Re: Missing file in two new X packages

2004-09-14 Thread Alexander Gottwald
On Mon, 13 Sep 2004, Bram Kivenko wrote:

 Ross Boulet wrote:
  I ran an update on my Cygwin installation today.  I make a
  habit of running a 'cygcheck -cv' after every update.  When
  I did this today, I saw 'Incomplete' on two packages.  I
  tried reinstalling these two from two different mirrors but
  kept getting the same result.

These files are removed by mkfontscale. The new font-update script 
is mising the line to generate them. I'm not sure if they are really

I'm updating the script but I want to know if the encodings.dir files
are really required. 
 I noticed this.  I assume that's why my xfontsel stopped working suddenly.

please try:

mkfontscale -n -e /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/encodings \
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi \
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi \
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc \
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF \

does this help to start xfontsel again?

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 126018723

Re: Remote logon via XDMCP to Solaris and Linux

2004-09-14 Thread Thomas Chadwick
On Windows:
/usr/X11R6/bin/xhost remote_solaris_host
rlogin remote_host
setenv DISPLAY local_win_ip
The problem is with the value you set DISPLAY to.  You want to use the IP 
address associated with the far end of the VPN.  Figuring out that value 
isn't always easy.  Sometimes you can run who at the far end and it will 
tell you the hostname or IP address it thinks you're connecting from.  Also, 
sometimes the VPN software itself will tell you the far-end IP address if 
you look at the detailed log as it's bringing up the VPN.

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Re: Remote logon via XDMCP to Solaris and Linux

2004-09-14 Thread Thomas Chadwick
One more thing on this subject...
If you absolutely cannot figure out what your IP address is at the far-end 
of the VPN, then you might want to consider running dxpc.  The original 
intent of dcpx was to compress the amount of data transferred between remote 
X-clients and a local X-server connected via a low-bandwidth connection.  
However, it has a feature which allows you to setup the connection if you 
only know the IP address of the machine your connecting to (and don't know 
the IP address of the machine you're connecting from, which is effectively 
the case here).

I found a pretty good treatment of dcpx here:
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Re: Remote logon via XDMCP to Solaris and Linux

2004-09-14 Thread Terje J. Hanssen
Thomas Chadwick wrote:
On Windows:
/usr/X11R6/bin/xhost remote_solaris_host
rlogin remote_host
setenv DISPLAY local_win_ip

The problem is with the value you set DISPLAY to.  You want to use the 
IP address associated with the far end of the VPN.  Figuring out that 
value isn't always easy.

I run ipconfig on the local Windows PC, which give me the current IP 
(delievered from dhcp).
Isn't that correct value to use?

Terje J. Hanssen

Hosts and X0.hosts

2004-09-14 Thread Terje J. Hanssen
1. Hosts
I have used C:\WINNT\system32\drivers\etc\Hosts for a long time on a 
Windows 2000 terminal server. But for some or another reason the Hosts 
file suddenly is being deleted from the system, and again as soon as I 
recreate it. I have tried to limit the file access to system 
administrator only without succeed.  And I haven't found out yet if 
there can be or have been installed some kind of antivirus or spyware 
program that detects the Hosts file as a virus file and cause that it is 
being deleted.

a) Has someone experienced this before or any idea to solve it?
I saw that C:\cygwin\etc\Hosts was a link to the above Hosts file. 
Because of the above problem, I replaced the link with the real Hosts 
file itself.
Now I try to create a remote connection from a cygwin/X xterm using the 
following procedure:

X :2 -query remote_hostname
The system reports and exit the command in the xterm as follows.
Fatal server error:
Xserver: -query unknown host: remote_hostname
b) Doesn't Cygwin/X read this latter Hosts file?
2. X0.hosts

To let queried remote xdm/dtlogin/gdm/kdm get access to the local Cygwin 
X server, I wonder if the syntax for the content in 
C:/cygwin/etc/X0.hosts should be remote_hostname only or 
remote_hostname +, alternatively remote_host_ip only or 
remote_host_ip +?

Terje J. Hanssen

Re: Remote logon via XDMCP to Solaris and Linux

2004-09-14 Thread Terje J. Hanssen
Alexander Gottwald wrote:
Terje J. Hanssen wrote:
On Windows:
/usr/X11R6/bin/xhost remote_solaris_host
you can add the hostname to /etc/X0.hosts
This will always grant the host access
hostname or hostname + ?
Does Cygwin/X also need or use a user based auhentication?

rlogin remote_host
setenv DISPLAY local_win_ip
setenv DISPLAY local_win_ip:0.0
I wonder why sometimes :0.0 is needed and other times not?

  2) An additonal question: 'xstartxwin.bat' open a small X window with
small fonts. How and where is it possible to get larger fonts, possibly
by using a configuration file for this startup?
man xterm
(see -fn and -fa option)
xterm -fn 12x24
But is it possible to configure the default startup of startxwin.bat and 
xterm from the program start menu?

Terje J. Hanssen

Re: Remote logon via XDMCP to Solaris and Linux

2004-09-14 Thread Jack Tanner
Terje J. Hanssen wrote:
But is it possible to configure the default startup of startxwin.bat and 
xterm from the program start menu?
Of course it is. Add a shortcut to startxwin.bat to the Start menu, and 
customize your own .bash_profile / .bashrc (assuming your shell is bash).

If you really want to, you can obviously also edit startxwin.bat.