Hold up...  I changed mirror sites and now I'm getting a big fat download.  I
guess the mirror I used hadn't caught the new release yet.  I'm still
downloading, but I figure this will solve the problem.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mija Gourlay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004 11:59 AM
Subject: INT64_MAX incorrectly defined in stdint.h

I noticed that the release notes for today's new release claims the following:

        - Correctly define *64_MAX.  (Corinna Vinschen)

I have the latest version, as far as I know, since I ran "update" today.
First, I noticed no change to stdint.h.  Second, I noticed that INT64_MAX is
still incorrectly defined:

        stdint.h:79:#define INT64_MAX (9223372036854775807)

This literal should have a "LL" suffix.  Otherwise, compiling the following
code generates an error:

        int64_t i64Max = INT64_MAX ;

        warning: integer constant is too large for "long" type

So... I'm confused.  Has stdint.h been updated?  If so, why didn't I get it
today when I updated Cygwin?  If not, where, exactly, did the *64_MAX macros
get "correctly defined", as the release notes indicate?


Dr. Michael J. Gourlay

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