The postinstall script links all *.ttf fonts in 
$(cygpath -W)/Fonts that contain “Microsoft Corp” into 
/usr/share/fonts/microsoft.  This script creates broken links when such a font 
contains a space in its filename, as happens with SketchFlow\ Print.ttf on my 

This error happens silently, but on the next run of setup.exe, you get a 
postinstall script error resulting from Cygwin’s refusal to chase an infinite 
link from Print.ttf to Print.ttf.  You also get a broken link to SketchFlow, 
but since it is not a tail-chaser, it doesn’t trigger the error.

The trivial fix for this is left as an exercise to the packager. :)

Incidentally, that font has a web page:

Kind of an interesting read.

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