[ANNOUNCEMENT] nmh 1.7.1-2

2021-10-24 Thread David Levine
The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution:

* nmh-1.7.1-2

A capable MIME-email-handling system with a command-line interface.
nmh is a collection of single-purpose programs that send, receive,
show, search, and otherwise manipulate emails, including MIME.
They combine well with other Unix programs, easing the development
of custom shorthand commands as shell scripts.
Optional GUI interfaces are provided by the external xmh and exmh
projects.  nmh is a descendant of the RAND MH, Mail Handler, project.

Rebuilt package to try to remove dependency on libopenssl100.

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nmh 1.7.1-2

2021-10-24 Thread David Levine
The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution:

* nmh-1.7.1-2

A capable MIME-email-handling system with a command-line interface.
nmh is a collection of single-purpose programs that send, receive,
show, search, and otherwise manipulate emails, including MIME.
They combine well with other Unix programs, easing the development
of custom shorthand commands as shell scripts.
Optional GUI interfaces are provided by the external xmh and exmh
projects.  nmh is a descendant of the RAND MH, Mail Handler, project.

Rebuilt package to try to remove dependency on libopenssl100.

Re: cat fifo hang [Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] cygwin 3.3.0-0.2.6c1f49f83fde (TEST)]

2021-10-24 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin

On 10/17/2021 6:15 PM, Ken Brown via Cygwin wrote:

On 10/17/2021 4:52 PM, Chris Roehrig wrote:
  Here's a script that pretty reliably hangs cat after some iterations.

Thanks!  I can reproduce the hang.  I'll look into it.

I've done some debugging and have followed up on the cygwin-developers list:


Let's hope someone there can figure out what the problem is.  Thanks again for 
reporting this and, especially, for providing a simple test case.


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Re: emacs 28.0.60-1.f7e6c199bf (TEST)

2021-10-24 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin

On 10/18/2021 3:15 PM, Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:

Here is a macro I use quite frequently, with a line like this:

# New Exception Call:   PD0TEST/J

The macro consists of:

- set mark
- CTRL-F until you get to the start of the field after Call:
- CTRL-W to delete the selected text
- CTRL-N to go to the start of the next line

After the macro is defined, there is a pause the next (first) time it's
used (C-x C-e).  It's speedy after that.

You mean 'C-x e', not 'C-x C-e', right?

I just inserted several lines like

# New Exception Call:   PD0TEST/J

into the *scratch* buffer and defined your keyboard macro.  I didn't notice any 
delay the first time I ran it.  Might there be some other conditions necessary 
to reproduce the problem?  Is the mode of the buffer relevant?  Can you 
reproduce the problem starting from 'emacs -Q'?


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Re: rename using regexpr - is it possible?

2021-10-24 Thread Eliot Moss

On 10/24/2021 4:55 PM, Fergus Daly wrote:

I might be wrong but:
The Cygwin implementation of rename seems completely different from "the" (my) 
Linux version.
(Almost unique? Otherwise the matching in Cygwin of all syntax -
vocab, switches, outcomes - to Linux, seems almost perfect.)
Can I rename a set of files *.d (say) as filename.d -> XXfilename.d?
In Linux this would be achieved by
$ rename 's/^/XX/g' ./*.d
whereas in Cygwin
$ rename ^ XX *.d
(and all similar attempts) fails.
Thank you.

You're confusing perl-rename with util-linu rename.
The former, which seems to be what you want, can be installed using cpan 
(install File::Rename),
assuming you have perl installed.
It will put its rename command in /usr/local/bin, presumably taking precedence 
over the util-linux one in /usr/bin.
It further seems that "normally" these two have different names, like rename.ul 
and prename,
and /etc/alternatives is used to set up the rename command.
This required some web searching to determine ...
Cheers - Eliot

Perfect. Worked like a dream.
All in place, and naming managed.
Thanks so much.

No problem - learned something myself!  EM

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RE: rename using regexpr - is it possible?

2021-10-24 Thread Fergus Daly via Cygwin
>> I might be wrong but:
>> The Cygwin implementation of rename seems completely different from "the" 
>> (my) Linux version.
>> (Almost unique? Otherwise the matching in Cygwin of all syntax - 
>> vocab, switches, outcomes - to Linux, seems almost perfect.)
>> Can I rename a set of files *.d (say) as filename.d -> XXfilename.d?
>> In Linux this would be achieved by
>> $ rename 's/^/XX/g' ./*.d
>> whereas in Cygwin
>> $ rename ^ XX *.d
>> (and all similar attempts) fails.
>> Thank you.

> You're confusing perl-rename with util-linu rename. 
> The former, which seems to be what you want, can be installed using cpan 
> (install File::Rename),
> assuming you have perl installed.
> It will put its rename command in /usr/local/bin, presumably taking 
> precedence over the util-linux one in /usr/bin.
> It further seems that "normally" these two have different names, like 
> rename.ul and prename,
> and /etc/alternatives is used to set up the rename command.
> This required some web searching to determine ...
> Cheers - Eliot

Perfect. Worked like a dream.
All in place, and naming managed.
Thanks so much.

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OpenSSL package updates

2021-10-24 Thread Achim Gratz

I have updated the recently released Cygwin packages with all upstream
patches from Fedora plus the patches for all CVE affecting version 1.0.2
since the last official version and changed the cygport files so they
build on AppVeyor.  The packages have been pushed to the respective
playground branches:


I have not yet looked at the MingW64 libraries and I will not have time
next week to do any further work.  I might do an ITA later on when I
have everything completed.  I'd appreciate if someone would take a look
and test these builds in the meantime.

Brian's previous attempt on 1.1.1l would be here (until GC will remove it):


+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+

SD adaptation for Waldorf microQ V2.22R2:

Re: Confusing Cygwin X / xlaunch issue

2021-10-24 Thread Eliot Moss

A follow up:

I have tried other combination of which display is main when booting and which
is main when starting X.  These seem to be the case:

- Getting xterm fonts the right size requires *booting* with the hi-res
  display being main.  X can be starting with either being main.
- Getting the menu to come up requires starting X with the hi-res display
  being main; I can then change which display is main after I have started X.

So the only way I can get my preferred behavior seems to be:

- Boot with the hi-res screen as main
- Start X
- Switch to have the lo-res screen as main (which requires switching back
  before any reboot ...)

Does this all fit the understanding of how XWin starts up and interacts with
Windows display settings?

Best wishes - Eliot Moss

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Confusing Cygwin X / xlaunch issue

2021-10-24 Thread Eliot Moss

First, things work fine when I am using just my hi-res laptop display, or that
display plus a hi-res external display in "Extend these displays" mode
according to Windows 10.  At present I am using a lower resolution external
display (becaue I am on an extended trip and it's what I have) in "Extend
these displays" mode with my hi-res laptop display.  This seems to confuse X
(and also xlaunch?).  Here are the issues:

When booted with the external lo-res display as the main display:

- xterm windows come up with a very large font.
- The X menu (controlled by .XWinrc) does not come up.

If I then change to have the laptop hi-res display as the main display,
without rebooting, and without restarting X

- The xterms still have a big font (I did not restart them, so no surprise)
- The X menu works (over on the laptop screen).

I then restart X,

- The new xterms still have the large font
- The X menu still works

If I then shutdown X, make the external lo-res display the main display, and
restart X,

- The xterm fonts are big
- The X menu does not come up.

Then, if I set the laptop to be the main display, reboot Windows, and restart

- The xterm windows have the right size font (but start on the laptop and need
  to be dragged over to the other display; they do resize appropriately there)
- The X menu works (but is way over on the laptop display).

Finally, if I change to have the external display to be the main one, without
restarting X,

- New xterms come up with the right size fonts
- The X menu comes up on the external screen (as desired)

If I shut down X and restart it (external display still main),

- xterm fonts have the right size
- The X menu does not come up.

It seems that, at the least, I need to *start* X when the laptop (hi-res)
display is main.  I'm less clear as to whether I need to *boot* with it main
(I can try that later).

Is there an explanation for this?  Should I be doing something differently?
Is there a bug?  Thanks for any insight you can offer!  Eliot Moss

Here are further details of my setup:

I use xlaunch to get my X windows going.  The command in the Windows short-cut
that I click reads:

C:\cygwin64\bin\run.exe /bin/xlaunch -p /usr/bin -run /home/moss/config.xlaunch

My config.xlaunch reads:


RemoteProtocol="" LocalProgram=".startxwinrc" RemoteProgram="xterm" RemoteHost="" RemoteUser="" 
XDMCPHost="" XDMCPBroadcast="False" XDMCPIndirect="False" Clipboard="True" ExtraParams="-unixkill 
-listen tcp -clipboard -resize -engine 1 -emulate3buttons 100" Wgl="False" DisableAC="True" 
XDMCPTerminate="False" SSHKeyChain="False" SSHTerminal="True" ExtraSSH=""/>


My .startxwinrc reads:


xrdb -merge ${HOME}/.Xdefaults
xmodmap ${HOME}/.Xmodmap

UC="${USER} console"
set > ~/set-output.txt
xterm +tb -geometry 110x62+4+0  -T "${USER}" -n "${USER}" -name "${USER}" -bg rgbi:.0/.2/.2-ls 
-iconic &
xterm +tb -geometry 110x62-10+0 -T "${UC}"   -n "${UC}"   -name "${UC}"   -bg rgbi:.5/.0/.1-ls 
-iconic &

emacs --chdir=${HOME} --no-splash --iconic --geometry=130x60+100+100 -T emacs &
# xemacs -iconic -geometry 110x61+0+0  -T xemacs &

My .XWinrc reads:

MENU systray {
  elnux1 EXEC "xterm -tn xterm-256color -display %display% -ls -title elnux1 -bg 
rgbi:.1/.10/.1 -e /usr/bin/ssh m...@elnux1.cs.umass.edu"
  elnux7 EXEC "xterm -tn xterm-256color -display %display% -ls -title elnux7 -bg 
rgbi:.1/.10/.1 -e /usr/bin/ssh m...@elnux7.cs.umass.edu"
  rocEXEC "xterm -tn xterm-256color -display %display% -ls -title roc-bg 
rgbi:.2/.20/.0 2> /home/moss/term-start-err.txt -e /usr/bin/ssh m...@roc.cs.umass.edu"
  swarm  EXEC "xterm -tn xterm-256color -display %display% -ls -title swarm  -bg 
rgbi:.0/.20/.0 -e /usr/bin/ssh m...@swarm.cs.umass.edu"
  swarm2 EXEC "xterm -tn xterm-256color -display %display% -ls -title swarm2 -bg 
rgbi:.1/.20/.0 -e /usr/bin/ssh m...@swarm2.cs.umass.edu"
  moaEXEC "xterm -tn xterm-256color -display %display% -ls -title moa-bg 
rgbi:.0/.03/.0 -e /usr/bin/ssh m...@moa.cs.umass.edu"
  deepgreen  EXEC "xterm -tn xterm-256color -display %display% -ls -title deepgreen  -bg 
rgbi:.0/.03/.0 -e /usr/bin/ssh m...@deepgreen.cs.umass.edu"
  balder EXEC "xterm -tn xterm-256color -display %display% -ls -title balder -bg 
rgbi:.2/.00/.0 -e /usr/bin/ssh m...@balder.cs.umass.edu"
  lithos EXEC "xterm -tn xterm-256color -display %display% -ls -title lithos -bg 
rgbi:.1/.10/.1 -e /usr/bin/ssh m...@lithos.cs.umass.edu"
  supercloud EXEC "xterm -tn xterm-256color -display %display% -ls -title supercloud -bg 

Re: rename using regexpr - is it possible?

2021-10-24 Thread Eliot Moss

I meant: util-linux ...

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Re: rename using regexpr - is it possible?

2021-10-24 Thread Eliot Moss

On 10/24/2021 10:29 AM, Fergus Daly via Cygwin wrote:

I might be wrong but:
The Cygwin implementation of rename seems completely different from "the" (my) 
Linux version.
(Almost unique? Otherwise the matching in Cygwin of all syntax - vocab, 
switches, outcomes - to Linux, seems almost perfect.)
Can I rename a set of files *.d (say) as filename.d -> XXfilename.d?
In Linux this would be achieved by
$ rename 's/^/XX/g' ./*.d
whereas in Cygwin
$ rename ^ XX *.d
(and all similar attempts) fails.
Thank you.

You're confusing perl-rename with util-linu rename.  The former,
which seems to be what you want, can be installed using cpan
(install File::Rename), assuming you have perl installed.  It
will put its rename command in /usr/local/bin, presumably taking
precedence over the util-linux one in /usr/bin.  It further seems
that "normally" these two have different names, like rename.ul
and prename, and /etc/alternatives is used to set up the rename

This required some web searching to determine ...

Cheers - Eliot

Problem reports:  https://cygwin.com/problems.html
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Unsubscribe info: https://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple

Problem/Bug with binutils-gdb and strsignal ?

2021-10-24 Thread Claudius Schnörr via Cygwin


when compiling binutils-gdb I got stuck with an error concerning the strsignal 
This also occurs when trying to compile the insight gdb-frontend on cygwin64 
that I tried to build.

 * platform:
 o cygwin 64bit on Win-10
 o gcc (GCC) 11.2.0, g++ (GCC) 11.2.0

 * commands submitted:
 o git clone --recursive git://sourceware.org/git/binutils-gdb.git
 o autoconf
 o ./configure
 o make

 * Error message:
 o event-top.c: In function ‘void handle_fatal_signal(int)’:
   event-top.c:893:18: error: ‘strsignal’ was not declared in this
   scope; did you mean ‘strsigno’?
  893 |   sig_write (strsignal (sig));

 * comment:
 o strsignal() is declared in string.h. However, including it
   doesn't work.
   Then I inspected string.h on cygwin64 in /usr/include and found
 o #ifndef DEFS_H    /* Kludge to work around problem compiling in
   gdb */
   char    *strsignal (int __signo);
 o suggestion: undefining DEFS_H might be risky -> to be added at
   line 55:
 + #ifndef DEFS_H
   #    include  /* for strsignal on
   cygwin */
   char *strsignal (int __signo);  /* see
   /usr/include/string.h on cygwin */
 o then it compiles, however a library is missed now:
 + x86_64-pc-cygwin/bin/ld:
   undefined reference to `strsignal(int)'
   collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Hope this helps somehow.

Kind regards,


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