I was looking at the settings for mintty and saw the new option (new as of 
3.6.4 from March) for a status line. I decided to try it out. Sure enough, a 
status line appeared at the bottom. All was well until I tried to open a new 
mintty window and nothing seemed to happen. After a little research, I saw a 
stackdump was being generated. I had to get to the .minttyrc file and remove 
the StatusLine=yes to get it to work again. I tried the same scenario on 
another Windows 10 machine as well as a Windows 11 machine with the same 

To reproduce the problem, right click on the icon in the upper left corner of a 
mintty window and choose options. On the options dialog, choose terminal and 
check the option to turn on the status line. Then click save. The current 
window shows a status line but attempts to start a new window will fail and 
generate a stackdump.

Ross Boulet
Boulet and Associates

Attachment: cygcheck.out
Description: cygcheck.out

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