Re: windows 7 cygwin/XWin session dies

2014-04-22 Thread Jon TURNEY
On 22/04/2014 11:00, Arnaud Caubel wrote:
> I run my cygwin/XWin.exe session on Windows 7 Professional and this session
> dies when I iconify it during some time (let'say 20 min).
> I think the problem is not to iconify it but more to not do anything.
> It is very uncomfortable because I have to relaunch it every time I do
> something else (emails, internet,...) more than about 20 minutes...
> I do not understand why the X session crashes...
> Could anyone help me ?
> It seems there is something with : "XDM: Alive response indicates session
> dead, declaring session dead" but I do not know which parameter I have to
> change to modify this behaviour... 

> Release: (10902000)
> Build Date: 2010-11-03

This is quite an old version.  While I am not aware of any fixes in this area,
you might like to try with the current version.

> [  6240.102] XDM: Alive response indicates session dead, declaring session 
> dead

This means "I sent an XDMCP keepalive for the current session to the XDM
server, but it's response said that the session wasn't alive."

One question I have is if your machine running XWin is idle, and going into a
sleep state before this problem occurs?

If that is the case, that may be the problem, as XDM will, by default,
periodically test if it can contact the display and declare the session dead
if that fails.

If your display manager is XDM, that can be turned off by setting the
DisplayManager.DISPLAY.pingInterval resource to 0. Other display managers may
have similar settings.

Alternatively, you could arrange for sleeping to be suspended while the X
server is running (It seems on Win7 or later you can use powercfg
-requestsoverride to prevent sleep while a specified program is running, or
there are several simple utilities available which prevent suspend while they
are running)

If that is not the case, the XDM logs on the XDM host might be informative, if
you have access to them.  Failing that, you could use wireshark or similar to
monitor the XDMCP protocol interactions.

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windows 7 cygwin/XWin session dies

2014-04-22 Thread Arnaud Caubel


I run my cygwin/XWin.exe session on Windows 7 Professional and this 
session dies when I iconify it during some time (let'say 20 min).

I think the problem is not to iconify it but more to not do anything.
It is very uncomfortable because I have to relaunch it every time I do 
something else (emails, internet,...) more than about 20 minutes...

I do not understand why the X session crashes...
Could anyone help me ?

It seems there is something with : "XDM: Alive response indicates 
session dead, declaring session dead" but I do not know which parameter 
I have to change to modify this behaviour...

Here is the log file of the session :

Welcome to the XWin X Server
Vendor: The Cygwin/X Project
Release: (10902000)
Build Date: 2010-11-03

XWin was started with the following command line:

/usr/bin/XWin -query asterix

ddxProcessArgument - Initializing default screens
winInitializeScreenDefaults - primary monitor w 1920 h 1200
winInitializeDefaultScreens - native DPI x 96 y 96
[  5918.085] winInitializeScreens - 1
[  5918.085] winInitializeScreen - 0
[  5918.085] (II) xorg.conf is not supported
[  5918.085] (II) See for 
more information

[  5918.085] LoadPreferences: /home/caubel/.XWinrc not found
[  5918.085] LoadPreferences: Loading /etc/X11/system.XWinrc
[  5918.085] LoadPreferences: Done parsing the configuration file...
[  5918.085] winGetDisplay: DISPLAY=:0.0
[  5918.085] winDetectSupportedEngines - Windows NT/2000/XP
[  5918.116] winDetectSupportedEngines - DirectDraw installed
[  5918.116] winDetectSupportedEngines - Allowing PrimaryDD
[  5918.116] winDetectSupportedEngines - DirectDraw4 installed
[  5918.116] winDetectSupportedEngines - Returning, supported engines 

[  5918.131] winSetEngine - Using Shadow DirectDraw NonLocking
[  5918.131] winScreenInit - Using Windows display depth of 32 bits per 

[  5918.147] winFinishScreenInitFB - Masks: 00ff ff00 00ff
[  5918.147] Screen 0 added at virtual desktop coordinate (0,0).
[  5918.147] MIT-SHM extension disabled due to lack of kernel support
[  5918.163] XFree86-Bigfont extension local-client optimization 
disabled due to lack of shared memory support in the kernel

[  5918.194] (II) AIGLX: Loaded and initialized /usr/lib/dri/
[  5918.194] (II) GLX: Initialized DRISWRAST GL provider for screen 0
[  5918.506] winPointerWarpCursor - Discarding first warp: 957 566
[  5918.506] (--) 8 mouse buttons found
[  5918.506] (--) Setting autorepeat to delay=500, rate=31
[  5918.506] (--) Windows keyboard layout: "040C" (040c) 
"French", type 4

[  5918.506] (--) Found matching XKB configuration "French (Standard)"
[  5918.506] (--) Model = "pc105" Layout = "fr" Variant = "none" Options 
= "none"
[  5918.506] Rules = "base" Model = "pc105" Layout = "fr" Variant = 
"none" Options = "none"

[  5919.286] winProcEstablishConnection - Hello
[  5919.286] winInitClipboard ()
[  5919.286] winProcEstablishConnection - winInitClipboard returned.
[  5919.286] winClipboardProc - Hello
[  5919.286] DetectUnicodeSupport - Windows NT/2000/XP
[  5919.301] winGetDisplay: DISPLAY=:0.0
[  5919.301] winClipboardProc - DISPLAY=:0.0
[  5919.301] winClipboardProc - XOpenDisplay () returned and 
successfully opened the display.
[  6240.102] XDM: Alive response indicates session dead, declaring 
session dead
[  6240.102] winClipboardProc - winClipboardFlushWindowsMessageQueue 
trapped WM_QUIT message, exiting main loop.

[  6240.102] winClipboardProc - XDestroyWindow succeeded.
[  6240.102] winClipboardProc - Clipboard disabled  - Exit from server
[  6240.149] winDeinitMultiWindowWM - Noting shutdown in progress

Thanks a lot in advance !

Best regards,

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