RE: Is my X Server not fully started? (Rel: - results

2005-09-15 Thread John Ormerod

I did as you requested - see below. 
BTW, there is a delay of 3-4 seconds for cmds like 'ps -ef'. Is this normal?
(Thinkpad T41 with 2Gb RAM) 

 Open a cygwin bash shell, using cygwin.bat.

I did this from cmd prompt. It appeared to be stuck for what seemed a long
time - though maybe it was actually between 30-60 secs. Then the prompt came
alive and resized itself.

 make sure that X is not running,,,
 $ ps -ef | grep X
 should not list Xwin

$ ps -ef | grep X

$ ps -ef
JOrmerod3412   1 con  07:53:17 /usr/bin/bash
JOrmerod40083412 con  07:58:20 /usr/bin/ps

 from the command line call
 what does this result in?

$ pwd
/cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/John Ormerod

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/X11R6/bin

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/X11R6/bin
$ Welcome to the XWin X Server
Vendor: The Cygwin/X Project


XWin was started with the following command line:

XWin -multiwindow -clipboard -silent-dup-error

_XSERVTransmkdir: Cannot create /tmp/.X11-unix with root ownership
winValidateArgs - g_iNumScreens: 1 iMaxConsecutiveScreen: 1
(II) XF86Config is not supported
(II) See for more information
(==) FontPath set to
winPrefsLoadPreferences: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/system.XWinrc
LoadPreferences: syntax error, unexpected STRING line 1
winDetectSupportedEngines - Windows NT/2000/XP
winDetectSupportedEngines - DirectDraw installed
winDetectSupportedEngines - DirectDraw4 installed
winDetectSupportedEngines - Returning, supported engines 0007
winSetEngine - Multi Window or Rootless = ShadowGDI
winAdjustVideoModeShadowGDI - Using Windows display depth of 32 bits per
winAllocateFBShadowGDI - Creating DIB with width: 1024 height: 768 depth: 32
winFinishScreenInitFB - Masks: 00ff ff00 00ff
winInitVisualsShadowGDI - Masks 00ff ff00 00ff BPRGB 8 d 24 bpp
null screen fn ReparentWindow
null screen fn RestackWindow
InitQueue - Calling pthread_mutex_init
InitQueue - pthread_mutex_init returned
InitQueue - Calling pthread_cond_init
InitQueue - pthread_cond_init returned
winInitMultiWindowWM - Hello
winInitMultiWindowWM - Calling pthread_mutex_lock ()
winMultiWindowXMsgProc - Hello
winMultiWindowXMsgProc - Calling pthread_mutex_lock ()
MIT-SHM extension disabled due to lack of kernel support
XFree86-Bigfont extension local-client optimization disabled due to lack of
ed memory support in the kernel
(--) Setting autorepeat to delay=500, rate=31
(--) winConfigKeyboard - Layout: 0809 (0809)
(--) Using preset keyboard for English (United Kingdom) (809), type 4
Rules = xorg Model = pc105 Layout = gb Variant = (null) Options =


I did some further investigations - results in separate append to keep this
one down in size

Regards, John

John Ormerod
erebor limited

-Original Message-
From: Reid Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 15 September 2005 00:22
Subject: Re: Is my X Server not fully started? (Rel:

Try the following.

Open a cygwin bash shell, using cygwin.bat.
make sure that X is not running,,,
$ ps -ef | grep X
should not list Xwin

from the command line call


what does this result in?

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Re: Is my X Server not fully started (Rel:

2005-09-15 Thread John Ormerod
See below.

Jack Tanner wrote:

 John Ormerod wrote: 

I get the X icon showing in the system tray, but it's 'dead'. By
which I
mean there I no context menu for it - I get the impression from
around that there should be a menu... even if only to stop it. 

If I let the mouse pointer hover over it, the tool tip says:
Cygwin/X Server
- 0:0

The icon in the system tray is supposed to react to two inputs:
- a double-click with the left mouse button should trigger the Exit dialog
- a right-click should pop up a menu that is trivially simple until
customized with an xwinrc file.

Does yours react to neither? 


The X icon in the system tray does not respond to any mouse clicks.
Currently this was started from within the bash shell as requested by Reid.

I also wonder if the 'xterm' should open an xterm window in Windows? It

FWIW, my windows PATH is 897 bytes when %xxx% symbolics are resolved. So
when the .bat scripts append to the front it may be getting to whatever
limit Windows has these days, or a possible limit that Cygwin can handle.

Regards, John 

John Ormerod
erebor limited

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RE: Is my X Server not fully started? (Rel: - some additional results

2005-09-15 Thread John Ormerod

Some more results in case they highlight something.

1. After running, my cmd prompt showed these last lines:

(--) Using preset keyboard for English (United Kingdom) (809), type 4
Rules = xorg Model = pc105 Layout = gb Variant = (null) Options =

2. I was not put back to the $ prompt, but I could interact with something.
However, this resulted in error messages. After about 3 attempts, I was back
at the $ prompt. XWin etc still running though. No xterm window opened
(assuming one was supposed to)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/X11R6/bin
$ ps -ef
JOrmerod3412   1 con  07:53:17 /usr/bin/bash
JOrmerod4740   1 con  08:06:31 /usr/X11R6/bin/XWin
JOrmerod4368   1 con  08:06:31 /usr/bin/xterm
JOrmerod18044740 con  08:06:36 /etc/X11/xkb/xkbcomp
JOrmerod54003412 con  08:37:16 /usr/bin/ps

3. More tests. These may be a bit hard to follow, given no ability to
format. Will do my best.

==I entered a: ? (well, why not!)
== the log and cmd window displayed:

Welcome to the XWin X Server
Vendor: The Cygwin/X Project


_XSERVTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.X11-unix should be set to root
XWin was started with the following command line:


winCheckDisplayNumber - Cygwin/X is already running on display 0

Fatal server error:
InitOutput - Duplicate invocation on display number: 0.  Exiting.

== This also resulted in a GUI error prompt saying much the same thing.

== Entered another ? and a CR. Similar or same entries in the log (it gets
overwritten each time)
== My final CR produced the following in the cmd window, which then exited
whatever it was'in', and put me back to $ prompt (the log did not contain
the same contents)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/X11R6/bin
$ ?Welcome to the XWin X Server
Vendor: The Cygwin/X Project


XWin was started with the following command line:

XWin -multiwindow -clipboard -silent-dup-error

_XSERVTransmkdir: Cannot create /tmp/.X11-unix with root ownership
winValidateArgs - g_iNumScreens: 1 iMaxConsecutiveScreen: 1
winCheckDisplayNumber - Cygwin/X is already running on display 0

Fatal server error:
InitOutput - Duplicate invocation on display number: 0.  Exiting.

winDeinitMultiWindowWM - Noting shutdown in progress
X connection to broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).

The ps -ef at start of this append, show the three processes still running.
The X icon is in the system tray, but does not respond to mouse clicks.

I exited the shell and then reran cygwin.bat. BTW, it does indeed take 60
secs to start.
The same 3 processes we still running.

I could kill xterm. 
But xkbcomp responded with: bash: kill: (1804) - Resource temporarily
And Xwin did nothing.

Using Windows' Task Mgr to stop processes:
Ending xkbcomp resulted in Xwin going as well!? The cmd window displayed:

$ (EE) Couldn't open compiled keymap file /tmp/server-0.xkm
(EE) Couldn't load XKB keymap, falling back to pre-XKB keymap
(--) 3 mouse buttons found
Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/CID/, removing
from li
winPointerWarpCursor - Discarding first warp: 512 384
winDeinitMultiWindowWM - Noting shutdown in progress

I'll stop now.


John Ormerod
erebor limited 

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Using Cygwin instead of SFU 3.5?

2005-09-15 Thread John Ormerod
What got me into Cygwin and the problems I'm having is the need to practice
with a product prior to a Proof of Concept.
The product has a fairly complex install - which I will take a step at a
time. It can run in various Unix flavours and Windows. However, for Win it
states that you need to install Services For Unix 3.5. I've not been able to
get the download to work. So I decided to try reversing things by installing
in Vmware/Linux and accessing from Win.

From what I have seen ('learned' is perhaps too strong a word) over the past
two days, Cygwin - or maybe it's just the bash shell - might be able to
function as a substitute. 

As of now, I have no idea how the product invokes SFU, neither to I have any
idea how the product (or any other) would invoke Cygwin 'from outside', so
to speak.

Can anyone offer a clue as to how I can integrate Cygwin in to Windows so
that it will support apps running in Windows like my product? Could it be as
simple as adding to PATH permanently, the same directories used in

John Ormerod
erebor limited

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Can't display remote clients

2005-09-15 Thread John Ormerod
Apologies if I'm pumping out too much information on my problems. Have gone
through the User Guide in search of inspiration.

At the end in the section on Displaying Remote Clients - Telnet, I thought
I'd found a possibility - sadly no. However, the results might provide a cue
as to why my install / system is failing to work.

From the manual:
1. Make sure you have the inetutils package installed.
== I did not have this as it was not in the X11 package. Found it and

2. Launch Cygwin/X
== I assumed this meant runing cygwin.bat to start bash. Took a long time,
but eventually  got a $ prompt.

3. In an X terminal type /usr/X11R6/bin/xhost remote_hostname_or_ip_address
== This failed - maybe there's a good clue here, especially the  for
display name? 

$ /usr/X11R6/bin/xhost rhlwasone
/usr/X11R6/bin/xhost:  unable to open display 

4. In an X terminal type /usr/bin/telnet remote_hostname_or_ip_address.Use
explicit path to ensure that Cygwin's telnet is run instead of Microsoft's
telnet; Microsoft's telnet
will crash on startup when run from Cygwin/X.
5. Login to your remote machine via your telnet session
6. In your telnet session type, DISPLAY=windows_hostname_or_ip_address:0.0
7. In your telnet session type, export DISPLAY
== I continued to see what would happen.

$ /usr/bin/telnet rhlwasone
Connected to rhlwasone.
Escape character is '^]'.
Red Hat Linux release 8.0 (Psyche)
Kernel 2.4.18-14 on an i686
login: ormeroj
Last login: Thu Sep 15 08:11:40 from ereborjo
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ormeroj]$ DISPLAY=ereborjo:0.0
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ormeroj]$ export DISPLAY

8. You can now launch remote X clients in your telnet session, for example,
xterm will launch an
xterm running on your remote host that will display on your Cygwin/X screen.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ormeroj]$ xterm 
[1] 5066
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ormeroj]$ xterm Xt error: Can't open display: ereborjo:0.0


John Ormerod
erebor limited

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RE: Can't display remote clients

2005-09-15 Thread Reid Thompson
John Ormerod wrote:
you have to give permissions for remotes hosts to open apps on your

in a cygwin bash prompt enter 
$ xhost +

note that this will give 'everyone' permissions to open a window on your

you could do
$ xhost ip-addr-of-machine-you-want-to-allow-to-open-apps

or man xhost to see more info.

It should not take more than a few seconds to open a cygwin bash prompt.
If i dbl-click on cygwin-bat, it takes about 3 secs for a bash prompt
window to be ready for use.  2+ghz intel, with 1GB ram.  same with my
home machine 2500XP athlon with 512MB ram.  ( i normally open a bash
session in rxvt ( can't stand cmd.exe ), and it also takes ~3 secs to be
ready )

My suggestion is this.
make sure no cygwin processes are running ( ps -ef )
return to, re-run setup for cygwin, selecting to
re-install all of the non-X applications that you have installed.  When
that has completed, re-run setup again, selecting to re-install all of
the X applications that you have installed.

go ahead and reboot. ( shouldn't be necessary, but lets do so anyway)

dbl-click on c:\cygwin\cygwin.bat

Make sure that /usr/X11R6/bin is in your PATH.
$ echo $PATH  ( if not in there, export PATH=$PATH:/usr/X11R6/bin)( you
can add this to your .bashrc or .bash_profile if needed)

Make sure the display is set correctly:

$ env |grep DISPLAY  ( what does this show )

$ env |grep DISP


open another bash shell via cygwin.bat
$ xterm 


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Could not init font path element problem

2005-09-15 Thread Francois Couillard
Okay when I'm trying to launch xwin from Cygwin prompt I get a Could 
not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/CID, removing from 

In the Cygwin/X FAQ, they say to fix this problem by
a. Open a Cygwin shell and run *umount /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts
* -- When I do that, it just say No such file or directory even though 
it exist. Probably isn't mounted I guess. What's that mean?

Then I have to reinstall the xorg font package. I tried to no avail.

How can I get the correct font element? Any help would be greatly 

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RE: Can't display remote clients

2005-09-15 Thread Soong, SylokeJ
When I first downloaded and installed cygwin
my ulterior motive was - if there are free
complex stuffs like FTP servers, J2EE servers,
Java IDEs, etc, there must be a free piece of
software for X/Win on Windows. My ulterior
was, where I would prove to those charging an
arm and some toes and yet would not do a proper
job in what they sell.

But to my dismay, cygwin as installed would
not work. It kept giving me cygwin1.dll not
found. Some two months later I made another
attempt. Somehow, somewhere, somewhat, the
installation went as smoothly as sailboat
gliding down the calm Casco Bay on a warm
summer day.

My impression was my success was due to my
visiting a till now yet unrecallable site
which preset all the download choices so that
it knew that my motive was to use X/win. Don't
you hate it after a PC shop (which should remain
nameless) had acquired a venerable mini-
mainframe shop (which too should remain unnamed
but whose founder once berated that the
difference between Unix and his venerable
system was the dismally small number of shelves
it takes to house all of Unix manuals) - that
when I tried to access some information on the
acquiree's product, the links point me to the
acquirer's site, which in turn pointed me back
to the acquiree web site. Not directly but,
going through the pretense of navigating a few
links before lopping the ball back-and-forth
onto each other's court. Fortunately, that
PC shop was itself later acquired by a more
coherently customer-focused company.

This convoluted and obsfuscating email
illustrate my frustration getting information
and education about how to set up cygwin
properly. That when setting up to use
cygwin/X-Free, my proper attitude should
be - it is cygwin that I am setting up and
X-Free is a beneficial ported software. There
might be, but it is not within my ineffable
capability to find a unified coherent
instructional site on cygwin applications.
Despite the fact that not having cygwin/X,
cygwin is nearly useless for most people,
who seems to have similar motivation
(or mismotivation) to mine. In my opinion,
the orthogonality maintained between cygwin
information and cygwin/X information is an
unhelpful myth for participants like myself.

But I have to bear in mind, that cygwin
presents itself to me as a loosely
confederated people like me, unlike the
more tight-knit Tomcat, Eclipse or NetBeans
projects with major interest sponsors behind
them. On the other hand in cygwin, probably
but not necessarily and not limited to people
struggling between embattled personal lives
and enthusiasm for communal software.

Bearing in mind, therefore, it is therefore
not free ware. It costs me to find and look
and experiment. Therefore, I recommend that
the confederation of cygwin users and porters
collaborate to maintain a dependency chart
page - which shows for example, if I wanted
cygwin/X, what modules could be recommended
selected when running setup.exe.

Also, many emails seem to point to the
confusion between an XDM and an XWM. That
people installed cygwin/X but their xterms
and xclock just piled up unmoveably at the
top left corner of the X frame. This amount
of confusion does point to a need for a
more unified web site and cygwin organisation.
If you (the venerable leaders of cygwin, i.e.)
agree and need help, hineni.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of John Ormerod
Sent: Thu, September 15, 2005 7:38 AM
Subject: Can't display remote clients

Apologies if I'm pumping out too much information on my problems. Have gone
through the User Guide in search of inspiration.

At the end in the section on Displaying Remote Clients - Telnet, I thought
I'd found a possibility - sadly no. However, the results might provide a cue
as to why my install / system is failing to work.

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Re: Could not init font path element problem

2005-09-15 Thread Ken Dibble
On Thu, Sep 15, 2005 at 09:58:51AM -0400, Francois Couillard wrote:
 Okay when I'm trying to launch xwin from Cygwin prompt I get a Could 
 not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/CID, removing from 
 In the Cygwin/X FAQ, they say to fix this problem by
 a. Open a Cygwin shell and run *umount /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts
 * -- When I do that, it just say No such file or directory even though 
 it exist. Probably isn't mounted I guess. What's that mean?
 Then I have to reinstall the xorg font package. I tried to no avail.
 How can I get the correct font element? Any help would be greatly 

Unless you want those fonts for a particular reason, I wouldn't worry
about it, as those type errors are non-fatal.  My Cygwin/X runs fine with
the following errors:

Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/, removing
from list!
Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/,
removing from list!
Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/CID/, removing
from list!
Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/,
removing from list!


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Re: Can't display remote clients

2005-09-15 Thread Christopher Faylor
On Thu, Sep 15, 2005 at 10:08:15AM -0400, Soong, SylokeJ wrote:
When I first downloaded and installed cygwin my ulterior motive was -
if there are free complex stuffs like FTP servers, J2EE servers, Java
IDEs, etc, there must be a free piece of software for X/Win on
Windows. My ulterior was, where I would prove to those charging an arm
and some toes and yet would not do a proper job in what they sell.

But to my dismay, cygwin as installed would not work.  It kept giving
me cygwin1.dll not found.  Some two months later I made another
attempt.  Somehow, somewhere, somewhat, the installation went as
smoothly as sailboat gliding down the calm Casco Bay on a warm summer

Since there are no details here, it is impossible to know what went
wrong.  However, since cygwin1.dll is the main engine behind every
cygwin program, it's hard to see what you did wrong when installing
unless you went out of your way to de-select it when you ran setup.exe.

My impression was my success was due to my visiting a till now yet
unrecallable site which preset all the download choices so that it knew
that my motive was to use X/win.

So, you went to some non-cygwin site and used some unsupported method
to install.  It's a shame that you can't remember where you went since you'd
undoubtedly want to complain there.

As a clue, the way to install X is to click on Install Cygwin Now! on
the web site, hit Next until you have to choose a mirror, choose a
mirror, and then once you get to the Select Packages screen click on
the Default next to X11 until it says Install.  Then keep clicking
on Next.

Then you run c:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\startxwin.bat to start X.

The rest of your message was too convoluted and obfuscating to really
make much sense of, so

Christopher Faylor  spammer? - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cygwin Co-Project Leader[EMAIL PROTECTED]
TimeSys, Inc.

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RE: Can't display remote clients

2005-09-15 Thread Reid Thompson
Soong, SylokeJ wrote:
 When I first downloaded and installed cygwin
 my ulterior motive was - if there are free
 complex stuffs like FTP servers, J2EE servers,
 Java IDEs, etc, there must be a free piece of
 software for X/Win on Windows. My ulterior
 was, where I would prove to those charging an
 arm and some toes and yet would not do a proper
 job in what they sell.

when it's all said and done it's pretty simple,
go to, run setup to install base packages.  Run setup
again to install X packages.
I think that the pages and and provide pretty straightforward instructions.

Downloading and Installing


Cygwin/X is installed via Cygwin's setup.exe and the installation
process is documented in the Cygwin/X User's Guide. Whether or not you
already have Cygwin installed, you can add Cygwin/X to your installation
by downloading the latest setup.exe, running setup, and selecting the
'xorg-x11-base' package from the 'X11' category.

Using Cygwin/X is documented in a step-by-step manner, with lots of
pictures and examples, in the Cygwin/X User's Guide. Please notice,
however, that Cygwin/X contains many general-purpose programs,
libraries, and functions that are part of all X distributions. It is
therefore beyond the scope of the Cygwin/X User's Guide to document all
of these X Window System components. To find documentation, for example,
for setxkbmap one should consult the generic X documentation such as the
SETXKBMAP(1) manual page. You could always, of course, do a Google
search for setxkbmap, which finds the manual page mentioned above.


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Re: Is my X Server not fully started (Rel:

2005-09-15 Thread Jack Tanner

John Ormerod wrote:

The X icon in the system tray does not respond to any mouse clicks.

Weird. This one is beyond me.

I also wonder if the 'xterm' should open an xterm window in Windows? It

It should, once Xwin.exe (which also produces the X icon) is running.

FWIW, my windows PATH is 897 bytes when %xxx% symbolics are resolved. So
when the .bat scripts append to the front it may be getting to whatever
limit Windows has these days, or a possible limit that Cygwin can handle.

If you suspect PATH length may be an issue, try abbreviating it as a 
test (i.e., cut out a huge chunk of the directories it points to, and 
try Cygwin/X again). I doubt this is related, though.

Does anyone know if Cygwin and Cygwin/X have been tested under VMware?

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Re: Can't display remote clients

2005-09-15 Thread Christopher Faylor
On Thu, Sep 15, 2005 at 11:06:00AM -0400, Reid Thompson wrote:
go to, run setup to install base packages.  Run setup
again to install X packages.

There is no need to make this a two step process.  Just install everything
in one go.


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persistent DISPLAY variable

2005-09-15 Thread Bob B
I have been using Cygwin XFree for several years now and it has worked 
great. I mainly use it on Windows using XWin -ac -query or 
similar to connect via XDMCP. This has been working great.

I am quite experienced in X and Unix and know many of the X config files. At 
least I thought I did!

Lately, my hostname seems to have been changed here at work and my PC now 
has a new hostname than it has had for the past few years. Consequently, I 
am unable to make XWin connect as it used to. I get an Unable to open 
display oldhostname:0.0 message. My problem is that for the life of me I 
can not see where it could be getting oldhostname from. I have grepped 
every file I can think of under the Cygwin installation - in my home 
directory and all over and I can not find this name anywhere. I searched the 
Windows registry and do not see it. I do not see it set in Windows variables 
or Cygwin variables. I have repeatedly checked the DISPLAY variable and it 
is either not defined at all or I set it manually. If I define it manually 
in Cygwin before invoking XWin, XWin *still* tries to open a display at 
oldhostname:0.0, not newhostname:0.0. I've looked in files in Cygwin's 
/etc directory and can't find any reference to oldhostname.

As I recall, did XWin previously automagically set the DISPLAY variable? I 
just have an icon on my XP destop that has the properties Xwin -ac -query 
machineA. In XP there is no DISPLAY variable set. I do not see where XWin 
used to get the DISPLAY variable from. Is there a config file I am 
forgetting about?

I am not using startx.bat or starxwin.bat or anything else. Just a direct 
invocation of Xwin.exe. But somehow Xwin.exe seems to be trying to open a 
DISPLAY at oldhostname:0.0 rather than newhostname:0.0 no matter what I do. 
Can anyone help me out or point me in the right direction?


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RE: persistent DISPLAY variable

2005-09-15 Thread Bob B

Where would it do that?  How can I find out if the queried host is at fault?

My Windows COMPUTERNAME is newhost.

I have discovered that some queried hosts work fine, others that I try to 
connect to are doing this oldhostname thing. Maybe the Unix admins have 
XDMCP on the queried hosts screwed up and it is forcing the DISPLAY variable 
to be something incorrect.

I don't think it is a problem on my side now.

I also can't swear that oldhostname is in fact an old host name for my PC. I 
can't ping oldhost from any Unix box - I don't know where that name is 
coming from.

does your queried host explicitely set your display to your oldhostname


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Re: persistent DISPLAY variable

2005-09-15 Thread Jack Tanner

Bob B wrote:
Where would it do that?  How can I find out if the queried host is at 

My Windows COMPUTERNAME is newhost.

I have discovered that some queried hosts work fine, others that I try 
to connect to are doing this oldhostname thing. Maybe the Unix admins 
have XDMCP on the queried hosts screwed up and it is forcing the DISPLAY 
variable to be something incorrect.

I don't think it is a problem on my side now.

I also can't swear that oldhostname is in fact an old host name for my 
PC. I can't ping oldhost from any Unix box - I don't know where that 
name is coming from.

I wonder if the queried hosts are doing some sort of reverse DNS lookup, 
and finding that your newhostname doesn't match the DNS records.

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Re: persistent DISPLAY variable

2005-09-15 Thread Bob B

I can ping my PC via new hostname from the queried hosts that I can't Xwin 
to. I can't ping

oldhostname from anywhere on our network.

Bob B wrote:
Where would it do that?  How can I find out if the queried host is at 

My Windows COMPUTERNAME is newhost.

I have discovered that some queried hosts work fine, others that I try to 
connect to are doing this oldhostname thing. Maybe the Unix admins have 
XDMCP on the queried hosts screwed up and it is forcing the DISPLAY 
variable to be something incorrect.

I don't think it is a problem on my side now.

I also can't swear that oldhostname is in fact an old host name for my PC. 
I can't ping oldhost from any Unix box - I don't know where that name is 
coming from.

I wonder if the queried hosts are doing some sort of reverse DNS lookup, 
and finding that your newhostname doesn't match the DNS records.

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Re: persistent DISPLAY variable

2005-09-15 Thread Jack Tanner
I wonder if the queried hosts are doing some sort of reverse DNS 
lookup, and finding that your newhostname doesn't match the DNS records.

 I can ping my PC via new hostname from the queried hosts that I can't
 Xwin to. I can't ping oldhostname from anywhere on our network.

Don't ping. Instead, at your local machine, do

$ hostname

Is this what it should be, i.e., newhostname?

$ ipconfig

Does this return the IP address that it should?

$ nslookup newhostname

Does this match the IP address allocated to your machine?

$ nslookup current-ip-address

Does this match newhostname?

Repeat for oldhostname as appropriate.

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Re: Is my X Server not fully started? (Rel: - results

2005-09-15 Thread Cary Jamison
John Ormerod wrote:

 I did as you requested - see below.
 BTW, there is a delay of 3-4 seconds for cmds like 'ps -ef'. Is this
 normal? (Thinkpad T41 with 2Gb RAM)

 Open a cygwin bash shell, using cygwin.bat.

 I did this from cmd prompt. It appeared to be stuck for what seemed a
 long time - though maybe it was actually between 30-60 secs. Then the
 prompt came alive and resized itself.

If you are seeing delays of 30-60 seconds just starting cygwin, I would 
start with trying to figure that out before moving on the the problems with 
X.  Your unresponsive X server may be stuck on whatever is causing cygwin to 
delay starting up.

I don't understand what you mean the prompt came alive and resized itslef. 
The cygwin shell shouldn't be resizing itself when you just open it up.

Perhaps try asking about this on the main cygwin list.


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