Admin can read user file from bash, despite permissions

2008-04-10 Thread Gmane User

I have a power user file that has go-rwx.  However, the administrator
account can less the contents from a bash command line.  This is
both logging onto Windows 2000 as admin, as well as ssh'ing in
(loopback) from the power user log-in session.  The administrator can
also mv the file to a different name, but it can't create a new file
in the same folder e.g. by cp.

CACLS shows an extensive set of permissions for the power user owner,
LaptopName\None and Everyone.  I've come across nothing on the web
(yet) about a special privilege that allows administrators the level
of access that it seems to have.  In fact, if I just open up a DOS
shell as Administrator, I cannot more the said file.  So it seems to
be specific to Cygwin rather than Windows.

I've read up on ntsec in the Cygwin user guide, but nothing seems to
explain the admin access to the file.  However, it is new material to
me, so I might be missing it.  If the explanation is there, could
someone point to the particular paragraph, and perhaps elaborate on
how that explains the access I observe?  If the explanation isn't
there, what is the explanation?


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Re: Admin can read user file from bash, despite permissions

2008-04-10 Thread Gmane User

Brian Dessent wrote:

Gmane User wrote:

CACLS shows an extensive set of permissions for the power user owner,
LaptopName\None and Everyone.  I've come across nothing on the web
(yet) about a special privilege that allows administrators the level
of access that it seems to have.  In fact, if I just open up a DOS
shell as Administrator, I cannot more the said file.  So it seems to
be specific to Cygwin rather than Windows.


This is the relevant part:

Cygwin uses this to simulate the unix semantics of root (i.e. total
access to anything regardless of permissions)

Thanks for reiterating, Brian.

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Re: Admin can read user file from bash, despite permissions

2008-04-10 Thread Gmane User

Corinna Vinschen wrote:

On Apr 10 04:19, Gmane User wrote:

I have a power user file that has go-rwx.  However, the administrator
account can less the contents from a bash command line.  This is
both logging onto Windows 2000 as admin, as well as ssh'ing in
(loopback) from the power user log-in session.  The administrator can
also mv the file to a different name, but it can't create a new file
in the same folder e.g. by cp.

CACLS shows an extensive set of permissions for the power user owner,
LaptopName\None and Everyone.  I've come across nothing on the web
(yet) about a special privilege that allows administrators the level
of access that it seems to have.  In fact, if I just open up a DOS
shell as Administrator, I cannot more the said file.  So it seems to
be specific to Cygwin rather than Windows.
what is the explanation?

The secret word for tonight is Privileges.  See

Administrators have the SE_BACKUP_NAME privilege by default.  Cygwin
opens the files with the FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS flag set, see So, all accounts
with the backup privilege (usually admins and backup operators) can open
all files.  That's the same as with the root user on UNIX.

It does not work with the standard Windows tools, because these tools
don't open files with FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS.  Sort of an
obfuscation, if you ask me.

cp doesn't work because the current release of Cygwin doesn't use
the FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS flag in every necessary place so far.

Thank you, Corinna.  That was very informative.

BTW, I found this site to be invaluable for those ramping up:


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Re: Admin can read user file from bash, despite permissions

2008-04-10 Thread Gmane User

Gmane User wrote:

Brian Dessent wrote:

Gmane User wrote:

CACLS shows an extensive set of permissions for the power user owner,
LaptopName\None and Everyone.  I've come across nothing on the web
(yet) about a special privilege that allows administrators the level
of access that it seems to have.  In fact, if I just open up a DOS
shell as Administrator, I cannot more the said file.  So it seems to
be specific to Cygwin rather than Windows.


This is the relevant part:

Cygwin uses this to simulate the unix semantics of root (i.e. total
access to anything regardless of permissions)

Thanks for reiterating, Brian.

Oh, I should have mentioned that Diskeeper probably uses the privilege since it 
managed to defrag the files that the built-in defragger, JkDefrag, and Ultra 
Defragmenter could not.

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Re: A FAQ regarding defrag and permissions of nonadmin files?

2008-04-08 Thread Gmane User

Brian Dessent wrote:
 Gmane User wrote:

 Let's make sure we're comparing the same situation.  I've used bash to
 explicitly change permissions to go-rwx for most of my files.  This is

 To be pedantic, you used chmod (or some other utility); bash is just a
 shell, it does not set permissions.

 on a nonadmin account.  This is what chokes the defragger.  Do you
 have the same circumstance?

 Yes, I just ran the series of commands in the previous mail as a
 non-administrator user, creating a file in 2 fragments.  I then switched
 to a user in the administrators group and ran OO defrag (though the
 user that launches the job shouldn't matter as OO runs decoupled as a
 service anyway) and the file was defragmented.

I didn't see the line where you switched users.

 Note that Win32 has a backup API which allows any user with the 'backup'
 privilege in their token to open any file, regardless of its ACL.
 Cygwin uses this to simulate the unix semantics of root (i.e. total
 access to anything regardless of permissions) and so for example the
 file I created with mode 600 as a regular user was completely readable
 from Cygwin when logged in as a user in the administrators group, even
 though the permissions/ACL deny it.  I suspect that OO and most other
 defrag programs use this same technique.

I haven't run across a description of the backup privilege, but then
again, I only dug into NTFS permisssions with any seriousness today.
If Ultra Defragmenter does the job, I'll save the deeper digging for
another day.

Here are my observations on the leadup to Ultra Defragmenter.

JkDefrag's boot-time defrag is merely a scheduled task.  It must be
scheduled outside of safe mode, else the task scheduling service isn't
running and it isn't scheduled properly.  It doesn't run at all.  Even
after booting up outside of safe mode, the tasks exists, but doesn't
launch upon booting.  So it must be deleted after a normal boot, then
scheduled again.

JkDefrag's boot-time defrag didn't work as I expected.  It doesn't
arrest the boot process while it runs the defrag.  So the boot process
proceeds as normal, with the exception of being very slow because of
the defrag process that was launched during boot-up.  This means that
Symantec AV is running during the defrag, as are the full suite of
tools that are launched during a normal boot ie. many more than in
safe mode.  I don't want to fool around with the AV because it is set
the way it is according to the policy of the place where I work.  So I
tried again to boot in safe mode to see if the now-properly-scheduled
defrag will run.  It didn't.

I then installed Ultra Defragmenter.

Good news is that it seems to stop the boot process while it does its
thing.  There are no progress indicators that change during this
period.  After 20 minutes, the boot process continues.  I logged in
and tried to find the report that is supposedly generated.  It was
nowhere to be found, even though the report settings have reports
enabled (from the GUI).  Since the report settings specify HTML
output, I searched the hard disk for an HTML file dated within the
last day, but found nothing.  A google and usenet search does not turn
up mention (or even a question) of the path for the html report.  The
Fragmented button doesn't do anything, either.

Would you know if the boot-time defrag occurs before Symantec AV
launches?  (Note that the AV doesn't show up as a process in

Where would the report be located?


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Re: A FAQ regarding defrag and permissions of nonadmin files?

2008-04-08 Thread Gmane User

Brian Dessent wrote:
 Okay, so JkDefrag's boot time defrag does not appear to be a real
 boot-time (offline) defrag.  Anything dealing with the task
 scheduler is way too late in the game, Win32 is already running at
 that point.

I wonder why anyone want to do that under a permissions-limited

 I doubt that the boot-time defrag generates a report.  It's not
 intended to be a full service defrag, it's only for system files
 that are normally locked (offline defragmentation.)  When you
 schedule the boot time defrag you have to specifically include a
 list of patterns and the default only includes things like the hives
 and pagefile.


 I'm not sure what you mean by no progress indicators, as every
 time I've used it (and any other offline defrag for that matter,
 such as Sysinternals' pagedfrg), it displays some text saying what
 it's about to do, with a 3 second opportunity to press a key to
 abort, followed by textual percent meters of analysis and defrag
 stages, just like CHKDSK.

I must have missed that 3 seconds.  But at the bottom, there is a line
of dashes that never changed for the duration of the activity.  I
believe it was prefixed with a label having to do with analysis.  I
am trying again with specificatin of * in the file inclusion list.

About the log file, you're right.  You need another analyze after
normal boot.  It generates c:/FRAGLIST.HTM, which can be saved as
text.  Turning off the switch to produce HTML doesn't generate a text
file, so I guess it's HTML or nothing.

Fingers crossed with * in the file inclusion list.

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Re: A FAQ regarding defrag and permissions of nonadmin files?

2008-04-08 Thread Gmane User

Dave Korn wrote:
 Andrew DeFaria wrote on 08 April 2008 16:51:
 Gmane User wrote:
 About the log file, you're right.  You need another analyze
 after normal boot.  It generates c:/FRAGLIST.HTM, which can be
 saved as text.  Turning off the switch to produce HTML doesn't
 generate a text file, so I guess it's HTML or nothing.

 Actually HTML is text. It's surely not binary! Every character in
 an HTML file is printable, for example.

   That's very interesting, but surely a bit off-topic - I thought
   this mailing list was meant to be all about defragmentation
   software, not text-vs-binary file formats?

   Or in other words, could this thread please be TITTTL'd?

 cheers, DaveK

Arg.  Andrew.  My thread TITTTL'd!  :(

I thought this was cygwin related because all the affected files are
mostly involved with my use of Cygwin.  And normal Windows users don't
go about finangling file permissions in the manner that unix users do.
Hence (I thought) they won't often encounter similar issues with
defrag related to permissions.  However, no one else has chimed in
about similar problems, so perhaps the problem goes beyond cygwin and
unix file permissions on a Windows box.

I will try to further to resolve it in a windows/defrag forum.

Just as a wrap-up, however, can a few people please say whether they
actually set their nonadmin files to go-rwx, and are actually able to
defrag their whole disk without stubborn user files?  I don't even
know whether I'm an exception in this practice of setting file
permissions, aside from the defrag problem.  My experiment with
boot-time defrag has not solved the defrag problem, even after
specifying * for the files to defrag.


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A FAQ regarding defrag and permissions of nonadmin files?

2008-04-07 Thread Gmane User
Today was a revolutionary day.  Ever since I started using cygwin years ago, I
just assumed that defrag was doing whatever it does best, and that it was normal
to have a whole whack of user application files un-defragged.  This list of
fragged files got enormous over the years, and almost all the files were
related in some way to cygwin, either in the c:/cygwin tree or had been
manipulated from bash.  Having to replace the drive with 4200 RPM didn't help,
and all the googling and usenetting in the world didn't reveal the cause for
those stubborn files.  I could feel the lifetime draining out of the overworked
hard drive.  My life force was draining along with it, as I sat catatonically
watching the LED blink and listening to the disk chatter.  Occasionally, I'd
wake up with a start, only to find that I had done so prematurely, as more
waiting was in order.

I was all set to do something drastic, like buy commercial defraggers, or
purchase Ghost and a new hard disk so as to clone the current hard disk into a
defragged incarnation.  All this for a slow 30GB drive on a laptop that's a
better part of 10 years old, whose housing and processor fans were probably near
death (probably because of dust buildup, causing them to kick in even when XWin
took up a few percent of CPU to blink gvim's cursor).  Since the venerable
laptop only had USB1, the bandwidth requirements of the cloning solution would
also require purchase of some kind of card bus adapter.  (Unless the drive could
fit into the bay currently occupied by the CD burner)


Before launching into something so foolish, I was going to try a free defragger.
 If the system got toasted, that would be the guy upstairs signalling that it
was time for a new laptop -- preferrable to spending some unknown number of days
with a new drive, reinstalling Windows 2000 and recustomizing the environment to
the way it was before.  So much the truer if it was the disk controller that 

The defragger I used was JkDefrag.  And there was the explanation, right in the
online documentation.  The files to be defragged need to be accessible by admin.
 I never suspected that something as system-wide as defragging would be
dependent on a specific account.  Setting all files to go+rwx allows all the
files to defrag.

This arrangement clashes directly with the unix practice of having all nonadmin
user file permissions default to u+rw,go-rwx.  A unix user (not necessarily an
admin, as I've never been) who wanders into the weird and wonderful world of
Windows would think he/she found salvation in cygwin (and would mostly be
right).  He/she (let's just say It) would innocently and obliviously bring its
Unix ways with it, and never be able to defrag.  I am baffled by why this caveat
isn't documented in any defrag or cygwin posting/page that I've come across.

In any case, I'm quickly ramping up on the weird, wondrous world of NTFS
permissions to allow admin access to my files without granting it to group and
others.  Currently doing it through the the Windows GUI, as the Cygwin
documentation gets quite deep.  I suspect, however, that it might be necessary
to go the way of cygwin to hierarchically set things as required, though that
will reveal itself soon enough.

In any case, considering the aforementioned default ways of unix users, and the
absence of documentation of caveats for defragging...perhaps this can be made a 

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Re: A FAQ regarding defrag and permissions of nonadmin files?

2008-04-07 Thread Gmane User
Brian Dessent wrote:
 Gmane User wrote:
 The defragger I used was JkDefrag.  And there was the explanation,
 right in the online documentation.  The files to be defragged need
 to be accessible by admin.  I never suspected that something as
 system-wide as defragging would be dependent on a specific account.
 Setting all files to go+rwx allows all the files to defrag.

 This arrangement clashes directly with the unix practice of having
 all nonadmin user file permissions default to u+rw,go-rwx.  A unix
 user (not necessarily an admin, as I've never been) who wanders
 into the weird and wonderful world of Windows would think he/she
 found salvation in cygwin (and would mostly be right).  He/she
 (let's just say It) would innocently and obliviously bring its
 Unix ways with it, and never be able to defrag.  I am baffled by
 why this caveat isn't documented in any defrag or cygwin
 posting/page that I've come across.

 This is just patently false.  While it may be true that a defrag
 program that runs in userspace needs access to a file to defrag it,
 that does not in any mean that some special admin user needs
 access to it.  And besides, most defraggers install as a service
 anyway, so they run as the system.

 ...snip quite illustrative example for brevity...

 The file has been defragmented and there was no need for any chmod

 For the record I took a look at JkDefrag's source at some point in
 the past and it made me shudder how badly coded it was.  I suggest
 UltraDefrag which is open source and free and it installs a native
 driver to do the defragmentation so there is none of this worrying
 about who owns a file or what ACLs it has.  Since it has a native
 interface it can even run at bootup before files such as
 pagefile.sys are locked.

I'm defragging the whole disk, so I need the defragger to be able to
access all files from whatever account it runs under.

Bear with me if I mention something inaccurate, as I've just started
reading up on the concepts today.  Corrections are welcome.

About defragging as a service,
says that the System account has no more permissions than an admin

About defragging on boot-up, JkDefrag does this too, but still needs
an account to run under.  Is it possible for a defrag (or a process)
to run not under any account?  That is, does Ultra Defragmenter
actually do this?  Ultra Defragmenter would have been my first choice,
except that I ran into this caveat:
I described in my original post the barriers to ghosting in my
obsolete system, so I'm reticent to experiment with developmental
defraggers until they built up a bit of a track record.  This decision
has more to do with safety than how well the algorithm may be coded

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Re: A FAQ regarding defrag and permissions of nonadmin files?

2008-04-07 Thread Gmane User
Brian Dessent wrote:
 Gmane User wrote:

 I'm defragging the whole disk, so I need the defragger to be able
 to access all files from whatever account it runs under.

 I've never had any problem doing that without having to specifically
 loosen any ACLs.

Let's make sure we're comparing the same situation.  I've used bash to
explicitly change permissions to go-rwx for most of my files.  This is
on a nonadmin account.  This is what chokes the defragger.  Do you
have the same circumstance?

 About defragging as a service, says that the System account
 has no more permissions than an admin account.

 I use OO Defrag, it runs as a service as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM, and
 it defrags all my Cygwin files just fine without needing to set any
 special permissions.  It has been the same way with every other
 defrag program I've used too.

 About defragging on boot-up, JkDefrag does this too, but still
 needs an account to run under.  Is it possible for a defrag (or a
 process) to run not under any account?  That is, does Ultra
 Defragmenter actually do this?  Ultra Defragmenter would have been
 my first choice, except that I ran into this caveat:

 At the point where UltraDefrag runs only the kernel and drivers have
 loaded, the Win32 subsystem and the SAM do not even exist yet --
 this is the whole point of doing it that early in the process, so
 that things like the registry hives are not yet open and locked.  So
 I think this runs in the absence of any user context.  And even when
 doing a normal defrag, UltraDefrag does the actual processing in
 kernel mode as a driver and at that level there are no access
 restrictions whatsoever.

Hmm.  That raises questions in my feeble mind.  I wonder why JkDefrag
requires the specification of a user account for the boot-up defrag.

Anyway, I will try Ultra Defragementer.  Thank you for the reassurance
and explanation below.  I have my fingers crossed.  Actually, I'll try
a boot-time defrag with JkDefrag first.  But Ultra is next, if the same
problems arise.
 I described in my original post the barriers to ghosting in my
 obsolete system, so I'm reticent to experiment with developmental
 defraggers until they built up a bit of a track record.  This
 decision has more to do with safety than how well the algorithm may
 be coded up.

 Keep in mind that all of these things are using the same code for
 the heavy lifting of actual defragmentation.  That is implemented in
 the NTFS.SYS filesystem kernel driver; none of the tools actually
 touch the raw disk, they just send an IOCTL to the filesystem
 telling it to move a file extent from A to B.  The only thing that
 differs is the high level algorithm that decides what goes where,
 but none of them do the actual moving.  The risk of data loss
 therefore is more or less constant and does not depend on which tool
 is being used, as I see it.

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Re: Home directory

2007-10-02 Thread Gmane User
Warren Young wrote:
 Gmain User wrote:
 Thanks, Brian.  I was actually asking in the context of not updating cygwin
 right away.  Whether or not one could access up-to-date accumulation of 
 notes, possibly on the web.
 Cygwin doesn't have monolithic releases.  Every individual package is 
 on its own release schedule.  It's meaningless to talk about release 
 notes at a higher level than the package level, in the current scheme.

What you say makes perfect sense.  The specific package I was referring to was
coreutils.  Unfortunately, the quoting containing the relevant thread details
had to be trimmed because of the limit on quoting when posting through gmane,
which was the case in some of my posts.  Don't get me wrong, gmane is great,
it's just a circumstance that needs to be pointed out as a factor contributing
to this confusion.

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Re: Home directory

2007-10-01 Thread Gmane User
Eric Blake wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 According to Gmain User on 10/1/2007 10:04 AM:
 Is there somewhere online
 where the release notes can be perused so that I can avoid updating
 cygwin right away?  I usually find that an update is followed by a
 period of anomalous behaviour.
 [Phooey.  Hit send too soon.]
 Yes - it is called the release announcements:

I did indeed check that before posting to ask about where release notes can be
found.  In fact, they can be found peicemeal at, but
it makes it hard to quickly scan for changes to mv.  Many software systems
have cumulative release notes with each new release...would the release notes
can be findable in such a form online?

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Re: Home directory

2007-10-01 Thread Gmane User
Brian Dessent wrote:
 Gmane User wrote:
 If I were make c:/cygwin/home/UserName my home directory, what is the best 
  Ssh only considers /etc/passwd, so it seems best to manually set it there,
 though I'd have to manually fix it each time I recreate it.  It still seems 
 be the best way, but opinions are welcome on good practice.
 Well you already said it -- sshd only considers the entry in passwd so
 that's pretty much the only option if you plan to connect remotely. 
 However, you should use a POSIX path like /home/UserName not

Indeed.  I guess that's it.

On the other hand, it occurred to me that it might be worthwhile to uninstall
cygwin, then reinstall it on a secondary IDE drive (not drive c:), along with
the cygwin user file/folder tree.  It has a lot more space, so I can forget the
network drive altogether.  I was initially trying to avoid the secondary drive
because I fully expect suprises and a brand new learning experiences due to the
unconventional location.  But I can always give it a go.  The only issue at hand
is time.

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Home directory

2007-09-30 Thread Gmane User
ACcording to, the cygwin
home directory is determined by the checking the following, in the order listed:

1. Windows HOME environment variable
2. /etc/passwd
3. HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH variables in the Windows environment
4. /

I recently got a new domain account, and the cygwin home directory is a network
drive, instead of c:/cygwin/home/UserName.  I am currently trying to research
the causes, though I don't have access to the machine in question at the moment.
 I assume that the path to the home directory was embedded in /etc/passwd, which
I created using mkpasswd -d.  I am debating on manually changing this in
/etc/passwd back to c:/cygwin/home/UserName, since I might ssh into the machine,
in which case the network drive will likely not be accessible.  As well, working
off a network drive by default makes one more vulnerable to network problems.
The only thing which might make the network drive attractive is the limited
space on the local drive.

If I were make c:/cygwin/home/UserName my home directory, what is the best way?
 Ssh only considers /etc/passwd, so it seems best to manually set it there,
though I'd have to manually fix it each time I recreate it.  It still seems to
be the best way, but opinions are welcome on good practice.


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Re: error when starting X-Win

2007-01-31 Thread Gmane User
Larry Hall (Cygwin X) wrote:
 Gmane User wrote:
 Which made me think wouldn't it be nice if mounting didn't have
 to be done for each user account?.  I install cygwin on whatever
 machine (of several) that I happen to work on, so such a global
 fix would make life easier.  And there is a solution.
 With a bit of refresher from the unix shell newsgroup, I was
 prompted into realizing that launches XWin in the
 background, which allows the PID to be captured with $!.  So
 if one really wanted to, startxwin could use wait with XWin's
 PID to wait for XWin to finish, after which it deletes
 /tmp/.X11-unix.  No need to maintain user-specific /tmp mounts.
 One could probably create a start-menu shortcut that invokes with the run command, similar to the way it is used
 in startxwin.bat.
 If memory serves me correctly, this was talked about before and perhaps
 even implemented.  If the latter is actually true, then it got lost at
 some point (perhaps about the time that the Cygwin-X maintainer was
 lost ;-) ).

Yeah, well, it's probably not the end-all-be-all solution.  It occured
to me that if the script got interrupted somehow e.g. due
to forced shutdown, power outage, logoff, or kill, then it never runs
the command that erases /tmp.X11-unix.

Are you the new maintainer?

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Re: error when starting X-Win

2007-01-30 Thread Gmane User
Larry Hall (Cygwin X) wrote:
 Gmane User wrote:
 Martin Bartak wrote:

 How to delete /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 automatically when closing
 X-session or,
 how to prevent its emergence when starting X-sesion or,
 how to make it re-writable by 'non-Administrator' user?

 I've got Cygwin 1.5.23-2 (full installation) on WinXP with two
 user accounts. I use 'startx' command to invoke X-Win
 with default parameters or options.
 When starting X-Win, a file named 'X0' is placed into /tmp/.X11-unix/
 and it probably locks the X-server for current user (?)
 This file persists after exiting from X-Win and also after exiting
 from Cygwin. No problem if I start Cygwin and X-Win again
 as the same user, but when I login as another user (different from
 Administrator) X-Win cannot be started unless the previous X0 file
 is deleted.
 I have sshd installed, so I ssh into the account that owns /tmp/.X11
 and remove it.  Better yet, I simply have the same account starting
 Xwin all the time.  For example, if user1 is the Xwin account and I am
 logged in as user2, I can ssh into user1 to start Xwin.  Or simply do
 Start-run, then use the runas command to run startxwin.bat as user1
 (full program path required).  The user2 login session hasn't been
 interrupted; you just need to export DISPLAY=:0.0 and then start
 launching X applications.
 The standard way this has been handled in the past is to set up a mount
 point for '/tmp/' to a unique location.  In a default Windows
 installation, the following should work (untested):
 mount -b -u $TEMP /tmp
 This keeps things unique for each user anyway.

That's quite cool.  I decorated it a bit to keep it all within my cygwin
file space.  Specifically, in my all-purpose ~/Temp directory:

mkdir -p ~/Temp/tmp
mount -b -u c:/cygwin/home/${USER}/Temp/tmp /tmp


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Re: error when starting X-Win

2007-01-30 Thread Gmane User
Larry Hall (Cygwin X) wrote:
 Chris Sutcliffe wrote:
 The standard way this has been handled in the past is to set up a 
 point for '/tmp/' to a unique location.  In a default Windows
 installation, the following should work (untested):

 mount -b -u $TEMP /tmp

 This keeps things unique for each user anyway.
 That's quite cool.  I decorated it a bit to keep it all within my 
 file space.  Specifically, in my all-purpose ~/Temp directory:

   mkdir -p ~/Temp/tmp
   mount -b -u c:/cygwin/home/${USER}/Temp/tmp /tmp
 When I try to execute the mount, I get:

 $ mount -b -u $TEMP /tmp
 mount: /tmp: Invalid argument

 Is there something I'm missing?
 No, not really.  It's shame on me for not trying the syntax I was
 offering first.  If you're doing this from inside a Cygwin shell,
 mount -b -u $(cygpath -ma $TEMP) /tmp

Shame shame shame  :)

Actually, I ran into a wrinkle.  My /c/cygwin/home/user is soft-
linked to another location on the local hard drive.  This seems
to foil the attempt to mount c:/cygwin/home/user/Temp/tmp.  I
had forgotten about that file path redirection.  After some
bumbling to discover it, I found that your mounting method
works if the real path is used.

Which made me think wouldn't it be nice if mounting didn't have
to be done for each user account?.  I install cygwin on whatever
machine (of several) that I happen to work on, so such a global
fix would make life easier.  And there is a solution.
With a bit of refresher from the unix shell newsgroup, I was
prompted into realizing that launches XWin in the
background, which allows the PID to be captured with $!.  So
if one really wanted to, startxwin could use wait with XWin's
PID to wait for XWin to finish, after which it deletes
/tmp/.X11-unix.  No need to maintain user-specific /tmp mounts.
One could probably create a start-menu shortcut that invokes with the run command, similar to the way it is used
in startxwin.bat.

On a separate but related note, I found that launching
XWin from an ssh session doesn't result in XWin or xterm showing
up on the computer screen, even though the processes are running.
Depending on whether I use the sh or bat startup script, xterm
might not even be able to connect to the X server.  Cygstart is
also unable to open up applications on the screen when launched from
an ssh session.  It is possible that no such similar effects would
plague the shortcut that invokes the above modification of  It remains to be tested, and the hour is late and
tomorrow (technically today) is an early day, so I put it on my
list of things that would be nice to try some time.

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Re: error when starting X-Win

2007-01-29 Thread Gmane User
Martin Bartak wrote:

 How to delete /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 automatically when closing
 X-session or,
 how to prevent its emergence when starting X-sesion or,
 how to make it re-writable by 'non-Administrator' user?

 I've got Cygwin 1.5.23-2 (full installation) on WinXP with two
 user accounts. I use 'startx' command to invoke X-Win
 with default parameters or options.
 When starting X-Win, a file named 'X0' is placed into /tmp/.X11-unix/
 and it probably locks the X-server for current user (?)
 This file persists after exiting from X-Win and also after exiting
 from Cygwin. No problem if I start Cygwin and X-Win again
 as the same user, but when I login as another user (different from
 Administrator) X-Win cannot be started unless the previous X0 file
 is deleted.

I have sshd installed, so I ssh into the account that owns /tmp/.X11
and remove it.  Better yet, I simply have the same account starting
Xwin all the time.  For example, if user1 is the Xwin account and I am
logged in as user2, I can ssh into user1 to start Xwin.  Or simply do
Start-run, then use the runas command to run startxwin.bat as user1
(full program path required).  The user2 login session hasn't been
interrupted; you just need to export DISPLAY=:0.0 and then start
launching X applications.

A problem occurs if user2 doesn't have authentication info to login as
user1 or run applications as user1.  Maybe there is a way to modify
startxwin.bat or  Have the script wait for the Xwin
command to finish, and then have it remove /tmp/.X11.  That way,
whoever launches Xwin via startxwin.{bat,sh} also removes /tmp/.X11
upon completion.  I've only looked at startxwin.bat script for any
nontrivial amount of time, and I know that you can have script wait
for Xwin to complete by modifying the %RUN% command that launches it.
%RUN% is fancy invocation of the run command, and getting help on
that shows that the -wait switch will cause the script to pause until
launched applications ends before continuing.

There is a problem I haven't figured out -- how to have startxwin.bat
wait for Xwin to finish, yet still proceed to launch xterm *before* it
starts to wait.  I'm sure those who are wizards in scripting, signals,
and things who can figure it out, but that is a foggy area for me at
best.  I have my eyes peeled for the chimings-in of such experienced
people, in case they respond.  Meanwhile, you can comment out the
xterm line and launch it from another bash shell e.g. opened from the
Start Menu (not elegant, I know).

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Re: Clean way to auto-read ~/.Xresources

2007-01-29 Thread Gmane User
Gmane User wrote:
 I install cygwin as admin, and want to change the X resources for one
 of the user accounts.  Hence I don't want to change the global file
 /etc/X11/app-defaults/XTerm for different xterm font bindings.
 Instead, I put
xrdb -merge %HOME%/.Xresources

Correction.  %HOME% doesn't seem to work on Windows XP, though it works
on my Win2K box.  And I forgot %RUN% above.  I have the following new
and improved xrdb invokation immediately following the launch of XWin
in startxwin.bat, and preceding the launch of xterm:

%RUN% xrdb -wait -merge ~/.Xresources

Fortunately, the squiggle gets passed to bash for interpretation.
Oddly enough, even though -wait follows xrdb, it is actually a
switch for the run command, which is bundled up in %RUN%.  It ensures
that xrdb is finished before the startxwin proceeds to the line that
launches xterm.

If I was keener, I'd replace the xrdb line with an invocation to a
bash script that first tests for the presence of ~/.Xresources (I'm
not familiar with M$ scripting).  As it is, however, it causes no
problems when ~/.Xresources is absent.

 in startxwin.bat, after Xwin is launched.  Being aversive to changing
 global files, I wonder if there is a way for the user to decide where
 to put Xresource specifications to be automatically read?
 I notice that /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc causes ~/.Xresources to be read,
 but xinitrc doesn't get sourced regardless of whether I start X with
 startwin.bat or  I prefer to use startxwin.bat.

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Clean way to auto-read ~/.Xresources

2007-01-28 Thread Gmane User
I install cygwin as admin, and want to change the X resources for one
of the user accounts.  Hence I don't want to change the global file
/etc/X11/app-defaults/XTerm for different xterm font bindings.
Instead, I put

   xrdb -merge %HOME%/.Xresources

in startxwin.bat, after Xwin is launched.  Being aversive to changing
global files, I wonder if there is a way for the user to decide where
to put Xresource specifications to be automatically read?

I notice that /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc causes ~/.Xresources to be read,
but xinitrc doesn't get sourced regardless of whether I start X with
startwin.bat or  I prefer to use startxwin.bat.


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Re: cscope -d can't find trailer offset if path contains space

2007-01-12 Thread Gmane User
Frodak wrote:
  - Original Message 
  From: Gmane User
  To: cygwin
  Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 1:16:32 AM
  Subject: Re: cscope -d can't find trailer offset if path contains space
  By the way, Dave, if you're going to be poking  prodding mlscope, I was
  wondering if you might have time to look at a problem with its interface
  with vim.  Mlscope works find from the command line, but simply hangs
  when I do a symbol search from within vim.  Vim works fine with
  non-ml-cscope, however.  I believe I read in the cygwin archives that it
  had to do with the format of the records returned by the mlscope search.
  Thanks if you can spare the time to look at it.  Otherwise, thanks for
  the thought.
 Refer to the following tip:

Thanks, Frodak.  I'll keep that in my back pocket for the time being, as
I already have non-ml-cscope  running.  I recall that figuring out
patches and compiling gvim on solaris nonadmin account.  From different
patching methods, compatibility, and the various options for building
gvim, I get the impression that such a exploratory/learning step is
undertaken when one has a sizable chunk of time (though it will probably
more smoothly in the cygwin environment).  But thanks for pointing out
that option.

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Re: cscope -d can't find trailer offset if path contains space

2007-01-11 Thread Gmane User
By the way, Dave, if you're going to be poking  prodding mlscope, I was
wondering if you might have time to look at a problem with its interface
with vim.  Mlscope works find from the command line, but simply hangs
when I do a symbol search from within vim.  Vim works fine with
non-ml-cscope, however.  I believe I read in the cygwin archives that it
had to do with the format of the records returned by the mlscope search.
 Thanks if you can spare the time to look at it.  Otherwise, thanks for
the thought.

Fred Ma wrote:
 Thanks.  Here's some further info:
 Dave  Diane wrote:
 Sorry for the delay - let me take a look at this in more detail. Given 
 the sleuthing you've done I'll probably have to go back to the cscope 
 owner at Bell-Labs.

 Will keep you posted.

 [mlcscope maintainer for cygwin]

 Fred Ma wrote:

 Bug fix request submitted for cscope via sourceforge:

 This problem arose when using vim, but also appears when using cscope
 -d.  I get the error cannot read trailer offset from file
 cscope.out.  I browsed build.c to find that it is caused when reading
 in a single number with fscanf.  To see what could be confusing
 fscanf, I found the context of the trailer offset from, which
 shows that the number to be read occupies a single line along with
 other space-delimited data, including the specification of the current
 directory.  The space delimiting will get messed up if the current
 directory contains spaces, which is often the case in Windows and
 Cygwin (though it can also be the case in *nix).  P.S.: It also
 happens with mlcscope.

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Re: Exclude cygwin folder from malware scans?

2007-01-10 Thread Gmane User
Fred Ma wrote:
 After some surfing, I haven't found any evidence of malware targetting
 cygwin.  I'm considering excluding the massive file tree from scans
 (AV, SpyBot, AdAware).  I'd be interested in more experienced opinions
 about this.  Thanks.

Thanks for your response.  In summary, the likelihood of malware targeting
cygwin explicitly is low, but there are occassional precedents for
continuing to scan the sizable cygwin directory tree.  I guess I'll be
disciplined and do a 3-day rotational schedule, launching each of the 3
malware scanners at the end of the day.  Thanks, all.


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Re: whole-word matches searches of mailing list archive packages

2006-01-29 Thread Gmane User
Gmane User wrote:
 Brian Dessent wrote:
Fred Ma wrote:

I was searching for whether the current cygwin has the stat command.
This is for future reference, since I am unable to update my old
cygwin installation at the moment.  I eventually found that stat
resides in coreutils, but I was wondering if there is a way to specify
whole-word matches when searching either the mailing list archive or
while performing a Setup Package Search.  The reason is that some
words are very common as partial words, so searches tend to come up
with many unrelated hits.  Thanks.

The search is a regular expression.  If you are searching for a binary
of a particular name, use /foo\.exe which will anchor the match so
that it can only match a command by that name, i.e.
/some/path/to/foo.exe.  See man pcre for more information.
 Thanks, Brian.  man pcrepattern cleared this up, and I found that
 I could do a package search for (say) \bstat\.exe\b.  It doesn't
 seem to work on a search of the mailing list archive, though.  A
 search for stat.exe, stat\.exe, and stat.exe seems to find
 pages containing stat and exe rather than stat.exe.  But
 I appreciate the pointer to PCRE for the package search.

I forgot to mention that I found the advanced search panel for the
mailing list archive.  The above problem still exists, though the
whole-word matching is solved.


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Re: whole-word matches searches of mailing list archive packages

2006-01-28 Thread Gmane User
Brian Dessent wrote:
 Fred Ma wrote:
I was searching for whether the current cygwin has the stat command.
This is for future reference, since I am unable to update my old
cygwin installation at the moment.  I eventually found that stat
resides in coreutils, but I was wondering if there is a way to specify
whole-word matches when searching either the mailing list archive or
while performing a Setup Package Search.  The reason is that some
words are very common as partial words, so searches tend to come up
with many unrelated hits.  Thanks.

 The search is a regular expression.  If you are searching for a binary
 of a particular name, use /foo\.exe which will anchor the match so
 that it can only match a command by that name, i.e.
 /some/path/to/foo.exe.  See man pcre for more information.

Thanks, Brian.  man pcrepattern cleared this up, and I found that
I could do a package search for (say) \bstat\.exe\b.  It doesn't
seem to work on a search of the mailing list archive, though.  A
search for stat.exe, stat\.exe, and stat.exe seems to find
pages containing stat and exe rather than stat.exe.  But
I appreciate the pointer to PCRE for the package search.


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