I would like to package and maintain orpie for Cygwin.  orpie is a
fullscreen RPN calculator for the console.  Its operation is similar to
that of modern HP calculators, but data entry has been optimized for
efficiency on a PC keyboard.  Features include extensive scientific
calculator functionality, command completion, and a visible interactive

orpie is written in OCaml.  It is currently available in Debian stable:

Home page:  http://www.eecs.umich.edu/~pelzlpj/orpie/
License:  GPL

sdesc: "Fullscreen RPN calculator for the console"
ldesc: "Orpie is a fullscreen RPN calculator for the console.  Its
operation is similar
to that of modern HP calculators, but data entry has been optimized for
efficiency on a PC keyboard.  Features include extensive scientific
functionality, command completion, and a visible interactive stack."
category: Math
requires: cygwin

Package URLs are below; please upload.  Thanks, Andrew.


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