I have uploaded mintty 3.6.5 with the following changes:

Pathname handling
  * Fix file link detection (#1208), tweak URL detection (#1209).
  * Restore opening of Windows path names (#1219; broken since 2.8.1).

Terminal features
  * Fix setup of initial status line if monitor DPI is 96.
  * ESC/Enter restore alphanumeric keyboard input mode while IME is active (#1223).
  * OSC 50 query response is "?" after font setting failed.
  * Fix DECRQCRA Rectangular Checksum attribute handling.
  * Added DECSACE to DECRQSS (xterm 383).
  * Indicate keyboard layout code in status line.
  * Fix image display (iTerm2 protocol) in "Sixel display mode".
  * New DECSET 7780 "Image display mode" to keep cursor position on image output (#1228).
  * New parameter doNotMoveCursor for iTerm2-style image output (#1228).

Window handling
  * Revamp window operations, esp max/fullscreen, to not raise to foreground.
  * Group taskbar icons by setting -o Class (#1207).
  * Handling transparency in tab sets (#1152, #1069, ~#1128).
  * Workaround against dropping fullscreen on DPI change (#1226).
  * Preserve "normal position" (unzoomed) during screen changes (~#1226).

  * New user-definable function compose (#1211).
  * New option setting ComposeKey=capslock (#1211).
  * New option ConfirmReset to guard confirm dialog on interactive reset (#1173).
  * Support changed Drag-and-drop format for some theme file downloads.
  * New option KeyAlphaMode (#1223).
  * New option -Rw to report the Windows window id.
  * New option StatusDebug to include debug information in the status line.

The homepage is at http://mintty.github.io/
It also links to the issue tracker.


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