RE: Best AVS to use with cygwin

2007-10-16 Thread Williams, Gerald S (Jerry)
As a long-time Cygwin user, I can say that I would very much
appreciate as much information as possible about known good
and known bad antivirus, firewall, and anti-spyware tools or
combinations thereof, including what Windows version was used,
what special steps needed to be taken, etc.

The problem with the BLODA is that any tool that periodically
updates itself can become dodgy, and similarly can fix itself
in the future. And even if it's still dodgy, I'd want to know
what to look out for. For example, I don't necessarily care
that McAfee was known to be dodgy at one point. We used it at
work (so I didn't have a choice anyway), although I haven't
noticed problems with Cygwin because of it. Or at least if I
have had any problems, I didn't know enough to know whether
McAfee was the culprit.

For home use, I have been able to find most of the popular
all-in-one packages for free with various rebates: CA, Norton,
McAfee, Kaspersky, Panda, etc. And I have boxes of them just
waiting to be tried out. :-)

But you know what? I don't really want to be spending my
time doing this. I'll gladly try one or two out, but not
all. And given the choice, I'd rather use something that's
pay-once-and-your-done (or better yet free-as-in-free) than
something that's free-for-a-limited-time.

One of the reasons I use Cygwin is because I don't want to
put up with that type of Windows nonsense. Stuff should just
work, right?

So from my POV, the more information, the better. It's less
that I have to discover on my own.


Taking my own advice, here are my experiences:

(For anti-spyware, I run Spybot and Ad-Aware, in addition to
whatever is in the suite I happen to be using. I'll also run
clam periodically, though not nearly as often as I should.)

I used a corporate McAfee Antivirus subscription for years,
with good success. That's not to say that I've never had any
problems with Cygwin programs (e.g., I have at times seen an
out of resources type error), although I haven't had any
particular reason to blame McAfee for it.

We've switched to Symantec AntiVirus in the last year or two,
and so far I haven't had any problems with it, either.

We have a hardware firewall that our IT folks like to rely
upon. I've also used ZoneAlarm with good success.

At home, I've used both ZoneAlarm and Sygate (which I believe
was now acquired by Symantec). The latter seems easier for a
novice to install/maintain (and is what I'm currently using),
although both have worked well for me. With ZoneAlarm, I had
to spend more time approving Cygwin applications to run, from
what I remember.

I've used multiple versions of McAfee's all-in-one product.
The 60-day to 1-year subscriptions that came prepackaged with
my new PCs seemed more sluggish and CPU-intensive than the
boxed versions I tried. I'm not sure why. Currently I have
one system using only McAfee Antivirus along with Sygate (and
Spybot/Ad-Aware/etc.) and this has been pretty stable, though
it's now one of my less-used systems.

One product I would recommend against is CA Internet Security
Suite. My laptop came with a free all-in-one trial (I think
it was Norton Internet Security), and although I never noticed
any problems with Cygwin, for some reason I didn't feel very
happy with the product. I installed a free-with-rebate version
of CA Internet Security, and while I haven't noticed any
Cygwin problems, it seems to interfere everywhere else. It's
privacy feature will even cause the PC to blue screen if you
open up a particular web page (in any browser)--and I'm not
talking about one of *those* web pages: this one's on a Boy
Scout site! Its firewall also is way to intrusive with web
surfing, messing up many legitimate sites.

All of my experiences are currently with Windows XP, although
all but one of the systems started with Windows 2000. I just
bought two new computers with Vista (one of which may actually
remain a Vista machine), so I'm in the market for a new set of
internet security solutions.


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RE: cygpath -u doesn't seem to convert spaces properly

2007-09-26 Thread Williams, Gerald S (Jerry)
Brian Dessent wrote:
 $ cd $ttt
 bash: cd: /cygdrive/c/Program: No such file or directory
 Yes, that's wrong.  [...] It's got nothing to do with
 cygpath and everything to do with proper portable scripting practice.

Quite true. When you're using bash or sh, you must *quote
your arguments* if they could possibly contain spaces or
other word separators. So learn to do it. Seriously, take
a few minutes and try it:

$ mkdir a b c
$ ABC=a b c
bash: cd: a: No such file or directory
$ cd $ABC
... etc.

If you don't want to have to quote variable expansions all
the time, use another shell. I know that zsh, at least,
doesn't require you to quote them. That being said, you
still should learn how to quote in a regular POSIX shell.
Portable shell scripts should really start with #!/bin/sh,
after all.


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RE: Help needed with Big List of Dodgy Apps

2007-09-07 Thread Williams, Gerald S (Jerry)
Jim Kleckner wrote:
 Dave Korn wrote:
  I'm adding code to cygcheck to detect whether any of the software
that has
 been known at some time to cause these kinds of problems are
installed on
 the target system being cygchecked.
 Do you think a tester for API sanity is possible?
 i.e. make some known good calls and assert their return values or some
 Is there a common way that the badly designed hooking dlls cause
 or is each one quite different?

Yes, this would be very useful alone or in combination:

 Detected current or previous Frobulator AV installation:
 Some versions have been known to interfere with Cygwin.

 Checking for known problems caused by this software...

 No known interferences have not been detected, although
 if you run into any of the following symptoms, you
 should start by *completely uninstalling* the suspect
 software and trying again (simply disabling it will
 likely not correct the problem):

The problem with an Embedded Big List of Dodgy Apps is
that any software that automatically updates itself
could at any time suddenly start or stop interfering.

 Warning: you are running Windows, so it is likely
 that there is at least one Dodgy App hanging around
 somewhere. Please reboot and reinstall everything.


Every program has at least one bug and can be shortened
by at least one instruction - from which, by induction,
it is evident that every program can be reduced to one
instruction that does not work. - Ken Arnold

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RE: Interesting looking terminal emulation for cygwin

2007-08-13 Thread Williams, Gerald S (Jerry)
Christopher Faylor wrote:
 Has anyone used this?

Looks interesting. Too bad they don't provide console emulation
to Windows.

BTW, I noticed that they include a binary version of cygterm.exe
(in Protocols/Cygterm), which links cygwin1.dll. I didn't see a
link to the Cygwin sources used to build it, though.


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RE: Looking for man pages

2007-08-08 Thread Williams, Gerald S (Jerry)
Brian Dessent wrote:
 The idea behind texinfo is a format-independent way of writing
 documentation.  'info' is just one of a million ways to view this same
 documentation. [...]

Yes, especially for make, I've found the info files to be the best
reference, and they're easily navigable. I'm in the mildly tolerate
category for the info viewer, however. I mostly use tkinfo (easily
googled) to browse info files.

However (bringing the discussion back on-topic for the list), I had to
make some tweaks to tkinfo to get it to run properly under Cygwin. The
main issue was with the commands used to automatically decompress info
files. Cygwin implements zcat and gunzip as shell scripts, and (for me
at least) the Tcl interpreter didn't handle them properly. I've been
assuming this is because wish isn't really a Cygwin executable.

Anyway, you simply need to change the value of tki(compresscat-*) to
use gzip -d -c rather than zcat/gunzip. The following shows what I
changed for TkInfo version 2.8:

$ diff -u orig/tkinfo-2.8/tkinfo tkinfo-2.8/tkinfo 
--- orig/tkinfo-2.8/tkinfo  2004-03-22 19:56:39.0 -0400
+++ tkinfo-2.8/tkinfo   2007-08-08 12:23:36.85625 -0400
@@ -562,9 +562,12 @@
 set tki(self)  [info script]
 set tki(timestatusB)   0
 set tki(iconic) 0
-set tki(compresscat-Z) zcat
-set tki(compresscat-z) gunzip -c
-set tki(compresscat-gz)gunzip -c
+# set tki(compresscat-Z)   zcat
+# set tki(compresscat-z)   gunzip -c
+# set tki(compresscat-gz)  gunzip -c
+set tki(compresscat-Z) gzip -d -c
+set tki(compresscat-z) gzip -d -c
+set tki(compresscat-gz)gzip -d -c
 set tki(compresscat-bz2)bunzip2 -c
 set tki(rawHeadersB)   [option get . showheaders Showheaders]
 set tki(showButtonsB)  [option get . showbuttons Showbuttons]

I also found that it helps to customize the Tkinfo settings in your
.Xdefaults file. In particular, the default fonts looked pretty bad
for me in Cygwin. Here's how I set them:

Tkinfo*font:{Tahoma} 9
Tkinfo*Text.font:   {Lucida Console} 12


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RE: GCC 4.1.1

2007-06-26 Thread Williams, Gerald S (Jerry)
Brian Dessent wrote:
 With that out of the way, it's possible to get -mno-cygwin working
with gcc4
 just fine, it shouldn't take any patches.  You'll of course have to
build gcc
 again as the MinGW version, and set up some symlinks.  See the
postinstall of
 the gcc package for details.

On a related note, is Cygwin's MinGW cross-compiler still
switching to the more Gnu-ish convention (i.e., called as
i686-pc-mingw-gcc and without -mno-cygwin)? 4 or 5 months
ago it sounded like such a change was imminent.

We already build i686-pc-mingw-gcc and friends for Linux.
I've been debating whether I should build Cygwin versions
(or more likely create shell wrappers), which would allow
us to transition later without changing our makefiles. If
this isn't happening anytime soon, I'd favor building my
own to wrappers. (If it's not happening at all, I'd stick
to -mno-cygwin.)


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RE: .exe magic

2007-04-18 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Dave Korn wrote:
   Hear, hear.  I don't think anything so drastic as this should be
 without a deprecation period of a year or so for the old behaviour.
And in
 fact I think it would probably transpire to be a serious limitation on
 utility of cygwin.  Remember, if you just want Linux on windows,
you'll get
 a much better emulation by installing a VMware machine, and it's
faster too.
 A lot of Cygwin's 'added value' comes from interoperating in a single

I don't think I'd go that far. If you want to run prepackaged
Cygwin utilities from Windows, you could add . to PATHEXT.
(If you're building the utilities yourself, you can simply add
the .exe extension.) If for some reason that isn't sufficient,
you can use some flavour of links (preferably NTFS hardlinks)
to give you .exe versions of the Cygwin executables.

The people that would be most put out are those of us that
use Cygwin-based shells by default. Every time we run a native
Windows executable, we'd need to tack .exe onto it (at least
until we've set up a symlink or alias). Of course, we have the
same situation now for .bat files and such, it's just not as
common. (I'd rather have some flavour of PATHEXT magic than
.exe magic anyway, but I'm certainly not going to bring *that*
up.) :-) :-) :-)

In any event, I almost never get to the end of a program name
before typing [Tab] on the command line (so I see the .exe's
anyway), and I'd appreciate having an easy way to distinguish
Windows executables that aren't going to appreciate my nifty
Cygwin paths...


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RE: Using dos2unix and attaching it to a while loop

2007-04-09 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
 I am dealing with DOS text files and need to output DOS text files.
 I found dos2unix, but I do not know how to properly implement it. The
 following Bash code is a work-in- progress. Please let me know if a
 efficient approach exists. 
 while read line
   echo LINE - $line
   echo i - $i
   MP3[i++]=$(awk '/^.*\.mp3/ { print $1}')
   CRC[i++]=$(awk '/^.*\.mp3/ { print $3}')
   echo MP3[i] - $MP3[i]
   echo CRC[i] - $CRC[i]
   done  (dos2unix $FILE)
  #do some stuff  then
 unix2dos $FILE
 The cygwin console returns the following error. My syntax is not
correct. line 132: syntax error near unexpected token `' line 132: `  done  
 (dos2unix $FILE)'

There are many problems with that code snippet. I'll start by answering
your question:


Yes, that format is incorrect. I think perhaps you are confusing the
$(...) operator, although that's not really what you want either.

dos2unix FILE converts the file in place, so to use that form you
would simply do this:

 dos2unix $FILE
 while read line
 done  $FILE
 unix2dos $FILE

If you want convert the contents of $FILE without changing the file
in place, you could use dos2unix as a filter as follows:

 dos2unix  $FILE | while read line


I also noticed that i is reset to zero on each pass, then incremented
in a presumably incorrect manner. This code sets MP3[0] and CRC[1] on
each pass, then tries to print ${MP3[2]} and ${CRC[2]}. I'm reasonably
certain that you also don't want to run awk quite the way you're doing
it--perhaps you meant to do something like $(echo $line | awk ...)?
Finally, $MP3[i] doesn't access array elements, nor does it expand
the value of i--I think you meant ${MP3[$i]}. But as you said it is
a work in progress...



Disclaimer: I rarely use BASH myself, although I do quite a bit with
ZSH (because I can), KSH (because I have to), and SH (because we all
ought to). :-)

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RE: stupid spaces in environment vars

2007-02-09 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
David Bear wrote:
 I would like to have used something like
 in a bash script but since windows insists on putting spaces in
 names, this seems impossible.

You might be happier writing your scripts in zsh:

bash%  cd;pwd
bash%  export SP=silly path
bash%  mkdir $SP # Note the quotes
bash%  cd $SP  # Oops, forgot to quote!
bash: cd: silly: No such file or directory
bash%  exec zsh# Make it a one-way trip :-)
zsh%  cd $SP
zsh%  pwd  # Hey, it worked!
/home/gsw/silly path

Or get used to always using quotes when you use a variable
that could possibly contain a space. Trying to pre-escape
environment strings for bash gets messy real quick.

Yes, I know the real problem usually comes when you try to
build command lines in environment variables. You need to
separate parameters without splitting paths. You can do
this in ZSH as well, either by forcing the old behavior as
needed (through expansion options and/or eval, along with
built-in support for basically what you're asking for) or
by using better array-based methods:

zsh%  cd;pwd
zsh%  command=cd ${(q)SP}  # try (qq)/(qqq)/() also
zsh%  echo $command
cd silly\ path
zsh%  eval $command
zsh%  pwd
/home/gsw/silly path
zsh%  cd;pwd
zsh%  command=(cd $SP)
zsh%  $command   # no eval needed
zsh%  pwd
/home/gsw/silly path


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RE: Eliminating -mno-cygwin from gcc?

2007-01-31 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Christopher Faylor wrote:
 When I was maintaining cygwin's gcc, I often thought about eliminating
 -mno-cygwin and just providing a pure mingw cross compiler in the

I completely agree. Anybody depending on -mno-cygwin can create
their own shell wrapper. I personally don't care so much about a
deprecation period, as long as it explodes noisily and points me
in the right direction three years from now when I try to run an
old build script that happens to use it.

Big projects really shouldn't be using -mno-cygwin, anyway--the
preferred way to do it is to install MinGW compilers and either
use MSYS or change your Cygwin path to put MinGW's tools first.

How complete of a cross chain were you thinking about supporting?
I only installed the compilers and my MinGW bin contains over 60
unique executables--that could mean a fair number of i686-mingw-*
programs created (consider GNAT for example).


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RE: Similar Bash 3.1.18 CR/LF Problem

2006-10-05 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Christopher Faylor wrote:
 You haven't been paying attention, it seems.
 We've already been over this ground.  The performance impact
 for turning on bash's automatic CRLF handling is profound.
 That's why we're here.

I guess WJM around here. :-) But perhaps I've been paying more
attention than you think.

If a patch is incorporated into upstream BASH, it's not going
to cause performance problems. If it did, it would be rejected.
That's something for the upstream maintainers to decide.

I may be coming at this from a different angle, to be sure. I'm
not really interested in a Cygwin-specific solution--I don't
particularly want the ability to write scripts that can't run
under Linux.


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Orphaned packages

2006-10-04 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Is there a current list of orphaned packages?


RE: Re: Does 'ar' work with native MS Windows libs?

2006-10-04 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Coatimundi wrote:
 Thank you for bringing this up.  I forgot to mention (a sure
 sign that my multitasking scaling is rolling over) that I also
 tried the P option.
   While this usually works, I found cases where it did not.
 Since I see nothing wrong with the source and I am short on
 time, I am going to chalk this up to an unidentified mistake
 on my part, unless I see it again and have time to build
 bintools myself and step through the code in debug.

You've probably already ruled this out, but if you do see it
again, you might want to verify that you're not mixing path
separators (LIB.EXE will use either). I believe you must use
only backslash-style separators if you want to interoperate
with ar.


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RE: Bash and CR/LF line-endings

2006-10-04 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Gary R. Van Sickle wrote:
 At the risk of being over-obvious, Linux users... use Linux. In such
 an insular environment, perhaps they have the luxury of only using
 the One True Text File Format (whatever that is).

We're you the one who brought up Unicode earlier? Besides,
there are numerous situations where files get transferred
with CRLF without needing to involve Windows, so stray
CR characters occasionally show up here and there. I'm
sure many of us would like support for CRLF endings on
Linux as well.


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Subversion 1.4

2006-10-04 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Has anybody successfully built subversion 1.4 (or alternately,
is a release planned soon)? It didn't build OOTB for me, and
I'd rather not duplicate effort.


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RE: Does 'ar' work with native MS Windows libs?

2006-10-04 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Christopher Faylor wrote:
 If 'ar' insists on backslash separators that is surely a bug.

You may be right, but please stop calling me Shirley. :-)

Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
 Why is that?  If 'LIB.EXE' will work with either and 'ar' as a Cygwin
 app prefers '/', why would working with a .lib produced by 'LIB.EXE'
 containing '\' separators make 'ar' work better?

Perhaps ar doesn't prefer either. It strips the directory
name when you add files. It does tolerate directories in
the form that LIB.EXE would normally generate (i.e., with

Yes, it is still arguably a bug if ar cannot handle files
that LIB.EXE can produce, although there may be a reason.
It's been a while since I looked into the internals of
archive files, but I vaguely remember that slashes have a
special meaning when found in archive directories.


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RE: Similar Bash 3.1.18 CR/LF Problem

2006-10-04 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Christopher Faylor wrote:
 The dilemma here is that I read other mailing lists besides
 cygwin where people are trying to use Cygwin but are close
 to giving up because it is so slow.  So, making bash faster
 for people who are using it correctly is very desirable. 

Which is why we need to get the patch in upstream. If you
can't make it faster, you can at least make what you're
comparing against slower. :-)

Seriously, I'd have a hard time believing that supporting
CRLF endings would noticably impact performance if it
were done as part of upstream BASH. Special-casing Cygwin
(especially when you start doing things like checking for
DOS paths, examining the first line, etc.) would impact
performance, surely. So I agree--don't do that.


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RE: Subversion 1.4

2006-10-04 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
David Rothenberger wrote:
 I successfully built it with the attached patch. I haven't
 actually used it yet, since some other tools I use don't
 yet support 1.4, but it passed all tests except the ruby

Thanks. I'll give it a try. I meanwhile found an earlier post
that recommended ./configure --disable-shared for a previous
version. This does allow my build to complete, although I get
many errors from make check:

Running all tests in
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Running all tests in
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Running all tests in
Running all tests in
Running all tests in
Running all tests in changes-test.exe...success


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RE: Re: Does 'ar' work with native MS Windows libs?

2006-10-03 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Coatimundi wrote:
 If paths are included in the archive (which is typical for
 libs created by Visual Studio), then ar may in some cases
 claim that members (displayed with 'ar t') do not exist
 when doing ar x lib.a {object} either by path/name.obj
 or just name.obj.

I think you need to use the -P option:

 $ ar t foobar.lib
 $ ar xv foobar.lib 'release\foo.obj'
 no entry release\foo.obj in archive
 $ ar xvP foobar.lib 'release\foo.obj'
 x - release\foo.obj


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Re: DLL error messages suppressed under zsh/RXVT

2006-09-26 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Shankar Unni wrote:
 Before sending your cygcheck.out, try checking the archives.
 This problem was talked about a couple of months ago.

Thanks for the reference. The problem I reported (check the OP)
may be related but isn't exactly the same. AFAICT, suppression
of those DLL error messages should be universal. I got error
messages (due to DLL rebase issues) in one case, but not in the
other. Worse, the program simply hung rather than returning an
error code (which the makefile would have caught, at least).

My WAG is that the fact that RXVT isn't a Windows console was
the cause of the differing error message suppression that I
saw, but as Peter Castro pointed out, perhaps all bets are
off when there are rebase issues.

I am still confused about Peter's ability to get a dialog box.
Is this a version difference? Is there a new CYGWIN option? I'm
getting error code 53 (ENOANO ?!?) if a DLL is missing.

BTW, I didn't see any response to Dave Korn's August 30 comment
on the missing DLL issue. Did I miss it? Are we looking for a
P to TC?

Dave Korn wrote:
 Of course, but there's still an issue here why this case
 doesn't get a proper ENOENT status in $? and an error
 message on stderr.


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DLL error messages suppressed under zsh/RXVT

2006-09-22 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
I recently ran into a problem where DLL error messages were
apparently suppressed under zsh/RXVT though they appeared
under bash/CONSOLE.

I was trying to build Subversion 1.4.0, and it at one point
configure runs the following command:

  ruby -r mkmf -e 'exit(have_func(rb_hash_foreach) ? 0 : 1)'

This never returned since mkmf#have_func() was hanging due
to a rebase issue (at least rebaseall resolved it).

The problem is, I didn't get any error messages. I normally
run zsh under rxvt, invoked as this Windows shortcut:

  C:\cygwin\bin\run.exe rxvt -ls -e zsh -l -i

I was eventually able to get some warning messages about the
inability to load certain DLLs when I switched to a bash shell
invoked in a standard console window invoked as this Windows

  C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe --login -i

Unfortunately, I didn't save the messages, and of course I
don't get them anymore now that I've rebased. I'm assuming
that the messages were going straight to the console, which
is why they didn't show up under RXVT, although I could be

Does anyone have any idea how I can get error messages like
this while running zsh under RXVT?


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RE: How to run rxvt

2006-09-21 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Fabrizio Salvatore wrote:
 C:\cygwin\bin\rxvt.exe -fn 7x14 -g 120x24 -si -sk -sb -sl 1000 -fg
 black -bg white -T cygwin terminal Window -e /usr/bin/tcsh -l

In case you didn't know, if you some settings most of the time, you
can specify them in ~/.Xdefaults (even if you're not running X). For
example, -sl 1000 becomes Rxvt.saveLines: 1000.


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RE: Read not honouring -r?

2006-09-19 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Doug Irwin wrote:
 One would expect a read -r fs t2 t3 to process this without
 attempting to expand slashes.  But I can't seem to get this bit
 working... And I can't seem to find any doco on doing that in Cygwin.
 I've attached the files I am testing with in the hope that someone
 can help me work this out. 
 No doubt I have missed something rather obvious.

-r has nothing to do with it: CR/LF line endings are the

This seems to be particularly tied to ksh, and specifically
when you use  to redirect a file. If you simply pipe the
output of grep to the while loop, it works. Interestingly,
sh, bash, and zsh all give the behavior you were expecting.

So for the short term, run d2u on filesystems.cfg. If you
plan to continue using ksh, you may want to follow up and
try to understand the discrepancy--there may be an option
that allows you to get the behavior you want (and if not,
it may be worth having KSH's behavior changed to be more
consistent with other shells, but that's something for
the maintainer and/or upstream KSH support to decide).


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RE: Read not honouring -r?

2006-09-19 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
I wrote:
 This seems to be particularly tied to ksh, and specifically
 when you use  to redirect a file. If you simply pipe the
 output of grep to the while loop, it works. Interestingly,
 sh, bash, and zsh all give the behavior you were expecting.

I couldn't resist trying it out on my Linux box, which runs
the same version of pdksh as my Cygwin install. Even more
interestingly, it works as you were expecting on Linux as
well. So this looks like a problem with the Cygwin port of

This simpler test case demonstrates it pretty clearly:
dos2unix foo.txt
while read x; do echo $x; done  foo.txt
unix2dos foo.txt
while read x; do echo $x; done  foo.txt

Run under various shells:

$ sh zsh and bash yield same result
foo.txt: done.
foo.txt: done.
$ ksh   # this one fails for DOS endings
foo.txt: done.
foo.txt: done.

$ _


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3PP: SUPER/ERightSoft

2006-07-07 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Presumably somebody from RedHat has already contacted the ERightSoft
folks for illegally distributing cygwin1.dll  cygz.dll without the
source (as part of their SUPER package).

However, they also install those files into /WINDOWS/SYSTEM32 *and*
mark them both SYSTEM and HIDDEN. This may be the cause of some of
the duplicate cygwin1.dll errors that have been reported. If you
look in their forum pages, the author basically says Everybody do
that--you don't like, you don't use. (What he doesn't say is that
uninstalling SUPER leaves your system unable to play many AVI files
since cygwin1.dll isn't the only system file that the installer
blindly copies and/or trashes.)

Anyway, I'm not entirely sure why, but SUPER seems to be getting at
least some good press, so this is likely to become more of an issue
in the future. Is there anything that can be done that would really
discourage them? (I suppose a bunch of us could attempt to reason
with them, but the author doesn't seem to be a reasonable person.)


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RE: Fortran Compiler Error CMBFAST

2006-06-27 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Billinghurst, David (CALCRTS) wrote:
 This is not really a cygwin problem.

I guess you didn't see my post--if the compiler should be
able to find an include file in the same directory as the
source file (and/or the current directory, since they are
the same in this case), then it is a cygwin problem (even
if it's an upstream problem, the maintainer should report
the GCC bug and eventually build a new cygwin version).

 The compiler can't find the file  Perhaps:
  - copy the file into the same directory as jlgen.F, or
  - point to it with the -I compiler directive

The first doesn't work. The latter does, but the question
is whether -I. should be required or not.


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RE: Fortran Compiler Error CMBFAST

2006-06-27 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Dave Korn wrote:
   We *need* to see the actual command line.

That was in the original post (sorry, I should have made
sure it was included in the text when I CC'ed you...):

 f77 -O2   -c -o jlgen.o jlgen.F

The command was being executed from the same directory
as jlgen.F, which also contains the include file that
it cannot find. Adding -I. to the command line fixes
the problem.

The OP didn't provide enough information about where
the files resided, but I downloaded the CMBFAST package
myself and verified that ./configure  make results
in the same error. I also verified that it builds if
you manually compile with -I. (or add -I. to FFLAGS
in the makefile).

 Is everyone in this thread aware of the effects of
 -I- [...]

I assume that's not relevant since -I- is not used.

 It needs to be pointed out that adding -I. doesn't
 help any if you aren't building in the source dir but
 a parallel object dir...

True. This was a workaround for this specific case. In
general, you would want to use -I$(SRCDIR) or something
along those lines, although technically I don't think
you should need to do either. :-)


I just recreated the problem with some minimal code,
and got some more information in the process:

Create a file foo.for that contains one line:
include ''

Create an empty file named in the same

Copy foo.for to foo.f, foo.FOR, and foo.F and
try to compile all four of them from that directory:

$ f77 -c foo.for# runs OK
$ f77 -c foo.f  # runs OK
$ f77 -c foo.FOR# runs OK
$ f77 -c foo.F
   include ''
Unable to open INCLUDE file `' at (^)
$ _

So it seems that the rules by which the preprocessor
looks in the current directory and/or the directory
containing the source file does not apply to files
named *.F for some reason. It's possible that this
was intentional, although I don't get this behavior
on my Linux box (which granted is using GCC version
3.2.3, so it could have changed since then...).


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RE: Fortran Compiler Error CMBFAST

2006-06-26 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Brad Krane wrote:
 I'm trying to compile the scientific package CMBFAST-4.5.1 in the
 cygwin environment using g77. I get the following error...
 f77 -O2   -c -o jlgen.o jlgen.F
 jlgen.F: In program `jlgen':
 include ''
 Unable to open INCLUDE file `' at (^)

Tim Prince wrote:
 Normally, you would specify the path to search for include files with
 -I, if it is not in the current working directory.

I looked at the library, and the referenced include file
*is* in the same directory. The library even includes a
configure script, so this isn't simple pilot error--it
looks like there is a bug in the compiler.

For now, you can work around the problem by adding -I. to
the command lines, or more likely to the end of FFLAGS in
the Makefile (after running ./configure).

I don't use FORTRAN enough to say whether the behavior we
are seeing is correct, though from the evidence I've seen
I'd say it isn't.


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RE: UNIX Network Programming (unpve13e) make failing (AF_INET6 undeclared).

2006-06-08 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Huw wrote:
 The first issue was an omission of #defines.  IPv6 isn't a
 necessity for the UNP source, I believe.

I'd say the real issue is a failure to protect the use of
AF_INET6. You'll notice that it's protected by an #ifdef

 The next issue I have is:
 mcast_leave.c: In function `mcast_leave_source_group':
 mcast_leave.c:78: error: storage size of 'mreq' isn't known

I don't know anything about the ip_mreq_source structure,
but it looks to me like the current version may be having
general issues with support for various platforms and

Have you tried using the version at (i.e.,
unpv12e)? That was the the last one that Richard Stevens
wrote. At least the lib directory seems to build OK for
me. Even if you really want the latest library, looking
at the older code may help you with the port.

I haven't looked into the new version of that book, but
the new authors certainly had big shoes to fill.


P.S. seemed to have intermittent access
problems (at least for me), so be patient.

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RE: Re: Handling special characters (\/:*?|) gracefully

2006-05-23 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
mwoehlke wrote:
 (Speaking of case sensitivity, is it a Windows limitation that Cygwin
 can't do this? I'm pretty sure it isn't an NTFS limitation,
 as Interix has true case-sensitivity.)

You are right--NTFS can handle it, although the normal Windows
file and directory handling routines cannot. Managed mounts
deal with the problem by encoding the actual names stored in
the underlying file system. I experimented with this approach
at one point, but didn't like the issues caused by using up
to 3 characters to represent each character in the path name.
The last I checked, there were still some 256-character limits
floating around in Windows (at least in the non-Unicode APIs).
I haven't looked into the current solution--perhaps it deals
with this in a way I didn't consider.

Another approach would have been to provide replacements for
certain Windows library functions that use native NT functions
internally to get around the limitations. I believe the total
list of needed replacements is:

 CopyFile CopyFileEx
 CreateDirectory  CreateDirectoryEx
 CreateFile   DeleteFile
 GetFullPathName  GetLongPathName
 GetShortPathName GetBinaryType
 MoveFile MoveFileEx
 MoveFileWithProgress RemoveDirectory
 ReplaceFile  SearchPath
 SetCurrentDirectory  SetFileAttributes
 SetFileSecurity  FindFirstChangeNotification

Of course, this would have been an NT-specific solution.

I actually use a version of such a library to create some of
the otherwise-uncreatable files in a /dev directory (which is
not on a managed mount). That way, I can do:

 $ ls /dev
 audio  com3 kmemsda1   tty18  tty3   tty41  tty53  tty8
 auxcom4 lpt1sr0tty19  tty30  tty42  tty54  tty9
 cdrom  com5 lpt2ttytty2   tty31  tty43  tty55  ttyS0
 clipboard  com6 lpt3tty0   tty20  tty32  tty44  tty56  ttyS1
 com1   com7 lpt4tty1   tty21  tty33  tty45  tty57  ttyS10
 com10  com8 mem tty10  tty22  tty34  tty46  tty58  ttyS11
 com11  com9 nulltty11  tty23  tty35  tty47  tty59  ttyS12
 com12  con  pipetty12  tty24  tty36  tty48  tty6   ttyS13
 com13  coninporttty13  tty25  tty37  tty49  tty60  ttyS14
 com14  conout   ptmxtty14  tty26  tty38  tty5   tty61  ttyS15
 com15  console  random  tty15  tty27  tty39  tty50  tty62  ttyS2
 com16  dsp  scd0tty16  tty28  tty4   tty51  tty63  ttyS3
 com2   fifo sda tty17  tty29  tty40  tty52  tty7   ttyS4


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RE: Geomview Cygwin setup

2006-04-28 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
If you need to find out what gcc is targeting, perhaps you should
use -dumpmachine instead.

 $ gcc -dumpmachine
 $ gcc -dumpmachine -mno-cygwin

Lloyd Wood wrote:
 cygming, not cygwin? ('ming' is a strong insult in the UK. I get
 the impression the writer doesn't like cygwin.)

You think that's bad? When the company I was working for spun off
from ATT, they decided to name themselves loo scent. :-) I must
admit I'd never heard of the UK ming until you mentioned it. I
suspect we at least pronounce it differently, though.


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RE: rxvt-W

2006-03-30 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Charles Wilson wrote:
 Williams, Gerald S (Jerry) wrote:
 Well, it's already better than the existing rxvt in at least one way:
 Well, maybe so.  But sucking 100% CPU *while doing nothing*
 is just not acceptable to me -- or, I suspect, to anyone else.
 However, my rxvt-unicode-X package seems to work well with

I didn't mean to imply that it was ready to use, but it is
encouraging. I recently noticed the libaa performance problem
with Cygwin's RXVT, so I was eager to see how your package


RE: rxvt-W

2006-03-27 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Charles Wilson wrote:
   I'm ITP'ing it as a call for assistance, and it'll remain in 'test'
 state until libW11 + libXpm-W11 + rxvt-W works as well or better than
 the existing rxvt in native mode.

Well, it's already better than the existing rxvt in at least one way:

Have you ever tried running aafire -driver curses under RXVT? Both
in native and X mode, Cygwin's rvxt is horrendously slow. I've seen
this with some other libaa-compiled apps as well--they'll tie up 100%
of the CPU and get very little accomplished.


RE: Clearing the COMPLETE screen.

2006-02-27 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Igor Peshansky wrote:
 YA typo.  The above should read:
 alias cs='echo -ne \ec'

Yes, this is what you need to do under BASH. I thought
I had verified it there, but I guess I wasn't getting
what I thought I was getting. (I mostly use ZSH--at
least I knew better than to write print -n $'\ec'.)

In fact, under a Command window it looks like this may
end up working the same as the clear command (for me
it does at least clear the scroll contents). But if you
use RXVT (as I do), sending ESC-c does a much better
job than clear.

At least I did say YMMV. :-)


P.S. It could also be written 'echo -e \ec\c', which
 has an odd alliterative appeal (to me). :-)

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RE: Clearing the COMPLETE screen.

2006-02-27 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Igor Peshansky wrote:
 Yes, but printf '\ec' works ju-ust fine in bash... :-)

Even better. That works unchanged in both bash and zsh.

 Do you set your TERM to rxvt or xterm?  The control sequence in
 the terminfo database may be wrong if you don't use the native rxvt
 terminal setting.

I've tried both rxvt and xterm. Either way, it doesn't clear the
contents of the scrollback buffer. Looking a bit deeper, the terminfo
and termcap clear/cl entries for both term types are \E[H\E[2J, so
it's doing the same thing, I think.


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RE: Clearing the COMPLETE screen.

2006-02-24 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Dave Korn wrote:
 I generally use a line like this: 
   alias cls='cmd -c cls'

For me, that has to read  'cmd /c cls' or it doesn't work. :-P

This was mildly annoying me for a while as well. I finally
broke down and took a look into it. It looks like the ESC c
(reset terminal) control works under both RXVT and standard
Command windows. It resets the scrollbar in addition to
clearing the screen.

So I just changed my clear screen alias to:

  alias cs='echo -n \ec'

YMMV, of course.


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RE: Question about rxvt

2006-02-24 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Maurício wrote:
I've been using rxvt, as recommended by chere man page. I have a
 problem: in some non-cygwin console programs (ghci, the Haskell
 interpreter, and others) the up arrow key doesn't work as expected.

This has been discussed here previously. Non-cygwin programs
don't recognize that they're connected to a terminal window.
If this is important to you, you may have to start them in a
command window. Here's one of the many ways to do it from a
Cygwin shell:

  cmd /c start MYPROG


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RE: encoding scripts (so that user can't see passwords easily)?

2005-12-07 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Ehud Karni wrote:
 [I think this discussion is off topic for cygwin]

Agreed, which is why I didn't elucidate earlier. If I
were inclined to do something like your second script
and override normal passphrase security, I'd probably
use another mechanism (maybe an environment variable?)
to avoid the passphrase appearing in the process list.
But as we both said, this discussion is really OT for
this list.


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RE: encoding scripts (so that user can't see passwords easily)?

2005-12-06 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
 On Tue, 6 Dec 2005, Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:
 But I don't really know where to start (which tool should I use for
 Umm, crypt?

Or better yet, ccrypt. Check its manpage.


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RE: Re: font

2005-12-02 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Andrew DeFaria wrote:
 Too many things? Other than I/O (which I agree is important)
 of certain Windows only programs what else does rxvt do wrong?

This is getting a bit off-topic, but one thing that
bothers me is normal resizing under Windows. I'd
rather it behave like it does under X (and command
windows do under Windows), jumping to even multiples
of lines  columns. I use a tiny zsh script to clean
up (with the added benefit of allowing you to resize
via command line):


# Resize RXVT window to an exact number of LINES  COLUMNS
# Usage:
#   fs [LINES] [COLUMNS]
# Where LINES or COLUMNS may be:
#   number- specify exact value
#   (+|-|*|/)number   - value relative to current setting (+1, /2,
#   anything else - use current setting (current text region)
# 'fs' by itself trims the current window to exactly match its text
# E.g.:
#   Trim to fit text: fs
#   Set width to 132: fs . 132
#   Set to 24x80: fs 24 80
#   Add one line: fs +1
#   Double the width: fs . '*2'  # must quote '*' from the shell

case $1 in
+[0-9]*|-[0-9]*|\*[0-9]*|/[0-9]*)   ((L = $LINES $1)) ;;
[0-9]*) L=$1 ;;
*)  L=$LINES ;;

case $2 in
+[0-9]*|-[0-9]*|\*[0-9]*|/[0-9]*)   ((C = $COLUMNS $2)) ;;
[0-9]*) C=$2 ;;
*)  C=$COLUMNS ;;

print $'\e[8;'$L;${C}t


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RE: font

2005-12-01 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Chris Taylor wrote:
 Yes. Don't use the cmd-based cygwin interface.
 Use rxvt.

Agreed. However, expect the occasional surprise when
running non-Cygwin console binaries since they won't
recognize that they are running on a terminal. I use
a Tcl-based debugger at work, and when running it in
Win32 console mode under RXVT, I don't get a prompt.

If that's not an issue for you, go ahead and don't
look back.

BTW, you can specify Windows-style fonts for RXVT in
your .Xdefaults file. For example, here are the RXVT
options in my .Xdefaults file:

Rxvt.geometry:  120x50
Rxvt.saveLines: 1000
Rxvt.backspacekey:  ^?
Rxvt.meta8: true
Rxvt.font1: Lucida Console-10
Rxvt.font2: Lucida Console-13
Rxvt.font:  Lucida Console-16
Rxvt.font3: Lucida Console-19
Rxvt.font4: Lucida Console-22
Rxvt.font5: Lucida Console-25
Rxvt.font6: Lucida Console-28
Rxvt.color12:   SteelBlue
Rxvt.color15:   PapayaWhip
Rxvt.scrollBar_right:   true
Rxvt.scrollstyle:   next

(I don't know whether the quotes are recommended or
not. At least on my system they're not needed, but
I've seen other posters use them.)


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RE: Re: font

2005-12-01 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Andrew DeFaria wrote:
 Rxvt.font1: Lucida Console-10
 Rxvt.font2: Lucida Console-13
 Rxvt.font: Lucida Console-16
 What do these do?

font sets the default font. The others set alternate fonts like the
ones you normally get on the right mouse button in xterms. At least
in my configuration, shift-keypad-plus and shift-keypad-minus cycle
through these fonts (the default font is at position 2.5).


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RE: syntax highlighting in vim

2005-11-23 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Alireza Ghasemi wrote:
 I have the same problem about ls too. Do they
 ever support syntax highlighting ?

For ls, this might work for you:

  alias ls='ls -color=auto '


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RE: syntax highlighting in vim

2005-11-23 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Eric Blake wrote:
 Actually, a better spelling would be
 alias ls='ls --color=auto'

Oops, I should have used cut and paste rather than
typing it. I meant this of course:

  alias ls='ls --color=auto '

 The use of a trailing space in the alias controls
 whether the next word on the command line will also
 be subject to alias expansion;

True, but I prefer not to make assumptions about how
people are using aliases. The space at the end of the
alias makes it behave like the unaliased ls in that


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RE: syntax highlighting in vim

2005-11-23 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Eric Blake wrote:
 Wrong again - alias expansion in bash starts ONLY at the
 first word, and only progresses on to the next word if
 the current alias expansion ended in a space.

I stand corrected. In the first job where I used
ksh, they had set up aliases for everything with
the spaces at the end (including ls and cd) and
added convenient aliases for some parameters.
Even though I've long since abandoned the use of
aliases for parameters, I've been keeping the
spaces at the end of my aliases thinking it was
more flexible.

That's it. I'm ditching the spaces.


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RE: VIM - Vi IMproved 6.4 (2005 Oct 15, compiled Oct 17 2005 11:54:34

2005-10-26 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Corinna Vinschen wrote:
 You're doing something differently here, perhaps in vim itself.

For example, the following?
 :set nobackup nowritebackup

If you disable both backup and writebackup, it leaves the file
name unchanged when you write to it. So there's a workaround if
you don't care about those features. :-)


Looking at the source, I think I found where VIM adjusts for
pseudo-case-sensitive file names: the fname_case() function
modifies the file name to match an existing file if present.
The function is defined in os_win32.c and os_msdos.c but not
in os_unix.c. There is also a USE_FNAME_CASE macro to protect
calls to it.

Simply defining that macro and function isn't enough, since it
is used in the os_mswin.c version of mch_FullName(), but not it
the version in os_unix.c. But it looks like a conditional call
to fname_case() could be added to the end of the UNIX version,
since this construct appears elsewhere in common code.

You'd most likely want to use a Cygwin-specific implementation
of fname_case() that doesn't convert slashes into backslashes,
honors mount points, etc.


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RE: zsh as login shell

2005-10-25 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
I started using zsh about 10 months ago myself. Now I can have
my favorite ksh feature (two argument cd) as well as all the
things I like in BASH. But I digress...

I edited my /etc/profile, replacing bash with zsh, though that
of course doesn't help me start ZSH from Windows.

To get that, I copied the Shortcut created by Cygwin (the one
that runs BASH) and changed the Target to:
  C:\cygwin\bin\zsh.exe -l -i

-l is login
-i is interactive (I suspect you don't need it)

Although I probably have an unjustified aversion to adding
layers of BAT-file abstraction. The mkzsh tool does sound


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Re: VIM - Vi IMproved 6.4 (2005 Oct 15, compiled Oct 17 2005 11:54:34

2005-10-21 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Shankar Unni wrote:
 But I think it's worth mentioning that 6.3 doesn't do this (change the
 case of the name when writing back). It overwrites the old file when
 writing back, thus preserving its case.

More to the point, the windows version of vim 6.4 doesn't do
this, either. So there is some code in there somewhere that
knows about case-wacky-pseudo-sensitive file systems (OK, it
probably just has #ifdef WIN32 around the old method, but


P.S. It might be possible to come up with a workaround using
 some trickery within VIM (e.g., do an ls on the dirname
 of % via event hook when you open a new file and either
 rename % somehow or hook into the file write event).

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RE: SETUP: In-use files have been replaced

2005-10-19 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Eric Blake wrote:
 I believe you are referring to the recent question about whether
 cygwin services must be stopped during a WINDOWS upgrade,

My mistake. Thanks for the script.


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RE: SETUP: In-use files have been replaced

2005-10-19 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Eric Blake wrote:
 Setup requires a reboot only when Windows reports that a file that was
 being replaced was in use at the time.  Therefore, if setup requires a
 reboot, then you didn't properly shut down all cygwin services,
 and apps.

Probably true 99.9% of the time, although couldn't it also be
possible that another Windows program is opening a Cygwin file
in a mode that prevents deletion? (I haven't tried it, but I
wouldn't be surprised to get this message if you're viewing a
directory that is being uninstalled.)

Herb Martin wrote:
 So what is the method to teach Setup that the file has been updated.

Have you tried simply uninstalling the Cygwin package? If you
installed the new one into another location, you presumably
don't need or want the other one. For most packages at least,
SETUP doesn't automatically try to update it if you haven't
installed it.


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RE: SETUP: In-use files have been replaced

2005-10-18 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Eric Blake wrote:
 Your situation isn't normal because you didn't stop all cygwin
 services.  While the idea has been tossed around on this list
 that it would be nice if setup.exe could stop services for you,
 to date, it does not.  Therefore, IT IS UP TO YOU to stop services

Thanks. I remember one of the Cygwin major contributors
indicating that (s)he didn't find the need to stop the
Cygwin services first, but perhaps I misunderstood.


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RE: ATTN: ctags maintainer

2005-10-11 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Warren Young wrote:
 If there is a ctags maintainer, please stand up and make yourself

I've also been watching this with interest. Looking in the archives, it
appears that the maintainer listed in the ctags README file put out a
request for a new maintainer in Dec 2003. I've been waiting for Corinna
to formally put packages up for grabs before volunteering, but this is
one of the packages I depend on as well.

I've never actually built ctags, so I wasn't in a rush to volunteer for
that package anyway, but I'm keeping an eye on a few others. ;-)


RE: Consensus about man and doc X11 directory structure

2005-10-11 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Yaakov S (Cygwin Ports) wrote:
 IMHO, that was not desirable.  Eventually I could imagine X11 and
 Cygwin native versions of the same package.  I liked this method of
 making the distinction.
 What does Cygwin native mean?  If Cygwin is meant to be a POSIX
 environment, then X11 should be the standard for GUI apps.

I won't argue the point (since I'd like to see better X11 support),
but POSIX doesn't necessarily imply X11 support.


What about console apps? When I was still using the X11 version, my
/usr/X11R6/bin/vim linked in X11 libs, although /usr/bin/vim didn't.
That way, vim -g did the right thing.

And from a practical standpoint, notice my wording there. It's true
that various inconveniences and performance issues eventually caused
me to move away from using X for daily Cygwin work, though I used to
use it almost exclusively. Perhaps X11 improvements could draw me
back, but until they do I'd actually prefer a few more Cygwin-aware
GUI apps that don't use X. I wouldn't mind grabbing these apps from
/usr/win32native or whatever, but that doesn't change the fact that
(at least at this point) X11 isn't for everybody.


Free/cheap FTP/HTTP hosting for packages?

2005-10-04 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
I remember seeing a question from Brian Ford about this, but
don't remember seeing any answers...

Does anyone know of a good place to post Cygwin packages? My
cable network provider gives me some space, but it's rather
small and I have other uses planned for it.

I ask because I noticed that two of my must have packages
are currently ownerless, along with some others that would be
a real shame to lose. The conditions that caused me to hand
over SWIG maintainership have changed, so I'd be willing to
consider maintaining some packages if need be.


RE: Tasking not implemented on this configuration

2005-09-29 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Anh Vo wrote:
 If you need both Ada compiler with run-time support and cygwin, do
 the following. 
 3. Unzip them in cygwin installed directory. Remember to keep
 the directory structure intact when Unzipping. In addition,
 select over all when prompted by WinZip.

This sounds dangerous to me. Doesn't it interfere with other
Cygwin compilations? Plus, I wouldn't expect this version of
the compiler to create Cygwin executables (e.g., that would
understand Cygwin paths, etc.). If not, why interfere with
the Cygwin installation at all?

I took the approach recommended at and installed it
into C:/MinGW. Then I created a script that would put it in
the beginning of my path when I wanted to use it. You could
do this automatically if you only want the MinGW version.

A search of the mailing list doesn't reveal any messages from
the maintainer containing the word tasking both task and
ada. Perhaps the question should be restated with a subject
of GCC-ADA: or Attn: gcc-ada maintainer?


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RE: Tasking not implemented on this configuration

2005-09-29 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
I wrote:
 3. Unzip them in cygwin installed directory. Remember to keep
 the directory structure intact when Unzipping. In addition,
 select over all when prompted by WinZip.

 This sounds dangerous to me.

Anh Vo wrote:
 It is not all. What it does is to replace the Ada compiler
 (GNAT) without tasking run-time support with the that does.
 Every thing else remains the same.

Perhaps, but I personally wouldn't want to blindly overwrite
parts of my compiler system. Even if I were going to install
it in the Cygwin area, I'd remove the old one with setup.exe
and then unzip WITHOUT overwrite.

 I put some thing like Ada compiler or GNAT on the subject. It
 was quite a while ago. If you search my name, Anh Vo, you may have
 seen it. 

I remember seeing and responding to the following one:

although that didn't mention either in the subject.


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mount -X and FAQ (was RE: Cygwin build system SOOOO SLOOOWWWW ???)

2005-09-15 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Christopher Faylor wrote:
 I've mentioned this many times before (and suspect that
 someone else is frantically typing this in right now) but
 mounting directories which contain executable files with
 the -X option makes things a little faster for cygwin:
   mount -f -b -X c:/cygwin/bin /bin

Finally got around to trying that one, but it broke the
tkinfo (Tcl/Tk) script I use regularly. Some experimenting
revealed that I had to add the following to make it work:

mount -f -b -x c:/cygwin/bin/wish84.exe /bin/wish84.exe
mount -f -b -x c:/cygwin/bin/wish84.exe /usr/bin/wish84.exe

and presumably I'd also want:

mount -f -b -x c:/cygwin/bin/tclsh84.exe /bin/tclsh84.exe
mount -f -b -x c:/cygwin/bin/tclsh84.exe /usr/bin/tclsh84.exe

The FAQ ( mentions
using this idiom for strace and cygcheck, but not for
Tcl/Tk. Perhaps these should be noted as well?


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RE: Python 2.4.1 locking bug. (was: Re: rebaseall failure?)

2005-07-28 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Christopher Faylor wrote:
 semaphore::_trywait doesn't have anything to do with pthread
 mutexes, AFAIK.

Douglas Philips wrote:
 The real issue is that Python broke with 1.5.18, either because of
 the pthread change or not. Be that as it may, should I report this
 bug in another forum? 

Jason Tishler wrote:
 No, this is the right mailing list.  However, you can increase the
 probability of it getting fixed by helping to isolate the problem.
 Besides submitting a patch, a minimal C test case is the best
 way to go.

Please ignore this if it sounds like noise, but I thought at
least Jason might be interested.

I wasn't following this thread closely since rebaseall had been
mentioned, but the semaphore/pthread/Python mix wakened an old
memory that I thought I should bring up. Give me a minute while
I crank up the old wayback machine... :-)

3 or 4 years ago I introduced a patch into Python thread support
that used native semaphores if they are supported. The POSIX way
to indicate this is to define _POSIX_SEMAPHORES in a header file,
but at the time either Cygwin either didn't define it, defined it
in some way differently, or its definition was ignored for some
reason (I don't remember the exact details).

It was frustrating to me since the reason for my change was to
fix Python threading under Cygwin, which was broken at the time,
and although the Python developers accepted my change, they
would only allow:
and not:
 #if defined(_POSIX_SEMAPHORES) || defined(__CYGWIN__)

Fortunately, somebody else fixed the pthreads threading bug in
Cygwin (the lack of an assignment prevented me from doing so),
so things progressed without my help.

Anyway, I just looked into /usr/include/sys/features.h, and
_POSIX_SEMAPHORES is now defined. If we are seeing errors that
indict semaphore::_trywait, it seems likely that my code is
now being used, although I know that it wasn't being used when
I first introduced it into Python. However, features.h does
not appear to have changed in a while (at least not according
to its comments). :-P

Did something change (either in Cygwin or Python) that could
explain why Python would have started recognizing that Cygwin
supports POSIX semaphores? If so, perhaps that is contributing
to the error. I'd poke around myself, but it's been a while
since I've been inside either Python or Cygwin internals.

On the other hand, I verified at the time that the semaphore
solution worked under Cygwin Python, so I wouldn't expect it
to be a problem even if the change just took place. However,
it could potentially help in isolating the problem.


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RE: how do I cite cygwin for academic publication?

2005-06-14 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Peter Waltman wrote:
 since I used cygwin to implement my masters project (which I'm not 
 getting into publishable form), 

Arturus Magi wrote:
 Also, as a note: submitting a masters project may still be considered
 distribution.  You may want to solicit advice from a legal authority,
 if possible.

Is it possible that we can give Peter some advice that doesn't
require contacting a lawyer? :-) How about this:

Peter, are you saying that your executables will never leave
your PC? Even if so, you may want to cover yourself by keeping
all of the sources, including the source to Cygwin, together
with the executables. It may even help you at some point in the
future. Personally, I'd download the source to everything that
I needed (e.g., Cygwin, GCC, etc.) and package the whole thing
so it can be easily stored and/or transferred to new media as


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RE: Unicode in filenames support? (FAQ update needed)

2005-06-10 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
I wrote:
 [...] If a disclaimer is all that you want, I'm sure you/I can get
 it.  In fact, as long as they know about the uncopyrighted code and
 don't do anything about it, they've given up rights to it.

Christopher Faylor wrote:
 And you prove that they don't know anything about it by...?

Realistically, probably an e-mail from somebody in the legal
department (just not necessarily a signed document). Or you
could force the issue by sending a certified letter referring
to the files on SourceForge. :-)

It'd be a shame if you aren't able to use public domain files
due to legal concerns. I thought taking the high ground by
entirely dropping the copyright would maximize usefulness to


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RE: Unicode in filenames support? (FAQ update needed)

2005-06-09 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
 Of course we would be glad to have more people working on
 the DLL (and sign the copyright assignment, sigh),

Yes, the assignment was/is a hurdle for me. It turns out to
be much easier to release something into the public domain
(at least at my company), thus my approach. I had actually
made some progress with the assignment, but it went back to
ground zero when my old group was disbanded.

 but what you wrote sounds somewhat like a special solution
 which requires lots of new if (is_ntfs) tests, roughly.

Sort of, although I approached it as a set of services that
could replace Windows file operations with extended versions
that could be selected dynamically. I had come up with the
following list of functions to replace (which perhaps might
be of some use to you):



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RE: Unicode in filenames support? (FAQ update needed)

2005-06-09 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Christopher Faylor wrote:
 But releasing something to the public domain doesn't help
 Cygwin. [...] The problem is that you still have to verify
 that the sources are truly public domain and how do you do
 that without getting a disclaimer from a person's employer?
 I truly hate all of this assignment stuff that is required for
 contributions to FSF programs and Cygwin.  I think it's time
 for someone to come up with an online way to do this.

My employer authorized the release into the public domain,
making the code explicitly not protected by copyright. The
lawyer-types don't trust the assignments though, so online
forms therefore wouldn't help anyway. If a disclaimer is
all that you want, I'm sure you/I can get it. In fact, as
long as they know about the uncopyrighted code and don't
do anything about it, they've given up rights to it. Of


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RE: Unicode in filenames support? (FAQ update needed)

2005-06-08 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
I wrote:
 However, it was NTFS-specific and Cygwin went a different
 route (which has path length limitations, but I digress).

Christopher Faylor wrote:
 And, Joshua could I get a FAQ entry about this, too?  This
 has got to be at least the fifth time that someone has felt
 compelled to make the observation that the current
 implementation of managed mode has path length limitations.

Sorry, poor wording choice. To be honest, I don't even know
if managed mounts still have those limitations since I don't
use them, although that was my understanding at the time.

My approach was to use underlying NT services that bypass
normal Windows naming restrictions, allowing more or less
arbitrary Unicode strings as file names. It had path length
limitations, but they were no worse than what Windows has
already. It was my understanding that Cygwin managed mounts
did this by escaping such characters into multi-character
sequences, which of course would cause you to run into the
Windows limits sooner. There are other ways to accomplish
this, so the mechanism may have changed for all I know.

(I don't necessarily expect that there will be any interest
in my solution, but I thought that I should mention it just
in case. As I said, there are other ways to deal with this
without imposing path length limitations, and I don't even
know how much of a concern such limits are in general.)


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RE: Unicode in filenames support?

2005-06-07 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Corinna Vinschen wrote:
 Not that I know of.  We're discussing to convert Cygwin's path
 handling to use Unicode for a while now, but it will take time. 
 Don't expect this any time soon.

I've been off of the developer list for a while now, and
now the archives are subscriber only. :-(

How are you thinking about doing this? At one point, I
created a framework that supported this. Unicode support
was actually just a side-effect--my real goal was to let
you use two files whose names differ only by case or use
files with otherwise illegal names such as aux. I even
went so far as to create a project on SourceForge so that
I could release it into the public domain.

However, it was NTFS-specific and Cygwin went a different
route (which has path length limitations, but I digress).
I did finally get my company's permission to release the
code, but there was little point by then. (I also had to
scramble to survive a reorg at that time and didn't have
any time at all for quite a while afterwards.)

If there is interest in my NTFS-specific solution, please
let me know. (Actually, it's not necessarily specific to
NTFS, though it probably is in practice. It definitely
doesn't support FATxx or Win9x.)


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RE: Serious performance problems (malloc related?)

2005-06-03 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Christopher Faylor wrote:
 Keith, you don't have a complete reference for the Nt functions do

Keith Moore wrote:
 So, unfortunately, I don't have a complete reference, but there are
 enough islands of information around for us to piece together
 everything we need. 

Have you looked at ReactOS ( They're doing a
Windows NT port from scratch. It's not quite the source to Windows,
but it's a valiant attempt to duplicate it. I've sometimes found it
useful for finding out about some of the more obscure interfaces or
for understanding the behavior of the documented ones.

Of course, I'd still start at (and probably
some of the well known Undocumented Windows sources) first.


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RE: Re: PATH oddity

2005-05-26 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Karl M wrote:
 While looking at my PATH environment variable (in response to the
 recent postings about sshd and environment variables), I noticed
 that . was included. 
 It was caused by a double ; ( a ;; sequence) in my PATH as
 defined in the Windows XP My Computer Properties panel.

Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes wrote:
 This has been discussed here before; IIRC (and I may not), the . is
 the equivalent of what windows does.  An empty entry in the windows
 path (;; in the middle or ; at the beginning or end) makes it search
 the current directory.

If that is the meaning under Windows, it would be meaningless
in practice since Windows searches the current directory first.
However, under bash (and other shells that I'm familiar with)
an empty entry is the same as ..

I guess it depends on your POV, but being able to specify the
current directory in your Windows PATH, even though it is only
meaningful under Cygwin, could be a useful feature.


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RE: Building GCC-4.0-20050430

2005-05-10 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Anh Vo wrote:
 I successfully built it for three languages Ada, C, C++ with 
 configured as --enable-languages=ada,c,c++ 
 --enable-threads=gnat. A number of Ada Conformance Assessment 
 Test Suite (ACATS) failed. Further testing reveals that the 
 Ada runtime tasking support was not included in the build. 

OT for this list, but you may be interested to know that the
MINGW version supports Ada tasking.

I haven't delved into it, but the GNAT manual indicates that
Ada tasking support is pretty simple if you have a minimal
amount of POSIX support. Of course, you discovered that it
doesn't quite work OOTB. Since I was just toying around when
I ran into this, I found it easier to just install MINGW.
Personally, I don't see the point in supporting Ada if you
don't support tasking, but maybe that's just me. :-)

Of course, PTC.


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RE: Cannot link ___assert, __impure_ptr with -mno-cygwin

2005-03-29 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Matt Olson wrote:
 I've narrowed my problems down to a relatively small test case:
 LINKFLAGS = -g -L/lib/mingw -mwindows -mno-cygwin
 LIBS  = -lmingw32
 foo: foo.o
 gcc $(LINKFLAGS) -o foo foo.o $(LIBS)
 Compiler output:
 $ make
 gcc -g -L. -L/home/matt/lib -L/lib/mingw -o foo foo.o -lmingw32
 -mwindows -mno-cygwin

I don't quite know how you got that makefile to produce
precisely that output. :-)

Regardless, try starting again after removing foo.o.
My guess is that you have a version of foo.o compiled
without -mno-cygwin.

If you rebuild everything, it should compile cleanly,
although I expect it will still not act the way you
want it to. If you run it from the console you won't
see any output. Try removing the -mwindows option.

I don't think you need the -L/lib/mingw or -lmingw32
options either, although they shouldn't hurt.


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RE: Cannot link ___assert, __impure_ptr with -mno-cygwin

2005-03-29 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Matt Olson wrote:
 Unfortunately, while compile .o files with -mno-cygwin fixes my toy
 example, it doesn't help the real code I'm trying to build:
 If the problem is object files being compiled without -mno-cygwin and
 linked with it, do I need to make sure that all of the (static?)
 libraries I link with are also compiled with -mno-cygwin?

Yes, that's no doubt what's going on. You are trying to link
some object files that depend on the Cygwin runtime library
and others that depend on the MinGW library. If you can, you
should choose one or the other entirely, which should resolve
your link issues.

If you're looking for some way to link some libraries that
depend on Cygwin and others that depend on MinGW, I have no
experience with that.


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RE: Obscene content in cygwin file.

2005-01-07 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
   [ ] Offended.  Think about the children!
   [ ] Not offended.  Stop bothering me with your Puritanical values.
   [ ] Don't care.  Can we go back to talking about how 
 negative this list is now?
   [x] Not offended.  Clean it up anyway.  It's unprofessional 
 in the extreme and can only result in embarrassment and trouble.

Definitely rot13 them and make them -o.

I'd rather fortune was kept as a complete package rather than using
a separate package for the offensive stuff. If you want to create
another package with just tame stuff, that's OK. Maybe it should be
called enutrof. Or sbeghar. :-)

Make sure you rot13 fortune2-o while you're at it. It's currently
in plaintext, even though you need to specify -o or -a to add it
to the fortune list. I just rot13'd fortune2-o and limerick (i.e.,
limerick-o) on my work machine. I can't afford to have stuff like
that lying around for corporate snoops to find.


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RE: Obscene content in cygwin file.

2005-01-07 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
OK, anybody still reading this thread probably already knows how to
do this, but just in case, here's what you need to do to clean up
your fortune files (other than just deleting them):

First, make sure you have the tools you need and double-check that
the offensive files are in plaintext:

$ ls /usr/sbin/strfile
$ which tr
$ cd /usr/share/fortune
$ head -3 fortunes2-o limerick
== fortunes2-o ==
Would you please have another look at my nose and put in that cocaine
-- Adolf Hitler, quoted by Dr. Giesing in Nuremberg

== limerick ==
A bad little girl in Madrid,
A most reprehensible kid,
Told her Tante Louise

Then to properly encode and mark the offensive files as such:

$ cd /usr/share/fortune
$ mv fortunes2-o fortunes2-o.orig
$ mv limerick limerick-o.orig
$ rm fortunes2-o.dat limerick.dat
$ tr A-Za-z N-ZA-Mn-za-m  fortunes2-o.orig  fortunes2-o
$ tr A-Za-z N-ZA-Mn-za-m  limerick-o.orig  limerick-o
$ /usr/sbin/strfile -x fortunes2-o
$ /usr/sbin/strfile -x limerick-o
$ rm fortunes2-o.orig limerick-o.orig


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RE: setup.exe sucks

2004-12-11 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Warren Young wrote:
 Rebooting is a cop-out in this case.  All the setup program 
 has to do is stop running services before starting the upgrade.

I didn't mean to imply that rebooting was the best solution,
just that there may be some extra steps involved when you do
the base Cygwin install. Other things that come to mind are
making sure that mount points and accounts are set up. This
could be done as a separate step that does whatever it needs
to do in order to prepare for the package installer and then
kicks off the package installer. The package installer could
then be a regular Cygwin application. This would also make
it easier to replace the package installer component in the


RE: setup.exe sucks

2004-12-09 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
One issue that sometimes pops up currently is the failure of
post-install scripts when Cygwin's DLL is being replaced. I
know that you can run into trouble if a daemon is currently
using the DLL when you update the cygwin package, at least.

Perhaps a two-part install wouldn't be that bad, as long as
the base Cygwin installer automatically kicks off the package
updater and the package updater can kick off the base Cygwin
installer when needed/requested. The base Cygwin installer
could then be done using MSI or whatever and could initiate
reboots/etc. as needed before starting the package updater.


RE: looking for an arm9 cross-compiler

2004-11-11 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
I've had some luck with the ECOS version. You can find
it at


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RE: INFO Death

2004-11-03 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Dave Korn wrote:
 Should it perhaps say
  for d in /usr/info /usr/share/info ${INFOPATH} do

Aha! So THAT'S what happened to my info directory! I
hadn't really looked into it, since usually I just
type info bletch anyway. I ran a modified version
of that script and it's back to normal now.

BTW, you need to add colons to your IFS or replace
them (e.g., $(echo $INFOPATH | sed -e 's/:/ /g')).
And, of course, /usr/info and /usr/share/info were
already in my $INFOPATH anyway.


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RE: Packaging O'Caml

2004-08-26 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
 However, parts of it are released under the Q
 Public license, which GNU lists explicitly as 
 non-GPL-compatible.  Does this mean an automatic
 no to an official Cygwin package [...] ?

In accordance with section 10 of the GPL, Red Hat permits
programs whose sources are distributed under a license that
complies with the Open Source definition to be linked with
libcygwin.a without libcygwin.a itself causing the resulting
program to be covered by the GNU GPL. 

IANAL, but the Q Public License is listed on the OSI web
page, so there don't appear to be any legal restrictions--
some Cygwin packages use different open source licenses

Or have there been policy changes for new Cygwin packages
that I'm not aware of?


Re: zmodem port?

2004-08-04 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
On Wednesday, July 28, Scott Evans asked:
 Has anyone successfully ported sz/rz to Cygwin?

I searched earlier posts, and it is clear that it had been
done. So I tried grabbing rzsz.sip from and
building it. No problem. Just modify the makefile to add
.exe to the executable names when calling ln. I attached
the diff -c output so you can patch it. This adds a new
cygwin target.

Actually, testing it was more complicated than I expected.
In the end, I set up sshd and used zssh (downloaded from
sourceforge). In fact, zssh comes with another flavor of
rz/sz that builds just fine via ./configure  make.

-Jerry Williams

Description: makefile.diff
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RE: Where is the gnu/cygwin GUI Source code debugger?

2004-07-12 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Richard Heintze wrote:
 I explicitly downloaded insight seperately and had
 troubles with that too, see my earler post. (gdb.exe
 started the GUI interface, but it could not load the
 source code file -- something to do with stat failing.
 chmod 777 test.c did not help).

You shouldn't have to download insight separately,
since it is part of the gdb package (as Arturus
Magi pointed out). As Chris Faylor pointed out,
use the command insight (assuming it is properly


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swig: New package maintainer

2004-06-30 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Max Bowsher has graciously volunteered to take over the
maintenance of SWIG for Cygwin.

Those of you paying attention to SWIG releases may have
noticed that we haven't had one in a while. About a year
ago, I had to change jobs suddenly when my organization
was disbanded, and I haven't been able to get back to it

So thank you, Max! Have a virtual beer on me!

-Jerry Williams


2004-03-12 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
Phil Crescioli wrote:
 [...]  For now I'm just curious. I have other pressing Cygwin
 things to dive into before the gvim thing, but when the time
 is right, I will gladly contribute to the gvim deal since I
 am a very content Cygwin user :)  

It's been a while since I've done it, but gvim used to
build pretty well out of the box for Cygwin. The catch
(at least it was a catch at the time) was that it was
the X11 version. For a while I maintained five flavors
of VIM executables: Cygwin's official VIM, an X11 GVIM
(really just a link), an X11-aware VIM, a Windows VIM,
and a Windows GVIM. Today I use the Windows version of
GVIM and the official Cygwin non-GUI version of VIM.

However, since I last built gvim for Cygwin, the Win32
native X11 window manager has been added to Cygwin,
and handling for paths from outside of Cygwin has been
improved (e.g., \cygwin\bin\vim \autoexec.bat from a
Command Prompt). So it might be worth reinvestigating.

But perhaps what you really want isn't the X11 version
at all, but a Cygwin version with a Windows interface.
This might be preferable to reduce the interdepencies
that otherwise could arise, since gvim is normally just
the equivalent of vim -g (i.e., Would regular Cygwin
VIM have to become X-aware? Would there be two separate
programs called vim? etc.).

Just some food for the curious. :-)


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RE: WinMain in an own static lib - _WinMain@16 undefined reference ?! ;.(

2004-03-04 Thread Williams, Gerald S (Jerry)
G.-B. Hauck wrote:
 g++ -mwindows -mno-cygwin -o test.exe test.o -L./ -lmaintest
 gw32/lib/libmingw32.a(main.o)(.text+0x9b):main.c: undefined 
 reference to [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

This isn't specific to Cygwin. Modules are only pulled from a
library if something else refers to them (the underlying MINGW
run-time reference doesn't count!).

Try adding [EMAIL PROTECTED] to the command line.


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RE: Assembler

2004-02-20 Thread Williams, Gerald S (Jerry)
Krzysztof Duleba wrote:
 I gave up. I see no chance to compile Line at all. And even 
 if I succeed, Line will probably bail out.

Yes, I noticed that LINE was a dead project after you
mentioned that you were trying to recompile it. I was
hoping you would have success, since it sounded like
a worthwhile project.

Either way, by trying to get LINE working, you should
now have a better idea what it would take to create a
system that emulates int 0x80 syscalls.

 However, my own code already can change int 0x80-like
 system calls to appropriate function calls [...]

This is more efficient anyway, since the int 0x80 traps
would probably be making the same calls anyway.

 I wanted to try out my app with some deassembler, but
 I haven't found anything interesting. Which one do you
 use (in Linux)?

I don't do much X86 disassembling (most of my assembly
coding is in ARM or DSP), but I would start with ndisasm
(the nasm disassembler).


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RE: Assembler

2004-02-18 Thread Williams, Gerald S (Jerry)
Krzysztof Duleba wrote:
 Why not? c code, translated to asm with -c -S on linux box, 
 can be later compiled and linked with Cygwin's gcc and works
 fine. As you see, I have a good reason to believe that nasm's
 int 0x80 will work too. So maybe I should simply look for a
 nasm - gcc's assembler translator?

int 0x80 is part of Linux, not nasm. In fact, nasm was
generating the int 0x80 instructions just fine--they
simply don't work under Windows. So such a translator
wouldn't help.

Cygwin does a great job translating many of the system
calls, but these are invoked via function calls, not
Linux internal software interrupts.

By asking for int 0x80 support, you're really asking
for the ability to run precompiled Linux applications.
Googling brought me to,
which may be more along the lines of what you seek.


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RE: Assembler

2004-02-17 Thread Williams, Gerald S (Jerry)
Krzysztof Duleba wrote:
 I wanted to test some of my linux assembler code on my 
 Windows-Cygwin box.
 Is it possible at all?

I don't know about using BIOS calls, etc., but I've
assembled and linked a few NASM assembly functions.
I didn't use ELF format, though. There's a gnuwin32
format that works with Cygwin.

I've only ever linked them as functions called via
the C environment, but if you take the following:

 ; standalone.asm
 section .text
 extern  _printf
 global  _main
 mov ebp,esp
 pushdword [value]
 pushdword format
 add esp, byte 8
 segment .data
 value   dd 0x87654321
 format  db 'Should be 87654321: %0lx',10,0

and assemble, link, and run it as follows:

 nasm -f gnuwin32 standalone.asm
 gcc standalone.o

It does the right thing. :-)


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RE: Assembler

2004-02-17 Thread Williams, Gerald S (Jerry)
Krzysztof Duleba wrote:
 What about Linux syscalls? Will Cygwin emulation layer match 

I just Googled int 0x80. So THAT'S what you're
trying to do. :-)

No, I think your experiment shows that Cygwin is
not emulating Linux syscalls at that level. Nor
would I have expected it to.

On the other hand, you can get at DOS functions,
at least if you build your executable correctly.
For example, the following:

 ; hello.asm
 [ORG 0x100]
 section .text
 global  _start
 _start: mov ah,9
 mov dx, hello
 int 0x21
 mov ax,0x4c00
 int 0x21
 section .data
 hello   db  'Hello, World', 13, 10, '$'

can be converted into a .COM file and run via:

 nasm -o hello.asm
 chmod +x # to avoid Permission denied

 Is there a way I could force Cygwin's ld to work the way 
 Linux ld used to?

I don't know about that, but you can specify the
entry point explicitly:

  ld -e _start hello.o


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swig-1.3.19-2 test results (ready for upload???)

2003-07-25 Thread Williams, Gerald S (Jerry)
I linked swig (unchanged from swig-1.3.19-1) against
cygwin-1.5.0-1 and it still works (no surprise).

I'm not sure if we should really bother updating it,
since it has no other DLL dependencies and the old
version should therefore continue to work.

I created a 1.3.19-2 version just in case. It's at

I also created a setup.hint for the experimental
version (it should be replaced with the original
one once cygwin-1.5.0-1 is released). It's at


Re: HEADSUP package maintainers: Welcome to Cygwin 1.5.0

2003-07-11 Thread Williams, Gerald S (Jerry)
Corinna Vinschen wrote:
   Packages which depend on external libs should be newly build only
   if all external libs have been newly build first.  E.g. vim depends
   on ncurses.  So I, the vim maintainer, will wait with creating a new
   vim version until Charles, the ncurses maintainer, has created a new
   ncurses version.

Sorry if this question sounds dense, but can you please
clarify something for me:

Is waiting until all dependent libraries really enough, or
should VIM and it's DLL dependencies all be brought forward
lock-step? I'm sure whether something fails will depend on
whether it actually used those features, but once ncurses
has been updated, is it possible VIM won't work until it's
been updated as well?

If so, this would mean you'd need to coordinate the upgrade
of cygintl-2.dll and cygiconv-2.dll at the same time, right?

 $ cygcheck vim.exe
 Found: .\vim.exe
 Found: C:\cygwin\bin\vim.exe

 Use -h to see help about each section
 $ _

If so, is running cygcheck against all of your executables
and DLLs (if not already used by your executables) enough
to identify all of your dependencies? Or is there a more
preferred way? For packages on auto-pilot that just pull
in whatever configure tells them to, it would be nice to
make checking such dependencies as painless as possible.


RE: HEADSUP package maintainers: Welcome to cygwin 1.5.0

2003-07-11 Thread Williams, Gerald S (Jerry)
Christopher Faylor wrote:
Rebuild your package.
  Run it.
  +Does it work?+
 /   \
No.  Yes.
  See if it relies on DLLs or libraries Send announcement to
  which export an interface which   cygwin-announce.
  has changed.

Will do next week, once I'm back on a fast network.

Static libraries don't concern me, since all I'd need to
do is notify the maintainer and wait until a new one is
ready. DLLs could be more problematic if updating one of
them can cause my package to stop working. That's why I
asked if cygcheck is enough to identify all of my DLL


Updated: swig-1.3.19-1

2003-04-04 Thread Williams, Gerald S (Jerry)
I've updated the version of SWIG to 1.3.19-1. Tarballs should
be available on the Cygwin mirrors shortly.

As per the SWIG web page (

  SWIG (Simplified Wrapper Interface Generator) is a software
  development tool that connects programs written in C and C++
  with a variety of high-level programming languages. SWIG is
  primarily used with common scripting languages such as Perl,
  Python, Tcl/Tk, Ruby, Guile and MzScheme, however the list
  of supported languages also includes non-scripting languages
  such as Java and OCAML. SWIG is most commonly used to create
  high-level interpreted programming environments, user
  interfaces, and as a tool for testing and prototyping C/C++
  software. SWIG may be freely used, distributed, and modified
  for commercial and noncommercial use.

Version 1.3.19 is a regular development release of SWIG. More
information, including release notes and user documentation,
can be found in the directory /usr/doc/swig-1.3.19/.


One thing that won't be currently found in that directory is
an issue that has come up with the latest Cygwin release of
Perl (5.8.0), which uses 64-bit integers. This results in
some warnings of the following type when compiling the output
of SWIG:
  warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size

It is specifically caused by the SWIG_ConvertPtr() function,
which casts Perl type IV (now a long long) into a pointer in
several circumstances.

This warning does not appear to cause any test cases to fail.
This issue just came up and is being addressed by the SWIG
development community.

Gerald Williams
Cygwin SWIG maintainer


To update your installation, download and run setup.exe using the
Install Cygwin now link at SWIG is in the
'Devel' category.

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archives at (you may want to sign up
for the list as well). Then mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


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swig-1.3.19-1: Ready for Upload

2003-04-03 Thread Williams, Gerald S (Jerry)
A new version of the SWIG package (swig-1.3.19-1) is ready for upload from
the following locations:


Or follow the links from:

-Jerry Williams

RE: Big Brother is Real

2003-04-01 Thread Williams, Gerald S (Jerry)
Randall R Schulz wrote:
 Obligatory disclaimer: I ANAL. You?

You'd better make that IANASCJ


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