Jon TURNEY <jon.turney <at>> writes:

> On 30/07/2011 07:10, Jan Chludzinski wrote:
> >  From within a mintty shell, I get:
> >
> > $ startxwin
> >
> > giving up.
> > startxwin:  No such file or directory (errno 2):  unable to connect to X 
> > startxwin:  No such process (errno 3):  Server error.
> That's odd.  I can't really understand how that can happen.  I'd suspect 
> startxwin is failing to fork/exec Xwin successfully, possibly due to an 
> application causing cygwin difficulties [1] (Unfortunately, 64-bit Windows 
> itself seems to sometimes cause similar problems)
> Are you able to start the server directly by running 'XWin'?
> [1]

I have same issue. I have reinstalled Cygwin 5 times. Each time I can start 
XWin fine UNTIL I rebaseall or perlrebase or until I uninstall+reinstall 
perl/Tk. The .log file is from the first couple times it sucessfully came up 
(prior to the rebase and the errors) and nothing is written to any logfiles or 
even STDERR/STDOUT except for the:
$ xinit
giving up.
xinit:  No such file or directory (errno 2):  unable to connect to X server
xinit:  No such process (errno 3):  Server error.

$ startxwin
giving up.
startxwin:  No such file or directory (errno 2):  unable to connect to X server
startxwin:  No such process (errno 3):  Server error.

I have added the env variable CYGWIN=tty but still nothing more informative is 
written to any files or terminal. 

My hardware is  a HP EliteBook sitting on MS XP Pro version 2002 SP3. I have 
altered the rebaseall script to actually complete, as it is failing on the 
64bit dlls. ( added filter to sed to not include the specific dlls from list 
creation ) I have tried this both ways in 'stock' form from repository and 
altered to complete. 

This is 100% reproducible. I can reproduce this every time even with fully 
fresh installs of cygwin.

My goal is to get a version of Cyg X running that I can run cssh and have a 
full menubar ( this is why the initial rebase and then the subsequent 
reinstalls and the mucking about with the Perl/Tk stuff )

Thanks for any information in advance, 


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