success with icewm 1.2.6 on Win2k

2003-03-06 Thread David Turland

This may be old news but I searched the cygwin-xfree
archives and found nothing...

Anyway, I have just successfully built and installed
IceWM 1.2.6 on Win2K.

Surprisingly painless which is why I assume its old
news :)

However the page
still talks of icewm 1.0.9-2.

I can post the steps I went through if its of any


David Turland

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Problem with fresh install

2003-03-06 Thread Joe Fair
 I am a cygwin newbie, but I've used some other
 My problem is that when I start up startxwin.bat,
the window opens with a checkered backgroud but
nothing else happens.
 When I set my display to localhost:0.0 and start
xterm or twm from the command line, I get a
segmentation fault.
 I am installing a new version on my W2K box.  I
did briefly have OpenSSH and Cygwin installed at the
same time, but I have removed all OpenSSH software,
and searched for extra versions of the dll.  There is
only one.
 The registry has all my mounts set to 2, which I
believe is the binary value.  I have removed all
cygwin entries from the registry before the latest

Here is the /tmp/XWinrl.log:

OsVendorInit - Creating bogus screen 0
winInitializeDefaultScreens - w 1024 h 768
winInitializeDefaultScreens - Returning
(EE) Unable to locate/open config file
InitOutput - Error reading config file
winDetectSupportedEngines - Windows NT/2000/XP
winDetectSupportedEngines - DirectDraw installed
winDetectSupportedEngines - Allowing PrimaryDD
winDetectSupportedEngines - DirectDraw4 installed
winDetectSupportedEngines - Returning, supported
engines 001f
InitOutput - g_iNumScreens: 1 iMaxConsecutiveScreen: 1
winSetEngine - Using Shadow DirectDraw NonLocking
winAdjustVideoModeShadowDDNL - Using Windows display
depth of 24 bits per pixel
winCreateBoundingWindowWindowed - User w: 1024 h: 768
winCreateBoundingWindowWindowed - Current w: 1024 h:
winAdjustForAutoHide - Original WorkArea: 0 0 740 1024
winAdjustForAutoHide - Adjusted WorkArea: 0 0 740 1024
winCreateBoundingWindowWindowed - WindowClient w 1018
h 715 r 1018 l 0 b 715 t 0

winCreateBoundingWindowWindowed -  Returning
winCreatePrimarySurfaceShadowDDNL - Creating primary
winCreatePrimarySurfaceShadowDDNL - Created primary
winCreatePrimarySurfaceShadowDDNL - Attached clipper
to primary surface
winAllocateFBShadowDDNL - lPitch: 4072
winAllocateFBShadowDDNL - Created shadow pitch: 4072
winAllocateFBShadowDDNL - Created shadow stride: 1357
winFinishScreenInitFB - Masks: 00ff ff00
winInitVisualsShadowDDNL - Masks 00ff ff00
00ff BPRGB 8 d 24 bpp 24
winCreateDefColormap - Deferring to
fbCreateDefColormap ()
winFinishScreenInitFB - returning
winScreenInit - returning
InitOutput - Returning.
(EE) No primary keyboard configured
(==) Using compiletime defaults for keyboard
Rules = xfree86 Model = pc101 Layout = us
Variant = (null) Options = (n
Could not init font path element
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/, removing from
Could not init font path element
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/, removing from
Could not init font path element
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/, removing from
winBlockHandler - Releasing pmServerStarted
winBlockHandler - pthread_mutex_unlock () returned

Also, when I just try to start twm, this file is
$ cat twm.exe.stackdump
Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=00897EE8
eax=00241520 ebx= ecx=0022FA00 edx=0016
esi=00280588 edi=
ebp=0022FAB0 esp=0022FA28
cs=001B ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0038 gs= ss=0023
Stack trace:
Frame Function  Args
0022FAB0  00897EE8  (0244, 0022FADC, 0001,
0022FB40  6102D6E3  (615E094C, 0022FB58, ,
0022FB80  6102D25F  (615E094C, 0022FC70, 0001,
0022FBF0  6107B81F  (0003, 0022FC70, 0001,
0022FC10  004C11DD  (10036578, 0022FC70, 0001,
0022FC40  004C1F49  (10036578, 0022FC70, 0001,
0022FCA0  00484382  (10036A38, 0022FD90, ,
0022FDA0  00492D27  (, 0022FDEC, ,
0022FDE0  00420007  (10035AD8, , 00409ED8,
0022FEC0  0040A421  (0001, 615E1EC4, 10030328,
0022FF10  610073E8  (610C39E8, FFFE, 002C,
0022FF60  610076CD  (, , 81226430,
0022FF90  0045350F  (0040A0E0, , 80430C77,
0022FFC0  0040103D  (73007265, 6C006873, 7FFDF000,
0022FFF0  77E992A6  (00401000, , 00C8,
End of stack trace

Can you suggest some ideas?

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Application Problem: InsightII

2003-03-06 Thread Uli Horn

I have an molecular modelling application developed by Accelrys called
insightII which runs on an SGI.

I would like to view it remotely on a PC using the X Windows System.  I have
tested it using eXceed 3D (MS Windows remote X Windows package) and it seems
to function properly but when I use either cygwin or Redhat Linux it gives
me an error Couldn't get initial visual in app_init_display where
app_init_display is an application function.

From what I can see it uses Opengl and the glx libraries but the application
might also require Motif.

My questions are:
1. If the XFree86 module is loaded does this mean that glx is also loaded?
2. Is the Motif environment emulated?
3. What are the strategies to get to the nub of the problem?


Re: Application Problem: InsightII

2003-03-06 Thread Sylvain Petreolle
if it needs Motif, try to use lesstif (available with the cygwin
 From what I can see it uses Opengl and the glx libraries but the
 might also require Motif.
 My questions are:
 1. If the XFree86 module is loaded does this mean that glx is also
 2. Is the Motif environment emulated?
 3. What are the strategies to get to the nub of the problem?

Sylvain Petreolle
Fight Spam ! EuroCauce:
ICQ #170597259

Don't think you are. Know you are. Morpheus, in Matrix.

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Re: 4.2.0-26 multiwindow bug: closing apps causes repeated keystrokes

2003-03-06 Thread Igor Pechtchanski
On Thu, 6 Mar 2003, Pablo Halpern wrote:

 P.P.S. Is there some way other than running cygwin setup that I can
 determine the version of my XWin.exe program?

cygcheck -c | grep XFree
This will only determine the version of the XFree package, not the
XWin.exe program (though they are related), but it's the same info you
would get from setup, in any case.
  |\  _,,,---,,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'   Igor Pechtchanski
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Oh, boy, virtual memory! Now I'm gonna make myself a really *big* RAMdisk!
  -- /usr/games/fortune

XWin.exe version information

2003-03-06 Thread Pablo Halpern
At 11:54 AM 3/6/2003 -0500, you wrote:
On Thu, 6 Mar 2003, Pablo Halpern wrote:

 P.P.S. Is there some way other than running cygwin setup that I can
 determine the version of my XWin.exe program?
cygcheck -c | grep XFree
This will only determine the version of the XFree package, not the
XWin.exe program (though they are related), but it's the same info you
would get from setup, in any case.
Thanks. I assume its the XFree86-xserv line that I'm most interested in? 
(No need to reply unless I'm wrong.)

- Pablo

Pablo Halpern   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Halpern-Wight Software, Inc.

compiling Motif (Lesstif) program

2003-03-06 Thread Klaus . Moschner

I just try learning X and Motif.
I have a very simple program:

#include X11/Intrinsic.h
#include Xm/Xm.h
#include Xm/Label.h

main(int argc, char *argv[])
  Widget toplevel, msg;
  Arg al[10];
  int ac;

and try to compile it using:
gcc -o simple simple.c -I /usr/X11R6/include/ -L /usr/X11R6/lib/ -lXm -lXt

the result is this:
/usr/X11R6/lib//libXt.a(Shell.o)(.text+0x3536):Shell.c: undefined reference
to `_SmcCloseConnection'
/usr/X11R6/lib//libXt.a(Shell.o)(.text+0x3617):Shell.c: undefined reference
to `_SmcModifyCallbacks'
/usr/X11R6/lib//libXt.a(Shell.o)(.text+0x3626):Shell.c: undefined reference
to `_SmcClientID'
/usr/X11R6/lib//libXt.a(Shell.o)(.text+0x3686):Shell.c: undefined reference
to `_SmcOpenConnection'
/usr/X11R6/lib//libXt.a(Shell.o)(.text+0x37b6):Shell.c: undefined reference
to `_SmcGetIceConnection'
/usr/X11R6/lib//libXt.a(Shell.o)(.text+0x37cd):Shell.c: undefined reference
to `_IceConnectionNumber'
/usr/X11R6/lib//libXt.a(Shell.o)(.text+0x3d51):Shell.c: undefined reference
to `_SmcSetProperties'
/usr/X11R6/lib//libXt.a(Shell.o)(.text+0x3de4):Shell.c: undefined reference
to `_SmcSetProperties'
/usr/X11R6/lib//libXt.a(Shell.o)(.text+0x3e4d):Shell.c: undefined reference
to `_SmcDeleteProperties'
/usr/X11R6/lib//libXt.a(Shell.o)(.text+0x3e7c):Shell.c: undefined reference
to `_SmcGetIceConnection'
/usr/X11R6/lib//libXt.a(Shell.o)(.text+0x3e85):Shell.c: undefined reference
to `_IceProcessMessages'
/usr/X11R6/lib//libXt.a(Shell.o)(.text+0x3f26):Shell.c: undefined reference
to `_SmcSaveYourselfDone'
/usr/X11R6/lib//libXt.a(Shell.o)(.text+0x408a):Shell.c: undefined reference
to `_SmcInteractDone'
/usr/X11R6/lib//libXt.a(Shell.o)(.text+0x41ab):Shell.c: undefined reference
to `_SmcSaveYourselfDone'
/usr/X11R6/lib//libXt.a(Shell.o)(.text+0x43f1):Shell.c: undefined reference
to `_SmcInteractRequest'
/usr/X11R6/lib//libXt.a(Shell.o)(.text+0x448e):Shell.c: undefined reference
to `_SmcInteractDone'
/usr/X11R6/lib//libXt.a(Shell.o)(.text+0x44da):Shell.c: undefined reference
to `_SmcRequestSaveYourselfPhase2'
/usr/X11R6/lib//libXt.a(Shell.o)(.text+0x4501):Shell.c: undefined reference
to `_SmcSaveYourselfDone'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

I assume I must have forgotten something basic. It would be great, if you
could point me to a good source on the Internet or give me a hint.

When executing cygcheck -l I see that lesstif is installed.
gcc is 3.2-3


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Re: Application Problem: InsightII

2003-03-06 Thread Andrew Markebo

| My questions are:
| 1. If the XFree86 module is loaded does this mean that glx is also
| loaded?

If my memory don't fail me, the glx-module or whatever is not ported
to cygwin.. yet.. It can be found in some X-servers on the linux-end,
most often distributed by those who made the graphics card.

| 2. Is the Motif environment emulated?

Nope, it is the application end (the x-client end) that does the
motifing. Nothing needed at the server.

| 3. What are the strategies to get to the nub of the problem?

You implement the glx module on cygwin?? :-) Basically the people who
knows what to do about this is probably working on other stuff they
think are more important, getting X working :-)


p.s. probably good news for you, I am not 110% sure of this, but I
think I have the nose in the correct direction.. :-)

 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: XWin hangs when accessing font server

2003-03-06 Thread Cary Jamison
Alexander Gottwald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in
message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 Martin Buck wrote:
  xset fp+ tcp/fonts:7100
  As soon as the xset commands runs, XWin locks up and consumes 100% 
  CPU time. The same happens if I don't use XDMCP and only start XWin 
  and a single xterm in which I type the xset command.
 This was already reported by other users. But until now, no one had 
 the time to solve this problem. Maybe you can step in here.

Also note that pointing to a font server on the Xwin command line when
starting it works.  The bug is in trying to add a font path later with

(disclaimer - as I've seen reported here, I don't actually use a font


Re: compiling Motif (Lesstif) program

2003-03-06 Thread Andrew Markebo
| Hi,
| I just try learning X and Motif.
| I have a very simple program:
| ---snip---
[... my snip ...]
| ---snip---
| and try to compile it using:
| gcc -o simple simple.c -I /usr/X11R6/include/ -L /usr/X11R6/lib/ -lXm -lXt
| -lX11

Could it be a missing -lSM before -lX11?


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: Running GIMP under Cygwin (not Win32!)??

2003-03-06 Thread Rui-Tao Dong

1.2.1 compiles more or less out of the box and runs fine w/ most of
the plugins.  However, it is very very slow.  My 200MHz PPro Linux box
w/256MB memory and a remote display runs much snappier than the 2GHz
P4 W2k box w/1GMB Memory running CYGWIN_NT-5.0 1.3.12 with local XFree.


Rui-Tao DongTrestle Corp.
(949) 673-1907 x116 151 Shipyard Way
(949) 673-1058(Fax) Newport Beach, CA  92663

 chris == Chris Olive [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 chris I posted this question to the cygwin mailing list last week,
 chris and someone on that list referred me here and said he
 chris cross-posted for me.  I didn't hear anything from his
 chris cross-post, so I'm trying again...

 chris It would seem it's at least possible to run The GIMP under
 chris Cygwin/XFree.  Try as I might, I can't get it to work.
 chris Specifically, I can't get some of the necessary pre-requeistes
 chris to configure and make properly (glib, GTK+, etc.)  Has ANYONE
 chris gotten GIMP to work under Cygwin, and if so, specifically what
 chris steps did you take to get it to work?  I've done a lot of
 chris research on this before asking the question, and there is bare
 chris mention of this on the web -- I see NO WHERE where anyone
 chris claims that this works.  Essentially, there is no SOLID
 chris information ANYWHERE on getting this to work.

 chris I am interested only in running GIMP under Cygwin/XFree -- I
 chris am NOT interested the Win32 version of GIMP!  Any help would
 chris be GREATLY appreciated.

 chris Thanks, Chris - Chris Olive chris[at]technologEase[dot]com

Re: xwinclip not working with xdm

2003-03-06 Thread J S
Does anyone else here use xdm? Could you test this out and let me know if 
your xwinclip works on it?



Nope, never seen that before.

J S wrote:

When I run xdm to an AIX box (either with -clipboard or xwinclip 
standalone) I'm unable to select text to copy. The highlight won't stick 
after selecting the text, but it copy parts of the text.

However on Solaris, I can select the text, but this doesn't get copied to 
the clipboard.

Here's the command I tried:

xwin -ac -query aix334 -from win123 -clipboard

Does anyone else get this problem? I'm using the XWin Test version 78.



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SSH X forwarding not working

2003-03-06 Thread Chris Horn
Greetings.  I've looked over the mailing list, but haven't been able to 
find out why using

ssh -X remote-host

wouldn't actually let you run X apps on the distant machine (to display 
locally).  I'm using the absolute latest and greatest Cygwin XFree86 
(fetched yesterday).

Any help would be much appreciated.

NOTE: I use startx (I have also tried using xinit) and have added 'export 
DISPLAY=localhost:0.0' to my .xinitrc.

Thanks in advance.
703.413.1100 x5100

Re: SSH X forwarding not working

2003-03-06 Thread Anton Vaaranmaa
Viestissä Torstai 6. Maaliskuuta 2003 23:04, Chris Horn kirjoitti:

 Greetings.  I've looked over the mailing list, but haven't been able to
 find out why using

 ssh -X remote-host

Have you configured the remote end to accept X forwarding in 


Re: SSH X forwarding not working

2003-03-06 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Chris Horn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Greetings.  I've looked over the mailing list, but haven't been able
| to find out why using
| ssh -X remote-host

Try to throw on one or two -v's to check what ssh thinks.

From where do you do ssh -X remote-host, and what is the value of the
variable $DISPLAY at the prompt before ssh, and the prompt at the
other end when the ssh is connected.

What does the apps say in the other end when you try to start them?


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: SSH X forwarding not working

2003-03-06 Thread Chris Horn
At the other end, /etc/ssh/sshd_config now has the line X11Forwarding yes

Still no go.

When I connect, the DISPLAY value on the remote box appears null.
When I'm local, it's localhost:0.0
The error I receive when trying to run apps is Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open 

When I used xhost and set DISPLAY manually, things work:

1. xhost +remote_host
2. on remote box set DISPLAY to local_host:0.0
3. run app, and it appears like it should!
Also, does anyone know how to cut and paste:
1. Within X (do I have to run XWin with -emulate3buttons?), and
2. between X and Windows?
Merci beaucoup.
At 04:02 PM Thursday 3/6/2003, you wrote:
viestissä torstai 6. maaliskuuta 2003 23:04, chris horn kirjoitti:

 greetings.  i've looked over the mailing list, but haven't been able to
 find out why using
 ssh -x remote-host

have you configured the remote end to accept x forwarding in

703.413.1100 x5100

Re: xwinclip not working with xdm

2003-03-06 Thread Alexander Gottwald
J S wrote:

 Does anyone else here use xdm? Could you test this out and let me know if 
 your xwinclip works on it?

I'm using XWin with wdm. I don't need winclip very often so I only start
it when I really need it. I've seen no problems (beside that the selection
immediatly disappears after I released the mousebutton)


NP: VNV Nation - Airships
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 126018723

Re: SSH X forwarding not working

2003-03-06 Thread Harold L Hunt II

Okay, so you had X11Forwarding disabled before.  What have you done to 
make sshd re-read its configuration file?  Specifically restarted sshd? 
 Restarted the entire machine?  What?  I suspect that sshd happily 
thinks that X11Forwarding is still disabled.


Chris Horn wrote:
At the other end, /etc/ssh/sshd_config now has the line X11Forwarding yes

Still no go.

When I connect, the DISPLAY value on the remote box appears null.
When I'm local, it's localhost:0.0
The error I receive when trying to run apps is Gtk-WARNING **: cannot 
open display:

When I used xhost and set DISPLAY manually, things work:

1. xhost +remote_host
2. on remote box set DISPLAY to local_host:0.0
3. run app, and it appears like it should!
Also, does anyone know how to cut and paste:
1. Within X (do I have to run XWin with -emulate3buttons?), and
2. between X and Windows?
Merci beaucoup.
At 04:02 PM Thursday 3/6/2003, you wrote:

viestissä torstai 6. maaliskuuta 2003 23:04, chris horn kirjoitti:

 greetings.  i've looked over the mailing list, but haven't been able to
 find out why using
 ssh -x remote-host

have you configured the remote end to accept x forwarding in

703.413.1100 x5100

Re: SSH X forwarding not working

2003-03-06 Thread Andrew Markebo
Hmm looked through the mail again and saw:

|  ssh -x remote-host

Have you tried ssh -X, capital X, using small x disables ssh


/ Chris Horn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| At the other end, /etc/ssh/sshd_config now has the line X11Forwarding yes
| Still no go.
| When I connect, the DISPLAY value on the remote box appears null.
| When I'm local, it's localhost:0.0

And this local, it is from the prompt you do ssh from? 

| When I used xhost and set DISPLAY manually, things work:

just a note, you are aware that the X traffic goes unencrypted when
doing it this way (setting DISPLAY to host_done_ssh_from)? 

| 2. on remote box set DISPLAY to local_host:0.0

Assuming local_host here is host_done_ssh_from?

| Also, does anyone know how to cut and paste:
|  1. Within X (do I have to run XWin with -emulate3buttons?), and

If you have a threebutton mouse like microsoft with scrollball, you
probably can use the third button.. (like me)

|  2. between X and Windows?

There are work being done on this, check the mailinglist. xwinclip is
the keyword I think.


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: SSH X forwarding not working

2003-03-06 Thread Chris Horn
I had restarted sshd.

At 04:45 PM Thursday 3/6/2003, you wrote:

Okay, so you had X11Forwarding disabled before.  What have you done to 
make sshd re-read its configuration file?  Specifically restarted 
sshd?  Restarted the entire machine?  What?  I suspect that sshd happily 
thinks that X11Forwarding is still disabled.


Chris Horn wrote:
At the other end, /etc/ssh/sshd_config now has the line X11Forwarding yes
Still no go.
When I connect, the DISPLAY value on the remote box appears null.
When I'm local, it's localhost:0.0
The error I receive when trying to run apps is Gtk-WARNING **: cannot 
open display:
When I used xhost and set DISPLAY manually, things work:
1. xhost +remote_host
2. on remote box set DISPLAY to local_host:0.0
3. run app, and it appears like it should!
Also, does anyone know how to cut and paste:
1. Within X (do I have to run XWin with -emulate3buttons?), and
2. between X and Windows?

Merci beaucoup.
At 04:02 PM Thursday 3/6/2003, you wrote:
viestissä torstai 6. maaliskuuta 2003 23:04, chris horn kirjoitti:

 greetings.  i've looked over the mailing list, but haven't been able to
 find out why using
 ssh -x remote-host

have you configured the remote end to accept x forwarding in
703.413.1100 x5100

703.413.1100 x5100

Re: xwinclip not working with xdm

2003-03-06 Thread J S

J S wrote:

 Does anyone else here use xdm? Could you test this out and let me know 
 your xwinclip works on it?

I'm using XWin with wdm. I don't need winclip very often so I only start
it when I really need it. I've seen no problems (beside that the selection
immediatly disappears after I released the mousebutton)
Thanks Alex. That's the same problem I'm having. Can't select the text to 
I have some customers who use xdm to run their application but I'm not sure 
what to do now because they need to cut and paste with it.


Stay in touch with absent friends - get MSN Messenger

Re: SSH X forwarding not working

2003-03-06 Thread Chris Horn
At 04:50 PM Thursday 3/6/2003, you wrote:
Hmm looked through the mail again and saw:

|  ssh -x remote-host

Have you tried ssh -X, capital X, using small x disables ssh
Sorry, sloppy typing.  I've been using -X, the text in this email was a typo.


/ Chris Horn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| At the other end, /etc/ssh/sshd_config now has the line X11Forwarding yes
| Still no go.
| When I connect, the DISPLAY value on the remote box appears null.
| When I'm local, it's localhost:0.0
And this local, it is from the prompt you do ssh from?
Yeah.  When I'm in Cygwin XFree86 on my local machine in an xterm, I've 
been typing 'echo $DISPLAY' to see what it's set to.

| When I used xhost and set DISPLAY manually, things work:

just a note, you are aware that the X traffic goes unencrypted when
doing it this way (setting DISPLAY to host_done_ssh_from)?
Yes.  Which is why I want to get SSH's X forwarding working already!

| 2. on remote box set DISPLAY to local_host:0.0

Assuming local_host here is host_done_ssh_from?
Yeah.  I was on the remote machine (through a SSH session) and set DISPLAY 
to be the display of the machine I'm sitting at - which I've been calling 
local (because it's right in front of me).

Sorry, I guess I could've been clearer.

| Also, does anyone know how to cut and paste:
|  1. Within X (do I have to run XWin with -emulate3buttons?), and
If you have a threebutton mouse like microsoft with scrollball, you
probably can use the third button.. (like me)
Huh.  I think the problem is that I have the middle mouse button (the 
scrollwheel) set to double-click in Windows and that behavior is overriding 
what it would normally do in X - namely paste!

I exclusively run Linux on my personal machine at home, so not having paste 
is *really* frustrating!

|  2. between X and Windows?

There are work being done on this, check the mailinglist. xwinclip is
the keyword I think.
I'll check it out; thanks.

703.413.1100 x5100

another thing

2003-03-06 Thread Chris Horn
Seeing as I don't have that clip thing, here's some paraphrased debug messages:

Warning: No xauth data; using fake auth data for X11 forwarding
debug1: Requesting X11 fwd w/ auth spoofing
debug1: channel request 0: x11-req
debug1: Remote: No xauth program; cannot forward with spoofing.
Does that mean that I need to install X (or at least xauth) on the remote 

Thanks for all the help so far.
703.413.1100 x5100

XDM to linux box questions

2003-03-06 Thread Andrew Sarangan

I am using cygwin/XFree86 on a Win2k computer to
communicate with my linux box (Slackware version). I
successfully configured both systems so that I was
able to log in via XDM into my linux box.

However, recently this has stopped working. My XDM
queries now go unanswered. I suspect that this has to
do with some Windows security updates that I had

The xdm logs in my linux box shows the following:
xdm error (pid 2339): server open failed for, giving up
xdm error (pid 81): Display cannot be opened
xdm error (pid 81): Display is being disabled

It sounds like the problem is in my Win2k machine. I
am not a Win2k expert, so I don't know where to look
for clues. Suggestions are appreciated.


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4.2.0-26 multiwindow bug: closing apps causes repeated keystrokes

2003-03-06 Thread Pablo Halpern
I've been using -multiwindow -clipboard for a few weeks now.  I LOVE 
IT!  Cygwin/Xfree86 is almost as good as Exceed now.  Despite being 
experimental I've found both features to be fairly stable. Kudos to the 

I want to report a reproducible problem when using the keyboard to close an 
X application in multiwindow mode. The last keystroke sent to my closed 
application is repeated over and over in every other X application 
currently opened. This continues in each window until I give the window 
focus and press another key.

To reproduce (This happens with XWin.exe version 4.2.0-26 on Windows 2000 SP2):

1. Run XWin.exe -multiwindow

2. Start an xterm

3. Cover the xterm with another, non-X window (this step is not always 
necessary, but the bug is more reliably reproduced by doing this).

4. Start a second xterm.

5. Type exit followed by return into the second xterm. Its window will close.

6. Bring the first xterm to the front and give it focus.  The shell will 
act as though someone is pressing and holding the return key.

7. Press the space bar. The repeating returns will stop.

I've tried this with xterm and emacs, in every combination. If you use ^D 
to exit the xterm instead of exit, then the ^D is sent to the other 
windows, causing the other xterms to exit.  If you exit emacs with C-X C-C, 
then the ^C is sent to the other X applications. If there is more than one 
other app running, they all seem to get the repeated key. If you start 
another app before handling the errant key, then the new app will also get 
the repeated key event.

I've seen references in the mailing list archive of shells coming up acting 
as if the return key were pressed. This is probably the same bug.

This does not happen in non-multiwindow mode.
This happens whether or not -clipboard is used.
P.S. Please Cc: me on any responses. I don't usually read the cygwin-xfree 
mailing list (although I do read the cygwin-xfree-announce list).

P.P.S. Is there some way other than running cygwin setup that I can 
determine the version of my XWin.exe program?

- Pablo

Pablo Halpern   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Halpern-Wight Software, Inc.