
2000-08-05 Thread Butch Anton

Am I the only one on these lists (cypherpunks, coderpunks) who is bothered
by all this spam?  The signal to noise ratio is becoming asymptotic to zero,
and I for one am not too happy about that.

Shall we only allow messages from subscribed members?  Moderate?  Shut the
lists down?  Just deal?

What are folks' thoughts on this?

Dr. Butch Anton
VP of Advanced Technology, hereUare Communications, Inc.
Chair, AAA Working Group, The Open Group Mobile Management Forum
+1 408 551 0909 x215

Welcome to gwvm

2000-08-05 Thread Majordomo


Welcome to the gwvm mailing list!

Please save this message for future reference.  Thank you.

If you ever want to remove yourself from this mailing list,
you can send mail to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> with the following
command in the body of your email message:

unsubscribe gwvm

or from another account, besides [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

unsubscribe gwvm [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you ever need to get in contact with the owner of the list,
(if you have trouble unsubscribing, or have questions about the
list itself) send email to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> .
This is the general rule for most mailing lists when you need
to contact a human.

 Here's the general information for the list you've subscribed to,
 in case you don't already have it:

[Last updated on: Mon Jul  3 21:24:50 2000]
Gulf War Veterans Mailing List Introduction Message!
Revised: 03 July 2000

Welcome to the Gulf War Veterans Mailing List (GWVM)!
Your Host: Verio, Inc.
List Owner/Moderator:   Eric Rhyder ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

You've just subscribed to the Gulf War Veterans Mailing
list.  If you have been subscribed in error, either follow
the unsubscribe directions at the bottom of this email, or
email [EMAIL PROTECTED] for assistance.

Questions about GWVM should be emailed to the above address.

We hope the information that you find here will be helpful for
you. The list is made up of veterans, professionals, government
officials, active duty personnel and others who are concerned
about the illnesses affecting thousands of Gulf War veterans.

Keep in mind that mailing lists tends to be more focuses than
other media, and more personal. There are fewer people involved,
so the participants tend to know each other better, and they
seem to take their e-mail more personally. Furthermore,
there's a vital reason why you should follow mailing list
netiquette. If a subscriber violates list guidelines or
flagrantly violates mailing list netiquette, it's a simple
matter for the list moderator to kick the violator off.

That might seem a bit harsh, but a mailing list depends on
the cooperation of its subscribers. There will be no problems
as long as you follow a few simple points of mailing list

A few points to remember:

* We welcome contributions to the list. Information sent to the
GWVM list should pertain directly to Gulf War veteran issues.
Please don't hesitate to send in any news articles, journals,
information, or questions to the list. However, PLEASE do not
post general chatter or philosophical type messages to GWVM.
For these type of messages, we've created a seperate mailing
list - "Gulf-Chat." Directions on subscribing to it are at the
end of this email.

* If you would like to post information to the list, address

* Look before you leap: Remember -- Your messages will be
sent directly to over hundreds of people. Think about what you
are saying, make sure your message is on topic, and that you are
adding something useful to the conversation. One-Liner "Me Too"
messages add nothing to the discussion and only create unnecessary

* Serve as an example: We get new people to the list all the
time and the only way they learn how things work is to
emulate the veterans. Remember every message instructs a
new list member desperate to join in on the conversation
but unsure what to say or how to say it.

* Get acquainted: Take some time to read the list and
familiarize yourself with the way people talk to each other.
When you're ready to send your first e-mail to the mailing
list, you can reply to an existing message, or send an
entirely new message. In either case, keep your message
on-topic, and send it to the mailing list address. (If
you're replying, you can simply use the "Reply" feature
of your e-mail program.)

* Don't spam the list: As a rule, commercial announcements,
advertisements, chain letters, test messages, New Virus
anouncements, and other low- value messages should not be
sent to the list.

* Watch your "To:" address line:  Be careful not to send mail
that is meant to be private to the entire list.

* Subject Lines _should_ reflect the topic of discussion: The
information should reflect that topic _ONLY_.  If the
discussion starts to change threads, please change the
subject line to reflect the deviation!  There are those who
like to sort by subject and we should be courteous to them.

* Sig Files:  They can be very creative and beautiful, but
they can also be _long_!  In  the interest of good netiquette,
please limit them to a maximum of _4_ lines in order to save

* Don't bounce: If you're going on vacation, unsubscribe until
you get back - especially if you think your e-mail box might
fill up. If you're canceling or changing your e-mail account,
change your subscription or let the moderator know what's going
on. If mail can't get to you, it will "bounce" back 

USA.Net privacy violations

2000-08-05 Thread George


I was reading my email via USA.Net, and was very disturbed to find that
when I clicked on a link in an email I was sent...that you recorded my

I clicked on this link (within email sent to me):

I clicked using button-2 (under Unix) to open a new window at that URL.

The new window had this URL-bar:

That means you have recorded my activity!

The "drug speech" article was relayed through *your* computers,
not mine. I don't appreciate this. It is none of your business
where I visit on the Net.

There is no reason for you to record this information.

Please change your coding so this doesn't happen.

It's taking the "this site is not a part of USA.Net" schtick too far.

Stay out of my email. You modified the link someone sent me.

This violates your own privacy policy.

The other 1012

2000-08-05 Thread Anonymous

Once the ratio of "criminals" vs 'criminals' reaches 340,
it will be just a matter of time before cpunks get arrested because
... whatever.

Tampa, Fla. -- A four-month effort to round up fugitive drug-trafficking
suspects netted 1,015 arrests and $1 million in seized property, federal
authorities said yesterday.

The effort, led by the Marshals Service with state and other federal
agencies, targeted suspects considered some of the most elusive. Many
were alleged high-level drug dealers from the United States and the
Caribbean who had been indicted but never were arrested or who had
jumped bail.

``They were lost for as long as they were because they are good at it,''
said U.S. Marshals Service Director John Marshall.

Among those captured were (1) an alleged drug trafficker suspected in
the deaths of two government informants; (2) an alleged marijuana
supplier accused of setting up an elaborate indoor farm; and (3) a man
charged with using drug money to provide automatic weapons to Colombian

re: Pirates Beware: This File Will Self-Destruct

2000-08-05 Thread Steve Schear

At 10:24 PM 8/1/00 -0600, Anonymous wrote:
>While no system is perfect, Jim Hurley, an analyst with the Aberdeen 
>Group, wrote in a report on InTether that "without the ability to 
>electronically limit further redistribution of intellectual content and 
>critical business data, business executives are somewhat reluctant to 
>fully exploit the Internet.

As we have seen, it is not necessary for these parties to exploit the 
Internet others will do it for them.


Morgan, verbatim.

2000-08-05 Thread R. A. Hettinga


Finally, in what has become the most famous exchange in the [House
Banking and Currency subcommittee 1912 "money trust"] hearings' thousands
of pages of testimony, the two men returned to the question of
controlling money and credit. [Samuel] Untermyer [vocal critic of the
"money trust", committee counsel] said, "The basis of banking is credit,
is it not?"

Morgan: "Not always. that is an evidence of banking, but it is not the
money itself. Money is gold, and nothing else."

There was in 1912 a significant difference between actual metal coin and
loans represented by paper (banknotes, bonds, bills). When Morgan
repeated yet again that money could not be controlled, Untermyer asked
whether credit was not based on money -- that is, did not the big New
York banks issue loans to certain men and institutions "because it is
believed that they have the money back of them?"

Morgan: No sir. It is because people believe in the man."

Untermyer: "And he might not be worth anything?"

Morgan, with less than perfect regard for grammar: "He might not have
anything. I have known a man to come into my office, and I have given him
a check for a million dollars when they had not a cent in the world."

Untermyer: "That is not business?"

Morgan: "Yes, unfortunately, it is. I do not think it is good business,

Untermyer did not, apparently, think much of this answer, for he repeated
his proposition: "Is not commercial credit based primarily on money or

Morgan: "No sir; the first thing is character."

Untermyer: "Before money or property?"

Morgan: "Before money or property or anything else. Money cannot buy it"
- -- and he elaborated, after a few more questions -- because a man I do
not trust could not get money from me on all the bonds in Christendom."

- -- From _Morgan:_American_Financier_, by Jean Strouse. Random House, New
York, 1999

Version: PGP 6.5.2

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Re: Reno Promises Action on Carnivore (nytimes)

2000-08-05 Thread R. A. Hettinga

At 9:13 AM -0700 on 8/4/00, jeradonah wrote:

> Attorney General Janet Reno vowed Thursday to check on why it has taken
>so long to begin the review of the FBI's Internet-wiretap system called
>Carnivore, a program that has raised privacy concerns.

"I'm shocked, simply shocked, to find gambling going on here."

"Here are your winnings."

"Thank you."

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Read Only If Serious About Retiring in 2-4 years.

2000-08-05 Thread startnow

If you have reached the point in your life where
you are ready for Financial Freedom and a Real
Oportunity to Retire in 2-4 years, we would like
you to continue reading.  This is not a program for
everyone, so if you are not a highly motivated, goal
oriented person with a burning desire to be successful
and wealthy, please delete this message now.
The number below will give you a two minute introduction
to a business that is not a franchise or mlm. I speak with
many people each day, and therefore am short on time,
but also ready to listen if you fit the description above.
And please, only call if you are serious about being among
the wealthiest and best informed in the new millennium.

24 hour recorded message: 1-800-320-9895  ext. 5436

"There is no other road to genius and wealth than
through voluntary self effort." Napoleon Hill

To be removed respond at [EMAIL PROTECTED]



2000-08-05 Thread dc_rkting

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The show also investigated whether or not the program was legal.
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The results of this show has been truly remarkable.
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 *** Print This Now For Future Reference ***

The following income opportunity is one you may be interested in
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you to come into contact with people, do any hard work, and best of all, you
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MULTI-LEVEL MARKETING (MLM) has finally gained
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sold through multi-level methods by the mid to late 1990's.  This is a
Multi-Billion Dollar industry
and of the 500,000 millionaires in the U.S., 20% (100,000)  made their fortune
in the last several
years in MLM.  Moreover, statistics show 45 people become millionaires everyday
Multi-Level Marketing.

You may have heard this story before, but over the summer Donald
made an appearance on the David Letterman show. Dave
asked him what he would do if he lost everything and had to start over from
scratch. Without
hesitating, Trump said he would find a good network marketing company and get to
work. The
audience started to hoot and boo him. He looked out at the audience and
dead-panned his
response  "That's why I'm sitting up here and you are all sitting out there!"

With network marketing you have two sources of income. Direct
commissions from sales you make yourself and commissions from
sales made by people you introduce to the business.

Residual income is the secret of the wealthy. It means investing
time or money once and getting paid again and again and again.
In network marketing, it also means getting paid for the work of

The enclosed information is something I almost let slip through my fingers. 
sometime later I re-read everything and gave some thought and study to it.

My name is Johnathon Rourke.  Two years ago, the corporation I
worked at for the past twelv

Re: U.S. military poised to respond to attack on GOP convention

2000-08-05 Thread Anonymous

>PHILADELPHIA -- The U.S. Army is prepared to respond to

>disruptions ranging from civil disobedience to nuclear

>explosions at the Republican National Convention, a

>confidential government document says.

Confidential ? Is this the journalist's Newspeak ? Wired made you

write that ? 

Back to the subject - the Good News is that they are scared. One can

exhibit overwhelming force superiority only so far. One city, one

convention. Could they cover 10 cities ? I think that 4-5 simultaneous

events like this is their limit.