Re: A secure voting protocol

2000-11-14 Thread Bill Stewart

At 05:53 PM 11/13/00 -0500, Declan McCullagh wrote:
On Mon, Nov 13, 2000 at 11:08:01AM -0800, Tim May wrote:
 A "vote at home" protocol is vulnerable to all sorts of mischief that 
 has nothing to do with hackers intercepting the vote, blah blah.

Righto. Absentee ballots require a witness, usually an officer (if
you're in the military) or a notary-type, to reduct in par tthe
intimidation problem.

The state of Oregon uses vote-by-mail for their elections,
though I think there's an option for physical delivery if you want.
I'd be surprised if they require witnesses - if anything,
that encourages your spouse to look at how you voted.
I've never been required to have witnesses for voting with
absentee ballots in New Jersey or California.

Besides, in places like Chicago or Tammany-era New York City,
it'd be easy for the Party to obtain notaries to witness ballots.
"OK, Mr. Jones, the stamp on your ballot, and here's the stamp
on your bottle of whiskey.  Next, please!"
and optionally to put the correct party ballots in the correct box
and the incorrect party ballots in the round container.

PGP Fingerprint D454 E202 CBC8 40BF  3C85 B884 0ABE 4639

Re: The Ant and the Grasshopper, Election Version

2000-11-14 Thread Ken Brown

Mac Norton wrote:
 And then the locusts descend. And they feed. Because the ants
 and the grasshoppers never could get their shit together.

0/10 for entomology. Locusts *are* grasshoppers :-)


Please take me off your mailing list!

2000-11-14 Thread Gerry_Inman

Katz /. piece on improving political technology

2000-11-14 Thread R. A. Hettinga


While I understand the rubber-hose vote-coercion problem, My own opinion
still remains that we need to solve the voting problem for *business*
reasons, and that's how we'll get to use it first. You need secure voting
protocols in order to control equity, after all, and, frankly, I'm not
nearly as skeptical as others are about it. Without any reasons for my
intuition here, I think that some of the problems some cryptographic
experts have about internet voting are mostly bugbears, like "perfect"
kidnapping scenarios for digital cash itself, for instance.

And, of course, I think that the "problem" of selling votes is more one
of attitude adjustment. After all we sell votes in corporations all the
time, and, sooner or later, we're going to treat our force-control
structures as non-monopolistic businesses instead of monopolistic
nation-states. In the same way that religious freedom gave us religious
denominations with democratic governance, sooner or later economic
freedom will give us force-control that can be sold just like any other
asset. is a pointer to that, frankly.

So, workable solutions for voting will happen first in *corporate*
governance, in shareholder voting, proxies and so on. After we solve the
problem of voting about *money*, mere politics will be a piece of cake.

Financial cryptography is the only cryptography that matters. Political
cryptography is a mere sideshow by comparison.


Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.8 for non-commercial use

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Amazon's new user interface.

2000-11-14 Thread Trei, Peter

It's worth looking at.


Re: Predicting a succesful society

2000-11-14 Thread John Young

Jim Choate wrote:

It get's off it's home planet permanently. [and more.]

Yes, thank you very much, indeed, absolutely.

A suave-tailored and barbered and elocuted gentleman
who runs UK's Internet Watch aroused the anti-censorship
crowd with the  query "should we allow an image of a penis 
up an infant's anus." 

"Absolutely not," the crowd vowed.

Debate on splitting the profane image from the urbane text 
ensued. Text should be unfettered but not pix, it was
agreed. The uncensorable textual image mouthed by the
Internet Watch barker hung in the air to arouse unanimity on 
what's not permissable in a succesful secret-vice society.

Onion kiddie-chat rooms, absolutely.

Re: Public Key Infrastructure: An Artifact...

2000-11-14 Thread Lynn . Wheeler

As an aside ... AADS ( ) relies on existing business
processes that provide secure bindings in account records ... just adding public
key  digital signature to existing authentication processes for
non-face-to-face and/or face-to-face transactions (i.e. the meaning of what is
in the account bindings continues to be what the business processes have defined
those meanings to be).

existing e-commerce is straight forward because it operates almost totally
within existing account-based business processes ... and the business
transactions tend to include more complex bindings from the acocunt records
(than just authentication) ... things like real-time credit-limit, open-to-buy,
running totals, month-to-date and/or year-to-date activity, etc.

the original PKI target from the early '80s for offline email authentication was
a problem since it mostly any kind of authentication binding processes.

"R. A. Hettinga" [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 11/11/2000 11:25:35 AM

Please respond to "R. A. Hettinga" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Bearer Settlement List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
cc:(bcc: Lynn Wheeler/CA/FDMS/FDC)
Subject:  Public Key Infrastructure: An Artifact...

Public Key Infrastructure: An Artifact Ill-Fitted to the Needs of the
Information Society


It has been conventional wisdom that, for e-commerce to fulfill its
potential, each party to a transaction must be confident in the identity of
the others. Digital signature technology, based on public key cryptography,
has been claimed as the means whereby this can be achieved. Digital
signatures do little, however, unless a substantial infrastructure is in
place to provide a basis for believing that the signature means something
of significance to the relying party.

Conventional, hierarchical PKI, built around the ISO standard X.509, has
been, and will continue to be, a substantial failure. This paper examines
that form of PKI architecture, and concludes that it is a very poor fit to
the real needs of cyberspace participants. The reasons are its inherently
hierarchical and authoritarian nature, the unreasonable presumptions it
makes about the security of private keys, a range of other technical
defects, confusions about what it is that a certificate actually
authenticates, and its inherent privacy-invasiveness. Alternatives are
R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

For help on using this list (especially unsubscribing), send a message to
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" with one line of text: "help".

Infiltrating a Spy Conference

2000-11-14 Thread blah

I thought you might find this story interesting:
"Infiltrating a Spy Conference"


This story has been forwarded to you from by [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: the ballot

2000-11-14 Thread Tim May

At 10:50 AM -0800 11/14/00, Tim May wrote:

The Democrat untermenchen are even trying to overrule the local 
canvassing boards which have said they "see no point" in a manual 

Ja, I know the correct spelling is "untermenschen."

After naming my Siamese cat "Nietzsche," I finally learned not to 
make any spelling errors in that oft-misspelled name. I even usually 
pronounce the name as it should be pronounced, not the usual American 

(Though one source says the name was originally Polish and so the 
"nee-chee" variant is almost acceptable.)

--Tim May
(This .sig file has not been significantly changed since 1992. As the
election debacle unfolds, it is time to prepare a new one. Stay tuned.)

LA Times Registration

2000-11-14 Thread registration


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Trusted Client Systems--echo var

2000-11-14 Thread www

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form2mail script.  The reply was generated by a web page

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Thank you for your interest in Trusted Client Systems unique suite of secure PCs, 
products and services. Your name has been added to our mailing list and you will be 
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Thanks again for your interest,

The Trusted Client Systems staff

No Subject

2000-11-14 Thread morris

i hate you

Re: BSA deploys imaginary pirate software detector vans

2000-11-14 Thread Tim May

(Large number of groups/lists he/she crossposted to have been removed.)

At 2:32 PM -0800 11/13/00, Tib wrote:

Hope I'm not being totally naive about the capability of computer 
hardware, but
I sure don't recall my PC (or any that I have ever had or can think of
seeing) having short range broadcasting capabilities. How would this be
theorheticly possible (despite the utter nonsense that the rumor must be) to
accomplish, if at all?

Yes, you are being totally naive.

--Tim May
(This .sig file has not been significantly changed since 1992. As the
election debacle unfolds, it is time to prepare a new one. Stay tuned.)

Re: CIA Website Update

2000-11-14 Thread John Young

Yes, the 16,000 declassified Chile/Allende overthrow docs 
are available:

From files of the State Dept, CIA, FBI, National Security
Council, NARA, DIA, NSA, et al. A bounty of patriotic 
gore and defense/intel pork thanks to Dr. Strangelove 
and Dickster.

And a new report on remaking the NRO to accelerate
sat-spying technology development and at the same time
lay on fat new layers of secrecy:

The commission was co-chaired by Official Secrets Porter 
Goss and hero Bob Kerrey.

The report says openness is threatening US survival.

Which mirrors SecDef Cohen's warning that technology
is empowering citizens, business and allies to challenge
USG supremacy.

There has never been a better time for ever small claques
demanding deeper government secrecy.

Re: your mail

2000-11-14 Thread J.A. Terranson

On Tue, 14 Nov 2000, morris wrote:

 Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 19:59:58 -0600
 From: morris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 i hate you

What else would one expect from a student at the University of Arkansas?

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...

Welcome to CNN Community

2000-11-14 Thread community

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