I use CYGWIN a lot with 64-bit Windows 7 and have been transitioning 
from 32-bit CYGWIN to 64-bit CYGWIN primarily in hopes of avoiding 

If I could set up 64-bit CYGWIN (= C64) to behave exactly the same way 
as my 32-bit CYGWIN (= C32) set up I would, but the applications don't 
match up exactly and they don't behave exactly the same way.

One difference I notice is that opening a urxvt in C64 creates a 
separate button associated with the Cygwin/X server process in the 
taskbar, whereas opening an rxvt in C32 does not. (rxvt is not available 
as a C64 application, but I would expect urxvt to operate similarly). In 
both cases an icon for the Cygwin/X server process shows up in the 
notification area.

Both are started from a Windows shortcut:

C32 target: 
C:\win32app\cygwin\bin\run.exe C:\win32app\cygwin\rxvtermX.bat

C64 target: 
C:\win64app\cygwin\bin\run.exe C:\win64app\cygwin\urxvtermX.bat

The batch files that run are similar. Both start 'XWin' if it is not 
already running, then run 'rxvt/urxvt'.

Contents of 'rxvterm.bat' (C32):
@echo off
chdir C:\win32app\cygwin\bin
ps -ef | grep /usr/bin/XWin > nul
  start /DC:\win32app\cygwin\bin /B XWin -multiwindow
set DISPLAY=localhost:0.0
rxvt -fn 10x20 -sl 10000 +sr -fg yellow -bg navyblue -title "RXVTerm 
w/X" -e /usr/bin/bash --login -i

Contents of 'urxvterm.bat' (C64):
@echo off
chdir C:\win64app\cygwin\bin
ps -ef | grep /usr/bin/XWin > nul
  start /DC:\win64app\cygwin\bin /B XWin -multiwindow
set DISPLAY=localhost:0.0
urxvt -fn 10x20 -sl 10000 +sr -fg yellow -bg navyblue -title "URXVTerm 
w/X" -e /usr/bin/bash --login -i

I prefer NOT to have the taskbar button for the Cygwin/X server process 
show up. Having an icon show up in the notification area is cleaner.

Why are they behaving differently? Is there a way to make the urxvt 
version (C64) behave like the rxvt version (C32)?

John Ottusch

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