; xrdb -q | grep meta
XTerm*metaSendsEscape:  true
; xmodmap -e 'keysym Alt_L = Meta_L' -e 'keysym Alt_R = Meta_R'

no longer seems to be sufficient. Is there something more that needs
to be done? Or did this break again?

Background: I am swedish. I want the key labeled Ö on my keyboard
works exactly as the key labeled O, except of course there should
be two dots on the letter. I also want to be able to use M-v to
page up in emacs, using the Alt key as the Meta modifier. 

This of course works with Emacs under X, but I also cygwin xterm to ssh to 
a Linux box where I run emacs -nw. 

This is not possible using the default Meta behaviour, since the code for 
ö is 0366 (octal), which happens to be the same as  (v + 128). But it works
if Meta sends escape.  

Fredrik Stax\"ang | rot13: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This is all you need to know about vi: ESC : q ! RET

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