Re: And you thought Nazi agitprop was controversial?

2000-09-19 Thread Jodi Hoffman

And more from this "only TEENAGERS and adults" website...

"Recently, I showed a friend a photograph of myself and a 
twelve-year-old boy with whom I was bonded years ago. We are standing 
side by side with my arm around his shoulder, in what I would consider a 
typical adult-child pose. My friend took one look at the picture and 
said, "You were lovers." To my surprise, he pointed out that there was 
absolutely no space between us. The boy had molded his body so that he
was in continuous contact with me from his ankle to where his shoulder 
fit into my armpit.  The author is classified as a violent felon, and so 
housed and treated, because the law defines sexual contact with a child 
less than eleven as a violent crime. The irony is profound. The child in 
question once had to go find his brother to help him remove a bothersome 
loose tooth because the author couldn't bear to cause him even momentary 

Try as I might, I have been unable to find a single page on that 
NAMBLA website that speaks of "teenagers and adults."  All they ever 
talk about is "boys."

"He who does not bellow the truth when he knows the truth makes himself
the accomplice of liars and forgers." - Charles Peguy
R.A.M.P.-Restore America’s Moral Pride

Jodi Hoffman   R.A.M.P.
Victimization of Children/Research  Education Council of America
TELEPHONE (954) 567-0698  TeleFax (954) 630-2280

-C-P- Re: would it be so much to ask..

2000-09-19 Thread harald

At 17:08 2000-09-18 -0400, you wrote:
That the list be changed so that unregistered email addresses cannot send 
messages to it?  This spam is getting ridiculous.

I suppose you know why we don´t have that (the remailing issue). But I 
kinda have another idea. Just start every subject line with eg -C-P- like I 
did now, then it would be really easy to filter all the mail.


Re: -C-P- Re: would it be so much to ask..

2000-09-19 Thread Asymmetric

At 10:54 09/19/2000 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
At 17:08 2000-09-18 -0400, you wrote:
That the list be changed so that unregistered email addresses cannot send 
messages to it?  This spam is getting ridiculous.

I suppose you know why we don´t have that (the remailing issue). But I 
kinda have another idea. Just start every subject line with eg -C-P- like 
I did now, then it would be really easy to filter all the mail.

Last I checked the remailers allowed return mail to be sent through them, 
to the owner of the anonymous account.. isn't that the point?  It's easy 
enough to forge the email header that I can't believe they exist just to 
totally isolate anyone from the responses.. how would someone using a 
remailer even join the list (to receive messages) if that was the point?

The only part where I see this being useful is if somebody has some kind of 
anonymous announcement to make, where they don't intend to join the list.

I can't see the -C-P- subject as really being functional for sorting out 
spam mail because anyone new to the list won't know to put them in, nor the 
people I mentioned who might wish to make anonymous announcements.

The benefits of having the list open to unsubscribed postings seem far 
outweighed by the cost in time spent by everyone filtering messages and 
server resources that could be better spent running dnetc if nothing else 
;). It's just auxiliary that I've never seen an anonymous post to the list 
in the past when I subscribed, nor more recently since I 
resubscribed.  Undoubtedly some smartass will send an anonymous message to 
the list now just to say "see!" :P

There has to be some way around this that will still preserve anonymity, 
although one doesn't seem readily apparent unless the anonymous party 
subscribes under their pseudonym.

What about just creating another list (closed-posting) and then just 
allowing people to choose which to subscribe to?  Obviously, the 
open-posting list would be subscribed to the closed posting list, but not 
the other way around.. so at the risk of missing the massively important 
anonymous message that has yet to be sent, I could eliminate some of this spam?

---signature file---
PGP Key Fingerprint:
446B 7718 B219 9F1E 43DD  8E4A 6BE9 D739 CCC5 7FD7

"I don't think [Linux] will be very successful in the long run."
"My experience and some of my friends' experience is that Linux is quite 
unreliable. Microsoft is really unreliable but Linux is worse."
-Ken Thompson, Interview May 1999.
FreeBSD - The Power to Serve
Radio Free New Jersey - 395 streams - 96kbps @ 44.1khz

Re: And you thought Nazi agitprop was controversial?

2000-09-19 Thread Kevin Elliott

At 01:17 -0400 9/19/00, Jodi Hoffman wrote:
Kevin Elliott wrote:

Read the stupid website if you don't believe me

Here's a little something else I picked up from the same stupid website
(you know...the one you say only promotes sex between teenagers and

My god!  Did you stay up all night to find this?  It seems quite 
clear to me that the vast majority of the website is focused on 
man/teen relationships.  Even so, if this were a website advocating 
man/baby relationships, especially those that included horses it 
would not affect my position one bit.  These people have the right 
for their information to be put into the public forum.

Kevin "The Cubbie" Elliott 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ#23758827
"As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both 
instances, there is a twilight when everything remains seemingly 
unchanged.  And it is in such twilight that we all must be most aware 
of change in the air--however slight--lest we become unwitting 
victims of the darkness."
-- Justice William O. Douglas

Preliminary Outline of a Proposed Micromint Specification

2000-09-19 Thread R. A. Hettinga

--- begin forwarded text

Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 16:52:34 -0400
From: Zulfikar Ramzan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: MIT
Subject: Preliminary Outline of a Proposed Micromint Specification


Based on conversations and ideas due to Ron Rivest and Adi Shamir, I've
prepared a manuscript proposing some of the parameter and algorithm choices
for an actual implementation of their Micromint scheme.

The manuscript is still more of a preliminary design spec as many issues
associated with a Micromint implementation are not addressed (though a good
number of the issues are).

The manuscript was prepared with the sponsorship of the Internet Bearer
Underwriting Corporation (

It is available at:

and a pointer to it can be found from:

Comments and criticisms are welcome.



Zulfikar Ramzan  (AKA Zully)
Laboratory for Computer Science, MIT
NE43-311, (617) 253-2345

--- end forwarded text

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Your Order!

2000-09-19 Thread Sales Department
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Re: would it be so much to ask..

2000-09-19 Thread No User

Asymmetric whined: 

 Last I checked the remailers allowed return mail to be sent through them, 
 to the owner of the anonymous account.. isn't that the point?  It's easy 
 enough to forge the email header that I can't believe they exist just to 
 totally isolate anyone from the responses.. how would someone using a 
 remailer even join the list (to receive messages) if that was the point?

  Hey, Retardo -- when did you ever check? If you had, you'd know
that you can't reply to anon remailers. Try replying to this, you clueless
shit. Now shut the fuck up about this bullshit, we're all tired of the
subject, and if you can't be bothered to check the archives, get the fuck
off the list.

Re: would it be so much to ask..

2000-09-19 Thread Asymmetric

At 10:24 09/19/2000 -0500, Anonymous Coward vomited:

   Hey, Retardo -- when did you ever check? If you had, you'd know
that you can't reply to anon remailers. Try replying to this, you clueless
shit. Now shut the fuck up about this bullshit, we're all tired of the
subject, and if you can't be bothered to check the archives, get the fuck
off the list.

Actually asshole, there are plenty of anonymous remailers that DO let you 
reply to the originator.  In case you're just a bit wet behind the ears yet 
and hadn't heard, a while back there was a big problem with one of them 
when the government ordered them to release their database mapping the 
pseudonyms back to the originators.

Clueless?  Far from it.

How about this.. you shut your own ignorant ass before you make a bigger 
fool of yourself than you already have, and try and fucking consider for 
one second how you manage to sort through a hundred fucking spam messages a 
day sent to this list, and yet you apparently don't have the mental 
facility to delete my own messages if you find them so useless.  It's 
pretty simple for you to add me to the killfile, why don't you do it?  I 
could personally give a shit if you never read anything more I have to 
say.  Have fun filtering the spam.

---signature file---
PGP Key Fingerprint:
446B 7718 B219 9F1E 43DD  8E4A 6BE9 D739 CCC5 7FD7

"I don't think [Linux] will be very successful in the long run."
"My experience and some of my friends' experience is that Linux is quite 
unreliable. Microsoft is really unreliable but Linux is worse."
-Ken Thompson, Interview May 1999.
FreeBSD - The Power to Serve
Radio Free New Jersey - 395 streams - 96kbps @ 44.1khz

Please ignore this email- this is only test.

2000-09-19 Thread auto95711

- Begin Hush Signed Message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

The dog barks at midnight
The moon is full
The stick is brown
So is the toilet paper

- Begin Hush Signature v1.3 -

- End Hush Signature v1.3 -

Re: would it be so much to ask..

2000-09-19 Thread Kevin Elliott

At 12:43 -0400 9/19/00, Asymmetric wrote:
Actually asshole, there are plenty of anonymous remailers that DO 
let you reply to the originator.  In case you're just a bit wet 
behind the ears yet and hadn't heard, a while back there was a big 
problem with one of them when the government ordered them to release 
their database mapping the pseudonyms back to the originators.

Oh?  Name one please.  After all, it would sort of defeat the 
purpose...  As to your comment about having a database mapping 
pseudonyms to names, if one of those exists for a given remailer, 
it's not an ananymous remailer.  I certainly hope none of the 
remailers in use by users here do such things.

Kevin "The Cubbie" Elliott 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ#23758827
"As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both 
instances, there is a twilight when everything remains seemingly 
unchanged.  And it is in such twilight that we all must be most aware 
of change in the air--however slight--lest we become unwitting 
victims of the darkness."
-- Justice William O. Douglas

Re: -C-P- Re: would it be so much to ask..

2000-09-19 Thread Tim May

(P.S. Lose the address. Get a clue. Or, since you appear to 
be a luser, "loose the address.")

At 8:04 AM -0400 9/19/00, Asymmetric wrote:
At 10:54 09/19/2000 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
At 17:08 2000-09-18 -0400, you wrote:
That the list be changed so that unregistered email addresses 
cannot send messages to it?  This spam is getting ridiculous.

I suppose you know why we don´t have that (the remailing issue). 
But I kinda have another idea. Just start every subject line with 
eg -C-P- like I did now, then it would be really easy to filter all 
the mail.

Last I checked the remailers allowed return mail to be sent through 
them, to the owner of the anonymous account.. isn't that the point? 
It's easy enough to forge the email header that I can't believe they 
exist just to totally isolate anyone from the responses.. how would 
someone using a remailer even join the list (to receive messages) if 
that was the point?

And how many anonymously-remailed messages to this list have ever, in 
all the years of this list, included reply blocks? No more than a 
small handful, as I recall seeing.

"the remailers allowed return mail" is terribly misleading, and 
probably arises out of ignorance of what reply blocks are and why 
they are so difficult to use, rather than imprecision in language.

As for "I can't believe they exist just to totally isolate...", with 
your claim that forging headers is apparently a good alternative, you 
are naive and ignorant.

Do you think that the anonymous poster who posted the RC4 code here 
several years ago should simply have done some kind of Port 25 hack 
instead of using a remailer?

Do you think that the folks who distributed the CoS NOTS files should 
have used header forgings instead of using Cypherpunks remailers? (As 
the educated amongst you know, the CoS efforts to force Julf to 
disclose the mapping ultimately failed to produce the source when 
Julf's mapping only pointed back to a Cypherpunks-type remailer being 
run at that time by C2Net.)

What about just creating another list (closed-posting) and then just 
allowing people to choose which to subscribe to?  Obviously, the 
open-posting list would be subscribed to the closed posting list, 
but not the other way around.. so at the risk of missing the 
massively important anonymous message that has yet to be sent, I 
could eliminate some of this spam?

If you don't get it, you have no business trying to architect the 
structure of our list.

--Tim May

Timothy C. May  | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
"Cyphernomicon" | black markets, collapse of governments.

Re: -C-P- Re: would it be so much to ask..

2000-09-19 Thread Tim May

At 10:54 AM +0200 9/19/00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
At 17:08 2000-09-18 -0400, you wrote:
That the list be changed so that unregistered email addresses 
cannot send messages to it?  This spam is getting ridiculous.

I suppose you know why we don´t have that (the remailing issue). But 
I kinda have another idea. Just start every subject line with eg 
-C-P- like I did now, then it would be really easy to filter all the 


Nitwit, this idea has been proposed many times. Choate even does 
this, unfortunately, to all traffic flowing through his node.

I used to think that nitwits were their own punishment. I now have 
come to the conclusion that it's long past due that we stoke the 

--Tim May

Timothy C. May  | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
"Cyphernomicon" | black markets, collapse of governments.

Cryptonomicon question...

2000-09-19 Thread treblec


I realise Cryptonomicon (by Neal Stephenson) was a thread middle of last year, and I 
don't intend to revisit old topics. But this question was posed to me, and I can't 
find the answer anywhere. And it's as simple as this... What is Avi's surname??? 

Web searches came up blank, I've re-read the book, and I couldn't see anything in the 
old discussion thread.

Don't post responses (not worth the disk space on CH), but I would appreciate an email 
(and a page reference if possible) before it drives me nuts!!!

Much appreciated

Treble Clef

Get free personalized email at

Re: Please ignore this email- this is only test.

2000-09-19 Thread No User

Yore ass is blackest, blackie, so put 'er there, pard!

At 12:32 PM 19/09/00 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
- Begin Hush Signed Message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

The dog barks at midnight
The moon is full
The stick is brown
So is the toilet paper

- Begin Hush Signature v1.3 -

- End Hush Signature v1.3 -

This message did not originate from the Sender address above.
It was mailed out with the anonymizing software at

Re: -C-P- Re: would it be so much to ask..

2000-09-19 Thread Asymmetric

At 13:36 09/19/2000 -0700, you wrote:

You fucking idiots who want "closed" lists have several choices:

Can you come up with any kind of explaination whatsoever for referring to 
what may admittedly be a minority of people trying to make constructive 
comments about how to just reduce the fucking spam?

As I said, how about this:  If YOU don't like seeing MY email, then why 
don't YOU apply the same rules YOU apply to spam to IT?

Apparently you have no fucking problem whatsoever with filtering out the 
great deal of spam that comes from this list, whats a few more messages?

1. Those who came before you _already_ created closed lists. 
"Cryptography" and "Coderpunks," for example. Join _those_ lists.

2. Subscribe to one of the filtered lists, e.g., Ray Arachelian's list.

3. Create your own lists.

BTW, if you are posting to the "" address, as you are, you are too 
ignorant to be giving us advice on how the list ought to be structured.

First off, let me point THIS out to you...

A search on excite for +cypherpunks +list turns up a great deal of sites...

The first site, "VERONA cypherpunks archives" has a link called "List 
Information", which goes nowhere.
The second site, has several links but no mention of the list 
The third, fourth, fifth, sixth and ninth sites, the cypherpunks 
hyperarchive at, has a copy of an email message DIRECTED AT 
THE TOAD.COM ADDRESS that comes up first in the search, followed by some 
The SEVENTH site is, and the first link on the site is to "The 
Cypherpunks Homepage" pointing to an FTP archive at berkeley, and has a 
link to the mailing list.  This link specifically tells you TO use the address.

So who is being ignorant exactly?  You go to a page claiming to be the 
"Cypherpunks Homepage" and it says the mailing list is

Why don't you blame the asshole responsible for that site before blaming 
people who did their due diligence and turned up again and 
again?  As it happens, this "homepage" makes no mention whatsoever about 
the other filtered lists.. not that I didn't know about Coderpunks or the 
others, but if you don't know, they aren't easy to just "bump into."  This site is the only site I've run across ever claiming to be "The 
Homepage" and I believe it to be the closest thing there is to one.  So, 
kindly, shove it. is the 
site and page I am talking about.

But, on a related note...

Message-Id: a04310104b5ed7e0750e3@[]
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 13:36:52 -0700

Hey kettle, this is the pot.  Did you happen to notice you're black?

Subject: Re: -C-P- Re: would it be so much to ask..
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" ; format="flowed"
Precedence: bulk
X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by 
id RAA27537

---signature file---
PGP Key Fingerprint:
446B 7718 B219 9F1E 43DD  8E4A 6BE9 D739 CCC5 7FD7

"I don't think [Linux] will be very successful in the long run."
"My experience and some of my friends' experience is that Linux is quite 
unreliable. Microsoft is really unreliable but Linux is worse."
-Ken Thompson, Interview May 1999.
FreeBSD - The Power to Serve
Radio Free New Jersey - 395 streams - 96kbps @ 44.1khz

Re: -C-P- Re: would it be so much to ask..

2000-09-19 Thread Tim May

At 12:42 AM -0400 9/20/00, Asymmetric wrote:

First off, let me point THIS out to you...

A search on excite for +cypherpunks +list turns up a great deal of sites...

The first site, "VERONA cypherpunks archives" has a link called 
"List Information", which goes nowhere.
The second site, has several links but no mention of the 
list itself.
The third, fourth, fifth, sixth and ninth sites, the cypherpunks 
hyperarchive at, has a copy of an email message 
DIRECTED AT THE TOAD.COM ADDRESS that comes up first in the search, 
followed by some others.
The SEVENTH site is, and the first link on the site is 
to "The Cypherpunks Homepage" pointing to an FTP archive at 
berkeley, and has a link to the mailing list.  This link 
specifically tells you TO use the address.

So who is being ignorant exactly?  You go to a page claiming to be 
the "Cypherpunks Homepage" and it says the mailing list is

The past is its own problem. We in the present are not responsible 
for the accumulated detritus from dead and defunct sites.

Wake up and get a clue.

Why don't you blame the asshole responsible for that site before 
blaming people who did their due diligence and turned up 
again and again?  As it happens, this "homepage" makes no mention 
whatsoever about the other filtered lists.. not that I didn't know 
about Coderpunks or the others, but if you don't know, they aren't 
easy to just "bump into."  This site is the only site 
I've run across ever claiming to be "The Homepage" and I believe it 
to be the closest thing there is to one.  So, kindly, shove it.

Are you dumb, or just ignorant? That someone set up a "Cypherpunks 
home page" several years ago means nothing. That no one has done it 
since means much means those since who read the list 
understand the churlishness of presuming to set up a "home page.

A point lost on you, "Asymmetric," the same "Asymmetric" who says 
that anyone wishing to read the list should do so under his or her 
true name.

But, on a related note...

Message-Id: a04310104b5ed7e0750e3@[]
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 13:36:52 -0700

Hey kettle, this is the pot.  Did you happen to notice you're black?

Subject: Re: -C-P- Re: would it be so much to ask..

Did you notice the _real_ list I copied? Check the above block.

I copied the list the untermenschen hang out on just to make sure you'd see it.

--Tim May
Timothy C. May  | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
"Cyphernomicon" | black markets, collapse of governments.

RE: was: And you thought Nazi agitprop was controversial?

2000-09-19 Thread petro

On Mon, 18 Sep 2000, Kerry L. Bonin wrote:

especially software sold to us mass market consumers.  I expect markets
exist in which software has to be held to an extremely high standard of
reliability (e.g. Space Shuttle, financial markets, health software,
embedded systems spring to mind). How are liability issues dealt with in

There is a specific group that handles the software for the 
Space Shuttle. There is an article at: The solve the 
liability problem by being *very* *very* anal retentive and good at 
what they do.
A quote from Petro's Archives:   **
Sometimes it is said that man can not be trusted with the government 
of himself. Can he, then, be trusted with the government of others? 
Or have we found angels in the forms of kings to govern him? Let 
history answer this question. -- Thomas Jefferson, 1st Inaugural

Re: -C-P- Re: would it be so much to ask..

2000-09-19 Thread Tim May

At 1:03 AM -0400 9/20/00, Asymmetric wrote:
At 13:47 09/19/2000 -0700, Tim May wrote:
(P.S. Lose the address. Get a clue. Or, since you appear 
to be a luser, "loose the address.")

You keep sending to it yourself.  Mind explaining what the problem is?

And how many anonymously-remailed messages to this list have ever, 
in all the years of this list, included reply blocks? No more than 
a small handful, as I recall seeing.

Exactly my point.

A weasler. You previously claimed that remailers routinely allowed 
this. Note that they usually don't, and certainly not without the 
remailer blocks present. Given that virtually no such messages made 
to the CP list have included such blocks, clearly what you claimed 
was not feasible.

"the remailers allowed return mail" is terribly misleading, and 
probably arises out of ignorance of what reply blocks are and why 
they are so difficult to use, rather than imprecision in language.

I did rather mean pseudo-anonymous remailer, and the other response 
indicating I was talking about Julfs' remailer was correct.  It's 
not as though his was the only one that existed either, just the 
most popular.. likely among the most popular BECAUSE it kept this 
database and allowed responses;

This is a lie. Plain and simple. There was Kremvax, but this predated 
Julf's PENET service by a couple of years. At the time of Julf's 
service, roughly 1992 to its shutdown in 1996, there were no other 
such systems. Please name one if you can.

Your language above shows that your are you just bullshitting. You 
can't name a viable competitor, because there weren't any.

And Julf's system has been down for four years. A lifetime in 
Internet years. Certainly of no relevance whatsover to your plaintiff 
calls for people to use reply-enable remailers if they wish to post 
to the list.

If the database it was using had been encrypted with a key known 
only to the remailer software itself, then it would have been easier 
for him to refuse to give up the information that he was ordered to 

Duh. Are you just now figuring this stuff out?

As for my being naive as you claim in a second here, who is really 
being naive here?  You think that just because the remailer doesn't 
maintain an active database of nym mappings that it's immdiately 
impossible for it to be reversed?  You implicitly trust anyone who 
says "here, use my remailer, I guarantee it's anonymous?"  Get with 
the program.  One fucking line on a console, in a firewall rule, 
anywhere along the way could fuck you into losing your anonymity, 
unless the message was sent encrypted to the remailer, and that's 
just to start with.

Duh. Get back to us when you figure out how chained remailers work, 
with PGP-nested messages. On second thought, _don't_ get back to us.

I think that using a forged header is just as reliable as using an 
anonymous remailer, and just as anonymous if done right.  There is 
no "port 25" hack involved.  It's as simple as setting whatever 
email software you use to use X as it's smtp server, and then 
entering a nonexistant return address somewhere else.  At best, 
you'll be totally anonymous.

You have zero understanding of the issues involved.

I regret having wasted even ten minutes today responding to you.

On another note, if you're clued in enough to even know what an 
anonymous remailer is, where they can be found, and how to use them,

This is rich. See my 1992 presentation on Chaumian remailers, given 
at the first Cypherpunks meeting, in September. See the earlier cited 
memos from 1988-91. See the features I described in detail. Compare 
to the reality of extant remailers. Then repeat your above comment 
with a straight face.

Fucking newbies.

--Tim May
Timothy C. May  | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
"Cyphernomicon" | black markets, collapse of governments.

Re: would it be so much to ask..

2000-09-19 Thread Tim May

At 12:43 PM -0400 9/19/00, Asymmetric wrote:
At 10:24 09/19/2000 -0500, Anonymous Coward vomited:

   Hey, Retardo -- when did you ever check? If you had, you'd know
that you can't reply to anon remailers. Try replying to this, you clueless
shit. Now shut the fuck up about this bullshit, we're all tired of the
subject, and if you can't be bothered to check the archives, get the fuck
off the list.

Actually asshole, there are plenty of anonymous remailers that DO 
let you reply to the originator.  In case you're just a bit wet 
behind the ears yet and hadn't heard, a while back there was a big 
problem with one of them when the government ordered them to release 
their database mapping the pseudonyms back to the originators.

You're way behind the times. Julf's system has been down for several years.

A few Cypherpunks-style remailers support reply blocks, but very few. 
And if a reply block of some sort is not in the original message, 
it's of course hopeless. There were no such reply blocks in the 
messages cited here.

Clueless?  Far from it.

How about this.. you shut your own ignorant ass before you make a 
bigger fool of yourself than you already have, and try and fucking 
consider for one second how you manage to sort through a hundred 
fucking spam messages a day sent to this list,

1. For starters, there are not a "hundred" spam messages a day. At 
the peak, when some yahoo (TM, The Yahoo Corporation) subscribed the 
toad address to many other lists, there were perhaps 50 such messages 
a day for a few days.

2. Being that the address was not to be the long term list 
address (Gilmore told us to find other host machines), I divert all traffic into its own folder. Which I sometimes look at, 
scan, but sometimes just delete en masse. This cuts out about 80% of 
all commercial messages, as near as I can tell.

3. Determining which remaining messages are spam is relatively easy. 
sort of gives it all away.

4. Filters.

5. There are compelling reasons to allow non-subscribed addresses.

These points have been covered in hundreds of posts in dozens of 
threads over several years. Consult the archives.

I've yet to see "Asymmetric [EMAIL PROTECTED]" post any meaningful or 
interesting articles, so I expect he's just another clueless newbie 
who's stumbled onto our list and now wants to remake it. Typical.

and yet you apparently don't have the mental facility to delete my 
own messages if you find them so useless.  It's pretty simple for 
you to add me to the killfile, why don't you do it?  I could 
personally give a shit if you never read anything more I have to 
say.  Have fun filtering the spam.

Your wish is my command.

* P L O N K *

--Tim May

Timothy C. May  | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
"Cyphernomicon" | black markets, collapse of governments.

Re: Re: would it be so much to ask..

2000-09-19 Thread Michael Motyka

Um, if there's any hint of a trail back to the sender where's the

Trust the recipient to use a remailer chain for the return path. or not.
Include the return mail address in the body if you choose to. Isn't that
what anonymity is about? Placing the choice for the disclosure of
information and identity in the user's hands and nobody else's?

-C-P- Re: would it be so much to ask..

2000-09-19 Thread harald

At 08:04 2000-09-19 -0400, you wrote:
I can't see the -C-P- subject as really being functional for sorting out 
spam mail because anyone new to the list won't know to put them in, nor 
the people I mentioned who might wish to make anonymous announcements.

The "-C-P-" think should of course be found in some kind of faq and/or in 
the subscribtion welcome message.

What about just creating another list (closed-posting) and then just 
allowing people to choose which to subscribe to?  Obviously, the 
open-posting list would be subscribed to the closed posting list, but not 
the other way around.. so at the risk of missing the massively important 
anonymous message that has yet to be sent, I could eliminate some of this spam?

That might be a better idea yes. :)
Some nice person might even forward "serious" remailed e-mails to the 
closed list (since they don´t seem to be too frequent).


rsa party correction

2000-09-19 Thread Sameer Parekh

I made an error in the RSA party announcement. You do not need to wait
until you receive an invitation after sending in your RSVP. Just send
in your RSVP and print out the announcement as your invitation.
