Re: Cygwin/X Authentication Config Issue

2006-11-06 Thread BZAG
BZAG> writes:

> The other related factoid is that all of this still comes over on port 6000.
> The fact that localhost:10 is used is neither here nor there as far as the 
> port
> is concerned because the tunnel is already established before you logon.
> Anyone who plays with firewall logs will know that if you toy with the display
> number interactively on the remote server,
> it generally causes the remote machine to spit out on port 6000+displaynumber.
> This is NOT the case if you don't mess with the DISPLAY environment.

I spoke a bit too soon about the port.  The tunnel controls the port completely,
so port 6000 doesn't even show up in the firewall.  This makes sense, too,
because all of the packets are using the SSH tunnel which is controlled under 
own port.  The fact that a netstat -n on the remote machne shows port 6010 on 
localhost address is only an established listening post and is not used.  The
real traffic is going through the sshd tunnel and port.  And none of this is
sing any of the standard mechanisms for port forwarding (I am not using them in
PuTTY, for example), just in case anyone is wondering.

I'm done I hope.

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Re: Cygwin/X Authentication Config Issue

2006-11-06 Thread BZAG
After ALOT of horsing around with this issue and trying to understand how all of
this works, I finally zeroed in on my own problem which was, after all,
documented somewhere.
The issue is that the DISPLAY parameter CANNOT be set in any login shells on the
remote X-client, EVEN IF IT IS THE SAME VALUE.

If someone could actually explain this that would be great, because I've been
trying to understand how this works for some time.

My guess at it is this:

Once the SSH tunnel is established, changing the DISPLAY environment via login
script or interactively tries to bypass the tunnel and go its own way,
even if the DISPLAY value is the same IP:displaynumber.screennumber as the one
being used.

To prove my point, ssh automatically sets DISPLAY to localhost:10.0 on the
This plays a bit of havoc with one's sensibilities, because localhost is
normally the machine the interactive session is actually on.
But because it is an SSH tunnel, the interactive session "remembers" that it is
on your X-server's machine and NOT on your X-Client machine.
So, the DISPLAY parameter that is actually IN your X-Client's environment is not
REAL because of the tunnel, and setting it to the same value interactively
actually DOES change it to the REAL localhost of your X-Client, thus destroying
your connection to the tunnel.

The big kicker for me is that I use PuTTY, and in the SSH-X11 section of PuTTY
there are TWO entries.
One is a check box for X11 Forwarding and the other is an X11 display location
I had to REMOVE the "localhost:0" entry I had in the location parameter.
I also tried "localhost:10" and that failed also.
By deleting the entry altogether, the tunnel now works with PuTTY.

The other related factoid is that all of this still comes over on port 6000.
The fact that localhost:10 is used is neither here nor there as far as the port
is concerned because the tunnel is already established before you logon.
Anyone who plays with firewall logs will know that if you toy with the display
number interactively on the remote server,
it generally causes the remote machine to spit out on port 6000+displaynumber.
This is NOT the case if you don't mess with the DISPLAY environment.

KUDOS to the guys from MicroImages, because their X-server works without these
difficulties, meaning it uses the DISPLAY parameter set on the X-Client to

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Re: update cygwin and now X wont start!

2006-11-03 Thread BZAG

I believe Windows Firewall has a setting for applications.  Some PC firewalls do
(the one I have does), meaning if the executable changes you have to tell the
firewall it's ok for it to go again.

Even though your post indicates it is failing at startup, the error is reporting
socket access issues, meaning the network and therefore involving the firewall.
 You should find a Windows Firewall icon in Control Panel.  Try poking around in
there.  I can't help you more than that because I don't have any XP boxes around
here, just W2K.  But I would start by looking for an entry for Xwin.  If WXP
does what it's supposed to do, when the exe changes it should turn off access at
the firewall.  The idiotic thing is that it should ask you for permission to
turn on again.  Unfortunately, it's not starting up enough for you to get to the
network to actually cause a popup request for access, and somehow the security
features probably in the firewall are locking out socket access.

One thing you CAN check, to see if it's the firewall, is turn off the firewall
completely before you start xwin.  If that doesn't work, my Windows paranoia is
also telling me to say that you might want to reboot with the firewall OFF and
try to start xwin when it comes back up, but you have to disable the service to
shut it off completely.  If you use another firewall like Symantec's, you have
to fiddle with that instead, for example, because that would substitute itself
for Windows Firewall.  Just in case you don't do much with firewalls, it goes
without saying that you should not turn off your firewall if you are on the
internet.  But it won't be so bad if you are behind a cable/DSL router that has
a builtin firewall/NAT router, because that will protect you for the limited
time you need to test.  Otherwise, if you are on campus Res LAN, for example,
don't do it!


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Re: Cygwin/X Authentication Config Issue

2006-11-02 Thread BZAG
BZAG> writes:

Addendum:  The X Server works locally using a local X Client xterm session.  I
only have issues when it has to go out to the network.

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Cygwin/X Authentication Config Issue

2006-11-01 Thread BZAG
I am trying to use a W2K laptop to run Cygwin/X but I keep getting a connection
refused, xlib no protocol error when I try to run remote windows by SSH into
BSD/Linux boxes. So I tried to setup Cygwin/X on my W2K PC, another box, which
had a MI/X server.  I have no problem with MI/X - I always get the displays. 
But on this W2K PC I have the same problem with Cygwin/X - and my PC firewall
requests connection when the port 6000 packets come in - the xserver is refusing
the connection.  So it sounds like an authentication issue.  Do I have to do
something with xauth to get this working?

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