Re: How to remotly launch application with SSH and Cygwin/X server

2010-02-10 Thread Fabien Tillay
Ok thanks for your information Larry.
When I enable Allow service to interact with desktop, If I launch
from X a ssh command to Y with firefox it launches the Firefox
window now but not in its normal form.
We have the Firebox taskbar entry with the border of the application,
but not the main tab.
I tried with Internet Explorer and I've got the same behavior, only
the taskbar entry and the border not the main page.
It seems like a display bug or something else (I tried these tests on
2 different PCs and same effects...)
Do you know what can cause this ?

Here my test environments :
Windows XP SP3
Windows Vista SP2
IE 6.0.2900
Firefox 3.5.6

I would like to share my experience with other tools :
Winexe :
Works well between Linux and Windows XP in interactive mode.
Works on Vista but the interactive mode is not present which is
prejudicial for my context.

PsExec : works well but it runs only on Windows unfortunately.

If you have some advices, I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

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How to remotly launch application with SSH and Cygwin/X server

2010-02-09 Thread Fabien Tillay

I've got a problem with Cygwin/X server (via Cygwin 1.7.1)
Assuming we have a PC on Linux called X and a PC on Windows called Y.
I want to send a SSH command from X to Y which launchs firefox on Y.
(ie Windows)

Firstly, if I go to Y (Windows) and launch a Cygwin shell and then
enter the 'firefox' command (firefox is in the PATH environment
variable of course), the Firefox is launched correctly and I can
navigate to whatever I want.
If I send a SSH command from X (Linux) to Y (Windows) with the firefox
command : ssh usern...@y_ip_address firefox, I've got a firefox.exe
process in the task manager of Y but Firefox is in the background (ie
there is no Firefox window).

I have set the DISPLAY environment variable to :0.0.
Do you know why it is launched in background ?
Is there a mean of displaying Firefox launched from the Linux box on Windows ?


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