
I'm trying to get the AltGr key on my Dell Precision m50 keyboard to
work with a German keyboard layout.  The notebook is running Windows XP
SP 1 and latest cygwin.

The "plain" keys like y and z work fine.  However, umlauts like ä, ö and
ü don't get displayed at all.  And also the AltGr key (for characters
like | or @) doesn't seem to work at all.  Pressing AltGr shows me these
signals when running xev:

KeyPress event, serial 26, synthetic NO, window 0x2400001,
    root 0x36, subw 0x0, time 2220092, (58,87), root:(1242,107),
    state 0x10, keycode 37 (keysym 0xffe3, Control_L), same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 0 characters:  ""

KeyPress event, serial 26, synthetic NO, window 0x2400001,
    root 0x36, subw 0x0, time 2220092, (58,87), root:(1242,107),
    state 0x14, keycode 113 (keysym 0xff7e, Mode_switch), same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 0 characters:  ""

KeyRelease event, serial 26, synthetic NO, window 0x2400001,
    root 0x36, subw 0x0, time 2220112, (58,87), root:(1242,107),
    state 0x2014, keycode 37 (keysym 0xffe3, Control_L), same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 0 characters:  ""

KeyRelease event, serial 26, synthetic NO, window 0x2400001,
    root 0x36, subw 0x0, time 2220112, (58,87), root:(1242,107),
    state 0x2010, keycode 113 (keysym 0xff7e, Mode_switch), same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 0 characters:  ""

When I press Alt Gr on my Linux desktop, I just get the Mode_switch

When I press ö, xev shows that it get's the "odiaresis" keysym just fine
and in the characters line it shows the ö.

What do I have to do, to get the Alt Gr key to work (most important) and
also the umlauts?

I'd really like to get a fix on the server side, because (once setup)
I'll connect to quite a number of different hosts running all sorts of
OS, like HP-UX 11.00, Solaris and Linux.  I don't know if all of these
machines have xmodmap installed.


Alexander Skwar
How to quote:   http://learn.to/quote (german) http://quote.6x.to (english)
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