
Some months ago, I sent a mail describing a problem with a SNNS popup
dialog: http://sources.redhat.com/ml/cygwin-xfree/2004-01/msg00221.html

I have looked inside the source code of SNNS, and I found that maybe

XawListChange(Widget w, String * list, int nitems, int longest, int resize)

function is the source of the problem.

This function is called by the ui_xAddListEntry function (ui_xWidget.c file in the 
xgui/source directory).
I've tested the content of the parameters and they look OK.
The widget seems to be correctly initialized (the popup is displayed correctly 
excepted the content of the list), the list contains nitems strings, longest is set to 
0 and resize is set to True.

What can I do to solve this problem ?

Your sincerely,


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