[ITP] git-crypt 0.6.0

2019-08-08 Thread Nick Nauwelaerts

git-crypt is a git plugin that transparently handles encryption/decryption of 
files in combination with git. i've used it on and off again when i need to 
place sensitive info on a location that could be public (or as most ppl seem to 
use it: to save dotfiles on github without all your private stuff being world 
readable). i've been using it sporadicly in cygwin for 2 months as well without 
any issues.

as such i made a cygport of it, but i'm not quite clear on how the process 
works to submit it.

cygport file & patches are here: https://github.com/inphobia/git-crypt.cygport

cygport file was written by me, windows patches came from the issue tracker, a 
link to the original patch is included as a comment in each patch file.

it completes all cygport steps (compile, package, etc, ...) just fine and the 
resulting package seems to be compliant.

major distro references as requested for new packages:

license: gpl v3

tested on windows 10 x64 - 1903, cygwin 3.0.7

// nick

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Re: git repositories for cygwin packaging - please test

2019-08-08 Thread Ken Brown
On 8/8/2019 10:04 AM, Andrew Schulman via cygwin-apps wrote:
>> While a number of maintainers keep their cygwin packaging under some
>> sort of version control, there is currently no central collection of
>> these repositories.
>> To remedy this lack, using the same ssh key you use for sftp package
>> upload, package maintainers can now also push to git repositories, like so:
>> git push cyg...@cygwin.com:/git/cygwin-packages/
>> where  is a package name you are listed as a maintainer for
>> in http://cygwin.com/cygwin-pkg-maint.
>> These repositories are lazily created on the first push.
> In my testing, git push hangs on the first push, after "Initialized empty
> git repositories". After I interrupt, it finishes normally. Maybe a
> misconfiguration on my end.

I'm seeing something like this too now, though I didn't when I first tested.  
my case it doesn't finish normally after the interrupt; I have to do a second 
git push, which then works.


Re: git repositories for cygwin packaging - please test

2019-08-08 Thread Andrew Schulman via cygwin-apps
> While a number of maintainers keep their cygwin packaging under some 
> sort of version control, there is currently no central collection of 
> these repositories.
> To remedy this lack, using the same ssh key you use for sftp package 
> upload, package maintainers can now also push to git repositories, like so:
> git push cyg...@cygwin.com:/git/cygwin-packages/
> where  is a package name you are listed as a maintainer for 
> in http://cygwin.com/cygwin-pkg-maint.
> These repositories are lazily created on the first push.

In my testing, git push hangs on the first push, after "Initialized empty
git repositories". After I interrupt, it finishes normally. Maybe a
misconfiguration on my end.

~/d/c/fish> git push --set-upstream origin master
Initialized empty Git repository in
# Insert Ctrl-C here
Counting objects: 92, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (75/75), done.
Writing objects: 100% (92/92), 14.87 KiB | 249.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 92 (delta 33), reused 0 (delta 0)
To cygwin.com:/git/cygwin-packages/fish
 * [new branch]  master -> master
Branch 'master' set up to track remote branch 'master' from 'origin'.

Re: git repositories for cygwin packaging - please test

2019-08-08 Thread Andrew Schulman via cygwin-apps
> While a number of maintainers keep their cygwin packaging under some 
> sort of version control, there is currently no central collection of 
> these repositories.
> To remedy this lack, using the same ssh key you use for sftp package 
> upload, package maintainers can now also push to git repositories, like so:
> git push cyg...@cygwin.com:/git/cygwin-packages/
> where  is a package name you are listed as a maintainer for 
> in http://cygwin.com/cygwin-pkg-maint.

Nice work, thanks. And, a big step towards an automated package build
server! Gold star! https://cygwin.com/goldstars/#Jty