Re: update just ruby on offline cygwin installation

2014-08-11 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

Just to add a bit beyond what Andrey has already said.

On 08/11/2014 08:03 PM, LMH wrote:

The problem I have is that cygwin has a tendency to remove depreciated
packages when updating. This is an older setup and there are critical
components in the build that are no longer available in more recent
cygwin packages. If I let cygwin just do it's thing, it will break far
more that it will fix. Updating the entire cygwin install would mean
moving to more recent versions of multiple packages and who knows how
much time, effort, and resources would be involved in fixing all of
that. At the moment, the server does exactly what it needs to in its
current configuration, so there is little sense in wading into the
quagmire of updates when there is little or noting to be gained.

Obsolete packages don't disappear all that often really.  Most likely any
package that is obsolete has just been marked as such and doesn't show up in
the list of packages by default.  If you want to see them, just uncheck
the "Hide obsolete packages" control under the list of packages on the
"Select Packages" page of setup*.exe.

There are some post processing steps to what the server does that need a
newer version of ruby. It would be nice to have to post processing done
on the same server, but it is not essential. If I can update ruby
without breaking everything else, than that is worth doing. It is not
worth attempting to update everything just to add the post processing.

Certainly if you're very concerned about making untested changes to a
working server, you either want to work with a duplicated test version
as Andrey said or you want to off-load the post-processing piece to
another machine that's more up-to-date.  The third alternative I can
think of is that you could try to build a recent version of ruby on
your older installation.  If you have all the dependencies that would
be necessary for that, it could allow you to update ruby without
dragging allot of other useful binaries forward as well.  But this is
not without some amount of risk as well.  And I'm sure you understand
that all of this puts you in the realm of needing to support this
installation yourself.  I expect that's not a big deal to you since
it has been working fine for you and you've been doing this already.
So I'm stating the obvious I'm sure. :-)



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> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
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Re: update just ruby on offline cygwin installation

2014-08-11 Thread Andrey Repin
Greetings, LMH!

> The problem I have is that cygwin has a tendency to remove depreciated
> packages when updating. This is an older setup and there are critical
> components in the build that are no longer available in more recent
> cygwin packages.

If this is a "critical setup", then you should have a test environment
replicating your setup, to do any experimentation before deploying changes on
live system.
That's the basics of "critical environment" handling.

> If I let cygwin just do it's thing, it will break far more that it will fix.

Following your logic, we should never upgrade, and use DOS 1.0 on our

> Updating the entire cygwin install would mean moving to more recent versions
> of multiple packages and who knows how much time, effort, and resources
> would be involved in fixing all of that.

Nobody know, unless someone try it.
This list only providing support for current packages.
We'll do our best to help you resolve any issues that might arise from
upgrade, but it's unlikely anyone would see into any issues coming from
obsolete installs.

> At the moment, the server does exactly what it needs to in its
> current configuration, so there is little sense in wading into the
> quagmire of updates when there is little or noting to be gained.

Fail logic. Worse, it's presumptuous. The gain is rather obvious: better
interprocess- and system compatibility.
I.e., for Cygwin itself - lots of fork-related fixes for the past year.
There's also many other packages, which have been fixed/upgraded for similar

To the more technical of your questions: yes, largely.

Andrey Repin ( 12.08.2014, <04:30>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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Re: update just ruby on offline cygwin installation

2014-08-11 Thread LMH
Andrey Repin wrote:
> Greetings, LMH!
>> I am a bit uncertain about what you mean.
>> You said, "grab the current setup.exe"
>> Do you mean download the most recent one, or one from another machine
>> with an internet connection?
> There can be only one definition of "current". The current one.
>> You said, "take both to the machine which you want to update"
>> Which "both"
> The "setup.exe and archive you've downloaded" both.
>> You said, "point setup*.exe at the mirrored packages"
>> What do you mean by "mirrored packages"?
> The same you choose when downloading. The directory with archived
> mirror.
>> I assume that what you need to do is to copy over the install directory
>> from a more up to date installation, meaning the directory with the
>> mirror folders like,
>> and select one of these as the local package directory.
> No. Select the directory containing the mirrors.
>> Is that what you mean? If so, should I use the most recent setup.exe or the
>> one in the existing installation (the one I want to update)?
> See above.
>> How do I make sure that noting other than ruby gets updated?
> As has been said, that's not what you really need to do.
>> I will back up the existing installation first in case I manage to bork
>> the thing.
> By doing a partial upgrade, you're more likely to "bork the thing".
> --
> WBR,
> Andrey Repin ( 12.08.2014, <02:56>
> Sorry for my terrible english...
> --
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Hello Andrey,

The problem I have is that cygwin has a tendency to remove depreciated
packages when updating. This is an older setup and there are critical
components in the build that are no longer available in more recent
cygwin packages. If I let cygwin just do it's thing, it will break far
more that it will fix. Updating the entire cygwin install would mean
moving to more recent versions of multiple packages and who knows how
much time, effort, and resources would be involved in fixing all of
that. At the moment, the server does exactly what it needs to in its
current configuration, so there is little sense in wading into the
quagmire of updates when there is little or noting to be gained.

There are some post processing steps to what the server does that need a
newer version of ruby. It would be nice to have to post processing done
on the same server, but it is not essential. If I can update ruby
without breaking everything else, than that is worth doing. It is not
worth attempting to update everything just to add the post processing.

I apologize for being tiresome and obtuse, I'm sure that can be quite a
bore from your end of things. I still don't seem to get all of this.

There are terms here like "archive" and "mirror", and "archived mirror"
that still evade me. In the cygwin install on this machine (with an
internet connection), I have an install directory with,

1. setup-x86.exe
2. several local package directories

Are these package directories the mirror or archive you are referring
to. I know I can use the package directories to install on another
computer because I have done that. Am I supposed to download an entire
release directory from one of the cygwin mirror sites or can I use one
of the local package directories listed above.

What I did the last time was to create a new cygwin install on this
machine with its own setup.exe and install directory. I had some
problems moving to another machine when the install I was copping has
multiple local packages. I only ever got a partial install doing it that
way. If I created a new install with only one local package, I could
then move the instal directory to a new computer and install there
pointing to a local package. That was for a new install, I have never
done anything comparable to update an existing installation.

Is that more or less what I am supposed to do? This is to update a
server that does not have an internet connection in case I didn't make
that clear.


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Re: update just ruby on offline cygwin installation

2014-08-11 Thread Andrey Repin
Greetings, LMH!

> I am a bit uncertain about what you mean.

> You said, "grab the current setup.exe"

> Do you mean download the most recent one, or one from another machine
> with an internet connection?

There can be only one definition of "current". The current one.

> You said, "take both to the machine which you want to update"

> Which "both"

The "setup.exe and archive you've downloaded" both.

> You said, "point setup*.exe at the mirrored packages"

> What do you mean by "mirrored packages"?

The same you choose when downloading. The directory with archived

> I assume that what you need to do is to copy over the install directory
> from a more up to date installation, meaning the directory with the
> mirror folders like,


> and select one of these as the local package directory.

No. Select the directory containing the mirrors.

> Is that what you mean? If so, should I use the most recent setup.exe or the
> one in the existing installation (the one I want to update)?

See above.

> How do I make sure that noting other than ruby gets updated?

As has been said, that's not what you really need to do.

> I will back up the existing installation first in case I manage to bork
> the thing.

By doing a partial upgrade, you're more likely to "bork the thing".

Andrey Repin ( 12.08.2014, <02:56>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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Re: update just ruby on offline cygwin installation

2014-08-11 Thread LMH
Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
> On 08/07/2014 04:32 PM, LMH wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have cygwin running on a box that does not have an internet
>> connection. I would like to update ruby to 1.9.3p448 to make it
>> compatible with some of my newer scripts. I'm not sure how to do that
>> without updating the entire installation, using a new installer, etc.
>> This is a fairly old install before mintty was the default terminal. It
>> would also be nice to switch to mintty if that is also possible under
>> the same circumstances.
> I don't think anyone here would really recommend the piecemeal updating
> of packages, though nothing prevents you from doing so.  Obviously, the
> more out-of-date your installation is, the more likely you may see some
> issues as a result.  If you're going to do this off-line, the easiest
> thing to do is the brute-force thing - mirror a mirror, grab the current
> setup*.exe, take both to the machine which you want to update, point
> setup*.exe at the mirrored packages, pick the ones you want to update
> and let it do its thing.  Success guaranteed.*
> * YMMV ;-)

Thanks for the information,

I am a bit uncertain about what you mean.

You said, "grab the current setup.exe"

Do you mean download the most recent one, or one from another machine
with an internet connection?

You said, "take both to the machine which you want to update"

Which "both" are you referring to? There is the one from, "grab the
current setup.exe", what setup.exe is the other half of "both", or am I
not getting that quit right?

You said, "point setup*.exe at the mirrored packages"

What do you mean by "mirrored packages"?

I assume that what you need to do is to copy over the install directory
from a more up to date installation, meaning the directory with the
mirror folders like,

and select one of these as the local package directory. Is that what you
mean? If so, should I use the most recent setup.exe or the one in the
existing installation (the one I want to update)?

How do I make sure that noting other than ruby gets updated?

I will back up the existing installation first in case I manage to bork
the thing.


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Re: update just ruby on offline cygwin installation

2014-08-07 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 08/07/2014 04:32 PM, LMH wrote:


I have cygwin running on a box that does not have an internet
connection. I would like to update ruby to 1.9.3p448 to make it
compatible with some of my newer scripts. I'm not sure how to do that
without updating the entire installation, using a new installer, etc.

This is a fairly old install before mintty was the default terminal. It
would also be nice to switch to mintty if that is also possible under
the same circumstances.

I don't think anyone here would really recommend the piecemeal updating
of packages, though nothing prevents you from doing so.  Obviously, the
more out-of-date your installation is, the more likely you may see some
issues as a result.  If you're going to do this off-line, the easiest
thing to do is the brute-force thing - mirror a mirror, grab the current
setup*.exe, take both to the machine which you want to update, point
setup*.exe at the mirrored packages, pick the ones you want to update
and let it do its thing.  Success guaranteed.*

* YMMV ;-)



A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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