Re: [1.7] Updated: cygwin-1.7.0-45

2009-04-02 Thread Thomas Wolff
Corinna Vinschen wrote on cygwin-announce:
> Hi folks,
> I just uploaded a new Cygwin 1.7 test release, 1.7.0-45.
> ...
> What's new in contrast to 1.7.0-44
> ===
> - A lot of character sets are supported now via a call to setlocale().
>   The setting of the environment variables $LANG, $LC_ALL or $LC_CTYPE will
>   be used.  For instance, setting $LANG to "de_DE.ISO-8859-15" before
>   starting a Cygwin session will use the ISO-8859-15 character set in
>   the entire session.  UTF-8 is supported as well, as in "en_US.UTF-8".
>   Along these lines, the "CYGWIN=codepage:{ansi,oem}" setting has been
>   removed in favor of using $LANG, $LC_ALL, or $LC_CTYPE.
This is a great step (to say that again).

Now that cygwin supports UTF-8 in a standard fashion, I think it's time 
to also add Unicode fonts to the Cygwin/X distribution. Otherwise the 
additional value of running xterm or rxvt in UTF-8 mode is quite limited.

I would be willing to provide the Unicode versions of the standard 
"misc-fixed" fonts (source: 
as a package maintainer, if that's accepted.
(I would appreciate some positive feedback before taking the effort 
to prepare the package.)

Kind regards,

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RE: drop-down menu with multiwindow option doesn't work

2009-04-02 Thread Phil Betts
Raphaël Langella wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using Tecplot 360, a proprietary program written with a Motif
> toolkit. It runs on a Linux server and the display is a win2k PC
> with cygwin X Server 1.5.3. The problem only happens with the
> multiwindow option.
>   The problem is with the drop-down menu. When I click it, it
> seems the menu appears behind the window and immediately disappear.
> I made a screenshot of it but didn't attached it because I'm not
> sure about the file attachment policy of the mailing list. There's
> a grey rectangle that briefly appears under the window. It's plain
> grey, with no text in it.
>   I understand that the problem is probably related to the
> Windows wm, since it doesn't show up without the multiwindow
> option, but I was wondering if it's a known bug. Or maybe it's
> win2k specific?
>   I've got a workaround: rootless option and any Unix wm, but I'd
> like to understand what is causing this problem.
> Thanks for your attention.
> Raphaël Langella

I was waiting to see if you got a reply from someone else, as I
don't really have a solution for you.  However, Windows seems to 
have real difficulties with Z-ordering: MS Word opens a new 
document beneath an existing one, modal dialogs often open below 
the parent window (which is a real PITA because you can't move the 
parent!), always-on-top widgets are often hidden below something 
else, and desktop widgets obscure application windows. (Only MS 
has the resources to screw up such a simple concept so 

Having said that, I use emacs on X every day, and I can't remember
its menus ever appearing below the main window (except perhaps a 
very early version of XWin.  The emacs version I run was compiled 
to use the X toolkit.  I would guess that when Motif creates the 
window for the menu, it's not setting a hint which multiwindow mode 
requires in order to force the correct Z-order.  It might be worth
checking what the difference is between Xt menu creation and Motif
menu creation.

If that's the case, it's not clear where the "blame" lies.  It might
be that Motif just happens to work on UNIX based servers, and XWin
just exposes a long-standing bug.  Conversely, it may be that XWin
is misinterpreting the hints that Motif sets up, and doesn't set up
the Windows' window with the correct flags.

Perhaps Yaakov or Jon could shed more light on this?

In the meantime, I think you've already found the best workaround.

I suspect the reason the menu window disappears is because your
mouse is still in the parent window, and gives it the focus, so 
Motif thinks you've moved off the menu and closes it.


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Re: keypad assignments

2009-04-02 Thread Thomas Wolff
> Thomas,
> I believe I have fixed the problem.  What program do you use for 
> displaying the keycodes so I can test the fix before sending in the patch?
Hi Paul,
xev is the program for testing, thanks.

> Paul
> Thomas Wolff wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I've managed to re-activate my Cygwin/XFree (there had been this 
> > disabled keyboard problem with a non-cygwin XKEYSYMDB variable setting 
> > since some recent release...).
> > So I discovered that, assumedly with that recent major revision, 
> > a keyboard handling deficiency has been introduced:
> >
> > The keys of the right keypad (aka "numeric keypad") do no longer 
> > emit the keysyms KP_Home, KP_Up etc as they used to do but just 
> > plainly Home, Up etc which are also the keysyms of the small keypad 
> > (aka "editing keypad"). This makes them indistinguishable for any 
> > application - even worse, this cannot be fixed by configuration since 
> > they even send the same keycodes!
> >
> > These are different keys - considering them as aliases is a waste of 
> > physical resources - and they must be distinguishable for an application.
> > That means, they must have different keycodes and they should also have 
> > different keysyms by default - that's what the KP_ keysyms are designed for.
> >
> > Thanks and kind regards,
> > Thomas
> >
> > --
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Re: XWin wrong fonts after update

2009-04-02 Thread catia . lavalle
Thanks a lot Dirk! 

Your link did the trick. I have installed the font-adobe-dpi75 and now the 
remote application does work properly!
I have already saw the hint on the net of installing the abobe fonts but 
it was always correlated to emacs showing up with bad fonts ... but my 
emacs (xamacs) was showing up absolutely properly! that's why I assumed it 
was not my case!

I still do not understand why I had to install it. I mean:
1) Before it was not installed and the remote application was working 
properly. Even in the web page "Some packages dependencies have not yet 
been updated for the fonts they require " well it is a remote application 
so it should not have anything to do with "local package dependencies": 
either the font is there or not . I guess .. I might be wrong, I am 
not an X expert.
 2) I had a look now at the test system I have installed yesterday (cygwin 
fresh installed on the up-to-date version, not an update), which did 
always work. There the font-adobe-dpi75 are not installed and anyway it 

So again (that was my comment on my first mail which maybe was 
misunderstood): it seems to me that there is a difference between 2 
systems which are at the newest state now  but one of them was installed 
in the newest state, the other one was updated to the newest state.

I have executed the cygcheck -s -v -r > cygcheck.out command on both 
machines, I have noticed no special differences, obviously the 2 hardware 
are different, the software installed is different and in the test system 
there are much less cygwin packages installed being a test. Anyway I had 
more fonts installed on the productive system then on the test system 
(follow the list of fonts that were on the prod system which were not on 
the test

font-alias  1.0.1-1
font-encodings  1.0.2-1
font-misc-misc  1.0.0-1
ghostscript-fonts-other 6.0-1
ghostscript-fonts-std   8.11-1
).  (I can post the 2 complete outputs if you wish).

The thing which makes me still worried is: which other fonts should I 
extra install to be safe for "future applications". I explain: I am a 
sysadmin and it happens that I startup remotely graphical applications 
which would be unpleasant to be forced to stop while executing because of 
missing fonts (installing stuffs). 

For completeness I tell you the whole story:

* In the past I always started X with the Mortens X-Launcher with the 
multiwindow & clipboard options set (rest = default)
* yesterday I have started the X from the command line (from rxvt) with 
/usr/bin/XWin.exe :0 -clipboard -multiwindow . The "problem" was that I 
got no warning and no error whatsoever on console!!
* today I have tried to start X from the Start link (the 
/usr/bin/startxwin.bat ): nothing has started, no X no error.
 * then I have started X from command line (from rxvt) with 
/usr/bin/run.exe /usr/bin/startxwin.bat and I got on console an error:

 startxwin.bat - Starting on 
Windows NT/2000/XP/2003
Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden.
Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden.

(path not found)
and no I had no X.
* then I have started X from command line (from rxvt) with 
/usr/bin/ . I have got X, the same console output as yesterday 
+ DECISIVE the Warning "Warning: Cannot convert string 
"-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*" to type 

It was then clear to me what to do.

So thanks again.

p.s. Note just to report: even now I get the same error using 
startxwin.bat, and on the test system there is no /usr/bin/startxwin* at 

p.p.s. @Phil: I work professionally with Unix/Linux Systems since more 
then 10 Years and I am a Dr. in theoretical Physics. There are for sure 
tons of things I do not know, I have never worked on and I  am not an 
expert on and I always welcome everybody teaching me something new, but 
for sure I am not stupid and DO  understand things I read, if I don't, I 
ask. I DO know very well the principle of free software and one of the 
main principles is" I help you, you help me and things go forward. not 
because I got paid for what I do but because I want to share my knowledge, 
my expertise and my time". That's why I find very low level and out of 
place such  no-point ,aggressive, self-satisfied answer in such mailing 
lists/forum. If you find my question stupid, just do not loose your time 
answering me, you have not to. 
And again on free software: it is exactly because I KNOW what free 
software is that I report problems (not only because I want them solved 
... there are other solutions without cygwin to have an X server 
running!!!). The fact that I report something not working, no matter why, 
is to be taken with an "ops" maybe we should fine-tune it for the next 
time so that such problems do not pop up, because, you can trust me there 
are for sure tons of people out there wh