Re: Kudos to Daniel Reed

2003-10-21 Thread Daniel Reed
On 2003-10-21T13:06-0400, Christopher Faylor wrote:
) I think we need a big gold star for Daniel Reed, our new package
) coordinator.  In my many years of association with Cygwin, I don't think
) I've ever seen anyone "come down running" and pick up on the job so
) quickly.
) Thanks, Daniel.

You are very, very welcome. I truly consider it a privilege to participate
so actively in such a great project. Thank you for giving me that

It is so easy to miss pretty trivial solutions to problems deemed
complicated.  The goal of a scientist is to find an interesting problem,
and live off it for a while.  The goal of an engineer is to evade
interesting problems :) -- Vadim Antonov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on NANOG

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Re: Kudos to Daniel Reed

2003-10-21 Thread Igor Pechtchanski
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:

> On Tue, 21 Oct 2003, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> > I think we need a big gold star for Daniel Reed, our new package
> > coordinator.  In my many years of association with Cygwin, I don't think
> > I've ever seen anyone "come down running" and pick up on the job so
> > quickly.
> >
> > For those who don't know, Dan, maintains the "pending package list" and
> > uploads new/updated packages to the site.
> >
> > In an entirely volunteer-driven effort you have to be thankful with whatever
> > people are willing to provide.  I'm very thankful that Daniel is providing
> > such high quality service in his new position.
> >
> > Thanks, Daniel.
> > cgf
> Ok, one star for the KOTPPLAUOP, coming up...  Thanks, Dan!
> Igor

Hmm, I guess not...  For some reason, the CVS HEAD version doesn't show up
on the site.  It does show up on CVSweb.  What gives?
  |\  _,,,---,,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'   Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
'---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

"I have since come to realize that being between your mentor and his route
to the bathroom is a major career booster."  -- Patrick Naughton

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Re: Kudos to Daniel Reed

2003-10-21 Thread Igor Pechtchanski
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003, Christopher Faylor wrote:

> I think we need a big gold star for Daniel Reed, our new package
> coordinator.  In my many years of association with Cygwin, I don't think
> I've ever seen anyone "come down running" and pick up on the job so
> quickly.
> For those who don't know, Dan, maintains the "pending package list" and
> uploads new/updated packages to the site.
> In an entirely volunteer-driven effort you have to be thankful with whatever
> people are willing to provide.  I'm very thankful that Daniel is providing
> such high quality service in his new position.
> Thanks, Daniel.
> cgf

Ok, one star for the KOTPPLAUOP, coming up...  Thanks, Dan!
  |\  _,,,---,,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'   Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
'---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

"I have since come to realize that being between your mentor and his route
to the bathroom is a major career booster."  -- Patrick Naughton

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Re: Kudos

2003-02-21 Thread Thomas Widlar
> "We are always more anxious to be distinguished for a talent which we do
> not possess, than to be praised for the fifteen which we do possess."
>   -- Mark Twain

Very good quote, Chris.

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Re: Kudos

2003-02-20 Thread Joe Buehler
Gershon Kagan wrote:

Do you use make in a GNU emacs X window on both platforms for an
identical build interface?  Do you use gcc on both platforms or MS
Visual C++ ?  How do your makefiles support multiple platforms?

I wrote some templates that generate Makefiles that use make variables
to support the native  compiler on multiple platforms.  I just wanted to
compare approaches.

I use emacs for maintenance work and fixing build problems.  The builds
are automated, with a status monitoring system that reports on builds
in real time to a database server that distributes the information to
Java GUI clients, so developers can see whether their build worked
and what kinds of errors have been detected.

We use AT&T nmake with native compilers on all platforms (xlC on AIX,
cc/aCC on HPUX, cc/CC on SUNOS, msvc++ 5/6 on Windows).  AT&T nmake is
vastly superior to GNU make feature-wise.  I think it was originally
written for performance reasons, to reduce the AT&T 5ESS switch build
times, which were taking several days back in the 80's.

The cross-platform abilities are a major reason we use it -- we use
the same ksh build scripts and same makefiles on all machines.  There are
some conditionals for platform tests, but it is minimal because of the
rule set we have running on top of the nmake engine (we don't use
the rule set that comes with nmake).  Basically, we developed a set
of functions that get used in the makefiles.  Like this:

temp.exe :make: file1.c file2.cpp libwhatever.a

The :make: function takes care of filename translation (libwhatever.a
becomes libewhatever.lib on a Windows box) and generation of all the
make rules and shell command blocks to generate temp.exe, build lint
for it, export it into an export area, etc.  If we want to add something,
we just change :make: in the master rules file and don't have to touch
the makefiles.

Parallel build performance is another reason we use it.  GNU make can
do parallel builds, but it does not have any mutual exclusion capabilities
built in for rules that conflict with one another -- nmake does.
Then there's automatic header file scanning, compiled makefiles (for speed),
state retention between builds (also for speed), viewpathing (for multiple
developers working against a shared baseline build), much simplified makefiles,
and probably a few other things that don't occur to me at the moment.
Oh, yes, shell command blocks are just that, blocks -- they are not
executed one line per shell and you don't need those awful \ characters
to continue lines.  Multimachine network builds are supported also,
though we don't use that (yet).
Joe Buehler

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Re: Kudos

2003-02-20 Thread Joe Buehler
Christopher Faylor wrote:

I just wanted to say thank you to all of the dedicated people on this
mailing list who spend countless hours answering questions.  My hat is
off to all of you.  There is no way that cygwin could survive without
your guidance and support.

Thank YOU Cygwin hackers for Cygwin itself -- you have no idea what life
was like before I could get a real X11 GNU emacs on our remote Windows NT
build machines.  We use Cygwin now and have identical build environments
on UNIX and NT using the AT&T ast (ksh93) software.
Joe Buehler

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Re: Kudos

2003-02-19 Thread Christopher Faylor
On Wed, Feb 19, 2003 at 06:05:10PM -0500, mstucky5 wrote:
>- Original Message -
>From: "Christopher Faylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 5:42 PM
>Subject: Kudos
>> I just wanted to say thank you to all of the dedicated people on this
>> mailing list who spend countless hours answering questions.  My hat is
>> off to all of you.  There is no way that cygwin could survive without
>> your guidance and support.
>> Thank you!
>> cgf
>... And from one of the long time lurkers here, I would like
>to thank Chris for his hard work!
>... and his almost infinite patience with us mere mortals :)

"We are always more anxious to be distinguished for a talent which we do
not possess, than to be praised for the fifteen which we do possess."
  -- Mark Twain


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Re: Kudos

2003-02-19 Thread mstucky5

- Original Message -
From: "Christopher Faylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 5:42 PM
Subject: Kudos

> I just wanted to say thank you to all of the dedicated people on this
> mailing list who spend countless hours answering questions.  My hat is
> off to all of you.  There is no way that cygwin could survive without
> your guidance and support.
> Thank you!
> cgf

... And from one of the long time lurkers here, I would like
to thank Chris for his hard work!

... and his almost infinite patience with us mere mortals :)


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RE: kudos!

2003-02-17 Thread Brian Kelly
Does this mean that Cygwin is not ready for production??
Darn!! and I was just getting ready to roll it out to my biggest
client - Randy's Pizza and Bait. ( sorry - not realation )

Brian Kelly

-Original Message-
Of Randall R Schulz
Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2003 9:22 PM
Subject: Re: kudos!


There appears to have been an error in the delivery your message. All 
that got through was a simple thank-you and a compliment.

Apparently lost in the transmission of your message was the part 
following the complimentary thank-you in which you complain about the 
idiotic way in which file permissions are handled, the blatant failure 
of the "login" and "su" commands, the non-standard tty signal handling 
and dozens of other not-too-small defects that collectively show that 
the Cygwin engineers (so-called) know nothing about security, Unix, 
Windows, C/C++ or probably even what a Turing machine is.

Also missing was the incontrovertible and unambiguous evidence of 
Cygwin's utter shoddiness displayed by your perfectly functional Linux 
software whose compilation under Cygwin causes the seriously 
mis-configured GCC compiler to emit thousands of diagnostics and how 
after you managed to squelch them all, the resulting executable not 
only crashes immediately after being invoked but also causes Cygwin to 
bring your system down with a BSOD.

Could you resend please? We prefer HTML mail with lots of embedded 
screen shots in BMP format that depict the multifarious defects in 
graphic detail for all the world to see.

Thanks. We'll all feel better when we get that.

Randall Schulz

At 18:05 2003-02-15, Alec Effrat wrote:
>Just wanted to drop a note... kudos on a great thing for those of us 
>enslaved on a wintendo.

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Re: kudos!

2003-02-17 Thread Carlo Florendo
> At the risk of yet another torrent of sarcasm, I fully concur with Alec.
> ROCKS THE CASBAH!  Warts and all.  Everybody involved should be proud of
> been done here.  In my work alone, you've directly contributed to saving
> numbers of lives (we build heart diagnostic equipment).  Lord knows what
> great things Cygwin is enabling around the world.

This thread is really funny =)  Anyway, many thanks to all you cygwin
engineers for this great job!  Ever since I was introduced to cygwin, I
never left it.Sometimes, posts in this list really get funny when the
same question (or type of question) gets asked again and again.  cgf
reposted them all correctly!
I  never imagine how I'd get things done if I work without cygwin--from
simple grepping to using rxvt, vi, wget and lynx and all those nice linux



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RE: kudos!

2003-02-16 Thread Gary R. Van Sickle
> Gary R. Van Sickle wrote
> >...
> > A-MEN brother Schulz, A-MEN!  Onward and upward!  Every day, and in
> every way,
> > it is getting better and better![1]
> > ...
> > [1] Extra credit for the first person who knows where this sentence
> was stolen
> > from ;-).
> I think it's a corruption of some words by Emile Coue:
>   "Tous les jours a tous points de vue je vais de mieux en mieux."
> (i.e "... I am getting better and better.")
> Another variation ( is getting...) appears in John Lennon's
> Beautiful Boy.

Oh... well... um, no, my source is a bit more mundane.  Shoulda said "where *I*
stole this from": Former Chief Inspector Dreyfuss from "The Pink Panther Strikes
Again", shortly before he tries (HI-LARIOUSLY) to kill Chief Inspector Jacques
Clouseau of the Surété.

Gary R. Van Sickle
Brewer.  Patriot.

Mrs. Leverlilly: You've ruined that piano!
Chief Inspector Jacques Clouseau: What is the price of one piano compared to the
terrible crime that's been committed here?
Mrs. Leverlilly: But that's a priceless Steinway!
Chief Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Not anymore.

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RE: kudos!

2003-02-16 Thread Aaron
On Sat, 15 Feb 2003, Randall R Schulz wrote:

> Gary,
> At 22:17 2003-02-15, Gary R. Van Sickle wrote:
> >You know, I've been 'round these parts for a long time now, and I recall very
> >few instances of the "Cygwin sucks" type of messages you

> Then your memory is faulty. Too much fruit of the brewery? Posts of
> which mine was a caricature are a regular feature. Evidently Chris

Perhaps Gary would have been more accurate if he had said "I recall
relatively few ..."  Really, the complaints are a minority of the posts
on this list, however deeply they stick in the minds of those that care
about such things.

> >At the risk of yet another torrent of sarcasm, I fully concur with
> >Alec. Cygwin ROCKS THE CASBAH!

Me too!

[EMAIL PROTECTED] - general silliness  - serious business

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Re: kudos!

2003-02-16 Thread Gerald Villemure
I would like to add here the fact that a large portion of the user base
of Cygwin is in fact Microsoft users.

One of the problems with the Microsoft user base is that there is a
disproportionate amount of "know it all" type people, the type of people
that will blame everything under the moon for their problems but never
actually look at their own assumptions and quite often, not even read
the related documentation before complaining.

Just wanted to let every body know that in my humble option Cygwin
offers a REAL service to the world community and that for every loud
mouth complainer out their, there is a thousand more people, like me,
that quietly using Cygwin without screaming how good it is all the time.

All this to say that the complains to compliments ratio perceived on
this list is not at all representative of the real world.

For what its worth, I offer my thanks to the cygwin community for I use
cygwin to great benefit all the time. again thank you all.


I n t e r K n o w l e d g e
Gerald Villemure
I am a DO-er, not a TRY-er.  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: kudos!

2003-02-16 Thread Cliff Hones
Gary R. Van Sickle wrote
> A-MEN brother Schulz, A-MEN!  Onward and upward!  Every day, and in every way,
> it is getting better and better![1]
> ...
> [1] Extra credit for the first person who knows where this sentence was stolen
> from ;-).

I think it's a corruption of some words by Emile Coue:
  "Tous les jours a tous points de vue je vais de mieux en mieux."
(i.e "... I am getting better and better.")

Another variation ( is getting...) appears in John Lennon's Beautiful Boy.

-- Cliff

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RE: kudos!

2003-02-15 Thread Gary R. Van Sickle
> Gary,
> At 22:17 2003-02-15, Gary R. Van Sickle wrote:
> >You know, I've been 'round these parts for a long time now, and I recall very
> >few instances of the "Cygwin sucks" type of messages you
> >describe.  Like one guy
> >in fact.  Yeah, I know it's meant in jest, but lordy, learn how to take a
> >compliment guys, sheesh.
> Then your memory is faulty. Too much fruit of the brewery?

Perhaps not enough ;-).  Gotta go with the new "Sam Light" or whatever they call
it though, I'm in training.

> Posts of
> which mine was a caricature are a regular feature. Evidently Chris
> thought so, too. I reviewed a few samples of the genre to get ideas on
> how to compose my own feeble attempt at humor.

"[...] that collectively show that the Cygwin engineers (so-called) know nothing
about security, Unix, Windows, C/C++ or probably even what a Turing machine is."

As I said, I've seen virtually none of this.  Plenty of "hmmm, Solaris does it
different, can somebody change it?" type stuff, very little "You guys are a
bunch of dumbasses" type stuff.  Maybe I'm not reading the right posts though, I
don't know.

> And I take exactly none of the compliment or gratitude as accruing to
> my benefit, so perhaps it was out of line for me to write what I did,
> but it was meant strictly as humor.

Hey, no accusations here.  It just strikes me as extremely odd that a one-line
"great job!" from a newcomer results in pages of sarcasm.  Yeah, I get it (other
than my point above), and it's funny even after the 687th time ;-), but he
won't.  I don't know, it just seems like strange behavior to me, like people
have this anger brewing in them about the list, about, as the great philosopher
Thomas Petty once put it, "silly little things that don't add up to nothin'".

Then again, welcome to cygwin@ ;-)!

> >...
> >
> >At the risk of yet another torrent of sarcasm, I fully concur with
> >Alec. Cygwin ROCKS THE CASBAH!
> I sure hope I haven't given the impression that I feel otherwise. I
> talk Cygwin up a lot outside this forum.

Nononononono.  You help out a lot on the list.  Nobody's thinking you're not a
Cygwin booster.

> >Warts and all.  Everybody involved should be proud of what's been done
> >here.  In my work alone, you've directly contributed to saving untold
> >numbers of lives (we build heart diagnostic equipment).  Lord knows
> >what other great things Cygwin is enabling around the world.
> And the warts themselves become ever fewer and more negligible.

A-MEN brother Schulz, A-MEN!  Onward and upward!  Every day, and in every way,
it is getting better and better![1]

Gary R. Van Sickle
Brewer.  Patriot.

[1] Extra credit for the first person who knows where this sentence was stolen
from ;-).

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RE: kudos!

2003-02-15 Thread Randall R Schulz

At 22:17 2003-02-15, Gary R. Van Sickle wrote:

You know, I've been 'round these parts for a long time now, and I recall very
few instances of the "Cygwin sucks" type of messages you 
describe.  Like one guy
in fact.  Yeah, I know it's meant in jest, but lordy, learn how to take a
compliment guys, sheesh.

Then your memory is faulty. Too much fruit of the brewery? Posts of 
which mine was a caricature are a regular feature. Evidently Chris 
thought so, too. I reviewed a few samples of the genre to get ideas on 
how to compose my own feeble attempt at humor.

And I take exactly none of the compliment or gratitude as accruing to 
my benefit, so perhaps it was out of line for me to write what I did, 
but it was meant strictly as humor.


At the risk of yet another torrent of sarcasm, I fully concur with 

I sure hope I haven't given the impression that I feel otherwise. I 
talk Cygwin up a lot outside this forum.

Warts and all.  Everybody involved should be proud of what's been done 
here.  In my work alone, you've directly contributed to saving untold 
numbers of lives (we build heart diagnostic equipment).  Lord knows 
what other great things Cygwin is enabling around the world.

And the warts themselves become ever fewer and more negligible.

Gary R. Van Sickle
Brewer.  Patriot.

Randall Schulz  

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RE: kudos!

2003-02-15 Thread Gary R. Van Sickle
You know, I've been 'round these parts for a long time now, and I recall very
few instances of the "Cygwin sucks" type of messages you describe.  Like one guy
in fact.  Yeah, I know it's meant in jest, but lordy, learn how to take a
compliment guys, sheesh.

Then again, maybe I just haven't listened to enough Garrison Keillor 

At the risk of yet another torrent of sarcasm, I fully concur with Alec.  Cygwin
ROCKS THE CASBAH!  Warts and all.  Everybody involved should be proud of what's
been done here.  In my work alone, you've directly contributed to saving untold
numbers of lives (we build heart diagnostic equipment).  Lord knows what other
great things Cygwin is enabling around the world.

Gary R. Van Sickle
Brewer.  Patriot.

> Alec,
> There appears to have been an error in the delivery your message. All
> that got through was a simple thank-you and a compliment.
> Apparently lost in the transmission of your message was the part
> following the complimentary thank-you in which you complain about the
> idiotic way in which file permissions are handled, the blatant failure
> of the "login" and "su" commands, the non-standard tty signal handling
> and dozens of other not-too-small defects that collectively show that
> the Cygwin engineers (so-called) know nothing about security, Unix,
> Windows, C/C++ or probably even what a Turing machine is.
> Also missing was the incontrovertible and unambiguous evidence of
> Cygwin's utter shoddiness displayed by your perfectly functional Linux
> software whose compilation under Cygwin causes the seriously
> mis-configured GCC compiler to emit thousands of diagnostics and how
> after you managed to squelch them all, the resulting executable not
> only crashes immediately after being invoked but also causes Cygwin to
> bring your system down with a BSOD.
> Could you resend please? We prefer HTML mail with lots of embedded
> screen shots in BMP format that depict the multifarious defects in
> graphic detail for all the world to see.
> Thanks. We'll all feel better when we get that.
> Randall Schulz
> At 18:05 2003-02-15, Alec Effrat wrote:
> >Just wanted to drop a note... kudos on a great thing for those of us
> >enslaved on a wintendo.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> --
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RE: kudos!

2003-02-15 Thread Gary R. Van Sickle
I think I can turn this into an awk script and get my Cyppy auto-answer system
on line in no time!  Lesse if I remember:

/It's too hard to set up/ { print ASCIICyppy; print FAQSetup; }
/You can't read your man pages/ { print ASCIICyppy; print FAQman; }

It's so crazy it just might work

Gary R. Van Sickle
Brewer.  Patriot.

> On Sat, Feb 15, 2003 at 09:05:29PM -0500, Alec Effrat wrote:
> >Just wanted to drop a note...  kudos on a great thing for those of us
> >enslaved on a wintendo.
> but...?  but...?
> Come on.  It's a great thing, but...
> It's too hard to set up?
> The people are too mean?
> You can't allocate 27G of memory?
> You can't get cron to work?
> You can't look at files over 2G?
> You can't look at your Word docs with it?
> tcl/tk is completely broken?
> You can't read your man pages?
> rsync keeps hanging for you?
> nothing works quite right since B.20?
> You can't get multiwindow mode to work?
> Hey.  That's off-topic.  I'm redirecting myself to the cygwin-xfree
> mailing list.
> cgf
> (Thanks for the kudos)  :-)
> --
> Unsubscribe info:
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> FAQ:

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Re: kudos!

2003-02-15 Thread friedman_hill ernest j
I think Randall R Schulz wrote:
> Alec,
> There appears to have been an error in the delivery your message. All 
> that got through was a simple thank-you and a compliment.

Boy, I can just see poor Alec scratching his head...

Ernest Friedman-Hill  
Distributed Systems ResearchPhone: (925) 294-2154
Sandia National LabsFAX:   (925) 294-2234
Livermore, CA 94550

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Re: kudos!

2003-02-15 Thread Randall R Schulz

There appears to have been an error in the delivery your message. All 
that got through was a simple thank-you and a compliment.

Apparently lost in the transmission of your message was the part 
following the complimentary thank-you in which you complain about the 
idiotic way in which file permissions are handled, the blatant failure 
of the "login" and "su" commands, the non-standard tty signal handling 
and dozens of other not-too-small defects that collectively show that 
the Cygwin engineers (so-called) know nothing about security, Unix, 
Windows, C/C++ or probably even what a Turing machine is.

Also missing was the incontrovertible and unambiguous evidence of 
Cygwin's utter shoddiness displayed by your perfectly functional Linux 
software whose compilation under Cygwin causes the seriously 
mis-configured GCC compiler to emit thousands of diagnostics and how 
after you managed to squelch them all, the resulting executable not 
only crashes immediately after being invoked but also causes Cygwin to 
bring your system down with a BSOD.

Could you resend please? We prefer HTML mail with lots of embedded 
screen shots in BMP format that depict the multifarious defects in 
graphic detail for all the world to see.

Thanks. We'll all feel better when we get that.

Randall Schulz

At 18:05 2003-02-15, Alec Effrat wrote:
Just wanted to drop a note... kudos on a great thing for those of us 
enslaved on a wintendo.


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Re: kudos!

2003-02-15 Thread Christopher Faylor
On Sat, Feb 15, 2003 at 09:05:29PM -0500, Alec Effrat wrote:
>Just wanted to drop a note...  kudos on a great thing for those of us
>enslaved on a wintendo.

but...?  but...?

Come on.  It's a great thing, but...

It's too hard to set up?

The people are too mean?

You can't allocate 27G of memory?

You can't get cron to work?

You can't look at files over 2G?

You can't look at your Word docs with it?

tcl/tk is completely broken?

You can't read your man pages?

rsync keeps hanging for you?

nothing works quite right since B.20?

You can't get multiwindow mode to work?

Hey.  That's off-topic.  I'm redirecting myself to the cygwin-xfree
mailing list.

(Thanks for the kudos)  :-)

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