I seem to have almost excatly the same problem except that I could not solve it 
by removing the Cygwin-X folder. In this case during the reinstallation of the 
xinit package the folder is recreated again and then the original error message 
(xinit.sh exit code 3) reappears. The directory again has strange permissions  
when checked with Windows Explorer and I am not allowed the enter it or see its 
contents before resetting the security settings.

When doing an "ls -l" (within Cygwin) in the "Start Menu" folder the group and 
owner for the Cygwin-X directory seem to be reversed compared to other folders manually created 
from Windows Explorer (i.e. the user name appears in the group column and vice versa) but I'm not 
sure if this is important:

d---rwxr-x+ 1 myusername Administratoren                0 May 10 02:27  Cygwin-X

For all other folders the group is displayed before the username.

I had to fix the security settings for the Cygwin-X folder and then manually execute the last two 
"mkshortcut" commands from "/etc/postinstall/xinit.sh" (replacing $CYGWINFORALL with 
"-A" and ${wow64} with an empty string).

Should this be the only problem and should my "fix" be correct? And is there 
anything I can do to help find the cause for this problem?

On 23.10.2023 17:41, Brian Inglis via Cygwin wrote:
On 2023-10-23 06:05, Fergus Daly via Cygwin wrote:
<< Detail >>

When I used Explorer to visit C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start 
Menu\Cygwin-X I was told:
"You don't currently have permission to access this folder"
and clicking on Continue to get access I was told:
"You have been denied permission to access this folder"
There was then offered an option to edit Permissions which I didn't feel like 
(I am the Administrator on my own standalone Windows machine. The denial of 
access to Cygwin-X feels odd.
PS I also have Cygwin32 installed and running. I _am_ permitted access to the 
equivalent folder Cygwin-X (32-bit).)

Please try running the following command/s, under Cygwin 32 and 64, and posting
the outputs:

$ for p in "`cygpath -A -P -U`"{,/Cygwin-X}; do for c in 'lsattr -d' 'ls -dl'
getfacl; do $c "$p"; echo; done; icacls "`cygpath -m "$p"`"; done

Thank you. (Again.)
1. Actually before reading this I had deleted both folders
(successfully, despite not being permitted entry into one
of them) and the re-ran the xinit installation with no
bother at all.
I'm guessing the Permissions glitch resulted from some local
recent accidental keypress or sequence.
2. icacls? Haven't got this though I have got getfacl; found icacl in
"Search packages" under libattica-devel and ng-spice-debuginfo?

    $ /proc/cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/icacls /?

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