I've got a freshly-updated cygwin distribution, using sigunix.crwu.edu's mirror.

For reasons I can't understand, ps2pdf silently produces no output.  For 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/my-documents/pedigree
$ ls  
CVS       prop.bib  prop.log  prop.tex
prop.aux  prop.dvi  prop.ps   prop.tex.~

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/my-documents/pedigree
$ ps2pdf prop.ps prop.pdf

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/my-documents/pedigree
$ ls
CVS       prop.bib  prop.log  prop.tex
prop.aux  prop.dvi  prop.ps   prop.tex.~

I've tried reinstalling the three ghostscript packages, to no avail.  strace 
cannot seem to start the process, again for reasons I don't understand.  Any 
advice about where to start looking?


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