all, I have just installed Cygwin-XFree86, it works fine for local X
applications, but when I tried to open remote X application, it fails. The
log is:
Xlib: connection to localhost:0.0 refused by server
Xlib: No protocol specified
Error: Cann't open display: localhost:0.0
I searched the maillist, looks like a lot of people have been caught by this
problem, but there is no satisfying answer yet.
I have set the DISPLAY environment to be, but no help.
I have disabled the NAV, but no help.
Looks like it is the problem with my windows X server setting, somehow, it
is not accepting the incoming request.
Any idea guys?

Best Regards,

Welson Sun

Electrical and Computer Engineering
Brigham Young Unversity
461 CB, Provo, Utah 84602

Office: (801) 422-7206

RE: Remote open X application

2003-12-17 Thread Welson Sun
Thanks Harold.

At first, I just followed the link you provided, but got the error as stated
in my previous email. Then I add the xhost + ...  command before doing
ssh, and it worked for my Linux machines.

So, I think it might be that other Linux machines are not correctly set up,
especially for X tunnelling. I am not expert on this, I need to talk with my
system administrator. 

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Harold L Hunt II
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 8:03 PM
Subject: Re: Remote open X application


Welson Sun wrote:
 OK, I know what's wrong now. The step should be:
 1. Start Cygwin X
 2. xhost + Remote Server

No.  xhost is not needed, nor desired, when using ssh.

 3. ssh -X Remote Server
 This works for me now. At least the refused by server is resolved.
 But not all Linux machines
 I can start X applications on some Linux machine in this way, but on 
 some others, it still complains about:
 Error: Cann't open display: localhost:0.0

It is more likely that some of your Linux machines don't have ssh setup to
allow X11 tunnelling.

Follow the instructions on the following page for ssh, very carefully:

You should not have any trouble if you do it this way... unless your Linux
machines need to have their sshd configuration changed, which you can find
documentation about elsewhere.


RE: Remote open X application

2003-12-17 Thread Welson Sun
OK, with Harold's help, it now works for me at last.

By default, you should not need to set the DISPLAY variable, the sshd X11
tunnelling configuration should take care of this. But because some admin is
not familiar with this, you may need to set up manually.

Then I set it to be: localhost:10.1 and it works. But according to Harold,
if somebody else is logged on via ssh already and using 10.0, I should set
it be to 11.1, but I cannot know that.

Anyway, this is a problem with the Remote Linux machine's sshd X11
tunnelling configuration.

-Original Message-
From: Harold L Hunt II [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 9:17 PM
To: Welson Sun
Subject: Re: Remote open X application


Let's keep this discussion on the mailing list for others to see.

Welson Sun wrote:

 Hi Harold,
 I am sorry that I don't use IRC, but I use MSN ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).
 Maybe it is a good idea to use IRC, I just finished all my finals so I 
 have some time to figure this out. :-)
 Yeah, you are right. After I logged on to the remote host, I will set 
 the DISPLAY variable to be, it worked on some Linux 
 machines, but not all. So I think this maybe a problem with the Linux sshd

You are not supposed to do that.  ssh works by redirecting your X apps to
point to a local screen that sshd is listening on.  If the DISPLAY variable
is unset when you login to the remote machine, then it means that the remote
machine is not properly configured for ssh X tunnelling. 
  If it is set, then leave it alone and try running an app... it should work
fine.  That is what I meant when I said to follow the instructions on the
web page; I didn't leave out any steps, which means that I don't want you to
add any steps that I didn't mention.  Please try that and report your
results to the list.

 BTW, what IRC program do you recommend?

I use Mozilla's IRC program called Chatzilla.


src/winsup/cygwin ChangeLog pinf ...

2003-12-17 Thread cgf
Module name:src
Changes by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   2003-12-17 22:47:32

Modified files:
winsup/cygwin  : ChangeLog pinfo.h 

Log message:
* pinfo.h (pinfo::operator ==): Add a way to check for _pinfo types.
* (proc_subproc): Ensure that zombie is removed when SIGCHLD ==
SIG_IGN but still allow wait()ing threads to wake up.


Re: snapshot cygwin1-20031212.dll.bz2

2003-12-17 Thread Marcus Van Der Beek
But, then it's been theorized that I am rather incompetent about testing
these things,

preferring to test in a magical It always works type of
environment that is loaded with super special software.  That's why
I need something like the stack dump from normal folks who don't have
access to all of my whiz bang cygwin spy gadgets and such.
its good to see you acknowledge and agree with what others have been saying
even though its got a sarcastic tone about it.

ninemsn Premium transforms your e-mail with colours, photos and animated 
text. Click here

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Problem reports:

Re: RSA Authentication with CVSNT

2003-12-17 Thread Corinna Vinschen
On Dec 16 15:22, Darren Healey wrote:
 To sum up the problem in as few words as possible:
 A CVSNT server running on windows using RSA authentication via Cygwin's 
 OpenSSH server produces the following log entries when a checkin is made:
 date 2001.; author SYSTEM; state Exp;
 instead of
 date 2001.; author cvsuser; state Exp;
 If password authentication is used, this problem doesn't show up.  I'm also 
 under the understanding that VanDyke's SSH server does not have this 
 problem, but it is a costly solution.
 According to the thread (back in December of 2001), it looks like Corinna 
 had put some effort into trying to resolve this.  Did anything ever come of 
 this?  I would appreciate any info on this subject, as I am interested in 
 using this authentication method for CVSNT.

There's still no solution for native Windows applications.  Cygwin apps
are fine, though.  Patches thoughtfully considered.


Corinna Vinschen  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Developermailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Red Hat, Inc.

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permission denied for Remsh on Windows 2000 Server

2003-12-17 Thread Amit RATHEE

I have a domain with many users and I try to enumerate the userid .It comes
out to be 193456 by cygwin.Now I delete the entries from passwd file and
make the UID very short i.e. 19 and when I log in as user it shows me the
correct user name i.e it recognises the user which it was not doing
earlier.But now with this user if try to login from a remote unix server
with same name and entries made in .rhosts file , it gives me an erro

Everything works well if I do the same above activities with the uid less
than the 65356 no. generated by cygwin.

Any help as soon as possible is appreciable

With Warm Regards,

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Re: permission denied for Remsh on Windows 2000 Server

2003-12-17 Thread Alejandro Lopez-Valencia
El Wed, 17 Dec 2003 16:44:34 +0530, Amit RATHEE escribi en el mensaje 


I have a domain with many users and I try to enumerate the userid .It 
out to be 193456 by cygwin.Now I delete the entries from passwd file and
make the UID very short i.e. 19 and when I log in as user it shows me the
 Holy Mother of the Deity!
Phew! That was close!
Everything works well if I do the same above activities with the uid less
than the 65356 no. generated by cygwin.
If you read the contents of /etc/passwd, you'll notice that cygwin uses 
the UID numbers generated by Windows, you just can't go about putting in 
anything you like there. On the other hand 19 is a system reserved UID, 
both in Windows *and* Unix; you may use it but you will be opening a 
security hole big enough to drive the Titanic through your system without 
knocking an iceberg.




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Re: permission denied for Remsh on Windows 2000 Server

2003-12-17 Thread Alejandro Lopez-Valencia
El Wed, 17 Dec 2003 16:44:34 +0530, Amit RATHEE escribi en el mensaje 

I was so astounded that forgot the other little fact: You are trying to 
use remsh! Baad idea. I strongly suggest you use SSH instead (Cygwin 
provides binaries for the OpenSSH implementataion.)



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RE: permission denied for Remsh on Windows 2000 Server

2003-12-17 Thread Amit RATHEE
SO you suggest me what to do?

With Warm Regards,

-Original Message-
Alejandro Lopez-Valencia
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 5:05 PM
Subject: Re: permission denied for Remsh on Windows 2000 Server

El Wed, 17 Dec 2003 16:44:34 +0530, Amit RATHEE escribi en el mensaje 


 I have a domain with many users and I try to enumerate the userid .It
 out to be 193456 by cygwin.Now I delete the entries from passwd file and
 make the UID very short i.e. 19 and when I log in as user it shows me the

  Holy Mother of the Deity!

 Phew! That was close!

 Everything works well if I do the same above activities with the uid 
 less than the 65356 no. generated by cygwin.

If you read the contents of /etc/passwd, you'll notice that cygwin uses 
the UID numbers generated by Windows, you just can't go about putting in 
anything you like there. On the other hand 19 is a system reserved UID, 
both in Windows *and* Unix; you may use it but you will be opening a 
security hole big enough to drive the Titanic through your system without 
knocking an iceberg.




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Re: permission denied for Remsh on Windows 2000 Server

2003-12-17 Thread Alejandro Lopez-Valencia
El Wed, 17 Dec 2003 17:51:07 +0530, Amit RATHEE escribi en el mensaje 

El Wed, 17 Dec 2003 16:44:34 +0530, Amit RATHEE escribi en el mensaje

I have a domain with many users and I try to enumerate the userid .It
out to be 193456 by cygwin.Now I delete the entries from passwd file and
make the UID very short i.e. 19 and when I log in as user it shows me 

Everything works well if I do the same above activities with the uid
less than the 65356 no. generated by cygwin.

SO you suggest me what to do?

I'm afraid you can't use easily the UID generated to your account by the 
SMB network domain controller, because it is too high. Traditionally Unix 
has that 16-bit limitation in the number of different users allowed in a 
system. As far as I know, only newer Unix-like (but not Unix) OSs have 
higher limits on UID numbers (Linux, QNX and such-like).

This is what I'd do assuming you have a machine-wide cygwin installation 
(not tested, no warranties this would work, you are welcome to be a 
willing guinea pig :-):

Create a local user in your box, not registered with the Domain Controler, 
that is, you login locally, no roaming profile, no network authorization.

Login to that account, open your cygwin shell to create the new home 
directory, log out. Login to your default account and edit /etc/passwd, 
change the home directory of the new account to the one of your real 
account. Close the shell. From the Windows Explorer, select the directory 
of your prefered account and assign shared ownership to the local account 
recursively. And, you may need to change access control from ntsec to ntea 
or not at all, and remove some custom ownership properties in the 
directories you want to access as well as playing a bit with chmod, see 
/usr/share/doc/cygwin-doc-1.3/html/cyg-ug-net/using-cygwinenv.html and 
filemodes.html for an explanation.


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Running Setup twice on a new install

2003-12-17 Thread Karl M
Hi All...

I just did a clean Cygwin install. I ran setup and when it completed, I ran 
it a second time. On the
second pass, with no new packages selected, it installed

libbz2_1: Shared libraries for bzip2 (runtime)

Why did it not find this dependency the first time?

I saw this in the recent past and thought I would try it again because of 
all of the dependency updates.



Enjoy the holiday season with great tips from MSN.

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Re: snapshot cygwin1-20031212.dll.bz2

2003-12-17 Thread Christopher Faylor
On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 08:28:53AM +, Marcus Van Der Beek wrote:
But, then it's been theorized that I am rather incompetent about testing
these things,

preferring to test in a magical It always works type of
environment that is loaded with super special software.  That's why
I need something like the stack dump from normal folks who don't have
access to all of my whiz bang cygwin spy gadgets and such.

its good to see you acknowledge and agree with what others have been saying
even though its got a sarcastic tone about it.

Do you wear ear muffs to muffle the sound of things whooshing by over your
head?  It must be quite distracting otherwise.


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Re: cvs unable to remove lock directory; rm -r works

2003-12-17 Thread Igor Pechtchanski

Please don't send personal mail with Cygwin questions -- all questions
(and solutions) should go to the Cygwin mailing list.  That way you a) get
the benefit of the combined expertise of the community, and b) get your
query and the replies to it into the archives, so that others can find it
in the archive search.  So I've Cc'd my reply to the list, and set the
Reply-To: appropriately.

Real reply below.

On Tue, 16 Dec 2003, Peter S. Kim wrote:


 I ran across your post about this on Google, and was wondering if you were
 ever able to find a resolution.  I am running into the same error running
 cygwin on NT.

 Any help would be greatly apprecated..

 - Peter

The workaround I found for this problem was to tell cvs to place locks for
this repository in a local directory (LockDir=/tmp/igor/cvslock in
CVSROOT/config), rather than inside the repository (which is on a Samba
share).  Since this worked, I haven't investigated further.  I suspect
this had something to do with how 'stat' or 'unlink' works on a Samba
share, and, perhaps, the properties of that share (which I have no control
over), but that's more of a WAG.  For all I know, it might have been fixed
in the later Cygwin versions...  HTH,
  |\  _,,,---,,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'   Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
'---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

I have since come to realize that being between your mentor and his route
to the bathroom is a major career booster.  -- Patrick Naughton

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RE: snapshot cygwin1-20031212.dll.bz2

2003-12-17 Thread Ken Thompson

 -Original Message-
 Of Christopher Faylor
 Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 10:49 AM
 Subject: Re: snapshot cygwin1-20031212.dll.bz2

 On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 08:28:53AM +, Marcus Van Der Beek wrote:
 But, then it's been theorized that I am rather incompetent about testing
 these things,
 preferring to test in a magical It always works type of
 environment that is loaded with super special software.  That's why
 I need something like the stack dump from normal folks who don't have
 access to all of my whiz bang cygwin spy gadgets and such.
 its good to see you acknowledge and agree with what others have
 been saying
 even though its got a sarcastic tone about it.

 Do you wear ear muffs to muffle the sound of things whooshing by over your
 head?  It must be quite distracting otherwise.


CGF provides a tremendous service to the open source community whatever some
list members think of his attitude. Some of you people who are trashing him
at the same time you are expecting him to reproduce and fix bugs, which
often seem to affect only a very few installations, really should read Dale
Carnegies book How To Win Friends And Influence People. You would really get
a lot more accomplished that way.

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Problem reports:

kill(pid, 0) issue

2003-12-17 Thread Nowakowski Maciej-AMN011
Hi all,

My application creates additional process using fork() function. Created child process 
listens on a socket and exits when it receives anything. The main process checks the 
child PID using kill(pid, 0) with child PID as a parameter. Even when the child has 
exited this function call returns 0. When I have supplied any PID which hasn't ever 
existed it's fine and kill(non-existentPID, 0) returns -1.

Has anyone experienced something like this?

I'm using Cygwin 1.5.5 version(DLL version).



P.S. For now I'm using kill(pid, SIGCONT) as a workaround.

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Re: kill(pid, 0) issue

2003-12-17 Thread Christopher Faylor
On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 05:23:20PM +0100, Nowakowski Maciej-AMN011 wrote:
My application creates additional process using fork() function.
Created child process listens on a socket and exits when it receives
anything.  The main process checks the child PID using kill(pid, 0)
with child PID as a parameter.  Even when the child has exited this
function call returns 0.  When I have supplied any PID which hasn't
ever existed it's fine and kill(non-existentPID, 0) returns -1.

Has anyone experienced something like this?

This seems like a perfect place for a simple test case.  For instance:

#include stdio.h
#include stdlib.h
#include signal.h
#include unistd.h
#include sys/wait.h

main (int argc, char **argv)
  int pid;
  if (argv[1])
pid = atoi(argv[1]);
  else if ((pid = fork ()) == 0)
  puts (forking a process and then exiting);
  exit (0);
  int dummy;
  wait (dummy);
  printf (%d = kill (%d, 0)\n, kill (pid, 0), pid);
  exit (0);

I tried the above with no argument and with an argument of a previously
forked-and-exited process.  Both cases produced the expected result, as
did trying this on a running process.

I suspect that you are not 'wait()'ing for the process to exit before
checking if it exists.  kill(pid, 0) will succeed on both linux and cygwin
if the process is not reaped by calling wait (or waitpid, etc.) first.


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FAQ: version 1.3

2003-12-17 Thread Harig, Mark
The previous version referred to the file:


This has been changed to reflect the new
directory structure for documentation:


--- will attempt to diagnose 
problems with cron.

It will not modify any files on your computer.

You might need to run the script several times.

Each time that it finds a problem, it stops and
displays a descriptive message.

Please read the messages that the script
generates, especially if it reports no errors,
but you still cannot get cron to work for you.

These messages should help you to report
problems that occur in setting up cron, and
possibly reduce the number of messages about
cron that need to be sent to the mailing list.

Please report the version number that this
script reports so that improvements can be
made to it.

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RE: snapshot cygwin1-20031212.dll.bz2

2003-12-17 Thread Larry Hall
At 10:56 AM 12/17/2003, Ken Thompson you wrote:

 -Original Message-
 Of Christopher Faylor
 Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 10:49 AM
 Subject: Re: snapshot cygwin1-20031212.dll.bz2

 On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 08:28:53AM +, Marcus Van Der Beek wrote:
 But, then it's been theorized that I am rather incompetent about testing
 these things,
 preferring to test in a magical It always works type of
 environment that is loaded with super special software.  That's why
 I need something like the stack dump from normal folks who don't have
 access to all of my whiz bang cygwin spy gadgets and such.
 its good to see you acknowledge and agree with what others have
 been saying
 even though its got a sarcastic tone about it.

 Do you wear ear muffs to muffle the sound of things whooshing by over your
 head?  It must be quite distracting otherwise.


CGF provides a tremendous service to the open source community whatever some
list members think of his attitude. Some of you people who are trashing him
at the same time you are expecting him to reproduce and fix bugs, which
often seem to affect only a very few installations, really should read Dale
Carnegies book How To Win Friends And Influence People. You would really get
a lot more accomplished that way.

Wow!  I can't believe you fell for this CGF deception.  There's clearly a 
Cygwin conspiracy going on here and CGF is at the heart of it.  My take is 
that Red Hat is planning a new, beefed up version of Cygwin that will only
be available as a commercial offering.  It will be big $$$ and compete 
head-to-head with the likes of MS Windows and even Linux!  But Red Hat 
won't be releasing this to the Cygwin community for free.  So we'll
all be stuck with only what we can download. :-(  CGF clearly has access 
to this pending mega, commercial version and is certainly using that for all 
his tests, leaving us all at a disadvantage.  I'm sure he's laughing 
sadistically at us even now.  But he's not fooling me!  And he won't get 
away with it!  Mark my words.  CGF is going down.  And Cygwin will be all 
the better for it.  Just you wait and see...

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Need tips debugging a crash porting an app to cygwin caused by sth overwriting a function

2003-12-17 Thread Dalibor Topic
Hi all,

I'm trying to get kaffe to work again on Cygwin, and I'm quite puzzled 
at a bug I'm seing. Here's what happens:

I fire up a statically linked kaffe-bin.exe in gdb, and disassemble a 
function, findJarFiles in gdb, and result looks reasonable, i.e. it 
looks just like in the disassembly of the object file the function comes 

I try runing kaffe in gdb in order to run the java compiler, and quite 
quickly, it crashes, when it enters the findJarFiles function, with a 
SIGSEGV. The disassembly of the function shows that it's been modified 
to have a few bad opcodes at the start.

Of course, I'd like to know what causes those opcodes to be modified. 
I've tried watch and awatch findJarFiles, awatch *(long *) findJarFiles, 
but despite gdb saying that it's setting a hardware watchpoint, I don't 
get a break in gdb until the function call crashes, which is too late.

So I'm wondering what kind of tips experienced Cygwin developers could 
offer to nail the bug down.

dalibor topic
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RE: snapshot cygwin1-20031212.dll.bz2

2003-12-17 Thread Igor Pechtchanski
On Wed, 17 Dec 2003, Larry Hall wrote:

 At 10:56 AM 12/17/2003, Ken Thompson wrote:

  -Original Message-
  Of Christopher Faylor
  Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 10:49 AM
  Subject: Re: snapshot cygwin1-20031212.dll.bz2
  On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 08:28:53AM +, Marcus Van Der Beek wrote:
  But, then it's been theorized that I am rather incompetent about testing
  these things,
  preferring to test in a magical It always works type of
  environment that is loaded with super special software.  That's why
  I need something like the stack dump from normal folks who don't have
  access to all of my whiz bang cygwin spy gadgets and such.
  its good to see you acknowledge and agree with what others have
  been saying
  even though its got a sarcastic tone about it.
  Do you wear ear muffs to muffle the sound of things whooshing by over your
  head?  It must be quite distracting otherwise.
 CGF provides a tremendous service to the open source community whatever some
 list members think of his attitude. Some of you people who are trashing him
 at the same time you are expecting him to reproduce and fix bugs, which
 often seem to affect only a very few installations, really should read Dale
 Carnegies book How To Win Friends And Influence People. You would really get
 a lot more accomplished that way.

 Wow!  I can't believe you fell for this CGF deception.  There's clearly a
 Cygwin conspiracy going on here and CGF is at the heart of it.  My take is
 that Red Hat is planning a new, beefed up version of Cygwin that will only
 be available as a commercial offering.  It will be big $$$ and compete
 head-to-head with the likes of MS Windows and even Linux!  But Red Hat
 won't be releasing this to the Cygwin community for free.  So we'll
 all be stuck with only what we can download. :-(  CGF clearly has access
 to this pending mega, commercial version and is certainly using that for all
 his tests, leaving us all at a disadvantage.  I'm sure he's laughing
 sadistically at us even now.  But he's not fooling me!  And he won't get
 away with it!  Mark my words.  CGF is going down.  And Cygwin will be all
 the better for it.  Just you wait and see...

/* CGF: going down.

   Copyright 2003 Red Hat, Inc.

This text is part of Cygwin.

This composition is a copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the
Cygwin license.  Please consult the file CYGWIN_LICENSE for
details. */

You better watch out, you better back up,
Because all support for Cygwin will stop:
CGF is go-oing down...
He's one of the thugs who manage Cygwin,
He adds all the bugs because he is mean:
CGF is go-oing down...
He knows the ins of signals, he knows both spawn() and fork()
He has his own environment that makes all programs work...

His manner is rude, he lurks on the lists,
He'll make you spit food and clench both your fists:
CGF is go-oing down...
He has the gall not to spend all his time
On fixing our bugs and this is a crime:
CGF is go-oing down...
Cygwin will just be better with no CGF,
Until the day you find a bug and run screaming WTF?

You better watch out, you better back up,
Because all support for Cygwin will stop:
CGF is go-oing do-o-o-o-o-o-o-own!

  |\  _,,,---,,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'   Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
'---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

I have since come to realize that being between your mentor and his route
to the bathroom is a major career booster.  -- Patrick Naughton

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Problem reports:

Windows 2003 Server Cygwin Cron

2003-12-17 Thread Benn Schreiber
This is a follow-up to my original post. I've done some work offline with a
couple of people on this, but wanted to bring the issue, and current
findings, back to the list.

Summary: Windows 2003 server, set up crond per Corinna's directions (posted
below). Once a user (pick a user, any user) does a 'crontab -e', crond
reports 'CANT OPEN (tabs/user)'

At this point, the tabs/user file is owned by user.SYSTEM  If I change the
ownership to user.Administrators, crond is happy and so am I because my cron
jobs run.

So, I have a workaround (manually change the protection on the tabs/user
file to user.Administrators after a 'crontab -e'). I'm posting this in case
others run into the problem, and with the hope that a future rev of cron
will address this problem.



From: Benn Schreiber bls at starwhite dot net
To: cygwin at cygwin dot com
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2003 08:51:26 -0800
Subject: Re: Windows 2003 Server  Cygwin Cron

I am running on Windows 2003 server, and set up cron_server per this note.
The cron server starts just fine, but reports that it can't open
tabs/theuser (where theuser is the user account name).

The protection on tabs/theuser is 640 o.g is user.SYSTEM  which is probably
why cron server can't open it. I changed the group to administrators, which
cron_server is part of, but unfortunately, a 'crontab -e' resets the group



From: Corinna Vinschen corinna-cygwin at cygwin dot com 
To: cygwin at cygwin dot com 
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2003 10:02:53 +0100 
Subject: Re: Windows 2003 Server  Cygwin Cron 
References: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Reply-to: cygwin at cygwin dot com 

On Mon, Nov 10, 2003 at 03:26:07PM -0700, Brian Cruikshank wrote:
  I have tried putting
 the everyone group on the Local Security policies for Create a token
 object, Logon as service, and Replace a process level token.  The
 problem still happens.

URGH!  Don't do this.  Remove the Everyone group from these rights
again.  The easiest way is to follow the ssh-host-config script in
creating a special account:

  net user cron_server passwd /add /yes
  net localgroup administrators_group_name cron_server /add
  editrights -a SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege -u cron_server
  editrights -a SeCreateTokenPrivilege -u cron_server
  editrights -a SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege -u cron_server
  editrights -a SeServiceLogonRight -u cron_server
  mkpasswd -l -u cron_server  /etc/passwd

For security reasons:
  editrights -a SeDenyInteractiveLogonRight -u cron_server
  editrights -a SeDenyNetworkLogonRight -u cron_server
  editrights -a SeDenyRemoteInteractiveLogonRight -u cron_server

And then create a cron service using that account:
  cygrunsrv -I cron -p /usr/sbin/cron -a -D -u cron_server -w passwd

 By the way, I see reference to a cron README file that should have been in
 the install.  I cannot find it anywhere yet.  Did it get lost in the new
 releases or is it hiding somewhere other than /usr/doc?



Corinna Vinschen  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Developermailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Red Hat, Inc.

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Problem reports:

/proc/Registry, other perversities, ala security, ACL's and MS unix services....

2003-12-17 Thread linda w
I just noticed (don't say duh!) /proc/Registry and the fairly well 
fleshed out
Registry fs.   I'd been wanting something like that for a while outside of
cygwin -- and also writeable with speed being equivalent to 
similar/native speeds of
accessing the registry.

I thought wouldn't it be cool to have a fully text/binary compatible 
Registry fs that
could be read/written like any other file except that you'd have file 
types in
this file system, with each file being assigned a type corresponding to 
fixed size
dword, variable length binary, string, multi-string and 
multi-string-expandable, with
a plugin architecture to handle not-yet defined tyes.

Seems like much of that work has been done...but I sure don't remember 
reading about
it in the cygwin user's guide.  I went back to search for /proc in the 
u-guide and
find no reference to /proc at all, let alone /proc/registry.

One thing one might do, right off the bat is eliminate those portions of the
registry that don't exist on a given machine.  For example in Win2000 
and WinXP (and
maybe NT4?) there are no branches HK_DYN_DATA or HK_PERFORMANCE_DATA.

It might be nice to show the real structure of the Registry, and 
eliminate the
directories HKClassesRoot, HKCurrentUser,HKCurrentConfig and make them 
to HkLocal_Machine/Software/Classes, HKEY_USERS/currently logged in 
user, and
HKlocalmachine/system/currentcontrolset/hardware profiles/current (I 
think that's
the right link for current config)

Would make the structure of the registry more apparent that under XP, it all
boils down to 2 files, the local-machine file, and the per-user file.
I know NT likes to simulate that there are more tops or root keys in
the registry...but when I was first learning the reg, I only found the
extra keys confusing as they didn't map to the files I knew aboutbut
its probably not that important, either way. long has it been there? (../Registry)  Where is it in the 
I don't like to ask needless questions, but I'm not sure where in the 
documentation I
was supposed to find this???


as for security matters and the emulation of Unix security with NT 
ACL's...if it is
a security hole, does that mean the MS Unix Services product has the 
same hole?


Capitalism:   The rewarding of software companies for producing software
 of the least quality the consumer will buy.

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Re: Windows 2003 Server Cygwin Cron

2003-12-17 Thread Igor Pechtchanski
Quoting crontab.c from the cron-3.0.1-11 sources:

/* Cygwin can't support changing the owner since that requires crontab to
   be a s-uid application which is not supported.
   As workaround we try to set group membership to be SYSTEM (== ROOT_UID)
   and setting permissions to 640 which should allow cron to work. */

So, Cygwin basically assumes that the user that cron runs under will be in
the SYSTEM group, and tries to change the mode of the tab file so that
cron can access it.  Unfortunately, that's not true for the directions
that Corinna gave for Win2003, since the cron_server user is not in the
SYSTEM group.  One solution is to assume the invariant that cron always
runs as a user in the SYSTEM group, but, AFAICS, there is no way to add a
user to the SYSTEM group.  Another solution is to select another group and
make that invariant (and add the cron_server user to it), which will
require changing the cron sources.

Corinna, any comments?

On Wed, 17 Dec 2003, Benn Schreiber wrote:

 This is a follow-up to my original post. I've done some work offline with a
 couple of people on this, but wanted to bring the issue, and current
 findings, back to the list.

 Summary: Windows 2003 server, set up crond per Corinna's directions (posted
 below). Once a user (pick a user, any user) does a 'crontab -e', crond
 reports 'CANT OPEN (tabs/user)'

 At this point, the tabs/user file is owned by user.SYSTEM  If I change the
 ownership to user.Administrators, crond is happy and so am I because my cron
 jobs run.

 So, I have a workaround (manually change the protection on the tabs/user
 file to user.Administrators after a 'crontab -e'). I'm posting this in case
 others run into the problem, and with the hope that a future rev of cron
 will address this problem.


 From: Benn Schreiber bls at starwhite dot net
 To: cygwin at cygwin dot com
 Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2003 08:51:26 -0800
 Subject: Re: Windows 2003 Server  Cygwin Cron

 I am running on Windows 2003 server, and set up cron_server per this note.
 The cron server starts just fine, but reports that it can't open
 tabs/theuser (where theuser is the user account name).

 The protection on tabs/theuser is 640 o.g is user.SYSTEM  which is probably
 why cron server can't open it. I changed the group to administrators, which
 cron_server is part of, but unfortunately, a 'crontab -e' resets the group



 From: Corinna Vinschen corinna-cygwin at cygwin dot com
 To: cygwin at cygwin dot com
 Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2003 10:02:53 +0100
 Subject: Re: Windows 2003 Server  Cygwin Cron
 References: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-to: cygwin at cygwin dot com
 On Mon, Nov 10, 2003 at 03:26:07PM -0700, Brian Cruikshank wrote:
   I have tried putting
  the everyone group on the Local Security policies for Create a token
  object, Logon as service, and Replace a process level token.  The
  problem still happens.

 URGH!  Don't do this.  Remove the Everyone group from these rights
 again.  The easiest way is to follow the ssh-host-config script in
 creating a special account:

   net user cron_server passwd /add /yes
   net localgroup administrators_group_name cron_server /add
   editrights -a SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege -u cron_server
   editrights -a SeCreateTokenPrivilege -u cron_server
   editrights -a SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege -u cron_server
   editrights -a SeServiceLogonRight -u cron_server
   mkpasswd -l -u cron_server  /etc/passwd

 For security reasons:
   editrights -a SeDenyInteractiveLogonRight -u cron_server
   editrights -a SeDenyNetworkLogonRight -u cron_server
   editrights -a SeDenyRemoteInteractiveLogonRight -u cron_server

 And then create a cron service using that account:
   cygrunsrv -I cron -p /usr/sbin/cron -a -D -u cron_server -w passwd

  By the way, I see reference to a cron README file that should have been in
  the install.  I cannot find it anywhere yet.  Did it get lost in the new
  releases or is it hiding somewhere other than /usr/doc?



  |\  _,,,---,,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'   Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
'---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

I have since come to realize that being between your mentor and his route
to the bathroom is a major career booster.  -- Patrick Naughton

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RE: snapshot cygwin1-20031212.dll.bz2

2003-12-17 Thread John Morrison
 From: Igor Pechtchanski

snip what=Christmas Song/

LOL :)


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RE: snapshot cygwin1-20031212.dll.bz2

2003-12-17 Thread SMore
Here is the uname and stackdump from cygwin1-20031214.dll.bz2:

CYGWIN_NT-5.0 Test 1.5.6s(0.107/3/2) 20031214 23:18:27 i686 unknown unknown

Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=610865E7
eax=0948 ebx=00409E30 ecx=610EFE64 edx=0004 esi=0014
ebp=0022FB1C esp=0022FB00 program=C:\cygwin\bin\rsync.exe
cs=001B ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0038 gs= ss=0023
Stack trace:
Frame Function  Args
0022FB1C  610865E7  (0022FA94, 0022FA94, 0022FA94, 0022FB40)
End of stack trace

-Original Message-
From: Christopher Faylor
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 2:48 PM
Subject: Re: snapshot cygwin1-20031212.dll.bz2

On Mon, Dec 15, 2003 at 04:10:52PM -0500, Christopher Faylor wrote:
On Mon, Dec 15, 2003 at 12:19:04PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I installed the latest snapshot cygwin1-20031214.dll.bz2:

$ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-5.0 test 1.5.6s(0.107/3/2) 20031214 23:18:27 i686 unknown

I am still seeing a stackdump from rsync.

Does the output from this strace help identify the problem 

Unfortunately, no it doesn't.

Can you post the stack dump file you received when running the most
recent snapshot?  Please also include the uname -a output from the

Ping?  I'd really like to get this fixed.


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Problem reports:

Re: /proc/Registry, other perversities, ala security, ACL's and MS unix services....

2003-12-17 Thread Igor Pechtchanski
On Wed, 17 Dec 2003, linda w wrote:

 I just noticed (don't say duh!) /proc/Registry and the fairly well
 fleshed out Registry fs.  I'd been wanting something like that for a
 while outside of cygwin -- and also writeable with speed being
 equivalent to similar/native speeds of accessing the registry.

 I thought wouldn't it be cool to have a fully text/binary compatible
 Registry fs that could be read/written like any other file except that
 you'd have file types in this file system, with each file being
 assigned a type corresponding to fixed size dword, variable length
 binary, string, multi-string and multi-string-expandable, with a plugin
 architecture to handle not-yet defined tyes.

FWIW, there is an inherent mapping problem since the Registry may use
characters in key and value names that are not legal POSIX filename
characters.  Try, for example, accessing the Cygwin mount values through

 Seems like much of that work has been done...but I sure don't remember
 reading about it in the cygwin user's guide.  I went back to search for
 /proc in the u-guide and find no reference to /proc at all, let alone

 One thing one might do, right off the bat is eliminate those portions of
 the registry that don't exist on a given machine.  For example in
 Win2000 and WinXP (and maybe NT4?) there are no branches HK_DYN_DATA

 It might be nice to show the real structure of the Registry, and
 eliminate the directories HKClassesRoot, HKCurrentUser,HKCurrentConfig
 and make them symlinks to HkLocal_Machine/Software/Classes,
 HKEY_USERS/currently logged in user, and
 HKlocalmachine/system/currentcontrolset/hardware profiles/current (I
 think that's the right link for current config)

 Would make the structure of the registry more apparent that under XP, it all
 boils down to 2 files, the local-machine file, and the per-user file.

 I know NT likes to simulate that there are more tops or root keys
 in the registry...but when I was first learning the reg, I only found
 the extra keys confusing as they didn't map to the files I knew about...
 but its probably not that important, either way. long has it been there? (../Registry)

$ cvs annotate winsup/cygwin/ | head -1
1.1  (cgf  02-May-02): /* fhandler for 
/proc/registry virtual filesystem


 Where is it in the documentation?

 I don't like to ask needless questions, but I'm not sure where in the
 documentation I was supposed to find this???

Modulo the old saying that code is not documentation, see


 as for security matters and the emulation of Unix security with NT
 ACL's...if it is a security hole, does that mean the MS Unix Services
 product has the same hole?


Don't know, sorry.
  |\  _,,,---,,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'   Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
'---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

I have since come to realize that being between your mentor and his route
to the bathroom is a major career booster.  -- Patrick Naughton

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Re: snapshot cygwin1-20031212.dll.bz2

2003-12-17 Thread Christopher Faylor
On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 02:02:59PM -0500, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
/* CGF: going down.

   Copyright 2003 Red Hat, Inc.

This text is part of Cygwin.

This composition is a copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the
Cygwin license.  Please consult the file CYGWIN_LICENSE for
details. */

You better watch out, you better back up,
Because all support for Cygwin will stop:
CGF is go-oing down...
He's one of the thugs who manage Cygwin,
He adds all the bugs because he is mean:
CGF is go-oing down...
He knows the ins of signals, he knows both spawn() and fork()
He has his own environment that makes all programs work...

His manner is rude, he lurks on the lists,
He'll make you spit food and clench both your fists:
CGF is go-oing down...
He has the gall not to spend all his time
On fixing our bugs and this is a crime:
CGF is go-oing down...
Cygwin will just be better with no CGF,
Until the day you find a bug and run screaming WTF?

You better watch out, you better back up,
Because all support for Cygwin will stop:
CGF is go-oing do-o-o-o-o-o-o-own!

This is the funniest thing I have ever seen on this list, no exceptions.
I'm going to send it to everyone I know.

Of course, they'll all say Huh?  You aren't mean. but they have never
read the cygwin lists...


P.S. The copyright was a great touch!

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Problem reports:

Re: /proc/Registry, other perversities, ala security, ACL's and MS unix services....

2003-12-17 Thread Christopher Faylor
On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 03:00:35PM -0500, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
On Wed, 17 Dec 2003, linda w wrote:
 Seems like much of that work has been done...but I sure don't remember
 reading about it in the cygwin user's guide.  I went back to search for
 /proc in the u-guide and find no reference to /proc at all, let alone


where we went through this once before, to some extent.


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Problem reports:

Undefined reference to _WinMain@16

2003-12-17 Thread Roy Clemmons

After downloading expat-1.95.7.tar.gz from SourceForge and executing
/configure (per the README, however I did not
execute./ ), I am receiving the following error when
attempting to make the expat library under the cygwin 1.5.5-1

undefined reference to [EMAIL PROTECTED]'

The same error reported to the cygwin email list resulted in a reply
that suggested that this error might be caused because of a missing
main() in the source code.

My OS is Windows 2000 SP 4

What can I do to resolve this issue?

Thank you,

Roy Clemmons


Here is the complete make output:

$ make
/bin/bash ./libtool --silent --mode=compile
gcc -g -O2 -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototype
s -fexceptions -DHAVE_EXPAT_CONFIG_H   -I./lib -I. -o
lib/xmlparse.lo -c lib/xmlparse.c
/bin/bash ./libtool --silent --mode=compile
gcc -g -O2 -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototype
s -fexceptions -DHAVE_EXPAT_CONFIG_H   -I./lib -I. -o lib/xmltok.lo -c
/bin/bash ./libtool --silent --mode=compile
gcc -g -O2 -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototype
s -fexceptions -DHAVE_EXPAT_CONFIG_H   -I./lib -I. -o
lib/xmlrole.lo -c lib/xmlrole.c
/bin/bash ./libtool --silent --mode=link
gcc -g -O2 -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -
fexceptions -DHAVE_EXPAT_CONFIG_H   -I./lib -I. -no-undefined -version
-info 5:0:5 -rpath /usr/local/
lib  -o lib/xmlparse.lo lib/xmltok.lo lib/xmlrole.lo
(.text+0x7c): undefined reference to [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [] Error 1

Here is the complete ./configure output:

$ ./configure
checking build system type... i686-pc-cygwin
checking host system type... i686-pc-cygwin
checking for gcc... gcc
checking for C compiler default output... a.exe
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of executables... .exe
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for ld used by GCC... /usr/i686-pc-cygwin/bin/ld.exe
checking if the linker (/usr/i686-pc-cygwin/bin/ld.exe) is GNU ld...
checking for /usr/i686-pc-cygwin/bin/ld.exe option to reload object
files... -r
checking for BSD-compatible nm... /usr/bin/nm -B
checking whether ln -s works... yes
checking how to recognise dependant libraries... file_magic file
format pei*-i386(.*architecture: i
checking command to parse /usr/bin/nm -B output... ok
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
checking for ANSI C header files... yes
checking for sys/types.h... yes
checking for sys/stat.h... yes
checking for stdlib.h... yes
checking for string.h... yes
checking for memory.h... yes
checking for strings.h... yes
checking for inttypes.h... yes
checking for stdint.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... yes
checking dlfcn.h usability... yes
checking dlfcn.h presence... yes
checking for dlfcn.h... yes
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking for strip... strip
checking for objdir... .libs
checking for gcc option to produce PIC... -DDLL_EXPORT
checking if gcc PIC flag -DDLL_EXPORT works... yes
checking if gcc static flag -static works... yes
checking if gcc supports -c -o file.o... yes
checking if gcc supports -c -o file.lo... yes
checking if gcc supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions... yes
checking whether the linker (/usr/i686-pc-cygwin/bin/ld.exe) supports
shared libraries... yes
checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate
checking whether stripping libraries is possible... yes
checking dynamic linker characteristics... Win32 ld.exe
checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes
checking whether to build shared libraries... yes
checking whether to build static libraries... yes
creating libtool
checking for gcc... (cached) gcc
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... (cached) yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... (cached) yes
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether gcc accepts -fexceptions... yes
checking for ANSI C header files... (cached) yes
checking whether byte ordering is bigendian... no
checking for gcc option to accept ANSI C... none needed
checking for an ANSI C-conforming const... yes
checking for size_t... yes
checking for memmove... yes
checking for bcopy... yes
checking fcntl.h usability... yes
checking fcntl.h presence... yes
checking for fcntl.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... (cached) yes
checking for off_t... yes
checking for stdlib.h... (cached) yes
checking for unistd.h... (cached) yes
checking for getpagesize... yes
checking for working mmap... no
checking check.h usability... no
checking check.h presence... no
checking for check.h... no
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: creating expat_config.h

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Re: Need tips debugging a crash porting an app to cygwin caused by sth overwriting a function

2003-12-17 Thread Christopher Faylor
On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 07:51:06PM +0100, Dalibor Topic wrote:
I try runing kaffe in gdb in order to run the java compiler, and quite 
quickly, it crashes, when it enters the findJarFiles function, with a 
SIGSEGV. The disassembly of the function shows that it's been modified 
to have a few bad opcodes at the start.

Of course, I'd like to know what causes those opcodes to be modified. 
I've tried watch and awatch findJarFiles, awatch *(long *) findJarFiles, 
but despite gdb saying that it's setting a hardware watchpoint, I don't 
get a break in gdb until the function call crashes, which is too late.

So I'm wondering what kind of tips experienced Cygwin developers could 
offer to nail the bug down.

Use 'display' to show the contents of the memory location being modified
and either single step or use binary search techniques to see when the
location is modified.

This isn't a cygwin technique.  It's just a debugging technique.

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Re: snapshot cygwin1-20031212.dll.bz2

2003-12-17 Thread Brian . Kelly

Before you go do-o-o-o-o-o-o-own - can you release 1.5.6?

I'm waiting. ;-)

Brian Kelly
aka:  cgf's first ever *Black Hole* recipient  (If he were to give out such
a thing).

Christopher Faylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
on 12/17/2003 03:08:58 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


cc: (bcc: Brian Kelly/WTC1/Empire)

Subject:Re: snapshot cygwin1-20031212.dll.bz2

On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 02:02:59PM -0500, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
/* CGF: going down.

   Copyright 2003 Red Hat, Inc.

This text is part of Cygwin.

This composition is a copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the
Cygwin license.  Please consult the file CYGWIN_LICENSE for
details. */

You better watch out, you better back up,
Because all support for Cygwin will stop:
CGF is go-oing down...
He's one of the thugs who manage Cygwin,
He adds all the bugs because he is mean:
CGF is go-oing down...
He knows the ins of signals, he knows both spawn() and fork()
He has his own environment that makes all programs work...

His manner is rude, he lurks on the lists,
He'll make you spit food and clench both your fists:
CGF is go-oing down...
He has the gall not to spend all his time
On fixing our bugs and this is a crime:
CGF is go-oing down...
Cygwin will just be better with no CGF,
Until the day you find a bug and run screaming WTF?

You better watch out, you better back up,
Because all support for Cygwin will stop:
CGF is go-oing do-o-o-o-o-o-o-own!

This is the funniest thing I have ever seen on this list, no exceptions.
I'm going to send it to everyone I know.

Of course, they'll all say Huh?  You aren't mean. but they have never
read the cygwin lists...


P.S. The copyright was a great touch!

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WellChoice, Inc. made the following
 annotations on 12/17/2003 04:45:46 PM
Attention!  This electronic message contains information that may be legally 
confidential and/or privileged.  The information is intended solely for the individual 
or entity named above and access by anyone else is unauthorized.  If you are not the 
intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the contents of 
this information is prohibited and may be unlawful.  If you have received this 
electronic transmission in error, please reply immediately to the sender that you have 
received the message in error, and delete it. Release/Disclosure Statement

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Re: Need tips debugging a crash porting an app to cygwin caused by sth overwriting a function

2003-12-17 Thread Dalibor Topic
Hi Christopher,

Christopher Faylor wrote:
On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 07:51:06PM +0100, Dalibor Topic wrote:

I try runing kaffe in gdb in order to run the java compiler, and quite 
quickly, it crashes, when it enters the findJarFiles function, with a 
SIGSEGV. The disassembly of the function shows that it's been modified 
to have a few bad opcodes at the start.

Of course, I'd like to know what causes those opcodes to be modified. 
I've tried watch and awatch findJarFiles, awatch *(long *) findJarFiles, 
but despite gdb saying that it's setting a hardware watchpoint, I don't 
get a break in gdb until the function call crashes, which is too late.

So I'm wondering what kind of tips experienced Cygwin developers could 
offer to nail the bug down.

Use 'display' to show the contents of the memory location being modified
and either single step or use binary search techniques to see when the
location is modified.
This isn't a cygwin technique.  It's just a debugging technique.
Thanks for the quick, insightful reply.

I was hoping for some silver bullet, but now it seems like I'll have to 
learn to script gdb to do what you propose. Automated debugging, and all 

dalibor topic
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Re: Need tips debugging a crash porting an app to cygwin caused by sth overwriting a function

2003-12-17 Thread Christopher Faylor
On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 10:57:40PM +0100, Dalibor Topic wrote:
Hi Christopher,

Christopher Faylor wrote:
On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 07:51:06PM +0100, Dalibor Topic wrote:

I try runing kaffe in gdb in order to run the java compiler, and quite 
quickly, it crashes, when it enters the findJarFiles function, with a 
SIGSEGV. The disassembly of the function shows that it's been modified 
to have a few bad opcodes at the start.

Of course, I'd like to know what causes those opcodes to be modified. 
I've tried watch and awatch findJarFiles, awatch *(long *) findJarFiles, 
but despite gdb saying that it's setting a hardware watchpoint, I don't 
get a break in gdb until the function call crashes, which is too late.

So I'm wondering what kind of tips experienced Cygwin developers could 
offer to nail the bug down.

Use 'display' to show the contents of the memory location being modified
and either single step or use binary search techniques to see when the
location is modified.

This isn't a cygwin technique.  It's just a debugging technique.

Thanks for the quick, insightful reply.

I was hoping for some silver bullet, but now it seems like I'll have to 
learn to script gdb to do what you propose. Automated debugging, and all 

I don't see how you could script this.  Using a binary search technique
it should be possible to narrow this down fairly quickly, assuming that
it doesn't take long for the memory to become corrupted.

I don't suppose that this is just a variation of something not taking a
\r\n ending into account, is it?  That's usually solved with the 
judicious use of O_BINARY or adding a b to the appropriate f{re,}open

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Re: Need tips debugging a crash porting an app to cygwin caused by sth overwriting a function

2003-12-17 Thread Dalibor Topic
Hi Christopher,

Christopher Faylor wrote:
On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 10:57:40PM +0100, Dalibor Topic wrote:

Hi Christopher,

Christopher Faylor wrote:

On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 07:51:06PM +0100, Dalibor Topic wrote:

I try runing kaffe in gdb in order to run the java compiler, and quite 
quickly, it crashes, when it enters the findJarFiles function, with a 
SIGSEGV. The disassembly of the function shows that it's been modified 
to have a few bad opcodes at the start.

Of course, I'd like to know what causes those opcodes to be modified. 
I've tried watch and awatch findJarFiles, awatch *(long *) findJarFiles, 
but despite gdb saying that it's setting a hardware watchpoint, I don't 
get a break in gdb until the function call crashes, which is too late.

So I'm wondering what kind of tips experienced Cygwin developers could 
offer to nail the bug down.
Use 'display' to show the contents of the memory location being modified
and either single step or use binary search techniques to see when the
location is modified.
This isn't a cygwin technique.  It's just a debugging technique.
Thanks for the quick, insightful reply.

I was hoping for some silver bullet, but now it seems like I'll have to 
learn to script gdb to do what you propose. Automated debugging, and all 

I don't see how you could script this.  Using a binary search technique
it should be possible to narrow this down fairly quickly, assuming that
it doesn't take long for the memory to become corrupted.
I was thinking about defining a gdb command along the lines of

define my-stepi-watch
while (*(long *) findJarFiles == original_value)
though I've never done that before, so I'm not sure if that would work ;)

I'm not sure about using binary search, as there might be some threading 
involved, so I assume it's safer to just check on each stepi and let the 
machine run overnight.

I don't suppose that this is just a variation of something not taking a
\r\n ending into account, is it?  That's usually solved with the 
judicious use of O_BINARY or adding a b to the appropriate f{re,}open
Thanks for the tip. All calls to f{re,}open in the VM core use O_BINARY.

dalibor topic
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Re: Need tips debugging a crash porting an app to cygwin caused by sth overwriting a function

2003-12-17 Thread Christopher Faylor
On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 11:40:39PM +0100, Dalibor Topic wrote:
I was thinking about defining a gdb command along the lines of

define my-stepi-watch
while (*(long *) findJarFiles == original_value)

though I've never done that before, so I'm not sure if that would work ;)

It might work but I think you'd probably end up tracking the heat death
of the universe before you'd see a result.  :-)

I'm not sure about using binary search, as there might be some threading 
involved, so I assume it's safer to just check on each stepi and let the 
machine run overnight.

Ah, threading.  That complicates matters a lot.

Another way to catch this is to call VirtualProtect on the regions in
question and make them read-only.  Then when something trashes the
location it will die immediately.


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Re: Need tips debugging a crash porting an app to cygwin caused by sth overwriting a function

2003-12-17 Thread Dalibor Topic
Hi Christopher,

Christopher Faylor wrote:
On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 11:40:39PM +0100, Dalibor Topic wrote:

I was thinking about defining a gdb command along the lines of

define my-stepi-watch
while (*(long *) findJarFiles == original_value)
though I've never done that before, so I'm not sure if that would work ;)

It might work but I think you'd probably end up tracking the heat death
of the universe before you'd see a result.  :-)
Then you better prepare to die. ;)

Actually, I've seen a result as soon as I let the macro lose. It turns 
out that someverhere between

(1) (gdb) p *(long*) findJarFiles
(gdb) b main
(gdb) run
break point in main reached
(2)(gdb) p *(long *) findJarFiles
(1) and (2) the object code of findJarFiles is changed, i.e. even before 
the program starts at all. *Now* I'm really puzzled.

Any idea how to debug that? What could it be that's invoked before main 
that modifies object code?

dalibor topic
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Re: snapshot cygwin1-20031212.dll.bz2

2003-12-17 Thread Joshua Daniel Franklin
On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 02:02:59PM -0500, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
 On Wed, 17 Dec 2003, Larry Hall wrote:
  At 10:56 AM 12/17/2003, Ken Thompson wrote:
   -Original Message-
   Of Christopher Faylor
   Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 10:49 AM
   Subject: Re: snapshot cygwin1-20031212.dll.bz2
   On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 08:28:53AM +, Marcus Van Der Beek wrote:
   But, then it's been theorized that I am rather incompetent about testing
   these things,
   preferring to test in a magical It always works type of
   environment that is loaded with super special software.  That's why
   I need something like the stack dump from normal folks who don't have
   access to all of my whiz bang cygwin spy gadgets and such.
   its good to see you acknowledge and agree with what others have
   been saying
   even though its got a sarcastic tone about it.
   Do you wear ear muffs to muffle the sound of things whooshing by over your
   head?  It must be quite distracting otherwise.
  CGF provides a tremendous service to the open source community whatever some
  list members think of his attitude. Some of you people who are trashing him
  at the same time you are expecting him to reproduce and fix bugs, which
  often seem to affect only a very few installations, really should read Dale
  Carnegies book How To Win Friends And Influence People. You would really get
  a lot more accomplished that way.
  Wow!  I can't believe you fell for this CGF deception.  There's clearly a
  Cygwin conspiracy going on here and CGF is at the heart of it.  My take is
  that Red Hat is planning a new, beefed up version of Cygwin that will only
  be available as a commercial offering.  It will be big $$$ and compete
  head-to-head with the likes of MS Windows and even Linux!  But Red Hat
  won't be releasing this to the Cygwin community for free.  So we'll
  all be stuck with only what we can download. :-(  CGF clearly has access
  to this pending mega, commercial version and is certainly using that for all
  his tests, leaving us all at a disadvantage.  I'm sure he's laughing
  sadistically at us even now.  But he's not fooling me!  And he won't get
  away with it!  Mark my words.  CGF is going down.  And Cygwin will be all
  the better for it.  Just you wait and see...
 /* CGF: going down.
Copyright 2003 Red Hat, Inc.
 This text is part of Cygwin.
 This composition is a copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the
 Cygwin license.  Please consult the file CYGWIN_LICENSE for
 details. */
 You better watch out, you better back up,
 Because all support for Cygwin will stop:
 CGF is go-oing down...
 He's one of the thugs who manage Cygwin,
 He adds all the bugs because he is mean:
 CGF is go-oing down...
 He knows the ins of signals, he knows both spawn() and fork()
 He has his own environment that makes all programs work...
 His manner is rude, he lurks on the lists,
 He'll make you spit food and clench both your fists:
 CGF is go-oing down...
 He has the gall not to spend all his time
 On fixing our bugs and this is a crime:
 CGF is go-oing down...
 Cygwin will just be better with no CGF,
 Until the day you find a bug and run screaming WTF?
 You better watch out, you better back up,
 Because all support for Cygwin will stop:
 CGF is go-oing do-o-o-o-o-o-o-own!

OK, I've been keeping an informal list of some of my mailing list favorites,
after this I've put them on a webpage:

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RE: CreateFileMapping, create global objects, and multiple users

2003-12-17 Thread Pierre A. Humblet
Thanks to Benn Schreiber for sending me the trace.txt requested below
and for performing additional tests.

The problem is due to the tty mutexes and events being
created in the default name space.

That's a known issue already on my to-do list, but it's
queued behind other changes in the same files, currently
under review.

The fix is extremely simple: replace all tty constructs such as
__small_sprintf (buf, OUTPUT_MUTEX, ntty)
shared_name (buf, OUTPUT_MUTEX, ntty),
remove the %d from OUTPUT_MUTEX and adjust the size of buf.

The workaround with 1.5.5 is to avoid using tty and rxvt with TS
(and more than one cygwin user).
Another workaround with the recent snapshots is to be unprivileged.


At 07:54 PM 12/15/2003 -0500, Pierre A. Humblet wrote:
At 04:39 PM 12/15/2003 -0800, Benn Schreiber wrote:

Thanks for the feedback. One of the users is the administrator. The
other is not in the admin group, but has the 'create global object'
right per a note I saw from Corinna.

The snapshot I installed is from 12/1, should this be recent enough?


There has been another significant change on 12/2. Could you try the
latest snapshot? It's stable enough.

It does not appear to depend on the order. Both the root (administrator)
and user login are via terminal services. I just tried it with
administrator logged in locally, as well as through TS, and it still
occurs. I also noticed (one time only) that tcsh (my default shell) goes
compute bound. I tried it with bash, and the rxvt window seems to
more-or-less self-destruct on its own (ie I don't even get the
opportunity to close just goes away as soon as I touch it).

So at the time the second login takes place, the first one freezes,
even when both are the administrator? 

The times when the window is hung, I cannot type anything into the
window. The only thing I can do is close it.

Thanks for your thoughts...any additional ideas would be appreciated.

Assuming it keeps occuring with the snapshot, try starting under strace
(from the Terminal Services console) the rxvt that goes away:

strace -o trace.txt rxvt -d :0 -e bash
and send me trace.txt as an attachment.
Do as little as possible in bash (no --login) to keep the trace
size reasonable. Is there a stack dump in the current directory?



-Original Message-
From: Pierre A. Humblet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2003 4:15 PM
To: Benn Schreiber; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: CreateFileMapping, create global objects, and multiple

At 11:33 AM 12/15/2003 -0800, Benn Schreiber wrote:
I'm running Win2003 server and found an interesting anomaly with the
global objects' right workaround. I have it enabled for administrator
(obviously), and my account. When I am logged into both admin and my
account, and both create rxvt windows, the first one created gets hung,

When? Does it depend of the order? Are you in the administrators group?
Do you both login over terminal services or is one of you at the
 and doing anything to it results in the window disappearing.

So it's not really hung... What do you mean exactly?
Is there a naming conflict or something, such that there can only be
Cygwin user on a Win2003 server?

Obviously there is something, but it shouldn't be there.
There have been lots of changes to that part of Cygwin.
Could you try with a recent snapshot and report again?


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Re: Undefined reference to _WinMain@16

2003-12-17 Thread Roy Clemmons
I fixed this problem by adding a dummy winmain to xmlparse.c

int __declspec(nothrow) __stdcall WinMain(int a, int b, char* c, int
int __declspec(nothrow) __stdcall WinMain(int a, int b, char* c, int
return 0;

Don't know the repercussions - if any.


- Original Message - 
From: Roy Clemmons [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 3:22 PM
Subject: Undefined reference to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 After downloading expat-1.95.7.tar.gz from SourceForge and executing
 ./configure (per the README, however I did not
 execute./ ), I am receiving the following error when
 attempting to make the expat library under the cygwin 1.5.5-1

 undefined reference to [EMAIL PROTECTED]'

 The same error reported to the cygwin email list resulted in a reply
 that suggested that this error might be caused because of a missing
 main() in the source code.

 My OS is Windows 2000 SP 4

 What can I do to resolve this issue?

 Thank you,

 Roy Clemmons


 Here is the complete make output:

 $ make
 /bin/bash ./libtool --silent --mode=compile
 gcc -g -O2 -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototype
 s -fexceptions -DHAVE_EXPAT_CONFIG_H   -I./lib -I. -o
 lib/xmlparse.lo -c lib/xmlparse.c
 /bin/bash ./libtool --silent --mode=compile
 gcc -g -O2 -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototype
 s -fexceptions -DHAVE_EXPAT_CONFIG_H   -I./lib -I. -o
lib/xmltok.lo -c
 /bin/bash ./libtool --silent --mode=compile
 gcc -g -O2 -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototype
 s -fexceptions -DHAVE_EXPAT_CONFIG_H   -I./lib -I. -o
 lib/xmlrole.lo -c lib/xmlrole.c
 /bin/bash ./libtool --silent --mode=link
 gcc -g -O2 -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -

fexceptions -DHAVE_EXPAT_CONFIG_H   -I./lib -I. -no-undefined -version
 -info 5:0:5 -rpath /usr/local/
 lib  -o lib/xmlparse.lo lib/xmltok.lo lib/xmlrole.lo

 (.text+0x7c): undefined reference to [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
 make: *** [] Error 1

 Here is the complete ./configure output:

 $ ./configure
 checking build system type... i686-pc-cygwin
 checking host system type... i686-pc-cygwin
 checking for gcc... gcc
 checking for C compiler default output... a.exe
 checking whether the C compiler works... yes
 checking whether we are cross compiling... no
 checking for suffix of executables... .exe
 checking for suffix of object files... o
 checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
 checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
 checking for ld used by GCC... /usr/i686-pc-cygwin/bin/ld.exe
 checking if the linker (/usr/i686-pc-cygwin/bin/ld.exe) is GNU ld...
 checking for /usr/i686-pc-cygwin/bin/ld.exe option to reload object
 files... -r
 checking for BSD-compatible nm... /usr/bin/nm -B
 checking whether ln -s works... yes
 checking how to recognise dependant libraries... file_magic file
 format pei*-i386(.*architecture: i
 checking command to parse /usr/bin/nm -B output... ok
 checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
 checking for ANSI C header files... yes
 checking for sys/types.h... yes
 checking for sys/stat.h... yes
 checking for stdlib.h... yes
 checking for string.h... yes
 checking for memory.h... yes
 checking for strings.h... yes
 checking for inttypes.h... yes
 checking for stdint.h... yes
 checking for unistd.h... yes
 checking dlfcn.h usability... yes
 checking dlfcn.h presence... yes
 checking for dlfcn.h... yes
 checking for ranlib... ranlib
 checking for strip... strip
 checking for objdir... .libs
 checking for gcc option to produce PIC... -DDLL_EXPORT
 checking if gcc PIC flag -DDLL_EXPORT works... yes
 checking if gcc static flag -static works... yes
 checking if gcc supports -c -o file.o... yes
 checking if gcc supports -c -o file.lo... yes
 checking if gcc supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions... yes
 checking whether the linker (/usr/i686-pc-cygwin/bin/ld.exe)
 shared libraries... yes
 checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate
 checking whether stripping libraries is possible... yes
 checking dynamic linker characteristics... Win32 ld.exe
 checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes
 checking whether to build shared libraries... yes
 checking whether to build static libraries... yes
 creating libtool
 checking for gcc... (cached) gcc
 checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... (cached) yes
 checking whether gcc accepts -g... (cached) yes
 checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
 checking whether gcc accepts -fexceptions... yes
 checking for ANSI C header files... (cached) yes
 checking whether byte ordering is bigendian... no
 checking for gcc option to accept ANSI C... none needed
 checking for an ANSI C-conforming const... yes
 checking for size_t... yes
 checking for memmove... yes
 checking for 

about perl and cygfreetype-6.dll

2003-12-17 Thread Magic Fang
hi, anybody encountered  the problem when installing perl modules? the
perl(perl Makefile.PL) throw can not map xxx to cygfreetype-6.dll, my
perl version is 5.8.2, and this problem appears when installing GD::SVG
and bioperl.
and anyone has install pTk on cygwin?

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RE: ncurses struggles with LinuxTrade

2003-12-17 Thread Hu Thomas Pan

Hi all,

I have tried to compile LinuxTrade 3.65 but failed to link ncursers 5.3-4.
Here is the list of linking errors:

$ make
gcc  -g -O2 -Wall -Wno-format-y2k  -DBROKEN_LINKER -o linuxtrade -static
ade.o colon.o curse.o error.o debug.o rc.o streamer.o null.o advfn.o datek.o
gnal.o moneyam.o moneynet.o quotemedia.o schwab.o scottrader.o
sonictrading.o sw
issquote.o yahoo.o pref.o srpref.o stocklist.o help.o chart.o info.o news.o
cle.o arca.o island.o qml2.o l2sr.o inplay.o updown.o splits.o markcal.o
up.o alert.o alertipo.o regsha1.o optchain.o holdings.o bloomearn.o quiet.o
earn.o exthours.o toolmode.o minihtml.o sgml.o p2open.o futs.o ma.o util.o 
hread -lm
linuxtrade.o(.text+0x13fd): In function `add_from_stocklist':
/cygdrive/c/download/linuxtrade-3.65/linuxtrade.c:501: undefined reference
to `_
: undefined reference to `_LINES'
: undefined reference to `_COLS'
: undefined reference to `_LINES'
linuxtrade.o(.text+0x15dc): In function `trigger_add':
/cygdrive/c/download/linuxtrade-3.65/linuxtrade.c:575: undefined reference
to `_
linuxtrade.o(.text+0x23e0): In function `set_color':
/cygdrive/c/download/linuxtrade-3.65/linuxtrade.c:903: undefined reference
to `_


Any idea? I have tried -DBROKEN_LINKER but still, I got the same errors.


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Re: snapshot cygwin1-20031212.dll.bz2

2003-12-17 Thread Christopher Faylor
On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 02:53:33PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Here is the uname and stackdump from cygwin1-20031214.dll.bz2:

CYGWIN_NT-5.0 Test 1.5.6s(0.107/3/2) 20031214 23:18:27 i686 unknown unknown

Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=610865E7
eax=0948 ebx=00409E30 ecx=610EFE64 edx=0004 esi=0014
ebp=0022FB1C esp=0022FB00 program=C:\cygwin\bin\rsync.exe
cs=001B ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0038 gs= ss=0023
Stack trace:
Frame Function  Args
0022FB1C  610865E7  (0022FA94, 0022FA94, 0022FA94, 0022FB40)
End of stack trace

Oh well.  Still not much help.  I am building a new snapshot which may
provide a better stack trace on failure.  If you could run it and report
the stack trace, it would be appreciated.

Also, if you could send me a complete strace log that might be useful,


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Re: snapshot cygwin1-20031212.dll.bz2 (with a very off-topic laptop aside)

2003-12-17 Thread Christopher Faylor
On Thu, Dec 18, 2003 at 12:21:50AM -0500, Christopher Faylor wrote:
On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 02:53:33PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Here is the uname and stackdump from cygwin1-20031214.dll.bz2:

CYGWIN_NT-5.0 Test 1.5.6s(0.107/3/2) 20031214 23:18:27 i686 unknown unknown

Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=610865E7
eax=0948 ebx=00409E30 ecx=610EFE64 edx=0004 esi=0014
ebp=0022FB1C esp=0022FB00 program=C:\cygwin\bin\rsync.exe
cs=001B ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0038 gs= ss=0023
Stack trace:
Frame Function  Args
0022FB1C  610865E7  (0022FA94, 0022FA94, 0022FA94, 0022FB40)
End of stack trace

Oh well.  Still not much help.  I am building a new snapshot which may
provide a better stack trace on failure.  If you could run it and report
the stack trace, it would be appreciated.

Also, if you could send me a complete strace log that might be useful,

I just thought I'd vent a little about my attempt to debug this today.
I went to another person in my office (Hi Jay!) who has a laptop running
Windows 2000 with the intent of running rsync there.  His laptop was
out of date so I updated cygwin on it, which took a while.  When I
was finished updating it, I tried to rsync from my laptop* (purchased
with the help of some people here after a truely depressing history of
being scammed, saving more money, buying a laptop, having it shipped,
having it shipped back, having it shipped again, shipping it back,
buying a new one, and now...) only to find that my laptop had crashed.
On rebooting I got nothing but a blank screen.

So, I took everything apart and tried again:  still nothing.

Took everything apart again, swapped the SODIMMs and got the dreaded BIOS
beeping.  Took out a SODIMM and now it boots.

Which means now I have to wrangle with InternetIShop about getting a
replacement without sending my laptop back *again*.

I think I am very close to throwing myself off a bridge on this subject.
Having had exactly the laptop I wanted for three weeks and now having to
once again contemplate talking to obtuse tech support or sales people
or, worse, more of the non-responders...  well...  Let's just say I am
not in a good mood.  I wasn't an optimistic type of guy I would almost
think some higher authority didn't really want me to have a laptop like
this, even though it means I'm in the presence of my family more often,
which I would think would be a good thing...

Anyway, sorry for the atypical personal aside.  I am just so frustrated
by this that I could spit.  The laptop is working fine with half the
amount of memory and the amount that I have left (512MB) is something
I would have killed for a few years ago, but, despite that, the speed
degradation is still noticeable.

Blah, blah, blah.  Yeah, I know.  I'd lambaste anyone else who did this
but it does have something of a cygwin component since all of my super
secret test files and environment is on this laptop and, if it dies,
I'll be scrambing to recreate things from backup.

I know.  Still pretty lame...  I'll stop now.



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